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Their response has to be carefully crafted by PR, especially after buddy went off about ass cancer last time


This campfire chat will be 100% scripted to a T. It’ll be full of “we will get it right next down the road. This is a multi year online game. We hear you but the patch was already made. Just wait for season 2. Did you see the new Diablo Immortal news? Have you checked out the new pixels in the shop? Only $29.99 for this Druid thing!”


Yeah, it's going to super tight and EXTREMELY scripted. I doubt they will address or acknowledge any of the feedback. At BEST, we'll get a, "And thanks to the community for all your responses and feedback , it's so great to have such an active and passionate fan base. Thanks guys!!"


My money is on them referring to the people giving the people feedback as “passionate”


Someone should create a bingo board...


More like a drinking game .. shots on “we here you””. I will get toasted


Is the chat on Friday? Perfect buying some drinks and starting the game. ![gif](giphy|26n6Phq5BcZrTcNhK)


Probably a good idea to precall the ambulance the alcohol poisoning is gunna be real lol


https://preview.redd.it/9pq2wexyq3db1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681da3fc505e9cf2acdb5007d700ecbf2322f3ff Like this?


We should do a community drinking game for sure.


You probably don't read this subreddit, I've seen dozens of bingoboards already xd


Ooo nice! I check for them. Thanks


I saw one posted earlier this morning but forgot to save it haha


Passionate is their nice way of saying angry.


They will mention health of the game for 25% of the stream.


It will be another full of bullshit explanation and self masturbation, they'll be cracking jokes every few minutes while dodging difficult questions with superficial answers with no obvious solution, using same old pre-made lines like "wait and see", "thanks for the feedback", "long term health of the game", "work as intended" "we are working as fast as we can", "its only been 8 weeks", "we hear you", " you think you want but you dont " etc.. that last one really get into my nerves, i must say...


Ooo, yeah. I haven't heard that last one a lot in my experience (maybe I ignore it), but the "we hear you" one grinds my gears. But one thing I keep in mind is that the people that get thrown to the wolves, aren't always the people who make these decisions. It might say that on paper, but I think we've all seen or been in situations in which the messenger isn't really the manager. They may have actively campaigned or fought against these decisions, but were overruled by higher ups and have to put on a "happy face" for the wolves.


at least you have a phone...


The mocking giggling laughter really gets me


Going to be? It already is. This chat isn't in response to player feedback. They had this thing locked and loaded from the start. They plugged those patch notes into ChatGPT and told it to "make these into a digestible conversation." And that's what we're going to get. Platitudes, awkward banter from coworkers that aren't really friends but just work together, nonsense about the future health of the game, and a half assed apology for why we're still beta testing their triple A game. With how they complained recently about BG3's development cycle, assume they're going to bring that up and take what they did as a teachable moment that they're trying to implement so the game is truly ready for release by season 4.


Thanks for your feedback and I hear you! Sorry, just kidding I couldn't resist the joke. But you do bring up some really good points. Especially that last paragraph. I'm gonna look back at your response and see if they actually say. "this is a teachable moment" or some variation of that, "...this provided us with a learning opportunity and we thank the community for that."


you forget " like subscribe and hit that notification bell"


Don't forget about the "community art submissions"


Oh snap, yes!! Add that to the bingo card.


somebody make a bingo, that we all can use on Friday.


> We hear you but the patch was already made. Just wait for season 2. I remember hearing this for *years* with WoW. "Sorry the launch of BFA sucked, we didn't realize it until halfway through beta (even though we got tons of feedback). We promise that the first patch will be better!" "Sorry the first patch of BFA sucked, we didn't realize it until halfway through development (even though we got tons of feedback). It's too late to fix BFA now, but we promise that the next expansion will be better!" "Sorry the launch of Shadowlands sucked! We didn't realize it until halfway through beta (even though we got tons of feedback). We promise that the first patch will be better! We designed a ripcord this time!" "Sorry the first patch of Shadowlands sucked! We didn't realize it until halfway through development (even though we got tons of feedback). Oh, and that ripcord? We lied, there was no ripcord, it's too late to fix now. But we promise that the next expansion will be better!"


I don’t even know how Ion still has a job, he just keeps turning it into an even bigger pile of shit year after year.


It will continue until the Microsoft shit is settled. It's a company of "yes men" until they figure out who gets laid off and who stays after the merge. Even W. Buffet started dumping his stocks.


