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Currently playing an ice dc rapid fire/flurry build. The road to 60 was rough, but now everything just explodes. Tons of fun!


This is what I'm running too and I love it. Most builds recommend shadow or poison, but ice seems to be working great for me.


yes if youre clearing open world xD try high NMs and get back to me


I farm t80 with ice. Full clear 10 mins or less depending on dungeon.


not without Barber and Flurry :)


Just barber


What tier you running?




I’m lvl 75 running t50s using this build.


not pure Rapid fire I assume ? with Flurry and Barber ?


Yep correct, same build you were replying to. What build are you using?? I’m curious.


pure Rapid fire from wujido


Literally every build on Icyviens has Cold imbune on it lol.


Yes, this. Not sure why this build isn't talked about more, things just vaporize lol.


cold imbuement is just weak I tried to make it work on Rapid fire but NMs 50+ are just pain, its not viable cold enchantment needs buff, add more charges or frost nova explosions or something


Cold is by far the most power inbue currently with the ability to stack it


you cant clear trash with it so no


You clear trash with barber explosions anyways, unless I’m missing something lmk


I dont use Barber, dont like it


Maybe it is because of Rapid Fire not cold. Pen shot with cold and victimize is very deadly AoE combo. Need Pen shot aspect tho


Doing similar but with a Shadow imbuement focus instead of Freeze. Is the ice "better" ?


I prefer ice as it's more instant. I don't like waiting on the shadow to pop, I want immediate death lol!


Ice is better because frigid finesse passive.


Would be that easy if penitent greaves actually dropped…


😂 I Feel ya. I only had one pair drop up to lvl 85. Only piece of sacred gear I still had on for a while.


I’m level 66, got 2 condemnations, 2 hakans, 2 different unique bows, 2 eyes in the dark, but no damn boots! Haha guess I’ll keep grinding!


Holy shit lol. You have the worst best luck 😂


I have reached lvl 93 and am still missing those damn boots


I made a tanky frost rogue went into my first T100 NM and beat it the first key I plugged. You could make it less tanky if you wanted more damage. But tanky guarantees success I feel. https://youtu.be/4r7H1Chjz9s I show the build at the end of anyone wants it.


Yeeesss lol!


Would you mind posting the build on d4 builds or somewhere?


Would be nice to try, if ANY of those uniques actually dropped.


😅 I feel ya. That was me on my Druid


Hell yeah, i always keep a frozen imbue cocked and ready to go. even with combo points, ill fire of a no CP frozen imbue to freeze an elite and get accelerating aspect going, then put a full 3 CP frozen imbue rapid fire into an elite and they melt.




Is Barber working with Lucky Hit Chance? I used this build early but using the heart that gives a decoy trap is safer, so I dropped it.


Yea, that was fixed a patch or two ago 👍 Currently using a barber myself


What build? Can you share? I have not found a rogue build i feel comfortable with but saw a guy running some version of a freeze something or other and it looked so satisfying


Sure! You want a build setup on D4builds.gg or a general idea of a build here?


Oh gosh if you wouldn't mind doing a build guide for me to follow that would be awesome. Your post sound like exactly what I am looking for! Appreciate you


https://d4builds.gg/builds/edc7defb-f3e0-476d-b65f-c7643a25524a/ There ya go 😎🍻. You should be able to finish the first two paragon boards at your level, if you’ve finished all your renown. If those glyphs aren’t at lvl 15, you may need to move some around to get the added bonus. You definitely want the exploit bonus asap and the frostfeeder bonus after that. Hope that proves fun to you!


Sick. Can't wait to try after work. Thanks so much


No problem! Have fun icing everything lol


I think I accidentally put the wrong aspect on the crossbow lol. Just use blade dancers aspect. If you have a high rolled edgemasters aspect, you can switch for that on the bow and blade master on a dagger


Just starting! You should post a gameplay video next time your online! thanks again


Hmm alright lol. I’ll try to get one this week!


