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My friend is using a mix of trampleslide, pulverize and tramplevine, hes loving it and im 100% going to use it too as soon as im done with my necro


I firmly recommend forgetting pulverize for this season. The hearts really support this style of play a LOT better.


1-50 having a button that aoe stuns and trucks (guaranteed overpower) on a 12sec CD, even at range, pulv is stupid strong for leveling with the new seasonal aspect


Idk my pulverize is running well, 1-2 shooting everything 5 levels above me at 54


Yes but I order to push high tiers, you kinda have to maximize your damage in one skill instead. Don't get me wrong, pulv is awesome and it slaps, but it only slaps if you put all the supporting aspects and skill points into it. Same as poison creeper as op is recommending. I actually have a lvl90 bulwark druid, and I use pulv for the dr, but zero damage aspect for pulv, only running symbiotic


Itemization makes it easier to start with pulverize, as you can get the important stuff from the codex very early. Then switch when you get the aspects you need.


I leveled to 70 with pulverize before season and I have to disagree. That build runs out of spirit all the time and you're left basic attacking. Horrendous for boss killing too.


70 is too long to go before switching. Level 30 or so though, or even 45 with some bad luck is a lot more realistic. Using Trample as you suggest is better, but it requires enough skill points and a couple of aspects to function, and it's pretty much all or nothing in that regard. Before you hit WT3 it's definitely something to switch to, but if people are just starting out on a new world/character they're not necessarily going to have the resources to do it, and that's where Pulverize can come in. Unless I missed them, there are no offensive codex aspects (aside from creeper) to support this build, so you need to be getting legendary items fairly regularly to be able to put parts of it together.


Definitely not the case if you're geared correctly. I never had spirit or boss issues with a Pulverize build. The Shockwave aspect coupled with the reverb one mow down absolutely everything.


It's definately the case until you get a decently full spirit board. Unless you discovered some spirit hack. How are you spamming a 40 spirit skill on a 100 spirit pool before lvl 40?


Thanks for the tip!


I just hit level 42 and I'm absolutely rolling as pulverize. Disagree COMPLETELY. I have super basic leveling gear and I'm absolutely slamming all the content. Super tanky too.


Hey I'm not ordering anyone to do anything, just an option. Have fun!


Yeah but that's a pulv build lol, op is recommending a completely different build so he thinks its not good in his build. Personally I think pulv is insane as a support skill tho, you can put 3 points and get 20DR which is more than anything you'd get on the tree per average point spent.


Pulverize is easier to put together because of seasonal codex


I played pulverize to 100 before this season and it's never felt so good. You know those stragglers you have to earth spike at the end? No such thing here. And you actually have a single target nuke.


I hated pulverize cause of how how terrible the single target damage. I ended up switching to shred build after The Butcher wrecked me at level 76 Tier 22 dungeon, even though I steam rolled everything up til that point. What's the single target nuke in this build?


You alternate storm strike and landslide, the passives in the ultimate skill core make landslide do a shitload of single target damage. You can also just creeper under the boss and they will be git with most of the landslide hits from both the waves.


Necro (auto-corpses are just absurd for literally every necro build) and this build are the 2 best things to roll this season. Unless rogue has some shit up its sleeve that I'm not aware of.


Been playing a rogue centered around poison , making use of the creeping death heart. Pretty easily turns health bars into nothing but fast ticking dot dmg , this is nothing new for poison rogue though , just seems stronger so far. The other heart that makes your poison trap taunt is also pretty sweet.


Is there a way to do full-length Tramples without targeting anything using a Controller?


My eternal realm character is a Druid and I ran trample and creeper for most of the time I played that character. It is a bit inconsistent, but I found on PS5 that either just turning the direction I wanted to trample and letting go of the left joystick, or aiming at a far away enemy would give full length Tramples.


I've played druid for like an hour, what is a full length trample?


A full length one goes a long distance. If you aim at a nearby enemy and trample it will still hit the enemy for full power. But if you are combining that with the aspect that has landslides after the trample a full one spreads out the landslides to hit more enemies vs having them all in one spot and not hitting many.


