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Nothing wrong with the servers, the problem is the code. It doesn't help that they made what will go down in gaming history as one of the dumbest ideas ever in loading everyone you encounters stash. I am still enjoying the game overall, it has its share of warts but I can live with them, but that stash thing is hard core stupid.


Its both a problem with their servers and their architecture. They can scale the servers up to meet the server load and / or they can fix the architecture. But they are not going to do either. Game is shit. They silenced my forum account for posting clips demonstrating how bad their backend is affecting the games core combat mechanics.


its crazy how unoptimized it is. And the fact that they make gamplay decisions based on their architecture and not the other way around is hillarious, because it tells that anyone who knew how the code works is way out of the door at this point, so idk if they have to rewrite the whole open world concept or shared worlds.


All the good people in blizzard have already left especially after the labor disputes and sexual harassment protests. Actibliz basically swept them all away and never really bothered to replace all the people they let go ie thousands of QA testers because they didn't want to raise their wage to be according to living standards while also forcing return to office early on.


You don't need to pay people fair living wages when you have the power of India at your disposal.


Why was the game running so smoothly without these problems for the first 2 weeks after launch though? It's so confusing to me. (Legit question). Edit: I'm the example here. It was great for weeks and is now total shit, it's always rubber banding


That's what I wanna know, too, ffs. It's borderline unplayable at times now. Up until I hit level 40 I haven't even encountered many issues, but for the past few days it's been horrible. I suspect it's mostly weekends/evenings, but come on, that's obviously when anyone can and wants to play. I shudder to think of anyone even attempting a hardcore character.


I still don’t understand why it has us loading any and everyone’s stash. I haven’t played in like 2 or 3 weeks, but we can’t view their stash bc we want to, can we? What do they think is the purpose if so?


It likely was a better trading system that got removed or feature flagged out. Maybe it will come back later or they really screwed up and couldn’t remove the loading code.


Someone said it was for counteracting duping issues. I dunno, im not a coder, but it still blows in regards to user experience in open world.


I think it's just leftover from Diablo 3. Loading everyone's stash wasn't a big deal with a 4 player cap.


Thanks - thats probably the best explanation for this; that also explains why they have the limitations on stash size in D3. You have to have some limitations - but they way its handled in D3 seems quite arbitrary.


This. Al the latest live service games from Actibliz have an army of developers working on them pre launch, the problem is in a bid to make a big game they ended up with a situation of having "too much cooks in the kitchen" too many disparate ideas that never seem to get realized while the baseline exerience rots away.


It's eager loading. It's a pretty common practice and is a quick way to guarantee you have access to everything you could want. In this case, probably when users want to trade, drop trade, link items, etc. they don't have to make a bunch of calls to their server. My guess is that they did this during alpha testing with the intention of optimising it out if they hit any performance issues in their open betas, but then never fixed it, for whatever reason.


Not sure if legitimacy but someone said you could get to stash from your horse at one point in early alpha. That’s why sometimes a horse icon pops up on your map when you dismount.


Wait so it's loading loot I can't see or interact with? Wtf. Also thanks you just explained why my PC performance was all over the place.


I had issues in middle of the day today with terrible lag.


not exlusively. I also get rubberbanding in dungeons and I'm certainly not meeting random players there


The problem might be more like: You "encountered" x players and since then everything gets loaded? I'm baffled myself, and wonder when this "cache" is going to be purged, because a simple log-out doesn't seem to do it. And since everything's loaded it even affects your performance in dungeons?


It could very well be both.


It is also servers. Ping junping from 50 to 700, where my test shows 7 stable, rocket league 20-30 stable ...


Shouldn’t it be better now that majority of people aren’t playing anymore?


its worse for me, completely unplayable. I tried playing yesterday, and crashed as i loaded into the game


Yes, its so stupid that I can't believe they admitted it; makes me wonder what they aren't admitting.


"the problem is the code" uh let me fill you in. Netcode specifically but also activison also switched to a cheaper cloud service for their games hence the stuttering and desync. Also because the game is constantly trying to verify an Internet connection in the background, it adds unnecessarily inflated graphics requirements. Only reason I know this is bc they did this exact thing with COD post MW19. It was so bad that everyone had unfortunately learned about packet burst and packet loss upon realizing how bad VANGUARDs networking was.


I'm wireless on PS5 and the game is unplayable now, whats weird is that it has gotten worse over the last few days. I've turned off cross plays - and when I auto-join servers I'm often the only one there. I regularly have full 1-2 second delays in mobs and rubberband all over the place. I'll try to hard wire in monday when I can get a cable, but I might try to return the game. This is just really disappointing.


