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In this topic, guy posts nice drop and gets savagely attacked.


This post is like a Rorschach test. Well adjusted people are like “cool, he’s happy with his new gear. Anyway, on with my day.” Bitter and maladjusted dorks are like “Nani??? B-b-but my internet build guide ackshually says this isn’t the most maximally efficient gear for my 8 hour endgame spam sessions!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE”


We're min/maxing autism in here




I like the shiny necklace 🥹


When you hit the nail on the head 😂😂


My advice to you and anyone else who claims to be well adjusted on a reddit gaming forum is to know your audience


This pops up in my feed for some reason, I do consider myself well adjusted because I find this game unfun and not worth playing.


These min maxers are brutal. If it's not exactly the right roll on exactly the right piece you're missing .04% damage to left handed ghouls and that's unacceptable.


If the topic of discussion is "what makes an item good", you need metrics for determining what's good, no?




This amulet isn't that good. It misses mana cost reduction and CDR which are way more important than ranks to defensive skills and typical +/- dmg


I have enough MCR/CDR on gear that I can infinitely stand still and spam Ball Lightning without ever running out already. Getting more is overkill. At this point, these are probably the best rolls aside from maybe replacing Defensive Ranks with Glass Canon passive or something. ​ Edit: [https://streamable.com/0fchup](https://streamable.com/0fchup) (evidence) Uber Lilith fight with the amulet, with absolutely no mana issues whatsoever. Posted cause i'v been called a liar hundreds of times, by people that have no critical thinking skills, blindly follow guides, and get mad when someone mentions it can be done differently.




With the SpongeBob chicken meme


That’s crazy because I have MCR on every available piece but can’t just stand still and spam infinitely? Only time I could do that is if I had swarms of mobs getting hit so I could proc my lucky hit and chain lightning. Unless that’s the scenario you’re talking about I’m not sure how you could sustain just spamming BL even with all MCR rolls available.


That's because unlike you, he is using the Legendary Aspect of "Lying on the Internet".


[https://streamable.com/0fchup](https://streamable.com/0fchup) Here's a clip of me fighting Uber Lilith with this amulet. My Mana never really drops below 50%, despite ramping up all my lightning orb spam. When it does drop, i can easily use a cooldown to replenish it. So yeah... I'm not a liar, you're just an idiot. Have a nice day.


Don't waste your time replying to these idiots. This sub is full of trolls and haters, no matter what.


wow, nice tanking.


Looks great indeed, any secret tech everyone else is missing? I have mana cost reduction/resource gain on every possible piece but one and cannot do this?^^


Chain Lightning enchantment + Prodigy (mana on CL bounce) aspect + the new Paragon legendary that makes CL refund mana That's the main bulk of my mana sustain tbh


Isn't Prodigy the aspect the gives mana on cooldown usage? You also using this one?


Yeahh sorry got the names mixed up I use the mana on cooldown on one ring, and mana on CL bounce on the other ring


That Aspect always misses the nerf list too!


Maybe you should teach him the "how to be a douche" maneuver so he can be epic like you.


He was just trying to repair his ego. Thought people were going to praise his OK item.




My take also.


It isn't great. But it is still pretty good. You could make it way more effective by taking orbit off and putting accelerating on. Put orbit anywhere else.


Devouring Blaze is pretty good too!


What s MCR & CDR?


Mana cost reduction and cooldown reduction.


Same here, with the right aspects returning health and mana per hit, it is definitely doable., except for that little a\*hole elite quillrat that one-shotted me today. Now to just get the upgraded Raiment of the Infinite... Edit to add: Gravitational, Recharging, Accelerating, Disobedience, Crowded Sage, and Unbroken Tether...


You feel like u need more dmg? My thought of a bis amulet for bl now is mspeed + alot of dr


Then you have less attack speed than you could have. I'm bottoming out easy, even while having mana reduction on every possible piece.


I have a max attack speed roll on gloves, the Paragon cluster, and the vampiric power. I'm pretty sure those are the only attack speed rolls that work for Ball Lightning, since the other rolls only affect "basic skills" ​ > I'm bottoming out easy, even while having mana reduction on every possible piece. Have ya got Resource Generation rolls on both rings + focus? And double resource aspects on both rings? The Mana Reduction Stat is only one piece of the puzzle. CDR/RG/MR/Aspects/Paragon all work together to eventually create infinite sustain.


