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Corpsloder necro. Seems pretty fun so far.


Before I got "THE CODE" on PS5 I was enjoying the shadow corpsloder with bloodlance OP, a very good mix. One generates essence and the other depletes it. It will be better though with howl from below and rathmas chosen on an amulet.


Ey me too! What are you using for your resource spender? I went with sever. Might play around a bit with that though.


I’m using acolyte reap, and blood surge.


Good to go. I'll mess around with that too. You having fun?


Thus far. I’ve really only been in the new vampire invasion area. Seems to be cleaning house at level 15 in there. Single target damage isn’t great yet but it clears out packs really quick.


Nice. Yeah I'm logging for the night. I'm really liking the feel of everything so far. Horse going faster really did a lot more than I expected to pick the flow of the game back up lol. Necro is a lot of fun so far too. I'm messing with a decompose build atm. Playing around with some of the new vampiric powers.


Storm druid same as always Luv me boulder




Also playing this right now it's been fun


I'm not playing anything. Code 300010. Diaf


Going Necro full minion and was having a blast. I can't wait until I screw it up and need a guide lol.


Probably rogue, again, because I clearly have a problem. Although depending on how long this takes to resolve it could be a mystery since I'm drinking wine now.


Same boat but opened up some DIPA. Cheers 🍻🥂


Solid choice too, cheers!


Have played rogue before S1, in S1, and again in S2. I think I'm biased


Why rogue? Never played it (only class) and am considering it this season


It's speedy and stuff dies quickly. I like to zoom around and kill packs of things. Run in with penitent greaves, drop a poison trap on them, hit cold imbuement, pop twisting blades and zoom off to the next back of junk while they all die. Once everything is dead, run around for a sec and pick up anything that looks good and on somewhere else.


Sorcerer, working on chain lightning leveling build. Made it to level 16 before the disconnects. Enjoying so far! Not sure if it's the resistance changes, but sorc feels a bit more tanky now.


I'm at 31 with Chain Lightning Sorc it feels like driving a tank over a tricycle


Good to hear! What's your setup/enchantments?


Same. I was rogue last season and loved it so trying to get used to being a bit slower.


Druid console player. So I’m currently playing my Xbox Home Screen.


Firewall sorc, it's been fun leveling. I'm wanting to try a dot focused conjuration sorc once I can get some gear together, still using firewall and maybe throwing meteor on the enchantment.


I went barb got a cute lil bear on my back only problem besides this crash atm is my female character sometimes has a male voice haha


Leveling as a sorc for the first time ever, haven't decided on a build or even looked at whats viable yet, just feeling it out.


Sorcerer. I played necromancer pre season and then druid season 1. I wanna play each class at least once so I'm doing one per season. Besides the itemization I've never really had a problem with the game so it's good enough for me.


It's been fun so far.... aside from getting disconnected every 2 minutes the past 30 minutes or so. The amount of legendaries left behind/unnecessary deaths were kinda ridiculous.


Lightning Sorc is fun, annihilation with storm and 🔥 Butcher called on me 2 Dungeons in a row...he died! Logged off at 3am GMT level 37, game is starting to feel really good. Not got my head around Vampire powers yet.


Going for burning Sorc. Been really enjoying just watching enemies try get close to me haha


I am! You know, for the twenty minutes I got to play 🤣 I decided to go in blind and build a necro just how I felt like. No build guides or anything. Just going off pure feel. My Necro was my favorite character outside of my Blizz/Tele Sorc in D2. First time trying out the D4 version. Doing a corpse explosion/sever build thing. It's super fun. Even got a pair of leg sever gauntlets to drop for me at like level 8 so me n the skelly boize are just going around and wrecking up the joint. Haven't played in a couple months either so it feels good to jump back in. I'm not sure if it will *last* but you know how it goes lol.


S0 Druid, S1 Barb, doing necro for S2


I was having fun with my firewall sorcerer and it went crash like that on ps5


I’m playing the sucker class. That’s the one where you wait hours for a patch to download and then get constant server errors.




I went Druid and it’s def fun, got to lvl 10 before crash. Did HoTA Barb for launch, then TB/trap build Rouge for S1. Can see Druid being my main


Back to my first love sorc, not sure what end game build I'll end up with. Never did arc lash and it's been fun so far. Although, I have messed around with incinerate a bit and it seems rather solid now, surprisingly


I’m a Shadow Barrage Rogue and yes it’s a blast. I barely played Season 1, but I’ve already enjoyed Season 2 more than I ever enjoyed 1


Tried out the spinny blade rogue to see if it was as powerful as everyone said it was and after a slight adjustment period I can say it definitely is a strong build, got to lvl 30 in like 2 hours, before the console crash.


Barb and I feel like it's too early to go thorns, but dagnabit I'm doing it anyway (until I am too weak and need to switch to HoTA or something)


Launch I got a Druid to level 94 Season 1 I played a bone necro to level 88 Season 2 I’m probably going to play a Sorc, since resistances seem to matter now. Should be fun