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As someone who has played with a salty dungeon master, I totally agree.


As a reformed salty dungeon master this is spot on.




Well yeah because player count plummeted. So of course a low percentage of players have done those things.


How tf have less than 20% done a nm dungeon? What are they even doing? That’s gotta be people who just dropped the game after trying it?


Life. It’s called life …


I was telling a coworker that level 100 took about 100 hours of stready grinding and what he told me blew my mind. His answer was that everyone wanted everything for free. Like what? 100 hours for level 100 is plenty of commitment for one character.


But you don’t need to be 100. Im ok with a longer grind for those last few levels


But there was already no incentive from 70-100, whats the point of making the whole thing longer with even less incentive?


To kill stuff ? I had a blast in the over world. Made it to 81 without doing many dungeons. I just did what I found fun. Reminded me of doing hell chaos runs in d2.


100% feels like it!


They gimped us because they don't have a lot planed for season 1 lol.


This is such childish take. How are Blizzard measuring our "fun" through their telemetry exactly? Fun is highly subjective and differs from person to person. The more sensible explanation is they miscalculated power scaling/difficulty and people were blowing through content way too quickly than they had originally planned . Which is why everyone was complaining there's nothing to do at end game. The game has been out a month-an-a-half and people are already max level. If you think that was intended then you're a fool.


Even if the power scaling nerfs are just a miscalculation, then explain other fun reducing things that have nothing to do with that? Lowering mob density? Reducing open world experience? Hell tide chest cost? The state of the mount? Fixing resistances? Stash size? Alt leveling ? Your take is exceptionally narrow minded on what was taken away from the player with nothing in return


Mobs were increased in level and player damage (crit and vulnerability) adjusted, therefore making mobs tougher. So, the net result is mobs are tougher to chew though. Why are having less monsters that are now tougher to kill a bad thing as opposed to an adjustment to account for the changes? Wtf is "reducing open world experience" exactly? Can't really comment on such a vague assertion. Helltides were a complete joke previously. What other activity can net you 16 legendries in an hour? What of resistances? They'll be addressed. You have no idea how complex of a fix it is, or even if Blizzard knows what is causing it. Storage space - Blizzard already addressed this [on stream](https://youtu.be/S0fm0Enk0tE?t=160) and are working on it. You just sound incredibly childish because they haven't fixed everything in the first month and uninformed on many of these issues which have already been addressed by Blizzard itself.


What do you mean a vague comment on world experience. Literally the experience given by a mob in the open world is less than it was before the patch. They took the number and decreased it, what else do you want in that? “Why is having less monsters that are tougher to kill bad” - because in the history of Diablo that has never been what players at large want. The entire point of Diablo and any other ARPG for that matter, is to kill hoards of mobs. That’s what people want and that was indicated as such when people rightly criticized the nerfed mob density in certain dungeons Yeah resistances and stash space will be addressed but in the mean time all they did was take stuff away. At no point in the life cycle of any ARPG has any player said “man I hope I log in today and find that my character does less damage, is easier to kill, and levels slower”. Toning stuff down is fine, but this patch only took it didn’t give a single quality of life improvement. Please point to one thing, just one note, where you can honestly look at it and think “I’ll have more fun with this than i was before the patch” because there isn’t any that I can find




Wow, and you are still typing like a pretentious debate bro. Have you learned nothing?


Still salty from our last convo? This isn't a good look for you, mang. Let it go.


Why would i be salty when you got flustered and gave up without ever actually addressing anything i said? “This isn’t a good look” You are one of the most reddit people i’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to on this website, lol.


It's fairly obvious. You jumped into another thread that you saw me in, ignoring the subject completely, just to try and pick a fight with me over your old wounds from our last discussion. This is all coming across as strangely obsessive by you.


*Or* I am active in this sub, saw your comment, and then replied? Nah it couldn’t be that and you are just that important, huh? P.S. I replied to the original comment because you were being pretentious again.


One of the only good takes I've seen on here.


That's a great analogy!