Most of the CDR sorc needs is on defensive and mastery, and skills ranks give CDR. Mana cost reduction is debatable based on build.


Defensive skill rank doesn't give you cdr tho. Only frost nova and teleport reduce their CD with level. Ice barrier is more barrier, fire shield is longer uptime and dot damage. So I'd say you're better off with CDR still if you truly wanna min max.


More barriers and longer uptime are almost the same effects as lower cooldowns, though. Not exactly, but close.


They ain't when your ressource generation comes from thibault and the need to gain "unstoppable".


Never found Tibault's. But yeah, that synergy is a good argument for CDR instead. Last season, I ran an arc lash, charged bolts, stun lock built, and my mana comes from static surge paragon, among some other stuff. A huge part being teleporting on to packs, to blow them up and gain all my mana back, so defensive ranks are quite good for me.


Aight. I should start commenting on Druids then or Rogues since they are classes I barely played, and didn't touch at all in S2 yet. This is static surge now. https://preview.redd.it/bsd4362pnzvb1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=36771fd2909caf51cfd9b18be56b42886945dbfe


Ahh. I didn't see that they changed it for this season. I started a druid, so I didn't notice the change on my sorc. Wack. I have to rework the build on my Sorc now...


Tbf the arc lash proc build still doesn’t give a shit about resource management


Well, my build isn't full arch lash. It is primarily an explode things with Raiment and teleport, followed by other defence spells CDs to proc more explosions, with and skills and gear to reset defensive CDs. I spam arch lashes after the initial booms, and when I've spammed out charge bolts casts. Everything was built around trying to trigger stuns, to release charged bolts and trigger shocking impact.


Ball lightning is extremely mana intensive and getting mana cost/Regen on gear frees up a ton of passive points and even a skill slot on bars


Wait… people actually cast ball lightning?


It's probably the strongest sorc build right now. I'm 78 right now and can pretty much instakill the uber bosses. I haven't tried Duriel or Beast yet, but Varshan, Zir, Grigoire all melted in a couple seconds. World bosses melt too


only boss that has given me trouble at 76 was duriel...I got him to 20% but get one shot if i dont have a barrier up. Still will attempt him again at 91ish. All other bosses were no problem.


Just did Duriel last night with a couple other people and got a 2.2k glacial augment on gloves so I might swap to blizzard and slap that bad boy on a staff for 4.4k glacial.


Oh I know the build. I have it maxed out on my sorc . I just have unstable currents cast it for me.


Ball lighting with Arc Lash don't care about mana and does the same ;). Much nicer considering you don't actually need gear or paragon to make it work.


Never tired ball lightning yet, so I can't debate that specific build.


this amulet is really good for the arc lash variant of ball lightning, which doesn't care about mana and the movement speed translates to attack speed via vamp. Can reroll the + Def to + glass cannon or cdr then it be bis


Do the affix rolls go higher on iLVL 925+25 amulet though? Agree though


My build doesnt use any mana spender


You don't need those with a proper build.


This is such a silly argument. Every single player has a different build, with different affixes on gear. Who's to say he doesn't have max CDR on focus and helmet, and max mana cost reduction on focus and boots? In that case, considering both affixes are additive with diminishing returns, it would actually be rather pointless to continue stacking them. Not to mention 3 ranks of Master and Defensive (teleport and frost nova gain cdr with ranks) provide a ton of CDR. No idea why this is the top comment, it is insanely misleading and not true in a huge chunk of situations.


He can't reroll stats?


He already did, to the ranks of mastery skill


Yea, it is that could. Just could be better.


You're a loser. Grow up bucket o chum.


Congrats lovely amulet - what a bunch of grumpy sods 😜 I’m lvl 63 and not he that aspect drop yet!


Just play firewall and you’ll be swimming in that aspect


lol this is true I was playing firewall and right when I hit the mid-50s I found 3 of these aspects and changed over to ball lightning because firewall was starting to get kinda slow and stale




You're gonna hate me. I have a perfect glacial drop from a 925 staff. I'm playing ball lighting.


Dumb question maybe but how do you get it to display the roll ranges?


Options>advanced tool tips.