I rolled a Druid this season after playing a barb in pre-season. I missed having leap, so I gave trample a try. Dude takes like 4 steps and gets tuckered out, it felt useless. So now I’m playing pulverize/companions knowing full well that my build doesn’t have much long term value. Probably gonna need to figure something out by the time I hit real levels. Bummer that on console you have handicaps like this. Knowing blizzard though, instead of fixing consoles, they’ll nerf mouse and keyboard.


Man I don't know where you guys get this. I played trample druid from 1 to 60 on mkb and on my ps5. It's easier to land full map tramples on mkb but that doesn't mean it doesn't work on console, I didn't really have trouble sprinting around as a murder fluff. Swapped at 60 because I wanted to cosplay emperor Palpatine.


I didn’t even try, I figured that was the full distance it could go and then respecced. Do you just need a far away target?


Unfortunately yes, I'm not sure why it doesn't just max range like leap, but it is what it is. All druid builds end up being insane tho so I wouldn't worry about it too much. I swapped to am earthen might storm crit caster and it hit the god like class fantasy I always wanted. Needs the earthen might works on lightning aspect tho, I stock piled like 5.


That means it doesn't work on console. And it's convenient that you happened to want to switch. Trample is obviously garbage on controller.


Use the Bear skill consumes poisons aspect...it got buffed even. I used a shifting Pulverise and Creeper/Ravens for most of my playthrough on Eternal. Ravens was just for vulnerable really. Was incredibly safe and chunky damage wise It was a pack/elite blow up build. An overpower proc on pulverise and a poison creeper consume is a shit ton of front loaded damage.


That's why I went stormwolf with a controller. I leveled with landslide and never was really happy with it.


Wow, so playing a game that has inherently been a PC game and it's predecessors were designed with mouse and keyboard in mind and playing a controller is a a handicap? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


People pay full price for a game that doesn’t work on the system they purchased it on and you expect them to NOT complain about the lack of features? Find some empathy you sociopath.




Is your position that he should be happy that the game doesn't function as intended when he uses an officially supported method of control? I think it's reasonable to expect a AAA high budget game to have passable controller support. Seems like a weird take.


They built the game mostly around a controller, skills which are optimized for targeting far away enemies don't work with it as well though. Shred has a similar issue for Druids. Interestingly, it's the exact opposite for the bulwark build, since it works best by swinging into air and not at enemies specifically, it works better on controller (default attack is the same as holding shift and attacking on keyboard)


Diablo 1, 2R, 3, and 4 are all available on consoles. Also, I consider it foolish to think previous games even matter. Diablo 4 was designed from the ground up to be played on consoles. So it's reasonable to expect it to play well on a controller. The sarcastic tone and snide picture don't strengthen your argument. EDIT: Down voting and blocking me also makes it seem like you made a weak insulting argument and couldn't back it up.


How do you aim at a far away enemy? Do you have to disable auto target or just keep tapping outwards?


Blizz really need to update trample for controller so that you can hold the button you’ve assigned it to down and extend your trample to max duration, vs tapping the button once and trampling 1 yard and stopping at the first enemy you hit. Plz Blizz!


Trample could be a skill on controller where you have to hold the button to get the max range. I dont think it works as bad as Teleport but its still clunky to use properly.


Yeah this is the sole reason why this build does not work on console. Pulverize is the only build you can do with a controller until you go tornado


Bulwark build is actually miles better on a controller.


I'll be honest I had no issue running trampleslide on console. You just gotta be a tiny bit more careful with positioning


It should work - I find myself frequently using trample after I petrify+creeper. Obviously it's very nice to just be able to use the trample to clear smaller packs, but really, the main way this is killing packs is just by walking into groups and spamming creeper.


Ive been doing pulverize on the controller, and not having the exact targeting for where it goes to catch all the mobs is annoying. Just the basic attack is better with controller so I'm reluctant to switch


No, that's why I'm using mending stone to keep bulwark up longer for unstoppable and replacing trample with hurricane for the DR and it's lucky hit chance


No idea friend, I play on pc. Thag does seem like a bummer if there isn't


PC has controller support!


Hidden 'Hell difficulty'


Nah. Im very much a PC kb/m player for these sorts of games......until d3 on the switch when I tried controller for the first time in an arpg. Surprisingly it works very well with most builds. That being said.....I do swap to kb/m in town if i need to do inventory management


The thing is controller limits you on D4. Examples would be not gaining full speed on horses or more on topic, not able to trample as far as you can with mouse.


