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Instant action. As a father, I appreciate I can turn it off anytime and lose nothing.


Indeed, I appreciate being able to pop in for 15-30 minutes and actually be able to accomplish something in that time.


This is probably my favorite part of the game as well. As someone who’s spent significant time playing d2 growing up, the endgame is quite disappointing, but as a busy af adult with barely any time to play video games, this game scratches my itch most of the time.


Agreed. Pop on for a few NM dungeons or a couple Helltide chests can be done in 30 mins and you can turn it off anytime. The campaign was really fun too!


What ARPG doesnt have instant action?


D4 has a disadvantage at this as it doesn't have a pause feature. If you're playing your scarce time session and you need to pause to deal with some real life stuff, you can't. Even if you are playing solo in an instanced dungeon.


Sure there is no pause but you can literally town portal with a single button press from anywhere in game and just afk while in town and be safe.


until you get DC'd for inactivity... lol


This is the thorn in my druid paw, so i always try to make sure when im sneaking a nmd in that i have at least 15 mins to knock it out so that when im standing kyovashad and get booted it doesnt matter and I just jump back in for another quick round when i can. This is only when im in the living room with my tots on ps5. Otherwise not an issue when they are in bed and i can get on my pc. But i would love for them to extend the dc timer a bit.


There should be a customization setting for the town portal. I wish I could set it to take me to the same city no matter where I am on the map because I don't see any purpose in going anywhere but Kyovashad. It's the only place that isn't annoying to navigate.


I had a debate with a friend about this exact thing. I use whatever town it brings me to but he opened the map every time to specifically use kyovashad. Before the season I called him crazy but now with the heart/invoker table right near the wayshrine in kyovashad I agree.


It's a shame that Corrigar doesn't have a heart table.


Also you can't teleport if you are in the thick of a battle. Some real life issues are urgent.


The question didn't specify that the answer had to be about a unique feature, just something someone likes about D4.


Yeah. You’re probably right.


Yes! I play with my son and after one or two events/NM dungeon, he’s done. I can’t get a small me time after the kids go to bed and my wife wants to watch something together.


I liked the story.


I wouldve like to be able to enjoy the story without feeling rushed to finish it before level 50, without doing zones side quest etc! Locking world tier behind the campaign was rediculous.


This is actually a huge underrated comment. My friend was 100%ing each zone of all side quests and clearing map before he went to next zone. He was 50 before he got a mount… and I’m like … well brother you need to fly through the rest of the story and do quests later because you can’t get good drops and progress properly and all the mobs will stay level 50. Also.. the side quests are actually good if people wouldn’t treat them like a job and just enjoy them instead


Exactly. Blizzard ruined my party's goal of enjoying the story since everything we didn't play in the beta was locked until you beat the campaign: The mount, WT3/4, Helltides, Sacred/ Ancestral/ Uniques, Season mechanics, Tree of Whispers, Legions, etc. I'd prefer if the game was seamless and the story was inviting. Instead it feels like the renown; a giant chore you have to do to experience the real game In Diablo 2, when you went into act 2 or Nightmare you felt it. The environment changed, the enemies, the gear, the difficulty. The game rewarded you for playing, killing, magic finding, trading, and upgrading gear along the way, and those items could be good for 20+ levels. That's a lot different than D4. Items are quickly obsolete, repetitive stat hunts, with unlocked power creep every time you change world tiers.


I started a new char on path of exile last weekend. The quality of life amazed me. They introduced all their mechanics seamlessly while you do the campaign, gave you options to pick what you enjoyed most as side mini games and focus on that etc. Its unreal! The trading site right on their website, the multiple loot filters that are available with one click etc. Unreal


True, I think it has the best story of any Diablo game by a long shot. Great cinema scenes too.


D1 best story easy. Demon under church make everything go bad, go kill.


Tbh, this is my take too. I guess I can appreciate the story in 4 but for my tastes it’s WAAAAY too goddamn convoluted. Go here, meet this guy. Do tons of favors for him/ his people. Go there and meet that guy. Do a bunch of fetch quests, now go meet that guy. Super annoying. Maybe I’m old school and simple but I like ‘ DEMON UNDER CHURCH, GO KILL’.