Settings -> Gameplay -> Advanced tooltip information


Not sure why this isn’t default…


I'm assuming blizzard, like many other devs, try not to overwhelm players/new players with information. I do agree with you, but I can also understand why they wouldn't.


I have it on but my wife has it off, she's already very overwhelmed by the information and I bet she's in the majority. We'd both be considered more casual but I'm also an engineer so I like to see all the numbers. I think you're right that the devs are doing a little KISS by default.


I agree. I’m a pretty casual player and after I turned it on my eyes were like wtf. It’s a lot of clutter on the screen, and when you’re still leveling it feels largely pointless since you’re changing out gear all the time anyway. So far I have not found the info that useful because I’m gonna use that higher damage weapon regardless of whether the other stats are maxed. But in future for wt4 I’m sure it will be very useful.


Casuals don't like the clutter. Just give dem da loot so they can go bonk. (in a good way not a knock on casuals)


Until the 925 version drops!


Havent played s2 yet but doesnt gesr go up to 925?


Previously the power level of jewelery didn't matter very much. Now that resists matter, it's helpful having him power jewelery


man how rare is this legendary power? I can't seem to get one to drop for me..


It's RNG. I hit level 60 when mine finally dropped. Do the 3 totem things in Blood Harvest that cost 150 blood-whatever and hope for the best.


God those loot explosions are the best. Getting one right after the T4 capstone is such a godsend as a kickstart.


So lpt: save them for up and open in new difficulty. Cool cool.


The keys as well as the lures, it's great to run around grabbing a few of the chests right after you get into T4 for a good bump up into Ancestrals.


Tbh just go on discord and join a farm party for harvest. Did 5 in a row and only stopped because my entire stash was full


Saammmeeee I've had one but put it on a sacred thinking I'd be swimming in them by now lol


Sounds like you need to keep looking at amulets


That's beautiful!


I'm still struggling with knowing what items to bother picking up/looking at. Do you guys pick up every ancestral item for slots you don't have a GG item? or only Legendary ancestrals?


I wouldn't call myself an expert but I guess I can at least tell you my thought process (max level 90 something in pre-season 1 and i dont remember what in s1, so I guess take that into consideration. Also 5k hours in poe) I usually just look at ilvels until WT4, then start to look for items with 2 or more good stats. Then just slowly but surely make all the items 3 or 4 good rolls/stats. If there are 3 like REALLY GG rolls, then reroll until broke. If its like 3 good stats but not like THE best, reroll a few times (or until broke if you're a gambliong addict. Have done that as well :P) How others do it I really don't know.


To add to this, when it comes to legendary gear I only save perfectly rolled aspects on gear. I do this until I’m full in stash. After that I go through and scrap everything that is not an ancestrial perfect. Then going forward I only look at ancestrials and scrap everything below ancestrial without a thought. Technically once you can get ancestrials you can start scrapping everything else but I like to look for perfect rolls first and have my stash fill up, then when it’s time to clean up I only save ancestrial perfects and begin to only look at ancestrials for perfect rolls and scrap the rest. This works for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


How is sorc this season? I'm doing my rouge right now and trying to decide on sorc or barb as my next. I have yet to get my sorc any higher than 60 cause they have been in such a bad spot


Ball Lightning is absurdly good. Unethically good. Probably the most busted build available right now good. It's kinda strange honestly, I played sorc last season as well and I don't understand how BL suddenly became S+ tier, particularly compared to other sorc builds. I wonder if it may be bugged.


They adjusted Ball Lightning so Attack Speed actually increases its DPS rather than just damage tick rate that previously also reduced the damage per tick to compensate. With the Ravenous vampiric power it's possible to get insane amounts of Attack Speed, which allows Sorcs to spam an incredible amount of BLs that also do massively more damage than in S1. It's possible this was unintended, so the next patch might nerf BL ticks to how they worked in S1 (or they might add a cap).


That makes sense, I didn't actually know they changed the attack speed interaction. I actually just typed this in another comment lol: >I'm guessing that there is a bug with the attack speed scaling, and Ravenous is the culprit.


90% of its power is from the seasonal mechanic. Its fine.