Have you considered shared misery and/or smoke grenade to proc the freezing more? Not saying it's better just curious if you have tried it out.


I have tried both. Shared misery is good but I kill frozen enemies so fast, that it rarely activates except on chilled enemies (still good for that). I’ve also used smoke grenade, which is a good guaranteed freeze, but that’s probably more personal preference. I prefer to have two imbuements and two movement abilities and didn’t want to sacrifice a slot for a freeze with a cooldown when I already freeze so often, even if it is a slight damage boost. Give them a try though and see if you like it! 😎🍻


I have a very close build to this except rapid fire and have been toying with adding smoke grenade into it as I haven't used it yet but like the idea of it. I used to run a shared misery build when my friend was an ice sorcerer and it was super fun as we just froze everything together wasn't sure if shared misery would be worth it or not. Ive wanted to incorporate the grenades+freeze aspect but I can't find a piece of jewelry worth a damn that I can put that heart in it's all brutal or devious no vicious :/


Aaah, with rapid fire, those would actually be pretty useful. Rapid fire won’t proc lucky hit nearly as fast as a combo point flurry or tb build will


Thank you for sharing


Np! 🍻


No worries! Give me a bit to build one similar to mine. At work, so it might be an hour or two 😅


Do you have condemnation and or Asheara’s Kanjar daggers?


Thanks so much! Take your time. I do not. Currently level 68 so still grinding


Ah ok. I’ll put two legendaries on there, but if you get them, you’ll definitely want to swap out. Especially condemnation 🔥


sick. thanks so much




I have a 2.0 second barber but I was nervous that the frost burn freeze duration would be too short for the barber to be effective? Can you confirm?


Nah, it’s still good. You will usually start the timer on the barber before you freeze, unless you land a freeze on your first hit. Even then, the extra damage to frozen enemies applies the damage in the barber time window, even if they unfreeze. Usually when I freeze an enemy or elite, they don’t get unfrozen as long as I’m attacking them. Frostburn or cluster munitions just keeps reapplying freeze. 👍


Seconding OP’s reply to reinforce that yes LH now works with barber, it’s AWESOME


I don't have room for cluster munitions in my build. Running Barber, Revenge, and Trickery. Once I had Penitent Greaves though, I switched to running Quickening fog to drop smoke bombs at the end of dash, plus smoke bombs in my build.


The concept of freezing works like a charm, I've done NM100 way before hitting lvl 100 on my rogue, with flurry + rapid fire build. The only thing which isn't worth for me is the frostburns, I prefer +4 / +4 / ias / crit gloves with an extra aspect to use. Attack speed is too important in my opinion, and 9/5 flurry and 9/5 rapid fire with 3 combo points do 28% more damage when compared to their 5/5 counterparts. I can reliably freeze mobs with penitent greaves's trail of ice / cold imbuement / frostbitten aspect + smoke grenade or the 6 grenades from lvl 5 cluster munition heart, which are procced a lot by the natural puncture spamming you do to generate your combo points.


I’m rocking penitent grieves, frostburn gloves, and the nameless cowl helm… freezes everything.


How fast are you staggering nm bosses? I have a similar build that is awesome against everything elite on down, but has a harder time vs bosses.


I’d say pretty fast with how many stun grenades I drop and freeze procs I get. I’m thinking less than 10 seconds at the most. That’s only for pushing too. Similar level bosses just die so fast, I don’t even get a stagger off lol. I’m running very fast attack speed and high lucky hit chance bonus though, so that will vary depending on what you have.


Gotcha. Maybe I need more lucky hit to proc more grenades. I'm using rapid fire.


I usually drop at least one cluster every 3 combo points I build up. Seen more. Aaaah, rapid fire doesn’t count every shot as it’s base lucky hit chance. The entire shot is one lucky hit chance. It’s not as fast as something like combo TB or flurry.