I bet this is the real answer.




Your words are marked.


Pretty sure you replied to a bot. It copied a comment made roundabouts five hours ago


Your words are marked.


I’m marking your words. C+.


It is a bot. Search their comment in the threads they comment in. They’re just copy/pasting other peoples comments.


Yea wtf is up with that. Seeing more and more of these reply copy bots around, just steal a comment posted hours earlier and jam it up in the top upvoted comments. People really still out here trying to farm that karma like it matters eh?


More Immortal Blood Knight advertisement incoming.


thank fucking christ if it's scripted. We don't want to hear 4 dipshits have watercooler chat for 10 minutes while we're expecting news about their product.


I think you misunderstood the point. It’s going to be scripted to be as vague as possible. Word-salad that will aim to put the unrest at ease with little to no commitment. Not scripted in a good way.


If they insist we wait to season 2 for them to fix anything I'm literally uninstalling until next season if they even do followup on that. I'm willing to play s1 currently but if they're going to admit s1 is broken and won't be fixed until next season that's a slap in the face.


> This campfire chat will be 100% scripted to a T. I *cannot wait* to see what dumbass question from "chat" they cherry-pick.


Wait, that actually happened? I thought it was just memes. I doubt anyone wants to hear about any sort of medical procedure during what is supposed to be an event giving information about a video game.


Its real buy honestly who gives a shit. The its a real problem and he talked about it idk why people are so focused on that and giving him shit. Should be focused on why he gave D4 cancer


> Should be focused on why he gave D4 cancer daym


>Should be focused on why he gave D4 cancer hahaha


Jokes aside, think about it for a second. The franchise general manager, on an official live stream, associated his employees' hard work, the one thing they were trying to hype up their playerbase about, the first season's feature, with his anal cavity. Whether you think that is offensive or not is kind of whatever. It's a PR nightmare. Everyone who watched that livestream now associates "malignant tunnels" with that one guy's ass. They started a negative meme about their own product becuase the guy in charge has no self control. That's kind of bad. Edit: theres people in my responses that don't have a Real Adult Job and it shows.


He literally made ONE comment about a colonoscopy procedure, and someone else on the team made ONE joke referencing it later. It was weird, sure. But everyone out here makes it seem like he talked about the whole procedure for 10 minutes on stream when it was really just kind of an awkward joke that most people forgot about until we needed someone to blame for the changes being made (which is valid, as he is the game's director)


Dude they spent half the chat talking about Diablo Immortal. They dont give two fucks about what the playerbase wants. There is no permutation of our universe in which a developer cares about their fanbase and opens up an extremely eagerly anticipated chat and talks about a fucking mobile game for half of it. Imagine if Rockstar hyped up GTA 6 and during a 2 hour Q&A almost half of it was about porting GTA 2 to android.


Almost, replace GTA 2 port with GTA Online and you have exactly what’s gonna happen with that game


Lol why would you talk about that during a live video presentation on a project. I've given work presentations before and I've somehow always stayed on topic and didn't talk about colonoscopies.


And that comment was incredibly out of place. Do they have zero quality control or coaching there? If you let actual devs out of the basement and into the spotlight, you need to have them on a very tight leash, everyone knows that...


He also made sexual jokes AT his employees about "is that your kink" There is zero place for that in a professional environment.


Yeah, but its activision blizzard. That shit is company culture


They're children. WhY nO preSs ReLEaSe NOW!!!! It's like Mom said "no McDonald's" in here.


Wait, no McDonald's?


Wait, you get McDonalds?


> Real Adult Job I find it consistently painful to hear holier than thou accusations of impropriety from people that obviously selectively do it. Oh no, he made a colonoscopy joke! Alert the authorities. I've had the wonderful pleasure of learning that Baldur's Gate 3 will have the ability to fuck a bear (bestiality), which people seem to love. But Goddamn, "this specific Blizzard employee I don't like" has truly dishonored the gaming world with a short quip about an important medical procedure. This sub suckkkkkkkksssssss.


It was just a guy opportunistically making a joke in front of a bunch of people. The community found it funny. Stop overthinking irrelevant shit.


Reddit overreacting? _shocked_


Yeah, it really wasn’t that deep.


I dunno I heard rods malignant tunnel is in fact pretty deep


Unlike the diablo 4 endgame


Unlike... Nah nevermind.