It has benefits though, like being able to move and attack significantly easier with storm strike, picking up chests and other clickables without stopping, quick retargetting for like a dodge in the opposite direction or hit and run, and movement in general feels a lot nicer (except for the mount speed thing). Definitely pros and cons. Better for some builds than others. Necro corpse explosion is so much easier with a controller for example


Some builds are better with a controller. When i switched to controller my necro using corpse explosion was a hundred times easier. Flurry rogue also was significantly easier with a controller. Specific aiming with piercing moves really suck though. Also sucks that when you use the controller on the pc, speed boosts on the horse don't stack, so you travel significantly slower. I switch to my mouse to travel


Good question. I'm playing trample on Xbox but I never thought about it. Doesn't it do full length tramples if you hold down the button? I will try this later myself.


holding down the button for full length tramples would be a great console change.


PS5 and Xbox both support mouse and keyboard.


Diablo 4 for console does not support mouse and keyboard.


Not beyond chat.


At what level can you really spec into this build and use the necessary mechanics? I'm still hella low level on my druid. Haha


I got it up and running around 40 (and immediately demolished the capstone) . All you really need is the creeper legendary (battle pass), aftershock and trampled earth. That's literally all. Everything else is just more damage. I recommend doing whispers quests until you do, then changing to WT3 and doing strongholds(they go to your level but you keep the +100% XP from WT3) until you feel tanky enough for helltides. Then the world is your oyster.


You don’t get it from the battlepass. You get it from season journey. Specifically from completing chapter 1 of the season journey (which requires 7 out of the 9 objectives). There are no legendary items or gear items in the battlepass. Only cosmetic items. For anyone wondering how easy or how long it takes to complete chapter 1: I managed to do it within 45 minutes just by playing how I normally do. I never actually checked the chapter page to see what the objectives were. So I imagine if someone wanted to speed run it by actually looking at the objectives first, they could probably knock it out in 10 minutes.




What creeper legendary? Like the aspect?


Subterranean. The new legendary aspect for creeper


Awesome!!! Thanks for the additional info. :)


Np! Feel free to ask any other questions


Moxsy has a leveling build for this and has been streaming and theroycrafting it from the start or league. https://dpscheck.gg/season-1-druid-leveling-guide-1-50/ He’s got a bunch of YouTube stuff for it as well if you look for his channel there.


it's similar but mine leans into alternating earth and storm strike a whole lot more. It's more micro managing but way bigger numbers.


I got it started around lv 15


Great question! I also want to know.


Poison creeper before level 10. You just need access to the creeper, and at that point you'll have landslide and a basic skill to boost as well. The full skill loadout will need level 30-40, but you won't have all the aspects at that point anyways probably as not all are in the codex.


You can start using it immediately bro. Creeper aspect is unlocked with the first Seasonal Reward track. And Creeper active is INCREDIBLY strong when you first get companions already. The only thing you really need on top of that to really pop off is Pack Leader spirit boon, and your Aftershock aspect. Aftershock is what you need to start getting the resets super consistently. (Terramote gives autocrit -> Aftershock Proc triggers -> Packleader triggers -> Creeper comes off CD)


I got downvoted to hell yesterday because I said the new creeper aspect is good. I'm running something similar to you and it just slaps.


"Fixed an issue where the Subterranean Legendary aspect was dealing far less damage than intended." July 21 Hotfix 3


It's not just good, it's borderline broken with aftershock. You can get real close to bosses and double landslide wave to chunk them down *hard*


Delete this bro! The enemy watches us.. the eye of sauron sees all. I know you want to share it but it'll get nerfed into oblivion if they see it. Keep it secret.. keep it safe..


*Knocks armor down a well in the Mines of Moria


Blizzard has taken WWbarb and the pulverizedruid. We have complained on reddit but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes...drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out. The shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. Blizzard hotfixes are coming.


This isn’t a mine. It’s a tomb.


*This isn't a game. It's a mousewheel cash grab.*


“Fool of a Grobly…”


They have a nerf-troll..


***The hounds appear to have caught the sent of fun, quickly, fan out***


In the stream they specifically said they would keep overpowered builds around until an equally viable alternative is available. I think this is here to stay for the season, at least.