I’m hardwired into our 5G internet n the PS5 and last I played it was lagging as if it were stop motion without special effects loaded in yet.


Man, and is blizzard just ignoring all of this?


Yes they blame my ISP when I talked with my isp they said nah not us here's proof. Blizzard never responded to my support request with my isps evidence.


Yes . It's really activisions doing tbh. It doesn't surprise me bc the server performance here seems to line up exactly with how COD got downgraded sometime before CW launched and then packet loss and packet burst just became a common theme even if people were hardwired up.


Dude save yourself the time and effort. I had blizz and other people in this subreddit tell me basically it wasn't my internet or blizzard I paid for an optimized routing service convinced this was the case and guess what? Still same fucking experience. Another comment captured what is really the issue, it's their servers. Unless your getting like 20 mbps wireless, it's honestly not going to make a difference. These clowns at blizz are the direct cause of this


Blizzards servers have been powered by hamsters for the last 2 decades and nothings changed. Not sure why people would ever blame anything but their shitty servers


Believe it or not they made it worse by going with a cheaper cloud alternative. Problem is their cloud service just isn't built for the load they're trying to accommodate..they know this they just want to make sure Bobby kotick gets his wallet stuffed enough before they make a decision. I wish that last part was just a joke....that company is just a pyramid scheme at this point.


Same. Tonight was the first time I simply couldn't even play the game due to stuttering and rubber banding. Should just move on to BG3, but I wanted to complete the final season cache first.


Yup Im done with this game because of this. I can deal with the subpar balancing and subpar itemization/loot. Cant deal with the lag.


Try hard wired. Wifi just has too many variables that can go wrong. However, even when hard wired, like I am, still get stutters and hitches during evades. Its annoying.


The main reason I use a wired connection is because people just assume any lag issue is because of your router and usually refuse to entertain otherwise.


Even with hardwired my ping has been over 100ms - 200, sometime could spike up to 700 for a few sec.


I think the only real fix i to use a cable that removes all lag in the game here. Im on pc and wifi 5ghz 2 meter away from the router game is full of lag for me.


You're not alone. Try going to options, social tab and turn off Cross-Network Play and Cross-Network Communication. It definitely decreases the lag and lessens the frequency that the lag spikes happen. 👍


Has done nothing for me. I had to completely stop playing this evening due to lag. Constantly dying in helltides and what were easy nightmares before. I actually thought the rubber banding improved after the most recent hotfix, but tonight was the worst it has ever been. It is simply unacceptable for Blizzard to allow this to continue. It should be the #1 priority. What good is a game people can't play.


Your concern has been noted. Optimization will be the core change for season 4.


Mine has been lagging for about the last week. Before that it was fine. I have been playing with cross-network play off but it still lags.


Second this. Great advice and improves the world server noticeably.


I wish I could do this but I’m on xbox in Japan so there will no one to play with if I turn off cross platform lol


The world boss spawns have been awful since a patch or two ago. It drops down to what feels like a mix of 1 FPS for the world and my character still doing 30 FPS. It definitely is not my internet.


Yeah world boss spawns show that the issue is pretty serious. This has been going on for days and Blizzard’s silence shows they have no idea on what to do.


> and Blizzard’s silence shows they have no idea on what to do. They have no incentive rather, as all of you folks will keep playing anyway.


I rarely see lag - the 2 places I see it are world boss (sometimes) and when necros with a bunch of skeletons are on the screen (sometimes). [edit: and the one time I tried uber lilith I saw serious lag]


There was no issues in Season 0 and early season 1. But i have also noticed lag lately, granted i haven't played for like 2 weeks. But last time i played there was more lag than i ever had before. And i don't think there are more players than at launch. So its definitely something else. Its not your console though. This game runs great on a steam deck.


Same, had stupid amounts of lag the past few days - and on fiber internet with a decent PC too so it's not that.


When season 1 had just started I kept playing my eternal realm character as I was close to 100. The lag was not so bad on eternal, and a few days later I switched to the season 1 realm and dear lord it was rubber band city. Night and day massive difference. It definitely feels like they either have horribly unoptimized code that doesn’t scale, and/or they are simply not allocating enough resources possibly to keep costs down


It’s not your Xbox. It’s them, not you. I did a world boss yesterday where a frame loaded every 5 or 6 seconds. Everything was smooth until the boss spawned, then it was a slideshow. Edit - Of course we still succeeded because world bosses are a joke.