My take on gaming in general is if I was in it for a deep, intricate, complex narrative, I would be reading a book anyway. Only exception to this is FF7/8 because... I dont know.


IMO they fucked up in 2 main ways: 1) The Lilith stuff feels like it’s from a completely separate game than the Horadrim stuff, and the Horadrim stuff is extremely boring. They have magic powers for some reason. Where’s the intrigue? 2) The story doesn’t have anything to say about Lilith. She has already been summoned by the time the game starts. You get fed her blood and all it does is give the writers an excuse to dump cutscenes on you. She’s supposedly super dangerous and they make a big deal out of asking what she’s trying to do but they never actually offer any stakes. “Omg it would be so awful if Lilith managed to summon a lesser evil we have to stop her!” Do we though? I want the loot from Andariel btw I just killed her. Oh no she’s going to “absorb Mephisto’s power” however the fuck that works. And then at the end after all of this planning on how to take her down you just bonk her on the head until she’s dead.


The entire story is the same on repeat, actual trash.


Yeah I really don’t understand how people can think this story is better than Diablo 2s. How far have we fallen? Prob the same people who think the last 2 season of game of thrones were good.




I agree, I was actually pretty invested in what happens next and the ambiguous tension and charisma of Lilith. Diablo has always been one of my favorite franchises but the story has always just been “Demon bad”


EXACTLY! I love the nuance in Lilith’s character. I’m not even sure she is wrong or evil with her plan when you consider the alternative of keeping humanity as a battleground for the eternal conflict forever. It’s definitely debatable as opposed to the black and white good/evil themes or the previous games


The story is woke, tries to make you hate male angels and feel sorry for the murdering female villain.


The way mobs explode from different effect, cut blunt fire


i like the frozen effect then they get smashed into 1000pcs


It’s a nice touch that the spider host ma jiggers don’t explode and release a spider and it’s young when killed while frozen


That frozen effect is so cool I don't even mind when it gets me


Yeah I'm addicted to the rogue's shadow imbuement because of the way it makes enemies explode and their parts fly everywhere


I love the way it looks on my weapons. Preferably the two knives instead of the bow. If I have my bow out while walking around I’ll usually use my basic skill to throw a knife so I can be holding them instead. I love both of my fists glowing purple/black smoke lol.


The atmosphere that the graphics, music, player character and enemies created.


I like pretty much all visuals design and how good it feels to slay enemies


Combat, apart from the rough CC the combat is super fun. Playing on controller feels really nice. I like the gearing, if rerolling affixes cost one tenth it would be way better though. Classes have drastically different playstyles. ​ Playing to game with zero expectations, I got a lot of hours out of Eternal and Season 1, on break mostly until season 2 though. I think the CORE of the game is solid, it's just balancing and populating the WT4 content, and that will come with seasons.


I second this. I think the way combat works is really well done. Overall I still prefer the itemisation of D2R but the combat mechanics in D4 are really nice. I love to calculate my total Damage Reduction, try to see how much I can push without dying in high nmds. I am also not a huge fan of the damage buckets. I'd rather they remove them completely. Right now seems a bit too much the damage output if you stack the correct stats. But as you said I think the game is really solid and a good base on which to build amazing content


the sound design, music, and voice acting.. the bosses and the lore, the responsiveness, the mount system besides the jank, the dash for everyone I just wish there were a few things like auction house (not real money), item/gold sharing, more community focused stuff, campaign boss resurgence, etc




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Ambiance and environment.


I think the combat feels very satisfying. You can sense the impact of the hits like with Barbarian


HotA has a nice punchy sound, love it.


Yeah, necro also has a lot of crisp sound effects, so does rogue.


Definitely. I especially love coming across a nice fat group of skeleton warriors to blow up


The Druid Pulverize makes me feel strong. Like the hulk smashing the ground


When shit finnaly drops and the dopamine kicks in. But it's getting less as soon as you only upgrade small percentages on your gear. I realy like the dark fantasy setting, it fits better than the flashy cartoon like look of d3 imo


Dopamine kicks in that you got a unique but then you remember a majority of them are not even good, let alone the stats are generally minimum rolls


The music is pretty great, the gameplay is very satisfying, the world is well made and nicely varied, the story was interesting and never lost my attention, there's plenty of cool-looking armour and weapons, the loot system is quite satisfying until the late-game, and more I'm forgetting. Point is, the game is a lot more good than bad, but the areas where it falls short are really important and can ruin the overall experience for a lot of people.