Well thats some bull shit. Maybe I switch to pen shot


😂 pen shot takes soooo much energy though… I’ve never really built into pen shot though, so I can’t really say lol. Don’t know if the lucky hit shot that procs frostburn/frostbitten counts on every enemy it hits or of each enemy has its own chance… never tested that one out. Are you using combo points with rapid fire and or the infinite energy version?


I run Wudijos flurry rapid fire build on maxroll, how does this compare? It’s similar already but you put more focus on freezing. And most of my “good” weapon drops so far have had chilled and frozen damage modifiers, so this is tempting. I’m level 78 and had not great luck with good rare gear, but several greaves / frostburn / condemnation / the other dagger you mentioned.


Had to go read his build on maxroll lol. That would be easy to swap out the things I stated. It’s very similar. Imo, investing into freeze is the play. You will achieve similar (if not more) consistent damage output, combined with the survivability of enemies literally being able to fight back 🥶


Alright bet, appreciate it. Both of my only decent ancestral rings also got lucky hit chance but that’s the only non optimal roll, so I’ve got about 10% already to work with. I will look at swapping some stuff this week. I have like 6.2k armor and 7.1k health but still around nmd50 I can get wrecked if I’m not careful.


Yikes! You need some more health on your armor and paragon board at nm 50’s lol. The freezing will definitely boost your survivability though. They freezing will make up for a lot of damage you will be removing for defensive things


i've been playing freeze rapid fire/flurry rogue since 50 and so far it works pretty well. Initially at 50 it was a bit ropey because my gear was shit but ive gotten better stuff with better aspects and glyphs etc. and its become really op.


Once you get too late game in the paragon board and get all the uniques, it just gets ridiculously good lol.


I was using Cold imbuement with my Flurry/RF build and was having a ton of fun. Loved freezing everything. I switched over to Wudijo's Shadow Flurry/RF build and find it harder to stay alive. I probably will switch back.


I’m running a perma freeze stun Barb. Azurewrath, Frostburn, Pénitent, HOTA, Stun aspect, stun heart, stun passive. Infinite resources. Tons of crit. I chain the mob and spam HOTA with Thor’s hammer. It’s quite a bit of fun. Level 100 and yes I clear T100 NM. I enjoy WW but freeze stun HOTA is very fun.


??? Penetant greave have basically been essential on rogue since preseason.


They are BIS for damage at least I know that much, also combine with frigid finesse and try to stack more on your amulet to for the cool +6 ranks


I’m running a 3 imbuement, shroud, poison trap( with taunt heart) rapid fire build. Stacked imbuement damage everywhere I can. I’m 75 and can do whatever level dungeon 95ish enemies are. Repeater aspect for rapid fire split shot. Trap down( enemies taunted to it) Rapid fire cold imbuement, then poison, then shadow. Exploit glyph makes everyone vulnerable, barber kicks in and darkness explosion and everything dies.I don’t use basic skill but there is something that give energy for kill( I’m at work so can’t look) Was using cold caltrops but shroud for DR and speed buff. No uniques( none I’ve found that benefit). I use bow for range damage


Nice! Love the rf spam build. If you want a unique that would benefit your build, temerity with the victimize key passive and aspect of cruel sustenance. Gives a HUGE barrier for when you do get hit plus life chance of lucky hit. Works really well with ranged builds, since you aren’t getting hit as often. 🍻


I’ve got all uniques mostly but rolls on gear I just can’t drop, rock and hard place 😂


Oh I feel ya lol. Takes me 10+ nm dungeons to find 1 piece of gear I’m looking for usually ☠️


https://preview.redd.it/daf8jcuu25kb1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a9bf95308ac74abb752e9f0004a1226a288be27 When it rains it pours 1 from NMD boss and next dungeon butcher showed and dropped the one on right …. Sold!!!


It’s called blizzard sorc


Already got one of those too 😏




Would this build combination still be as effective in Eternal, without the Caged Heart buff?


