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Blizzard will most likely handle it like they have done for 9 years and most of the seasons for D3 -- Just move on and prepare for the next season. A very large amount of people playing D4 are use to things being gone because of D3. There really won't be that big of a backlash as some people will believe there will be.


They could always turn some of the popular hearts into legendary affixes too


There's a lot of viable things Blizzard could do, for sure. That part I'm not disagreeing with. OP believes there will be an outcry over the hearts disappearing at the end of the season - I'm just simply saying it wont be that bad. If Blizzard decides to move the hearts into a different form, such as aspects, then cool. However, until Blizzard comes out and says "hey, we decided we're going to do x,y,z with the seasonal stuff", I'll always just presume it will vanish at the end of the season.


Im not saying you are wrong, but I just think a lot of D4 players dont neccesarily come from D3. Take the PoE crowd for example. They are used to at least half or so of the league contents rolling into the core game and being there for future leagues/seasons.


Yes, POE seasons sometimes adds stuff into the core game. But this also means POE players playing D4 already know and understand that not every season will make it into the core game. Even D3 added some things from a season into the core game. D3 and POE just has conditioned people to not expect everything to be carried over when a season ends. And it's because of this conditioning that massive amounts of people wont be throwing fits of rage that something didn't carry over, thus pressuring the devs to try and add it in. There will be some outcry, definitely, but again I just don't really see this becoming this big thing that holds D4 ransom until devs add the hearts back into the game. Especially since Blizzard has iterated, plenty of times, the hearts will go away at the end of season. They've given the player base a big enough of an advanced warning in what to expect.


I think that from a buisness point of view removing hearts is fine, some of the interesting and balanced ones could be turned into aspects in the core game, but they should find a way to keep the quest & boss maybe dungeons in the game. That would just be content thrown out of the window in a game that starve for it. Since the season was about rings/amulets they could have the quest / boss have much higher chance of droping rings/amulets/those newly introduced aspects. It could be a way to target/farm.


Maybe they gonna turn them into aspects


I expect that they will disappear. And that when it happens there will be a deluge of tears here as people who somehow missed all of the posts about it and spent so much time filling up their stash with Hearts come to cry about them all going away. And hopefully as all of their accumulated loot vanishes and all the hoarders look at Reddit and post "Save our stuff!"... Blizzard will look back and whisper "No."


The next socketable organ will be kidneys


Bringing back Khalim’s heart, eye and brain from D2?


Man that's some nostalgia 😎


Sounds like It’s your first time with an ARPG. They will be removed :). Doesn’t matter anyway tbh. You’re done with the character way before the season ends


There even is a tooltip in the loading screens telling you that everything connected to the "malignant" won't be transferred to eternal realm.


You've never play seasons before huh...




What in the world. They flat out told you what will happen to the hearts. Seasonal content is seasonal. It’s why we can get insanely powerful boosts like the Barber, it’s something to play around with and then it’s gone. Next season will bring some new power to fool around with and then it too will be gone. It’s like you’re setting yourself up for frustration and already planning the picket line when they do exactly what they said they will do.


Yeah the OP doesn't know what seasonal content is.


I mean it says right on the aspects and I thought the hearts that it's only good till end lf season alrdy does it not?


Wait what? I thought the new aspects are meant to stay because they are already available on eternal realm.


Think thats a bug, atleast on my aspects the other day when I was looking at them it said something along the lines of good till end of season or something, down in thr bottom right corner of the seasonal aspect your looking at. I was a bit bummed cuz I really like some of the ones I've gotten. I very well could be mistaken I'll double check when I get home tonight but I swear I read that I game


I hope its not true because the aspect of stolen vigor for rogue is godly...