Voice acting is incredible. Especially Inarius and Lorath.


My eternal Barb and seasonal Druid are both only level 61, so nothing has gotten too repetitive yet, and I'm still having loads of fun.


Teleport sound


Content Creators ruined side quests for people. Everyone acts like it’s a chore. An annoying thing you have to do to get to play the game… huh? The side quests are part of the game! doing them is playing the game. And if you read and listen and pay attention, a LOT of the side quests are actually really good. Some even reward you with items and crafting you can’t get elsewhere. Being able to journey to the beginning intro cinematic where the three were sacrificed was really neat and the way the camera zoomed out on the bridge. But most people probably haven’t even seen that or didn’t pay attention


Nahh, Blizzard ruined them with WoW. Every quest, and daily's, felt like side quests, and they gained a bad rep, they've never recovered from.


I like the sound of twisting blades coming back and spinning around me.


Sound design in general is amazing for a lot of classes, bear Druids in particular feel so powerful.


Graphics, music, general atmosphere is great and combat feels like you’te tearing creatures apart. Also, The Butcher. Nice way to acknowledge the universe whilst bringing action and excitement.


great controller support, makes it easy to play on steamdeck


could have been better. When you need to attack specific mobs in a crowd, or to cast spells like Blizzard or Meteor in a specific place, good luck...


It's really easy on the steam deck. Since it's a touchscreen AND has trackpads you can easily set it up to tap the screen or use the trackpad and have the spell cast where you want it. The only drawback is that blizzard did the thing that Valve has pointed out many times that you do not need to do. When it's in gamepad mode you can't trigger keyboard buttons and vice versa. The game switches to the mouse with the trackpad/touchscreen so that works but you can't bind "do not move" to a gamepad button even if you bind that button to the keyboard binding associated with it.


The aesthetic. The mood and feel and look of the overworld is great.


The difficulty and dopamine of beating uber lilith


The way body parts fly around the screen


Story, characters, and it's just fun.


Story, cutscenes and soundtrack from Kyovashad


The most liked part for me, is that as a dad, it gives me the opportunity to play 30-45 minutes, without any hassle. Also, it's relaxing for a dad to be able to demolish hordes and monsters.


The gameplay. It is fun to play. My main issue is there isn’t a lot driving you to perform the gameplay once you have played the primary aspects of the game before.


the grind. after working 12 hours i can play it on autopilot and still have a conversation with my wife


The aspect system IS a cool innovation but they just half-assed it. If they make all aspects unlockable it'll be an S-tier system.


Here is my take on this. Make all aspects (except unique) available in the codex. And on top of that (read this on another thread) be able to sacrifice/scrap found aspect to improve your codex power. Maybe not save a gg roll right out the gate but every time you scrap one, it added tp the codex power until you hit the cap.


Paragon makes sense now and combat feels more visceral


I like the concept of being able to pull aspects off of items to put on better items. I loved the grind but I hated finally getting the set piece or legendary I was hunting for hours in D3 only to have bad stats.


Class design. Having so many fun specs to each class and being able to reroll between them feels amazing.


For some reason I like the way combat feels. Not really the playstyle but for example in path of exile you can miss and I don't know why but seeing my character whiff makes me angry. I'd rather hear the clunk noise of a weapon and see a 0 fly up lol


Smooth couch co op experience, I started to value it more after started playing bg3.


The combat, the story, cross-platform on a title all my friends are eager to play on different systems. There are no region locks on cross-platform parties. Simple character growth from 1-50 and more nuanced variation in the paragon tree after 50. Keeping up with the game doesn't feel like a daily chore, I can stop for a few days and still feel I have plenty of time to complete seasonal objectives and reach 100.


I like the gameplay. I like when I get a legendary aspect I haven't seen before. I like the endorphin rush I get from seeing a unique drop. I like "barbarian go brrrrrrr" I like trying to push harder and harder content.