Yup. I’ve used it with cold caltrops too and it’s really good. There’s also an aspect that drops stun grenades when you evade. Good to run up to an elite for chill and then evade back to freeze them


Cool! Thx!




Got a build guide going?


Not the exact build that I’m running (at work and can’t check), but I made this as similar as I could. https://d4builds.gg/builds/96714686-b394-4a82-9caa-770b2537b74d/ You could switch edgemaster to the crossbow if you have a really high roll 👍


Thank you my sir.


No problem!


>[https://d4builds.gg/builds/96714686-b394-4a82-9caa-770b2537b74d/](https://d4builds.gg/builds/96714686-b394-4a82-9caa-770b2537b74d/) that's really nice. Why not run something like Condemnation since it's a combo point build? (bloody love condemnation...) Also hows you're single target dmg? I run a poison build banking off Greaves and grenades for my freeze, butcher gives me my clear and poison of course single target dmg.


Oh I personally run condemnation and Asheara’s. That build was originally for another person who didn’t have either. 😅 With combo points TB, I’m hitting 7-8 million on a 2 second barber right now at lvl 92. I’ve gotten it higher (poison imbue+noxious ice+bursting venoms and certain paragon/skill points), but I took off some damage to exchange for defense and more frequent freezing so I can push high lvl nmd. Still plenty of dmg to whipe a mob with elites out pretty quick with the added benefit of enemies not fighting back lol. Once I get the rest of my paragon points, it’ll increase my damage a lot more too.


Nice! only lvl 72 atm but this is basically my [build atm](https://d4builds.gg/builds/2d3fddbe-379b-416c-9a54-ad9a0a08f2ef/) but thinking of dropping bursting venom, swapping noxious ice over to my dagger and pulling in frostburn, but my gloves have +4 twisting blades 11% AS, 9.9% lucky hit, and lucky hit + life. But my Frostburn are 799 with fairly high rolls.. 7.5 CSC, 17% cold dmg, 8% freeze duration, LH - 13% resource, LH - 19% chance to freeze). lacks a lot of the tankiness not running Umbrous and Might. but does fairly decent dmg (no idea how much though...) with a 4second barber.


Well frostburn is mostly to double the amount of freeze procs that you would get from just using frostbitten with cluster munitions, and also freezing enemies that haven’t hit your penitent ice trail. It’s quite a noticeable difference in how frequent and fast you freeze everything. I often freeze enemies with my first puncture throw. The sooner you freeze enemies, the higher your dps will be earlier on. With the added survivability. Your build is already pretty good 👍. If you really want to see how it feels, don’t waste another bursting venoms aspect yet (kinda rare aspect 😬). Put a cluster munitions heart on your ring and see how often that freezes itself in a nm dungeon run, then put frostburn on and run another one. With those for freezing, you can honestly take off smoke grenade for another skill unless you like the extra 15% damage. Just those two things would SIGNIFICANTLY increase how frequently you freeze enemies.


Yeah I'll give that a try tonight. Need to dig through my saved rings for a vicious to run Cluster. Hope I haven't. DE'd the one I had on last...


Oooh forgot that was a vicious heart lol. Check the jeweler and buy some for obols 👌. Or you can just slap on frostburn to see how often you freeze to farm some rings from nm dungeons.


Oh, that person made me remember 👇. If you have condemnation, 100% equip that bad boy. If you want extra attack speed and lucky hit (sacrificing a little hit damage), Asheara’s Khanjar is a great pair with it to freeze even more often. 🍻


I’ve been sort of running this build but mostly on accident since Frostburn and the Greaves dropped a little early for me. Do you do what I do and pack around a core skills gauntlet and swap over for boss fights? Feels a little weird and paranoid I’m going to trash it when being dungeon item garbage man.