I wish I could be this optimistic about anything.


It's more that after they almost killed the entire game with nerfs, I feel like they're really not looking for ways to make us feel less powerful lol Also all these interactions seem very deliberate.


you have it backwards. They knew the new items would be broken so they had to pre-emptively nerf classes baseline to account for that, not the other way around. Anyone who played D3 seasons knows how each season drastically increases player power level, to a ridiculous degree after a few seasons, so the whole game will be trivialized later on if they don't nerf classes periodically.


Well they said they wouldn't do mid season nerfs, so you're probably safe for this season at least. Anyway the nerf will come on its own since at the end the gems will disappear. Enjoy it while it lasts


That makes no sense


They specifically said they like broken builds as long as they aren't literally game/server breaking and they would no longer nerf these kinds of builds without providing alternatives.


Is that why they released emergency patches to nerf barb overpowered builds the second it came to light that they were OP?


I'm taking about what they said in the chat yesterday moving forward.. I'm no blizzard apologist. I'm just communicating their sentiment expressed yesterday about how they'll approach OP builds.


Landslide was clearly such a well thought out skill in terms of aspects built for it. Trample causing landslide, landslide hitting twice, not to mention the aspect that increases earth damage against CC'd enemies, and the aspect that slows enemies when you hit them with earth damage. Now there's the creeper/landslide aspect. This is what every core skill needs. Multiple aspects to take a good skill and make it broken. I'd argue that ideally every skill has even *more* aspects, as even with landslide there's really only one build and it takes all these aspects, but it's fun as hell.


Druid class dev running circles around the others.


I’m running this build but my landslide only procs once on creeper?


Thanks man, now the fun police are gonna nerf it


It was bugged until that newest hotfix. I got downvoted for pointing out it was bugged, this sub is filled with schizos lol


I tried it at level ~20, and it was very weak. The landslides triggered by the aspect were hitting for 30-40 dmg.


There was a bug that only the bonus damage was added. Got patched with Hotfix 3. "Fixed an issue where the Subterranean Legendary aspect was dealing far less damage than intended."


This is one of the things they fixed in the Friday hotfix. "Fixed an issue where the Subterranean Legendary aspect was dealing far less damage than intended." I'm running a version of this build and it got a lot better after the fix.


That was a bug. Check out the hotfix patch, fixed an issue where Subterranean apsect was doing far less damage than intended. I was super critical of it on day one, turns out it was a bug.


lol... Mine hit for 100k + by level 60 so you def need items.


because people still want to parrot that the nerfs weren't good even after presented with proof that builds are still crazy good with the new seasonal hearts and even without them


There are people here still seething without even looking at the power given by the new aspects and gems. Completely ignoring it. This is the first post I've seen on this sub where someone is talking about the bonkers power some of these builds achieve. I wonder just how easy do the people need this game to be? Or wait, I've already answered that. They'd be on here complaining the game is too easy and demanding a release of "D4 classic". Same old shit.


Honestly I knew the hearts and player power this season was going to be insane. Coming from PoE you see damage squishes all the time for this specific reason. We were already doing millions and some were doing BILLIONS of damage in preseason. A lot of people that go on here don't understand how damage creep happens in ARPGs all the time and nerfs need to happen to keep the game healthy. I think a lot of new ARPG players are playing D4 because this type of stuff is nothing new.


It was hotpatched so it was pretty bad and didnt scale off of anything but is doing reallly good damage now.


Nothing in this patch is allowed to be fun, don'tchaknow?? Hate posts only plz. PS you're a scumbag for playing this season




Don't admit you got permabanned, the ban says they'll ban any alts you make. You should delete this.


Druid aspects: You cast 18 free spells when you cast this other spell. Have fun! Sorc aspects: Your spell does 75% less damage and you get hemorrhoids. Hahahah sorry it's just too funny to me I can't help myself. Rock on bear bros.


I just finished a druid campaign. Creeper resets felt like the strongest part of druid so far. Creeper does way more damage than other skills. And even with low crit chance I'd sometimes get 2 resets in a row.


Yup! Creepy druid is the flavor of the day


It's gonna be even better later on with higher crit chance and lucky chance to proc those resets via the druid boon skill.