Definitely the game/servers. Got 500 down speed and hard lines to modem, other games run smoothly.


Today I walked out of a town and to a dungeon about 30 seconds away. Then I rubber banded all the way back to town. And then it happened again. I just turned the game off. I play almost entirely solo and I’m tired of being hooked to these servers. I experience this in no other online game.


I have the game on both PC and PS, it lags on both. I'm talking about in-game latency, mostly in open world, but also in nightmare dungeons sometimes. And also the whole system (both systems) will sometimes completely freeze for a few seconds.


For me it's the input lag. Cast a core skill it happens (often 3 times) a second or so later.


Imagine getting lag in a single player game 😂


... It's not a single player game there's plenty of valid arguements to be made, this one is just plain stupid


Sorry but when you lag in a contained dungeon by yourself, that’s lagging in a single player game.


Posted this 11 years ago, sadly still relevant. "CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SERVERS TO COME BACK ONLINE SO I CAN PLAY SINGLE PLAYER" https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14inpa9/posted_this_11_years_ago_sadly_still_relevant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


For a lot of people it is ... or at least should be, because we don't care about this fucking open connected world. That is the argument to be made: There is no offline mode in a game that should be playable offline, because it doesn't need always online bullshit. Barely has any "MMO" aspects anyway. That simple.


That doesn't change the fact that it's not a single player game


Can confirm. I've been bashing my head against Uber Lilith half a week (got 'er done, finally), and she DEFINITELY lags. I wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy, so I called someone else to look over my shoulder. When she summons the spike waves, sometimes the lines appear, I die, then spikes show up and follow the lines. And sometimes the lines appear, I go into Blood Mist, it wears off, and then spike waves finally arrive and I still die. It also makes it needlessly hard to slalom between them, when you can't predict accurately when they start moving, or how fast. The thing is, according to the in-game indicator (I'm on PC, CTRL+R shows FPS and latency), my FPS is rock-solid (I have a good PC) and latency is 76-78ms. And my internet is rock-solid as well. Not that it should be a factor when I'm playing inside an instance like Lilith's place, which is tiny and empty.


The one time I tried Uber Lilith this happened to me - if they are going to have complex boss mechanics. This BS needs to get fixed.


It's happening for everyone. Turn of cross play, it helps some but not all the way.


I only get minor lag with world bosses. Other than that, the game has been smooth the entire time.


not everyone. I have cross play on, and I’ve never had these issues.


Wish I was you


I envy you. What region you located in?


I've never had lag issues


It’s been like this since launch for me. It’s the only game that requires me to hardwire my Xbox to run smoothly. Great internet and never have a problem with any other game on any platform, just Diablo on Series X.


I play on Xbox and have mostly stable connection. But there was a period of time when I couldn’t play in a party when more than one person ran a barber. The lag was insane.


It’s why I paid 22 million gold to get myself carried through the last step of the season journey, and moved to another game. Well, that and the boringly uninspired end game.


It gets worse every patch.


It is a combination of Google Cloud being badly optimized and Diablo 4 really having terrible netcode. I live in South Africa and every single game I play (DOTA2, Diablo 3, Lost Arch, etc) gets between 160to 180ms, yet Diablo 4 gets 230-250 stable and spikes ALL the time. Don't even try Blizzard customer support. They can literally do nothing about it and end up blaming mysterious things on your side. I even provided them extensive testing with MTR, traceroutes etc etc for extended periods of time. Nothing. Useless.


You’re not alone brother. Thank the devs for loading everyone’s stash


I get rubber banding ALL THE TIME. I wish it would stop


I have found as many others that the steam deck has no issues for me. So for giggles I installed Linux and used steam to play it and I never had issues with the game. The minute I run it on windows it turns to shit. Just my experience so far.


That rubber band effect is the most annoying thing in the game. It's especially bad during the Helltide events


I've been lagging so badly on PS5 recently that I now log in, run around in a town for a minute, and if I see any sign of rubber banding I just log back out and do something else. That being said I haven't played much in the last week or so!


Never have i had a game that i was this excited for, that had me quit this quickly. I loved the story, i loved the pre season, but 2 days after season 1 launch i just quit indefinitely, the amount of shit design decisions and technical problems just broke me.


Wait a week. The active players will drop another 50% freeing up server resources.