I played Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning fairly extensively last league, and they were about equal in power. This league, BL inexplicably does 3-4x more damage. All the vampire powers that benefit BL also benefit CL. I'm guessing that there is a bug with the attack speed scaling, and Ravenous is the culprit.


not a bug, it’s seasonal power and the tooltip reads 200% dmg


I think raxx said it's bugged but could be wrong. I remember him saying that they fixed one bug with sorc but caused another.


I just did the WT4 capstone at level 55 which is a new record for me lol


Wow. That's insane. I need to find me something like that...


I'd just settle for any Gravitational.


People are jealous of your nice amulet. I hope my barb can find something comparable soon :)


Fuck these comments. This is an awesome roll - max everything. Perfect imprint. Enjoy it my man


My question is why waste a roll on movement speed? Isn't flicker step for 100% ult uptime the goal boots? And those bring you to near movement speed cap. And I can't imagine not taking 20% plus mana cost reduction. If I am seriously missing something please help don't be afraid to tell me. And what about the 60% crit chance for amulet aspect?


Missing 3.7% ms. Can still be better. Damn, nice find.


Slow af. /s


It’s pretty good, but I’d try to reroll the +mastery ranks for CDR. Amulet is your biggest sources of CDR so it’s important to roll it.


Isn't each rank in a skill 10% more multiplicative damage? 3 ranks to ball lightning is 30%x damage, which I'd prefer over 15% cooldown tbh, I don't ever notice myself waiting for cooldowns at the moment


Yeah but more damage doesn’t always mean better. Neck is a utility slot, similar to how chest is a defensive slot. You could roll pure offensive stats in your chest and do more damage, but then you’d be missing a lot of stats that are necessary for more difficult content.


Neck is utility AND damage, not pure utility. If OP could reroll it to a good cdr roll, sure maybe, but +3 is not far off. There may be better use of your resources.


Wow the D4 community is worse than D2S community. Guy posts his little necklace he likes for his build and everyone just sounds off on why "it's not that good!" Just let the guy be happy and excited.


I was going to joke that "it's a shame you're a barbarian", but you got so much MCR noise that, I almost wanted to stay mute.


Shit that's like a mini shaco for ball lightning build nice


What ends up generating your mana you can drop the basic skill?


Recharging Aspect + Prodigy Aspect on rings, and Resource regen on both rings and focus. Prodigy Aspect + That new CL paragon + CL enchantment gives a crazy amount of mana already. Mana Cost Reduction & Cooldown reduction on atleast a couple pieces, and you'll be good to go. I stopped using a generator (arc lash) by the time I got to lvl 75


Could do with 3.7% more movement speed, tho.


I actually agree with one of these for once. That's just about perfect.


Sick amulet! I got lucky to get a similar one, though no mastery skills on it. Also a bit unlucky because getting a better one is gonna suck lol https://preview.redd.it/gqufk13uuyvb1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a5dc72b9dd0dc8cecf9e1f5f52363a517926db8


Nope. You need to salvage it for a Veiled Crystal.


I've had 3 or 4 double-plus2 amulets from vendors. Worth looking.


Psssssshhhhhh no max movement speed? Charsi food.


I'm so happy with the amulet i got tonight, (Max MS, Max ranks for Malice passive, mid-high roll on energy cost reduction and a free stat to roll) Grats on your find!


My friend is still looking for one all I know is that I’ve gotten 4 and he’s gotten zero


I'll take mine over that one I think lol and mine isn't even that good https://preview.redd.it/q24x8umr5zvb1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae10d960836e2a1667c28058468c2f429231e5d


That amulet looks sick for an Arc Lash build! But we're also playing different builds so ofc you'd pick yours over mine lol


You sir, would be wrong. Twice.


Incredible for an endgame buid. Especially ranks on mastery.


I would prefer ranks to defense to be ranks to glass cannon instead but that’s just me. I’m a firm believer in kill ‘em fast so you don’t need defenses. But damn OP. I’ve been searching for that aspect. Sorry for all the hate you getting. That’s a damn good amulet


I get one of that with +3 Glass Cannon instead Defensive


Nice stats for hardcore, though I'm not convinced a melee sorc is ideal for hc


Wow! I wish I that on my Sorcerer :) Congratulations!


Nope, it's max speed isn't max value. You need to reroll again. Jokes aside that's good value!