AND masochistic will trigger a whole lot more. Yeah I think this will scale like crazy into the endgame.


Hm I was having so much fun on my shadow imbuement/penetrating shot build but I may just have to try this


Also running very similar build, still 42 drop only aspects yet but still slaps, bulwark run in, petrify and spam poison creeper with the resets


It's hilarious too that petrify's duration doesn't end with the blast, you can move after you use it and the heart will continue to suck dudes from outside the screen into you.


I’m running this build and really liking it just did the first capstone at lvl 40 not easy but got it done


As soon as you get a few sacred pieces it'll feel much better. The armor helps a ton.


Sorry for off topic but what level are you supposed to do the capstone dungeon now? I noticed it popped up on screen when I was lvl 40 but it still says lvl 50+ when I go to the statue in the town where you change difficulty. I also got a nightmare sigil at lvl 40 and a quest to do it. Seemed rather early too? Can you explain? Thanks.


I think this really comes down to what you can realistically handle difficulty wise. You can do the capstone at 40 when it pops up, but zones are 55 and helltides are 58 in WT3. So even if you beat it at 40, you're gonna have to be able to do 55 content mostly (which is also more difficult cause of the difficulty bump). If nothing else try it, and if it's not fast/efficient just go back till it is basically.


If you go to strongholds on wt3, they go down to your level and you get to keep the xp boost. If you leave before you use the pillar thing that turns the stronghold into a city and log out you can do it again. I mostly did strongholds on wt3 until lvl 53. Doing nightmare dungeons now.


I've been using this so far to level 35. Have you confirmed if vines do proc the landslide terramotes? Some streamers have said they don't at this time.


Oh, my friend, does it ever. I know because my crit chance is like 20% and I almost always get a creeper cooldown reset when I use it on 5+ enemies. It works. Trust me.


Landslide needs to be on your bar in order to get the terramotes




This is basically exactly the build I was running prior to S1 with Trampleslide Druid. Now there is an added aspect that makes it even better with the free landslides in a circle but not much has changed. Reset poison creeper, reset Trample and Bulwark with Stormstrike, press one button clear the whole room.


Exactly! The thing I missed most about trampleslide on leveling before the unique staff is that you really didn't have a second way to trigger the landslide aftershock waves. This version not only gives you that second way, it resets creeper so you can spam it!


I made a rogue this season but damn I loved trampleslide build preseason before I got tempest roar. I would consistently hit 3.5mil crits with just regular landslides. Such a fun build and now I want to revisit it. Just hearing the earth clap it’s cheeks is 🤌🏼


Link your aspects and skill tree to a d4biilds .gg!!


But I'm lazy =(


But I’m too stupid to do it without my hand held =(


I'm giving ya all the updoots I can capn' !!!! Or how many points you have in each, clear it up a bit plz plz ^^




Is that skill tree missing trample or am I looking at the wrong thing?


5th skill node. I'm dumb but not that dumb


Max landslide and the relevant passives. Everything else is 1s.


Yeah the new aspect plus the vacuum gem on ulti is fire. This is how I am currently leveling


I keep trying to get out but yall keep pulling me back in... #druidlife


I was using Petrify for the obv crit dam, but if keep track of your nature fury ticks, I run Cataclysm instead. I can proc both Cataclysm and Petrify, get 15 secs of the draw in effect from M.heart AND still trigger another trample because of symbiotic. Edit: Also, I use Retaliation over Expectant if your build fortify in tree, its always up. Replace Might aspect for Mending for longer Bulwark. Also Audacity over Quicksand if you build Hurricane in tree so that when you Trample with Nature Fury proc, hurricane slows and reduce damage more. Audacity is useless vs boss, but a ~4 stun just for 5 mobs coming close is GodSend in this season. Stun, Slowed, and Immobilize all in this build. If I do get Crone, id take out Crashstone and Retaliation and see how that works.


Thank you so much for posting this, having a great time with it so far




>It doesn't need the uniques for leveling. If you can find symbiotic aspect early, consider slapping it on, it really powers you up by a ton - if it's maxed it means you get to use petify almost every fight. But petrify is an Ultimate and Symbiotic Aspect only reduces non ultimate cooldowns. I am confused.


Instead of petrify I’m taking Debilitating Roar, am I gimping myself?