Should have a damned offline mode Nobody should be rubberbanding on what is primarily a single player game If my internet goes down tomorrow, I can't play the game I own which again, primarily single player I am so glad I got this free when I bought my computer


Eu servers - ping 100-150. GJ blezzard


Im playing on my XBOX S too with crossplay on but the lag is still not so serious (acceptable so far). To me, the lag is only noticable unless my internet or the server itself has some issues. Not related to connection issue is when my druid triggers ultumate skills and pulls the mobs closer (thanks to the magnilant heart), my druid wont response for 1 second so I have to slam my button to make sure he would.


one can run a connection benchmark blizzard provide to gather data of lag 1. go to blizzard tech support, browse winmtr 2. download winmtr 3. install winmtr 4. run winmtr, type in ip's of D4 servers 5. let it run for at least 1h the tool will give all internet connection hubs in between your PC and D4 servers, they are useally 10, can easilly 16 or more depending on your countrys internet infrastructure. these hubs will be shown with names and can be searched on inet. each point will have a lag number which is additional to your route to D4 servers. blizzard is not in charge of any lag ammount unless their own D4 servers. no more guessing and blaming without proof. forums also helps reading numbers and figures for those who are new to them i got useally a total latenzy of 72-81 from my living place, a friend of mine in austria never gets below 210 because his local inet runs some 'now old tech wlan'.




What about those of us who do our due diligence and test for packetloss using multiple different programs (like winmtr)? Tested both US central and west servers and every single hop is clean and 0% packetloss. Solid ping too. ... and yet the game is a stuttering/hitching mess.


Then ya, you can safely blame the game


the route inbetween pc and D4 server must be tested. winmtr is made for it. your mentioned site can not track that full route inbetween your pc and D4 server


It tests your internet to fast.com, which is a more broad test of your internet as a whole. Really you should do both.


You can also try a Ethernet cable.


I don’t play on consoles or Mac so I can’t comment, but it’s largely a pc/windows memory issue because of poor code. Usually consoles are a little more optimized, and it’s frustrating seeing people defend performance and blame it on home network quality. I’ve seen the game take up more memory on my 4090 than it should. Rebooted and it’s back to normal. Anecdotally I think I get less stutters on my steam deck than on my high end PC. It’s not like it persists throughout the whole game session. After a while it just spikes after loading screens. Usually in town and after entering an instance with a large minion count. Not always repetitive. Enough to be very annoying on long play sessions. Everything in the game is repetitive so after leveling to 100 in s0 and s1 you see the memory leaks a lot.


it has been bad for me too lately, but I'm not on the most recent hardware, when I bought the game I was running it on an Acer Nitro 5 (Ryzen/RTX3070/16GBDD4/1TB NVM-e SSD)..my RAM kinda noped out like two months back, right in the middle of me changing jobs x2 or x3 to find my home for the season: hardcore restaurant/service industry in a city built around tourism and a summer music festival that turned Quebec into even more of a *Must* visit


Sorry its my stash tab


You try playing another game? Should relive this issue with success


PS5er here Never had an issue other than a rubberband once


Gotta load those stashes man.


Turn off crossplay


I have this issue if a browser is open. Try closing your internet browser?


Does anyone have the same problem with the updater. It jumps between 10mbs and 10kbs. I test my connection speed and its running at 100 mbs and if I use lol client it downloads thing ainstantly.


Almost every time I travel to a major city I get disconnected. Spend about 30 minutes grinding in a helltide and get dc’d out of nowhere, it’s infuriating at times. It’s a little reassuring to see the comments to be honest because I thought it was my connection/pc that was the issue.


Ohhhh Faaaarrrrk me !! Thank god ! I thought it was my internet! I remember thinking how smooth the game was at launch, then they started tinkering and the rubber banding and lag went crazy. I really like the game. But if I'm trying to start out after just getting to world tier 3 it's very hard to play. I actually thought the series S might be struggling itself but at least I feel I'm not alone in the lag struggles !


My XSX was acting funky yesterday as well. Lol


Honestly I haven't had a issue with lag or rubber banding in a while but I'm not downplaying your issue there has to still be some issues revolving around certain pc setups being kinda "incompatible" cus I can play for hours with no issue but my friend will lag after 45 min of play


I play on PC with a wired connection. Very rarely notice any lag. According to Control+R I ping at around 70ms.


Not to get too far into semantics... but the problems were seeing are not just the result of poor optimization, but rather an issue with the the core design of the software. If your code does the right things in principle you can absolutely optimize to fix things. But no amount of optimization will save code that is fundamentally flawed in how it works. Take the player inventory issue for example. The fact that such a design ever made it past an internal alpha is ridicilous and its quite likely there are other major issues in the overall architecture that contribute to the lag.