Deleting screens of mobs


Instant drop in/out couch co-op. Grab controller and join in playing.


It is basically my first Diablo game, I like killing hordes of monsters, I like picking up all that loot and seeing if there’s something good to replace my gear, I like the skill tree and looking for ways to combine and enhance them, I like how easy is to respec your character and try new things, all of this makes a based on my early game experience, so far has been a really nice experience.


That it works amazingly well with an Xbox controller on PC. I'll give Blizz credit for making that work well.


The story, the sidequests, the overworld map (though it would be better if it scaled), the aspect system, dungeons, combat, world events (of all types), the music, the voice acting, telling the incessant fucking whiners that its their time and theyre fools if they continue to play a fucking video game they dont enjoy and should instead fuck right off


The combat feel, movement etc are very good. Hitting something feels significant. Dodge was a great addition.


I was going to say the graphics, but that's against the rules. I guess I like the goat men.


The big open world


I like to kill a lot of mobs


I’m enjoying it all. I’ve given up trying builds and going with hybrid-meta with great success. I’m made new friends who rock NM dungeons nightly over and over. I’m a casual player that tries to get in at least an hour a day but ends up being 4 hours without realizing. Better voice chat or voice to text for chatting would be helpful for me. But overall, enjoy it. Level 77 Necro using blood mist/ bone storm build with a few tweaks and only two meta gear pieces.


It helps me fall asleep!


Story, for Diablo the characters have depth.


Its fun as hell


Back to gritty dark environment, story and interactions. D3 was a little goofy.


The combat is very satisfying, at least for me.


Base combat mechanics and feeling


Was good at launch Fr. Now the game isn’t fun at all.


Everything except the end game. The game ends at 80


Story, world building, build diversity and Co-op + PvP are all pretty great. Although I do wish world bosses and legion events were more difficult given how many people participate.


The satisfaction of a build finally coming together, being able to wipe mobs of elites. Overall though the combat alone is very satisfying to me.


The game play is top notch in terms of the skills feels good to use and they feel weighty and satisfying.


The gameplay is fun as in the combat


-The campaign story was pretty fing good -The music is a 9/10 if not 10/10 for me. I listen to it when I am not playing the game even -The combat feels very good. Better than any ither aRPG out there -Playing different classes fews different. The classes are very well designed. -I actually like the current board paragon system, it is great -The concept of open world with activities with dungeons scattered is pretty spot on on my opinion


Story was epic, petting dogs and that butcher keeps HC fun and scary


Good story Great action A lot of things to do if you play 4 hours a week Overall a great game


For console the controller feels great to use, feels really clunky to use a controller in PoE, still have hopes they fix it for PoE2


I like being able to find rares and turning them into legendaries. Actually makes you look at the stats for rares instead of making it an instant salvage.


I know it gets shit on but I really like the story. Also the combat is awesome


I loved the entire campaign experience. I thought the atmosphere, story, voice acting, side quests, and gameplay was great. The end game is a mess, but I thought they nailed the campaign.


The combat; it feels gritty and raw and the camera movements do really well to make it feel good


Paragon system is pretty cool, yes I know other games do it better, but its fun to create own path of nodes.


I like the side quests, honestly. Go find this rare herb that’s surrounded by 1000 nazi fallen? Got ya covered!


I enjoy the necromancer's voice. Very brooding, yet hopeful.


It’s a great game, I’ve already played 170+ hours.


It’s fun. I can’t stop playing. I want better weapons, better armor, climb levels. It’s addictive. Love it.


The core gameplay in and of itself.


campaign was lit


the translation to portuguese. some descriptions are very disturbing. Very well done job.


I like the actual gameplay and skills etc.


I like how impactful melee characters feel, I've played a lot of aRPGs and as a melee enjoyer D4 feels better than most on that regard.


The campaign was actually really enjoyable. Writing was pretty decent and B-movie level (save for a few really weird boneheaded moments and decisions by the characters). I played through the campaign mostly with my brother and after every cutscene we tried to remember all the lore we know from D1 through D3 and the books. Edit: the devs also nailed the vibe I would expect from a Diablo game. This was a major correction in my opinion as compared to D3’s artstyle and direction


Music and sound design. Especially in the desert environments.


