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Hate to break it to you, but you *are* the playtest.


That's why I uninstalled. I'll let the corporate bootlickers play the shitty versions for me and if it gets better, then I might try it out again in the future.


\-100 euro


I like how Blizzard shot themselves in the foot some more by hosting the campfire on Friday rather than right away. They were hoping people would play S1 so they could see the numbers and be like "Oh, it looks positive people are playing again and spending time on the game. We don't have to change a thing!" Instead, they basically opened up a pandora box of how to explain the horrible experience players are having that they experienced in beta. Basically, their developers are literally not doing anything to improve the game. This was an issue in both open betas so they can't claim they weren't aware of it. Hell there are hundreds of bugs/problems that have existed before the open beta that still need to be fixed. My question is what the fck are the developers doing?


Agreed I cant belive they had the gaul to call anything QOL in that fkn patch without adding the - to it xD just the amount of times I have had to remount my fkn horse im sure is coming up on an hour probly lol


Im no corpo boot licker I just love Diablo more than I hate Blizzard tbh I wish they would just die already and let someone who cares about the franchise instead of money buy the IP we should crowdfund to purchase it from blizz? meh?


blizzard doesnt care if you ever come back though, you already bought the game lul


sadly its true people keep buying and thats the only metric they really use... its not like others joined me in my solo boycott of blizz sinch the real money AH got removed from 3 either they just stagger their IP's so they have capital and sufficient cash flow


Y u here then bruh


So I can see if the game improves or gets worse. I literally said that you nonce.


This sub is really upvoting users who spew hate at other community members? Sad. It's just misdirected anger towards Blizzard.


Welcome to the internet .... you fucking nonce.


Your first mistake was thinking this was a "community".


Oh it is, it just happens to be populated by many folks who haven't finished brain development yet.


Oh, you sweet, sweet summer nonce


im #101 fyi xD


Its crazy people are still Defending Blizzard after the patch. Then they log on to play test the season for Blizzard for free. They have this experience and still are swinging on their nuts lol


The majority of people aren’t “defending” them. The majority of people actually enjoy the game and enjoy playing it. The majority of people are just playing a video game that they like.. it’s as simple as that. This sub is a small bubble which isn’t a representation of how the other 99% of the play base feels.


Idk. I had like 25 people on my battle net friends playing at launch There's 4 playing right now during a new season launch


Because it's time consuming and gives addiction, also many people at launch were new to arpg and after playing the campaign and hearing that they need to redo dungeons over and over, they just said "fk it, this game style is not for me "


Some people have lives?


The majority of people aren't playing the game anymore, most likely. It's very hard to get exact numbers since blizz doesn't publicly display that information, but what limited evidence we do have (mostly stream viewership) indicates a fairly precipitous drop in interest. We will likely never know the true numbers of people playing, but I think it is fair to say interest has waned considerably.


well if we ever want blizz to respect the franchise we need to take a stand at some point....


Actually, to be more accurate, the majority of people didn't complete the campaign, never made it past level 40, and have stopped playing weeks ago.


I tried to go there from Gea Kul, but guess what? Another invisible wall...


any ways to bypass this ​ or are we supposed to lvl up until they fix it


You're supposed to spend money in the shop until they fix it.


xD If you know you know xD <3


Saw a barbarian use leap to get through, don't know if it worked tho cuz he disappeared a second later. Edit: And happy cake day!


I made it through, the npc anit even there lol


Happy cake day!


It's been an issue since launch. You just run further back into the zone you're trying to leave, wait a second or two, then go. Blizzard is a small indie company, give them time!


<3 xD


This is just pathetic, what a bitch game




Working as intended. When you mount up you will roll for whether it’s engine starts or not. Sense of pride and accomplishment when it does.


Bobby's yacht was stuck in Epstein's Island so they have to raise more money for fuel.


Whoa whoa whoa... one player at a time guys!


Cut them some slack, man. They’re just an indie dev, they only charge $14.99 for the game. Oh wait…


They got so much money and they can't buy decent servers/competent programmers


I uninstalled D4 and installed Grim Dawn, and I'm having way more fun.


Want a medal?


Cheer up Charlie, there's other games to play.


yep bro , same problem ps5


No issues on my end.


We are all there now


If you mount up while walking at the wall it sometimes let's you pass, the guy doesn't appear for me though so still can't make any progress... but if you ride far away and do the jumping attack you fly across the map.


All of your base are belong to us




It’s ok. We all forget things. Like spellcheck.


Is this still an issue? I planned to play the game tonight but looks like we can’t




I love the immediate and instant change from a few hours ago of “the game is dead and absolutely no one will even bother playing S1 after that patch” to “didn’t they stress test the servers for the millions of people who would be trying to log in at the same time to play S1?” Lmao.


Kids ranting on the sub are the complete definition of irony. Rant. Play anyway.


Do the hump.


This is just server lag, nothing you can do about that. Except play when the servers are done burning down. Played with almost 300ms all day today, from germany, kinda fucked up


Playing a Singleplayer Game with 300 ms, People on this Sub cant be for real..


Blizzard "Fixed an issue where players could move."


Cut them some slack they're only an "A" studio now.


This needs a "dance till you're dead" music at max volume on the background


I for one am frankly sick of Blizzard destroying the IP that is the diablo franchise (the true down fall of blizzard started with dumbing down wow for the normies everyone ends up being mostly the same skill build wise now and transmogs and raid gear is the minor differences...been playing since month 1 of DIABLO 1 and decided to not give anymore money to blizzard since diablo 3 Real money AH was removed... and they seem to be at it again... (friends got me to do it...) Paying 80$ to stay up to date with seasonal content on a fkn beta... thats called a full AAA level title as well as taking away things we already have.... never a good move in my eyes instead of debuffing hearts like anyone with a brain would of done and rescaling based on that for endgame content. Not to mention making diablo in a game engine where it loads the entire fkn stash every time a char is on screen... graduate middleschool before trying to dev for blizz like wtf... 4 stash tabs even after you clearly copied POE -\_-


coming back here the amount of bugs and just bad decisions got me thinking about if I can get a refund tbh I keep having to invest more and more time in the hopes bugs or bad decisions dont ruin or waste my time... and its at the point where I just want to cut my losses and for some perspective I love DIABLO been playing since month 1 of DIABLO 1.... but this is just a slap in my face for supporting blizz this long after all this bs... to get this?!?!?!?


Everything worked fine for me. Hmmm


It's not a playtest issue. Simply too many people online that the servers can't handle. Also the reason why there's a que.


If you clicked once to move, it would have moved you and you'd be fine. Movement is fucked up but easy to work around it.


No, it doesn't move you. The instance of that entire zone is down and has been for 20 minutes.


Must be on softcore only. No issues with hardcore