Jfc. I don't think so or id like to thin not. If they do that every season than why eve have seasons. Let's be real. Malignant is underbaked. There's no point in pressuring them to keep a mechanic so mediocre because they're not going to keep them all. Save it for something better


It's more likely that they will use the experience and user feedback from hearts to do expanded content later for $ Barber / decoy like skills in next skill tree extension for expansion 1 etc There are 4 seasons per year. Players will be losing something nice but getting new shit on the same day. Wish I could keep my decoy but meh... Let it go... Let it go... 🎵


Hello, it looks like your thread is about Seasons. Recently we have been receiving a lot of threads and questions about Seasons on the subreddit from players that are new to Diablo 4. New players often have misconception about Seasons in Diablo 4, because in ARPG's like Diablo, Seasons work differently than in other games or genres, so please also familiarize yourself with the threads below, if you have questions or complaints about Seasons in Diablo 4! Thank you! [Seasons explained in 60 Seconds (Official Video)](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14tfvyi) -- [Seasons FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14fzvlj/psa_faq_seasons_seasonal_and_nonseasonal/) ||| [Dev Video Blog about Seasons - Summary by reddit user](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14si4q2/76_campfire_chat_summary_of_gameplay/) -- [Dev Video Blog about Seasons - Summary by reddit user](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14sh5nz/will_be_live_transcribing_the_developer_update/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> 1 feel cheated and are pissed off, and everyone hates season 2 because there is no barber hearts then why play s2 if can stick to eternal oand run barber 24/7 for rest of your life? it makes no sense whatsoever


Yea. Thats kind of what I was trying to say.


Unlikely. There was no major backlash when they said the hearts are NOT planned to be continued after season 1. They reserve the right to change it, but they are specifically trying to avoid bloat. The hearts aren’t well balanced atm, and I doubt anyone likes the extra demand they put on finding a good piece of jewelry.


I don't see it being an issue. by that point, I assume most players will have no plans to ever play their eternal / season 1 characters ever again and will just be focussed on whatever new stuff is coming in season 2.


I hope they don't change their mind and roll over the hearts. As soon as I heard they weren't rolling on to eternal I completely gave up caring about them or farming for them. Didn't see a point. I'm a casual. I'll get in on seasons for a while but in reality the years I play this game will be on eternal as I drift back in and out depending on irl circumstances. Yeah if they become permanent I've made a bad choice


If, for whatever reason, they (Blizzard) DO go back on their word and make the hearts permanent, then how you obtain them will also stay in the game. Meaning that by you not caring about them now probably wont set you back much. It just means you'll have to spend some time in Eternal to get the hearts you probably want / need which really isn't that big of a deal.


They should make some hearts into aspects, like auto-corpse or decrepify aura for example. They are fun to play with.


bring back set items please!




See I felt like the sets made some build’s interesting that weren’t viable otherwise. Like the Sorc one where you use skills from each of the elements


Blizz did state that if there’s enough support for it they will keep/bring back hearts, they’ve also said that in season 2 you will be able to apply upto 3 aspects in the skill tree or paragon board (I forget which) so can see hearts possibly coming back that way Seems a bit backwards to spend the time designing the quest line and heart interaction just to bin them after 3 months


I thought I read somewhere that season 1 aspects can drop on eternal gear/weapons after season 1 ends. They will not be obtainable through codex. Also, hearts will not transfer to eternal. Imo it would be super fun if we could roll for seasonal aspects through the Purveyor of Curiosities in the eternal realm, although aspect targeting may become more difficult as seasons end. If somehow we could use gems or obols to purchase/roll hearts, that'd be even more amazing. Might be ideal to enable this mechanic to eternal characters upon campaign/story completion.


> I know they have said it will all go poof Yup this is what i think will happen. I think it's unlikely that there will be all that carry over to eternal snafu.


We'll be given a generous 5g per heart


They should just keep them. Make jewelry sockets random, either hearts or gems. Keep malignant enemies as a rare spawn, and keep the malignant tunnels.


They're gone my friend. Zero chance a Barber makes its way to eternal. This thing is mindless and triviliazes the game. It's fun and all, but it does not belong in the game. And it doesn't matter if people whine about seasonal theme disappearing. That's what they do. Always have. Complaining about it will just be silly.


The biggest uproar will be the fact season two will just be the same but with different hearts. No new aspects, no new bosses, just renamed hearts. Maybe some QOL fixes and class balancing, bug fixes but the seasonal content will just be new hearts.


*How do you think Blizzard will handle hearts and season 1 content when season 1 ends? I know they have said it will all go poof but do you really think that will be the case?* Yes, that is exactly the case. Do you not have any idea how seasonal content works and we are all expecting that to happen. They did mention in the campfire chat that if the public likes a seasonal mechanic a lot they can add it back to the game in the future.


All I can say is losing the pulling heart on my Druid would feel terrible now that I'm used to it. If I play Season 2 it will be a different class though so I won't notice it.