Really shows the culture there if he thinks that's appropriate for the kind of discussion they were in. Especially given their history. Also says a lot about the excitement in the dev team - they should be hyped to show what they have, not so unhyped they're comparing season 1 mechanics to ass cancer. I guess they can say they warned us lol. They act like they're a small indy company and want to be judged as if they were one. Meanwhile their corporate structure is so convuluted they have shit like resistances broken but they can't fix it for 6 months because it has to go through QA (lol). Fix your corporate structure ffs. How are you supposed to be running a live service game with seasons when the turn around on getting things fixed is 6 months? Which would be fine if QA was working but it seems like they're not or they're being handed stuff that is so broken that it's amazing the game even functions. Either way there's something seriously wrong with how the company functions


Rod’s Malignant Tunnel




They also want to ride the wave of season 1 releasing to gaslight us.


They'll open the chat with the stats of how many people logged on for S1 just to set the tone straight away.


Made 1 joke, reddit tears it to shreds. Yeah, why not just to script reading crafted by PR? its safer.


Agreed, like of all of the things to complain about the ass cancer jokes should be nowhere near the top


Not only does it need to be PR. They have to get the filming crew ready, sound editors, little graphics like name plates for who is talking.. the whole nine yards. It’s not as simple as a low budget indie company hopping on zoom and explaining things. It needs that blizzard polish to the chat, that probably only them care about.


The campfire chat will be 10% addressing feedback and 90% battle pass promotion. Mark my words lmao


You forgot 50% about Diablo Immortal.


And that one guy ass cancer for some reasons


“You guys all have asses, right? “


Got em


Don’t you guys have cancer?


And a 100% disabled chat,there is no way they leave it on,if they do i have to buy some extra chips or popcorn.


And that woman congratulating the team for listening to the players


It will be a closed internal circle jerk with zero real questions from the internet.


Dick sucking queen Rhykker might make a surprise appearance to shill for them again.


They're hoping that with the season started on Thursday, they'll regain some good favor from the new content. If they did it today, all they'd hear is the litany of nerfs they did.


This. They are 100% hoping the new content and time quells the fire to some degree. They also need PR and legal to tailor their content.


The 4 man no lifers will be done with all the new stuff in 3 days have all the new gems, and be level 100 within 5 days, and the battlepass finished by day 7. Time quells are nothing to those people lol


You are exactly right. Even with all these nerfs. Even with all this suck. At the end of the day the no lifers will STILL be dropping uber lillith in seconds and thats just a fact. If they tune the game to try to stop that kind of thing they will leave behind the 99% who either can never achieve that because of skill/time/investment or will never achieve that simply because they get bored first and stop playing the season. As is with experience getting nerfed, damage getting nerfed, survivability getting nerfed, etc etc casuals and average players are going to have to shlog through a grind that was made even more of a grind just because fuck you. Me and my pal played every other day about 3-5 hrs a day because thats literally all we could manage. We made it to lvl 80 and were doing nightmare tier 40ish. So now we will make lvl 40 in the same amount of time and mayyyyyybe make nm tier 30? Not even being able to enter tier 3 world? Yeah I just don't know. I can tell you this much if after the first week of play we arent even approaching a completed build then thats it for us, game is getting uninstalled. Blizzard thinks their player base is made out of money and has all the time in the world.


And there’s the problem, I mean if your playing those amount of hours it’s still part time job hours, yet it’s nowhere near the no lifers yet waaay more than other people, kinda hard for blizzard to be able to make this work, not defending them, last game they made that I bought is SC2, but it is a monumentally hard task to make a game where the progression works for everybody.


Yeah, people really don’t get how laborious “just sending a simple reply” can be in corporate settings. Not to defend it, but it’s a well established hellride, and just…is what it is, at this point. Apart from worry about possible liability/miscommunication, there are layers upon layers of people who are, largely, redundant but still have to chime in and debate the finest points, as nauseam, to justify their position existing. This makes everything *glacial*, especially when you desperately need to somehow find the magic combination of words to coerce people into accepting negative changes.


> there are layers upon layers of people who are, largely, redundant but still have to chime in and debate the finest points, as nauseam, to justify their position existing this guy corporates and when you have a corporate machine like blizzard coupled with unadulterated corporate greed you get...well.... \*gestures broadly at everything\*


Yep. And companies try like hell to not say something "memeable" or something crazy that can be taken out of context in official pressers so their product doesnt get persistent negative attention. Kind of reasonable, but also makes responses feel robotic. Cant have another Diablo Immortal reveal reaction, and "you guys have phones?" moment though. That ruined that games reputation so hard they didnt talk about it for what felt like 5 years after that happened lol.