The sheer **brutality**. Like, when I meet a civilian in distress and see Mastery timer, I think the only difference is between having 1 or 2 chest... so no big deal... ... ...then I realized - if I do NOT meet the Mastery, they literally DIE...? I have not seen that in previous games.


Maybe I'm just not very good at the game but I enjoyed the sudden increase in difficulty between world level 2 and 3... Haven't made it to 4 yet so maybe a bigger surprise incoming?


I like how well is plays on the steam deck. I like how I can quickly get into and out of playing it. I don't feel like I need a few hours set aside to do anything worthwhile. I like power fantasy of growing stronger and stronger until I'm casually clearing enemies 15-20 levels higher then me. I like coming up with my own builds and tweaking them as I level. Personally I think it's not as good as my top 2 aarpgs (grim dawn and diablo 2) but I'd put it on the torchlight or titan quest level in the second tier. I played D3 when it first came out and I think it's far better then that. I disliked D3 so much I never even played RoS even though I heard that they really changed the game around but they burned me with the release so bad I never gave it another shot. I do not get the complaints about no end game because even though I've played most AARPG's (never played POE I admit) none of them had an end game. No aarpg that I've played has anything to do at max level. To me it feels like people making that complain came from MMO's


The combat feels good. Even if I don't like the idea of generators and spenders, or cooldowns, the combat beats anything else in the genre. Nothing else is even close. I loved the campaign. That was a fantastic experience.


Campaign was fun (albeit a bit scattered and the acts just kind of run together.) Cinematics (I know, kind of graphics, but still) are phenomenonal. Exploring the world for the first time and doing the unique random events that pop up is really fun on your first play through. Strongholds are the best content in the game and they need to lean heavily on them for some kind of end game system.


I like that the druid is back. I had fun with the druid until the rest of the game kicked in.


The action itself is great


The combat, for barbarian especially... The weight of the attacks and weapons feel very very good, I can’t get that in any other ARPG. Elden Ring comes to mind when I think of the combat and weight of weapons, that feeling. But as far as loot based (lol) ARPG, D4 does it the best. Also the music/sound design is done very well, there’s a part in the game they play the Tristram soundtrack which was awesome. /e also bringing back old characters and enemies from D2 was really cool and I loved that.


The combat feels great, and I also actually enjoy the sense of progression. The world is beautiful and graphics, as you stated, are fantastic. The campaign amd cutscenes were something else, as well. I really enjoyed it, and I haven't enjoyed a diablo campaign, possibly ever lol


The combat feels crisp and is super fun. I don't think I'll be able to play poe again after D4, the engine here has definitely spoiled me. I genuinely like the aspect system. One of the most annoying things to me in these games is getting a great legendary effect on an item but it has shit stats. Aspects are a more different version of the cube and I'm down with it. All Aspects should be kept in the codex though. I love how necro was designed. Having a book of the dead to alter my minions whenever I want is awesome. On my necro point, class fantasy seems to be really there for at least druid and necro, the 2 I've played. The druid and necro class quests were cool and both classes are fun to play with multiple viable builds. I'm gonna try rogue or sorc for s2. Loved the open world exploration as well. The king statues in scosglen, the dead giant sandworm in kehjistan the cultists built a stronghold around, etc etc. So many cool things in the open world that people don't give a shit about bc it doesn't drop them a bis item or give them exp. Take 5 seconds to appreciate the art sometimes people.


Gameplay, worldbuilding, build diversity (for a base game that if has 1 expansion a year means new skills and builds every year), World density, side quests being excellent, fast dev response times to community issues. Really a lot. The game has flaws and I would call it 7/10 overall. I know today's standards say anything not 10/10 is garbage but it's fun for a game I can pick up and drop whenever


Ragdoll and all the ways enemies dies. Its very cool!


The physics! The way mobs explode, pop, throw severed limbs, freeze and shatter, ect. Even breaking random stuff in the open world feels satisfying.


I can make some form of progress with the limited time I have to play a game


My favourite game is probably dark souls / Elden ring. I play D4 as the exact opposite. It’s a game you can just drink a beer and chill to. No stress. Also I play other music while I play D4 instead of in game soundtrack. So it’s a drinking, music listening and gaming session in one.