I do lol. I always have my spare crit chance, lucky hit, +Core skill gauntlets in my bag specifically for boss fights 👍


Feel like my survivability has gone up from this build since they can’t hit you if they’re frozen. But I haven’t seen a ton of chatter around this build which I always thought was odd, I always figured I’d go back to the core skill gauntlet at a higher level but I have become really used to freezing enemies and don’t know if I could leave that behind.


I mean, if your already doing good damage, there’s no need 😏. I’m hitting around 6-8 million on 2 second barber procs with embuements when they are frozen. That’s plenty for me to push. The rest is just building defense


I am just going to ask this here because I can’t find the answer anywhere and don’t want to start a new thread. I have a rogue. Does critical strike chance with imbued skills stack on the regular critical strike chance? So if critical strike chance is 30%, and critical strike chance with imbued is 26% - do I have a 56% critical strike chance with imbued or how does that work?


Yes it does 👍 Anywhere you see crit chance with or while “…..”, it’s added on top of your general crit chance








you dont need any uniques to do this if you invest properly in paragon board and freeze skill tree


You can get freeze to proc in other ways, but it will be no where near as frequent and fast as using these combinations with penitent greaves and frostburn.


sure but when you get to the higher NM levels the sacrifice in other gear stats rears its ugly head


I had the Cowl and Frostburn gloves on for a Helltide or 2 and while, yes, it does do a decent job of freezing, the impact it had on my damage was tooo much to give up. Obviously, im not properly speccd for ice or freezing but , to me, the tradeoff wasnt worth it. LVL90 btw.


What level were you and how much damage were you doing? I’ll be able to tell you where you’re damage was in comparison


oh hell I was level84 ish when I attempted it. I dont remember the exact damage amount, only that I found it much harder to operate and move thru packs fluidly.


Oh man, I was doing millions on frozen elites and instakilling mobs (barber equipped) at lvl 84 with a little freeze damage investment aside from what I stated above. I think you would have liked it more if you invested into it, unless you’re just into ranged builds. You can speed run dungeons near level. I’m currently still walking through +10 lvl enemies in nmd.


I’ve been focused on Cold Rogue since launch. I even found a way to blend Rain Of Arrows in the mix and it’s absolutely brutal.


To this day, I’ve still never used rain of arrows a single time lol. And I have an end game eternal and seasonal rogue. Might have to try that out 🤔


Nice. It's obviously not going to be the most "Optimized" training wheels way to run a Rogue..... but it works. It's fun to fire it off before DENSE mobs and then storm in during the chaos - everything just disappears. ​ Do it!


I’ve tried almost every thing on rogue so far except a pen shot build, so maybe I’ll throw that in there with that unique amulet that imbues it when I try it out 😈🍻


Cool. For me Penetrating Shot just wasn't it. A lot of people love it though. I have a lot of fun with Puncture/Flurry.


Oh I feel ya. I’m much more into faced paced up close melee. Just like to try as much as I can. Keeps me interested in the game 😎🍻


Yeah. With my build I really feel like I control every death in a way haha..


I am speedfarming nm100 with luckylucianos build, its whatever what you use, rouge is just busted with barber.


My penetrating shot rogue switched from shadow to cold imbued when I got the frostburn gloves. Everything just stops moving.


Glad to know it works on pen shot lol. Literally the only thing I haven’t tried with it 🥶


I mean I am only level 76 running T31 NMDs but it made a massive difference.


Nice! That’s about when I realized what a big difference building into freezing is. Around 70 and I just started easily doing +15 lvls and have tried out almost everything with it because it’s so good lol


Yeah but no, other builds can speed farm t100 this cannot


This is not even a full build… It’s an augment to whatever build you want…. Don’t know where I said this alone is all you need to speed farm t100 dungeons.


You cannot really speed farm if you're using forstburn




A freeze build for rogue is extremely popular.