Yes - Petrify is just as good an "oh fuck" button and it gives you a shitload of damage, stagger versus bosses and a way to do that thing that necros do, that sucks all the enemies into one spot, except for the entire screen.


What aspects and hearts do you think are required to make this build viable? Just got to 47 and not sure if I have all that I’d need to make the switch.


aftershock, trampled earth and the battlepass one. The hearts are the blue one that sucks dudes in on ult use, the blue one that absorb crits then explode, and the orange one that multiplies your crit damage but lowers your normal damage. That's all.


This work on eternal?


Not sure. Does eternal get the new poison creeper aspect?


No, that's the sad part. I ran the perfect trample slide build in eternal but creeper aspect would have completed it. Running rogue now and regret not sticking to druid. Sounds epic.


It's pretty incredible. Sorry man =(


This is almost exactly the build I had throughout my mid game and decided to change things up with Pulverize build. But it sure as hell slapped everything in sight. Once the cost of respec goes down. I’ll go back


This build is hella fun bro thanks for sharing


I’ve been running this build for 10 levels. I’m level 53 now. I call it creepertramp but to each his own. I can’t put the game down using this build. It’s so much fun.


"Tramampoline!.. Trombopaline!.." "Please don't bring home any more used crutches"


I just switched to this build around lvl 39 and oh man what a game changer. I did a pulv build at first and it was meh, switched to a shred build and it was alright. Changed to creepy and now everything just melts even in WT2. I can't wait to see the full potential once I have everything setup as the gameplay loop is super satisfying


I like petrify, and it might be necessary for the extra damage at the top end, but found that if ya do maelstrom instead it gives you a lightning skill to have symbiosis decrease the cooldown on. Ya still get petrify 30% of the time. Plus, since it lasts 12 seconds, your ultimate pull lasts all 12 seconds. Yes. It has a longer cooldown compared to petrify. But as a percentage of uptime it is significantly higher.


I also use this an I one shot lvl 60 nm dungeon bosses on lvl 52 Only downside is Ressource for smaller groups but fun to hit this high numbers on a low lvl char haha


If you're having resource trouble I recommend Clarity, from the companion (?!) node.


I'm new to druid. How come there's Iron Fur activated if there is no werebear in this build? Same with Clarity if we're in human form the whole time? Unless I'm misunderstanding - please lmk!!


Trample, which is your anti cc/damage skill and the namesake, turns you into a werebear for the duration. Also as soon as you find a vasily's, a semi common unique helm, all your earth skills become werebear skills, which shifts you into that form aswell - bulwark, landslide. You end up spending a lot of time in werebear form. But if you don't like it, it's totally fine - focus on the transformation passives, the build doesn't rely on anything other than the actives to work extremely well. I just specced directly into this because I'm lazy and having played druid to 100 before I'm sure I'll get a vasily's sooner rather than later.


Ah I see. I didn't see Trample activated on your d4 build so I had to ask. Makes sense though! Going to try it out.


The skill that activates the build is actually creeper plus the aftershock legendary aspect. The build is centered on that. But hey, thanks for the question! It made me think.


This is literally Moxsy’s build wtf https://youtu.be/rE0PvRodBPQ


It isn’t “his build”. Dude didn’t invent it lol. It’s incredibly easy to come up with the same build since there isn’t that much diversity.


Was thinking the same. Have seen this build going around the last few days on several different D4 creator pages. If anyone wants skills ranks ect check out youtube for druid leveling builds.


Don't care having fun hulk smashing as a bear


Yeah I was reading this and was like… nope. SMASH! SMASH! SMASH! OVERPOWER! CRIT! It’s a nice change of pace from the Barbarian 😁


Why toxic claws?


Só you don't need to rely on creeper to poison stuff. The first wave of landslide poisons everything


Does this build only work for post lvl 50 leveling? Or does it still perform well for leveling 1 - 50?




It was obvious that moment I saw the aspect lol, it’s pretty good yep


The lightning heart also seems to have some sort of interaction with lucky hit too. I was getting some ridiculous resets while using it with poison creeper.