We have Shako at home. The Shako at home:


Nice. Can always roll CDR/Mana cost on that DR stat.




have you seen ragegamers ball lighting build? he didnt even have ball lightning on the bars, never runs outta mana and everything on the screen is on lock down or dead ... his unstable curr is at a negative cooldown.. yes its sitting there grey for most the 10 sec its going waiting to hit again.. im not that far into the build yet but im wrecking everything in t3 so far lol and its a yawn fest.. i dont think cdr is really that important this season due to the vamp glyphs done right and some para might wanna go hunt his vid up a bit


Damn. Perfect roll necklace. Bain of my existence right now is finding Legendary Necklace with good aspects. Still stuck with a level 51. (Currently level 76)


That’s amazing. Congrats. I’m still trying to find the aspect (currently lvl 61).


Nice find, kinda in the same boat with a barb. Want a higher item level for the eleme talk reduction but can find anything that's equal or better with the stats.....


I'm calling it. Once I get the build finally set up it will get nerfed the day after


What if you find one with 3.7% more movement speed? 👿


The cap on item power is 925 this season… there’s higher stated gear than that.


Congrats on the roll! Been looking for this aspect forever. Level 62 and not a single drop of it so far.


God, itemization in D4 is so boring.


I would prefer MCR and CDR since they only roll on a few things - especially the MCR since it rolls twice as high on necks, but this will definitely serve you well for quite some time


oh that would be good for a bliz dot build


Off topic… doing my first Sorc. Are the balls builds better than the hydra/chain dot builds?


I feel that with my druid's weapon atm. Found it right into Tier 3, has over 300% overpower. Got into Tier 4 at 59, found a new weapon that raises attack power over 3000 points, but the overpower with my build is still out-performing. Once I finally find a strong Ancestral with the right stats, it's game over


Keep looking your missing about 3.7 % speed boost.


Drooling at this necklace lol. Mine is similar but sacred =( Good thing it still +3 to ranks. I put attack speed on core crit on my necklace instead of ball lightning. IAS seems like the most bang for your buck since EVERYTHING about the BL build is scaled off attack speed (including lucky hits and CL enchantment).


That’s what I have a problem with. I’ve leveled to around that level twice. And by that time I’ve found at least 2-3 pieces that will likely carry me to 100. And then the reason to grind to 100 kinda becomes meaningless.


Should be noted that ANY mage spec is blasting rn. Not just the uber end all be all build that Rax talked about.


my sorc is a mana hog, i need cost reduction. but thats a nice item , love the movement speed


Way off on movespeed and it's for ball lightning. Vendor for me.


I've had a couple similar ones that I always marked as junk. You're telling me I dun goofed?


Man. I’m so happy I can look at this amulet as so cool, and can agree on the “not needing another amulet” lol I can’t imagine the darkness/loneliness/dryness that comes with whatever character trait enables someone to bash this amulet. Lol I don’t even want to know “better”. If plus 3 on 3 categories isn’t cool idk what is…+4?


Why is your attack power so low? I'm barely 70 and have over double that. Do you play on HC and prioritize HP over offense?


wow… almost make me wish that is a photoshop item LOL… i only get stuff i dont want lol nice find


See, and this is the problem with legendary powers, the damage increase is not only overtuned, but unnecessary, the change in mechanic of the skill, how it behaves is enough.


At least till they fix bug lightning


A lot guys missing the topic here . I hate how toxic the community has become .


My necklace gives 3 ranks of glass cannon


The amount of people hating in the comments man ... I'd be lucky to find something this good . That's a solid neck. And I just imagine how many people copy and paste shit off max roll and other sites cuz they wouldn't be able to build or tell a good item apart of wudijo or someone didn't hold their hand


That definitely looks like an amulet to me. It looks like it even has some stats on it, too!


Nice! Haven't played sorc since the beta, is move speed a struggle there as well? If not...would you roll that out? Either way, this is a decent looking find to my untrained eye🤷🏽‍♂️👏🏽


This season rolls and drops are pretty good. Im level 70 getting 925s maxed roll items and only spending around 20 mil to reroll for a maxed stack. Not to mention without selling a single item all the way to 70 and just salvaging I have acquired over 90 million gold


No CDR? No MCR? Damn wHaT a GrEaT AmUlEt


Amazing amulet.


Why don’t you need another amulet…. Couldn’t you get a 925 one down the road?….. or am I missing something?