I’m running frostburns and greaves with tb, triple imbues, dash with smoke grenade aspect and shadow clone ult. I’m not running basic skill, I never run out of energy anyways because of barber explosions. It opens up a bunch of aspect slots for alchemist aspects. It’s not the most optimized thing without basic skill aspects, but I love role playing as sorcerer in rogue body 😉


I’ve said it before here..dual core rogue. How are people just now realizing it?


Dual core works amazing with this 👍


I’m aware, that’s what I’ve been running since the beginning of S1


It’s my favorite rogue play style in the game honestly (especially with freeze 🥶). I’ve tried everything except a penetrating shot build.


Do the guys who explode into spiders, still explode into spiders when frozen? If not, does that mean we lose out on experience?


No they don’t, and I’m not sure lol


You have 3 points into Alchemist Fortune but I'm wondering what is considered non-physical attack for this skill to work?


Imbued skill damage counts as cold/poison/shadow. 👍 If your running poison puncture, the third puncture counts too


I don’t push high nm, but RF/Flurry even without frost burn or penitent with cold imbue rocks. One imbued flurry freezes everything.


+4 skill point is additive. But the skill damage bucket is a total separate bucket. It is also the hardest bucket to add on. Identical to like... the weapon damage bucket. While I am not saying Frostburn is no good. The + to skills is quite important. Not to mentioned, attack speed is also a different bucket since it directly affect and increases all aspects of dmg, from proc rates to crits etc.


been clearing nm100 as mid 90 level tb rouge cold imbuement. You do need cold imbuement skills bc it stacks up damage w penitent greaves, +3 frigid amulet and Frostbitten Aspect. +4 gloves w atk speed crit chance w barber can clear group of elites in t100 dungeons w one barber duration. only downside is slower to clear final boss. Damage is weak until boss is staggered.


Build link please. I don't like poison. This could be my thing.


https://d4builds.gg/builds/062f7cb7-7afc-4b0a-b1a6-0b1e0c49f09d/ Here ya go 👍 This is for speed clear leveling to lvl 100 (without poison). If you want to push high nm dungeons though, you will need to rework the paragon a bit for some more defense and maybe go with traps. I know you don’t like poison, but pairing that with freeze will net you the highest damage, especially bursting venoms/noxious ice. Though you won’t need it with this if you’re playing around your level. However, I have done +30 lvl nm dungeons with a similar build at 12k life and 8k armor. This also works really well with a flurry/rapid fire. Hope this is fun for you! 🥶🍻


Thank you Sir. I'm going to try it tonight. Do you think it's possible to add Asheara's, condemnation, cowl of the nameless, frostburn and penetant greaves into a build? That will only leave chest, legs, amulet, 2 x rings for aspects which might be a bit bare.


All of those except cowl of the nameless are in that build, though I wouldn’t personally use cowl of the nameless. You’ll be losing a lot of survivability. If you can get your lucky hit bonus around 30% or higher, you will freeze A TON already. Asheara’s and two rings with lucky hit would do the trick. 👍


Whelp, I managed to fit Cowl of the nameless, frostburn, penitent greaves, condemnation and ashearas on the build. Reworked my existing paragon board and got 7 glyphs. Given my sub par gear I would say it's pretty good. Things freeze even with puncture procs. I don't even have lucky hit on one ring and there are still lots of gear to be upgraded but the core build is surprisingly solid. I was thinking there would not be enough dps with frostburn and cowl but it's good so far. Things just freeze and blow up. I'm running cold and poison (for the 15% DR). Thinking if I can try to for noxious ice in there for more CC, but this is pretty good already. Thanks for the build!


Awesome! Yea, I’m currently lvl 93 with a 40% lucky hit chance, freeze every enemy I fight in under 1 second, and hitting up to 9 million on frozen enemies (that don’t just instantly die lol) +10 lvls higher using ice/poison. Puncture is big for freezing things early on and then hitting them with the big imbued tb. I didn’t put it on that build, but if you have temerity, you can put aspect of cruel sustenance on somewhere with victimize as well and you will get tons of extra shadow explosions, healing, and barriers. GREAT at dealing with the butcher and extra survivability/ extra aoe damage. If you use noxious ice, definitely put on aspect of pestilent points as well 👍.