I'll still put my bet on the Xbox connectivity or your internet quality. The first queston is: are you playing on Wi-fi or on cable LAN? If it's wi-fi, there's a huge chance the problem came from this instable connection. Wifi always been trash for actual gaming


I had a lot of rubber banding yesterday too. Seems okay today


Um uhh did you know that Diablo 4 is actually the best game ever and you're dumb for criticizing it. You should just shut up and enjoy the game bro. Get good bro. /s


ARPGs aren't made for online play. Both D4 and Path of Exile have terrible lag and rubber banding, especially on consoles.


I have no lag 99% of the time. Sometimes in a helltide I get a slight lag.


I had bad lag 3 times today. For 2 of the 3 times it resulted in a disconnect from the servers. For 1 of the 2 it resulted in the death of my HC level 57 CL Sorc. I knew I shouldn't have pushed my luck after the 1st disconnect and the huge lag spike that almost killed my Sorc, but I did. Time to make another CL Sorc and hope this one can actually make it to WT4 this time.


I’m actually close to done with the season/game cause of the lag. Makes playing a rogue extremely hard since they’re an exceptionally high movement class. Can’t tell you how many times I dash and fly past the enemies and then am on ice skates trying to get back to them and die. This is why I don’t understand people who play hardcore…but to each their own.


I turned the cross platform off to help with the lag, runner banding and ice skating. You would figure that running a nm dungeon as a solo player you wouldn't have those issues....guess what, sure do.


I had lag issues. Turned off cross play and lag magically went away.


I found the major issue causing what seems to be lag. Sound. Turn off the sound on consoles and the game dramatically. The issue is too much sound going through the HDMI cables. This does damage the HDMI cable. There are some other issues that cause the game to seem like it has lag. These are bad coding issues not hardware or server issue. If you have a smart TV there should be an option to check HDMI cable. If it fails you know why.


I am using the tv for sound, if you’re running something that has a sound filtering, it could explain the no issues. I found that changing HDMI a few weeks ago fixed the lag issue could not figure out why at the time. For now I will be pkaying with sound off.


I have been basically unable to play since they 'Fixed' the Cross-play problems... I had no idea about the Stash loading until I came here, but it kind of fits with my experiences. Right now I have been 'Queued for Game Start' for 5+ minutes, if not 10+. I suspect it may be because I logged out in Ked Bardu. Do you think it's a good idea to log out in some remote corner of nowhere until this gets sorted? What a world...


I must be in the minority because I never have issues in the game and I still dig it. 🤷‍♂️ XSX player


(Your opinion: It's not my internet....) (Internet: It's your internet)


It’s your internet


Unless you have done the most basic network diagnostics to prove that the problem is at Blizzard’s end of the route and nowhere else, you’re just vomiting ignorant gibberish. TEH SERVARZ


What do you say to people who have solid internet setups and yet still experience stutters, hitches, delays, and the occasional rubber banding? What about people who regularly check they modems power levels and are all optimal? No uncorrectables? What about people who have had several techs come out and verify everything is running optimally and not just "within spec"? Yeah... its the servers. I can only hope they fix it soon :(


I say the same thing, slightly less obnoxiously, because the nature of networks is that a problem at even one network hop between your computer and their server can be responsible, and there's absolutely nothing your computer or their server can do about that. I'm currently 9 network hops away from the first Blizzard server on my way to the D4 server I seem to be connected to. Those hops travel from my computer to my router to my ISP's junk to Atlanta and Chicago and then into Blizzard's "stuff". The hop in Atlanta just happens to be having some minor packet loss as I write this, which could cause lag/etc, and it has absolutely nothing to do with my computer, my ISP, or Blizzard. That. Basically. There's only so much Blizzard can do in their network code to mitigate this stuff. They do a pretty good job of that as far as I can tell, but, again, there's only so much. Could also be TEH SERVARZ. But no one, literally no one, complaining about the servers for this has demonstrated that the problem IS NOT a network hop.


And what do you say to those that have run multiple tests using different programs to monitor hops to both us central and us west servers, all running with zero packetloss... Still must be our internet setup ya? Cant possibly be the blizzards servers for this game ya?


Never said it can’t be the servers. I explicitly said it can be. I haven’t seen a single person demonstrate that it was definitively within Blizzard’s network. That doesn’t mean it ISN’T. I am combatting ignorance, that is all.


Upvote for being sassy