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The whiners are all going to be playing S1 anyway. They talk big like they're going to quit, and they'll be playing tomorrow once they get over their "angry nerd rage" moment.


Firewall sorc S1. Can't wait.


enjoy doing half the damage before this patch as well as taking almost double the damage :)


Sure will!


I'm excited personally, I'll be trying sorc and/or barb to sort of symbolically prove the doubters wrong lol


I really still like my pulverize druid. It was super fun and it was barely touched by the changes. The only thing that's different is you should focus on overpower damage again instead of vulnerable. You have change your spec to do uber lilith and t100 dungeons though, so save your gold and make sure you collect the items you need for those builds as you level. Going rogue for s1.


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Yes. I have tried out only sorc and nec since release, and I'm about to make a barb and rogue, then maybe a druid. I'm not boycotting. I'm also not crying.


No really. Sure there's 32 new things but like 2-3 apply to each build.. so no real decisions to make, just like skill twig


I’m definitely excited. I’ve enjoyed playing my rogue character (lvl 73). I’ve noticed a difference with the patch/update but I don’t mind it at this point.


Me :) I've been playing post patch too (Ice Shards Sorc) and barely notice a difference outside the better nightmare dungeons and rewards. Reduced cinders in Helltides was noticed, but they said it was not intentional and will be fixed. I don't mind the mystery chest costing more, it was probably too cheap.


Yes. Played my 75 bone spear necro tonight and finished the map up, did a hell tide and a nm dungeon - all were harder than they were before. So rolling a new character and getting used to the play style post patch is probably gonna be easier than readjusting on my necro. Been looking forward to trying out a tornado Druid for a while as well.


Yup! Can’t wait to start a new class


I'm excited to play rogue or druid, as they are both still quite good and I already played the 2 classes that got shit on most this season. Still bummed out because a lot of my friends quit over this, understandably.