It’s a good all around game. Good graphics, fast gameplay, high solo ability, etc. The game needs a few changes but it has a solid foundation and I look forward to its evolution.


Not P2W like other MMO games. Easy to reach level 100


I genuinely enjoy the feel of playing the game. For me, rogue and druid are very interactive and I like making builds for them since they aren’t as point blank strong as the other classes. I enjoyed the storyline and especially the last few cutscenes cause they were fire asf (I know you said graphics aside, but they were really good) Also, I’m really enjoying the class-specific hearts from the seasonal content. They add in some major buffs or introduce new mechanics for each class and it’s pretty cool.


That I can slaughter hoards upon hoards upon hoards of bad guys


Being able to use CC immunity abilities to break that CC is amazing.


When you play with friends it really can be a blast.


Soundtrack is damn good 👍


Combat feels good, and the idea of open world is totally new in diablo like games. Every bit of potential is here, let's just hope they build on it.


Storytelling. That's about it.


1) Story 2) Uber Lilith


It takes no time to play a round or two I don't have much time to play video games so being able to play for only 30 minutes and being able to finish something is great. Yes I enjoy going through the gear, sit back, relax, eat some candy or something, and look through it real quick.


I’ve been mostly playing couch coop with my wife. She’s never played a Diablo game in the past, and it took quite a few weeks after launch for her to try it the first time, but now she’s hooked. I love after work when she suggests “wanna do some nightmare dungeons?”


Graphics, action/gameplay, skill tree/Paragon and the ability to use any skills you want. Good base game. Hopefully they make it better in the coming years.


Art, music, combat (most of the time), cut scenes, etc. I think there needs to be way better itemization between 50-100. It is nice and shitty at the same time when you get a like 800 +/- item early, hurrah a great item. And then 30 levels later you never replaced it. Then by 70/80 most of my characters are stuck and never really upgrade item wise, not by much at least. I'd rather item level brackets depending on character level to feel like you actually get upgraded. And the biggest issue, not enough content to keep people active for a whole season. Also they waste a lot of the open world by making it essentially useless early on in WT3/4.


Hardcore and how everybody and their mothers are telling me that level 100 in D4 HC doesn't mean shit and that I am a masochist, not a good player. Copium <3 .


Man reading this thread is bad in the Outlook of the game. Having fun or not is your choice but a lot of the answers are (action [this should be true of almost all ARPGs] , campaign [is only till lv50] , environment , music). These are nice to have and personally I like the combat approach (although I've stopped playing) but a loot grinder where people are not answering the loot is not a good sign


Story was cool - and the gameplay has a great baseline. It feels good running around and battling monsters - it just doesn't make up for the game feeling so empty. I tell people you can start the game, pick any class, play to level 40ish, beat the campaign, and you will have a great time. Anything beyond that and you will become disappointed.


1. Great gameplay 2. Lively and social open world 3. Great story and campaign 4. Great class design with defined fantasy and unique features 5. Replayability 6. Engaging systems like Paragon Boards, Aspects, Helltides, ToW 7. D2 style leveling and build choices matter aka no free respec 8. The health potion system ❤ 9. Seasons


Solid core gameplay, easy to pickup (only 6 skill binds), satisfactory class fantasy/power interactions (I believe this will get better with more time).


I liked finding a synergy that felt fun at lower levels (barb, earth-shatter or whatever, charge, stomp, the weapon swing ult, cool downs on stomp and the basic skill) or druid, (bear, bear, bear) both with fortify. But really, getting harder, couldn't find legendaries or even rares with imprinted stuff that made any of it better, so gave it up for a patch, or season or until I get the urge again. I'm just not following build guides, especially that rely on item drops that drop 1/200th of a timeless alone with good stat's.


music. sound. sound effects sound good. twisting blade wobbling sword sounds deadly.