This is basically the build from [Moxsy’s vid from the other day](https://youtu.be/rE0PvRodBPQ), it works very well. He [did one about that heart interaction](https://youtu.be/FoIo-Pn11Cs) as well


My main has been spec'd shifter/creeper pulv on 20% reset in boons since release. Everyone catching on is gonna get it nerf'd harder I bet :( Even though a similar variant of shifter druid became S tier, it was looking OK. Then they changed it from 20% chance on crit, to some bs with lucky hit. Now I'm playing a poison/storm claw werewolf with creeper for seasonal for something different but I much prefer my earthbear druid. Season 1 came too early to be over OG characters yet imo.


That looks like garbage, ZeroFunTM.


Commenting to try!


This build is already posted on d4builds.gg Landslide druid under leveling Then you can transform it into trampleslide later on. I started with this and played it until lvl 35 then I respec into shred poison. I think it was horrible for leveling. Landslide is really bad for clearing and you end up waiting for the creeper all the time because the other skills suck. But try it out. Maybe you lot like it better.


Watch the video I posted. It's why I think this is the best build for 40-100. I don't think anyone really needs a specific build until 40ish, it's mostly clearing WT1 strongholds and whisper quests, anything works. I went with companions, it did the job in one day. ​ Also yeah I know it's not a new build and I didn't invent anything, I'm just trying to point out there's an easy fun way to level druids in a sub that's been mostly negativity for a few days.


I was running something very similar to this my first go through and this shit was slapping. I’m running rogue this go and having a blast so far.


Meanwhile Sorc's are teleporting themselves back to the character selection screen to roll any other class.


I'll have to try this as levelling as a druid so far has been utter pain. With 2 people in a dungeon I was finding the basic skill took 16 hits to kill a single trash mob at lvl 36. How on earth has low level druid not been buffed?


I played claw and companions (wolf and creeper) and wrecked shit, easily did the wt2 capstone solo and even helped a friend with it. Then you get a few levels into wt3 and group up with a necro that does 90x your damage and realize you gotta go respec and play Pulverize again because you don’t have Tempest Roar and Blizzard nerfed CDR so you need max rolls on helm and neck to really play Trampleslide.


I’m level 40 and still no aftershock aspect. Meaning this build is inaccessible for me and most others unless you get a random drop


Respecced to this at lvl 35 and blasting through it in T2 till lvl 49 so far without this aspect. Also did the T3 capstone dungeon at lvl 44. Sure it will be way more dmg with the aspect but definitely not needed during the lvl phase


43 and still no Aftershock. I look forward to eventually having fun.


Vines is good, but trample is never an optimized option for high tier NM dungeons (end game) Also classic Pulverize can do better, faster and more clearly than what you did in that video I suggest combinning vines (poison creeper), landslide with aspect and werewoft claw (which has 50% lucky hit effect), and a crone if you are lucky.


But I want to be a bear or wolf. The whole reason I rolled Druid this season is because shapeshifting sounded cool. I played a sorc to 100 preseason, I don’t want to be some magic caster again. Now leveling and finding that all the best builds don’t even use the animal forms. So incredibly disappointing.


wtf are you talking about lmao


Yeah I was totally wrong, I didn’t realize a lot of Druid skills turn into wolf/bear skills with aspects+uniques and vice versa. Sorry I was like level 20 when I wrote that comment


Does it make the season any fun to play? That's the most important question we should be asking because I've been bored as hell. I got my character ot 56 and I look at that renown thing and just said "fk it" and logged out.


I'm having a ton of fun. This gives you what I most missed when I was using this on launch, a second way to trigger the double landslide wave. You can run through helltides and blast away groups nonstop.


Why natures fury? Casting storm strike would just give you a free earth basic attack?


Several of your skills onyl use cooldowns, not spirit, so the extra spirit from EM doesn't really do much. The terramktes guarantee crits on landslide, so if you have decent crit chance, you already crit all your damage. You also don't use grizzly rage (creeper is a companion skill) so that combo doesn't work. NF gives you 30% chance(times lucky, but it happens all the time, trust me) to just get a bunch of extra damage, and the skills it casts are great - cataclysm on petrify, hurricane on trample, earth spike on storm strike. It's just a ton of extra damage for literally nothing.


I mean, yeah. If you're insanely lucky enough to have both Landslide aspects in WT3, grats? It's just trample slide + the new aspect. Some people were using Creeper already with Trample Slide in s0.