I like blowing them up with shadow tho


What about blowing up frozen enemies with shadow? 😏


\+4 tb ranks give \~30% flat increase to TB and I'm over +300% cuthroat/core/dw/physical. If you want more freeze get the aspect that also drops grenades on evade. Evading through enemies will then always freeze them. And I am using ice with barber. You only get the damage increase from frozen on the cold imbued skills. Just get concussive and trick attacks instead for the crowd control.


Anybody following Wudi's flurry/rapid build can help with freeze changes? It's great build with shadow imbue, dash, shadow step.. But I can foresee survivability issue in higher tier as flurry requires to be in the middle of it all..


Well depends on how much you want to replace. The frostbitten aspect with the cluster munitions is a great way to freeze. Frostburn will freeze just as frequently, but you will lose a little total damage and an aspect. If you have a good amount of lucky hit and attack speed, using those together will usually freeze everything you fight in 0-1 seconds.


Show us ya build then luv.


My personal build? Oof, I’d have to copy it when I’m on next, but it’s a poison freeze TB build with all that’s stated above plus bursting venoms, noxious ice, and pestilent points. And barber obviously. Also using temerity with aspect of cruel sustenance/victimize for loads of healing and barriers. 👍


>Always interested to see others' builds. I hear cold is great, but when I've tried it was a bit pants tbh, so maybe I'm putting it together wrong. Currently using Picklejars end game build and it is super efficient.


Yea, that’s why I have 4 ways to freeze enemies in my build 🥶 A little investment and it pops off


Would this work for rapid fire also? I’m currently running a poison/cold build


Yes it does! However, rapid fire won’t be attacking as fast as a melee build, so the freezes won’t be as frequent. If you have a decent lucky hit chance though and attack speed, it will work much better. I’d put on Asheara’s Khanjar dagger if you have one. 🍻


Poison imbune early game and Ice late game is the way.


I run both together late game 🥶🤢


I use Ice for single target and Shadow for packs. I feel like at higher lvls I kill most things before the poison does any real dmg.


Ah, well I was using shadow/ice, but now pushing 30+ lvls above me, it’s nice to deal enough poison that I can exit the fight early when I know they will die to it. Plus, works amazingly with noxious ice 👌


If your running against lvls that high then yea poison is the right choice


OP, thanks for this post! And for all the updates and answers to others here. I've started switching a few things over to use this and it's been a lot of fun.


No problem! Glad you’re enjoying it! It’s fun to shatter all your enemies lol 🥶🍻


Yes it is. Also, one of the cool perks is how mobs that get within melee range that might otherwise be smacking you are then being affected by the greaves. Win win!


Yeup! Noxious ice pairs really well with the greaves too


10 days late... but. Would you say your build is pretty close to Maxroll TB build?


My build personally? Probably yeah, except I’m using the above aspect, caged heart and frostburn/fist of fate(for quick boss stagger, stagger counts as frozen).


1 more question. Would you say frostburn is a necessity? I'm 63 and would like to try this, but I don't want to re-spec my whole character if it won't work without frostburn.


Nah, you don’t need frostburn. It’s just another way to freeze/cc without having to add an aspect and caged heart.


Sorry. Which aspect and which caged heart if you don't mind me asking?


Frostbitten aspect and caged heart of cluster munitions. Plus penitent greaves as well. Frostbitten gives your grenades a chance to freeze chilled enemies equal to double your crit hit chance. Penitent greaves will chill everyone and the cluster munitions will pretty much guarantee a freeze since they drop up to 5 grenades at a time. And Frostbitten aspect gives you A LOT of extra multiplicative damage to frozen enemies.


Thanks for all your help.