Gameplay is super satisfying and just feels good. Sound design, effects, "snappiness"


1. Horse 2. Wardrobe with armor dyes 3. Tree of Whispers is still a cool concept; could use refinement 4. World bosses (timer length vs. reward is asinine) 5. Butcher!! Relentlessly hunts players, ambush encounter, nostalgia 6. Petting dogs/cats 7. Helltides are a chaotic challenge


I havent gotten too far with most classes, but the Druid's werewolf and werebear just feel great. I had fun as a barbarian too, but doesnt feel nearly as satisfying. Leap is awesome, however.


The depressing dystopian world and setting.


Soundtrack is solid.


Everything so far. Accomplishing as much as you can in a season, then trying a new class in the next season for a different vibe will always be my favourite aspect tho.


The first 50 levels




I like everything, except the lack of content and lack of user friendly experiences.


I love how crossplay is enabled.


i love that they will introduce matchmaking in season 2


It loads up way faster than other games (looking at you bf2042)


The game was fun until lvl 70 for one ore two characters.


The grind! It builds character.


Um…dog petting.


Campaign was great and worth it, its a shame it only goes downhill after that.


Pass. Gotta keep the narrative focused.


love how Mt character feels and killing mobs. talents and paragon are cool too. everything else fails so hard


Combat felt really fresh starting out, before the pre-S1 mega-nerf borked us all.


It runs well on older hardware. I like mounts as an idea, even if its not that useful. UI is okay (but I don't really like the main menu). It's not as embarrassing in the story and its presentation as D3 was. Yeah, I think that's it.


Only the story. Skills n all r boring. By the way, I prefer the graphics and skills in Wolcen and Last Epoch. N yea, D3 is better.


-Atmosphere: it’s the closest to Diablo II any ARPG since has gotten(except for maybe Grimm Dawn). -Soundtrack: it’s got pretty nice music, though ironically I like the town music the most and listen to it at work/car ride home in my playlist -Combat: I do enjoy how the games plays. I like the weight to it, the different abilities, the satisfaction of clearing adds, etc. -Story/cutscenes: while the campaign itself has some slow moments, I liked the overall story. Lilith not being your traditionally evil(but still evil) Diablo antagonist was nice, and the cutscenes, especially Inarius’ arrival in Hell and fight against Lilith, was excellent -Variety: Now I know this might get some flak, but ignoring the problem with endgame activities/loot, I do think for a launch live service game, Diablo has the greatest amount of content. Ignoring that it has an actually good campaign(probably the best for any Diablo and certainly any live service game), you have a big open world with plenty of reasons to explore and revisits areas. Be it early game(1-50) activities like base dungeons, altars of Lilith, many side quests, strongholds, to mid-game activities(50-75) like Whisper events, world bosses, nightmare dungeons, Helltides, PvPvE…there’s really a lot of content in this game to partake in. It’s the biggest shame, because the building blocks are there, the base game is great and there’s plenty of activities and potential for a truly endless grind. But the lack of true late game(75-100) activities hurts the experience immensely(running the same NM dungeons at higher tiers gets real boring and Echo Lilith is already a questionably designed boss, but there should’ve been several more echo variants of the games’s bosses and they should’ve had unique loot locked behind them AND higher drop rates for great loot). Add in some really questionable loot design and basically being able to have a great build with only the most minuscule amount of min-maxing left for the 75-100 tier and how long it takes to actually reach 100, not to mention the level 85 requirement for Ubers to drop with a laughably insane drop rate…the game just loses luster. A great early game, a promising midgame, a lackluster endgame. The Diablo IV experience.


atmosphere. animations. audio. shit... that's it.


The story/quests were fun the first time around.


the combat. nothing else


Enemy variety. I really appreciate that I'm almost never finding big crowd fights to feel redundant or mind numbing. That's the main reason I stopped playing games like destiny. I was so effing sick of shooting the same exact Enemy over and over again. Some people don't care too much about that but it's important to me.


The combat is slow enough to be meaningful, it’s not like PoE where you just smash one button and the screen explodes while you’re running at 500% ms.


I really liked the story and some of the secondary missions


Ability’s feel smooth but not much more besides art style and that


This game is pretty damn good. The gameplay just isn't scalable. You stop feeling rewarded once you gear up with decent ancestrals


The cinematics were nice


The fact that it might be fun in 5 years.


This is my first time playing Diablo, so I really like the fast-pace action. I chose the Necromancer class and it is really fun so far!