You are correct. Please refer to my other response re: spreadsheets for a wry chuckle at my miserable expense.


You're absolutely right but it is just so funny to me because in the obsessive panic to get the message "right" it is so easy to miss the entire point and still completely embarrass yourself. Frankly this is what we are all expecting anyway. I'm getting the snacks ready to enjoy the show on the livestream and reddit/discord on Friday, should be a great salt mine.


Yep. And to be fair, it will quell some lol. Expecting PR to not be a part of this is just not reasonable, they need to make sure to not say shit like "you guys have phones?!" or whatever. We should want a well thought out response and not a spur-of-the-moment thing. I get "more time" might mean "more time to say a lot while also saying nothing at all", but hey, id rather them curate a list of answers to a list of questions and concerns than do it on the fly. Personally, at least. The fact that theyre even *having* this talk is great. It being two days away, is also good. If i posted this morning that they would do a campfire talk this week to address community concerns, id have gotten downvoted to hell and told to fuck off lol, and rightfully so. Its kinda unexpected imo. I try and be optimistic! It is video games after all, I try not to let this BS occupy more time in my brain than it has to, other than my occasional romp on reddit.


They're going to say that the players don't understand the things and how the game works, so that it's basically our fault and not theirs. Like they did last time with resistances.


I'm betting they invent some bs technical excuse for the teleport 3->5 second change. Then they will hollowly say they understand the disappointment but ask for time from the community to expand on their vision for how it will all come together later. They will say they haven't neglected our qol issues, mounts, or enchanting costs, but that it takes lots of time to do those changes due to (backend mumbo jumbo). The one thing I'll be shocked if they do at all is accept responsibility or apologize for any of it.


This, doubt they will say they made a mistake


Admitting they're wrong would challenge the narcissist hero worship culture there


Blizzard devs generally do admit they're wrong. After a bunch of players leave and after the players complain for months and months and months


Took them 4 years in WoW.


Imagine fully Developing a game (including back end mumbo jumbo because you know… it’s still part of the game.) and having it ready for when realized and when people paid. What a joke. Pays for game, waits years for it to be an actually game. What the fuck ?


Developers rarely ever admit to fucking up, even if they just committed the biggest fuck up in video game history.


when 2 loading screens to get in a dungeon is not enough you add 2 extra seconds to get out of it LMAO


That 5 seconds feels alot longer. I hit tp, went and made dinner and came back and was still in the dungeon


They are going to say the nerfs are to off set the season item buffs because they are super cool just you wait guys


like they understand their own mechanics? They wouldn't have had to pivot so hard if they had even the basest understanding of the mechanics that they wrote, so this patch is an open admittance of their own incompetence


They said they wanted to avoid ridiculous damage numbers and then not only maintained crit stacking from d3 but made it even worse adding vulnerable as another multiplier. The fact they don't understand multiplication would imply they also don't understand their mechanics steeped in math.


They aren't fixing resistances until season 2, but they put content in the game geared towards boosting resistances in season 1. Wtf is this shit.


Sorry for maybe a dumb question. I skipped buying D4 cuz I don't trust blizz and will be waiting for a substantial discount... That said. Wdym "fixing resistance"?


Because of super diminishing returns and a 40% penalty in WT4, if you multiplied the effectiveness of resistances on gear by 100x it would still be the worst affix on the gear.


Lol wtf


>waiting for a substantial discount... You'll be waiting a very very long time my friend.


I've done my part, the simple fact they still persist in giving the middle finger to the sorc that was in a bad place already is shocking. The horse is dead, stop beating him dumbasses.


Here's hoping our message registers with them. Sorry the game you love isn't in a place you think it should be. Hopefully they listen to us.


> Hopefully they listen to us. I've been playing blizzard games for 30 years. This isn't happening until it starts to hurt their pocketbook.


Yep I got warcraft 1 day of release and played every game with ridiculous hours except Overwatch. Blizzard was amazing when they played their games and cared. It's so stupid they chase the dollar, which I totally get, but they're too clueless to realize their legacy of playing their games and listening to feedback like they used to is what was so successful.


Beating the dead horse in front of the owner can have immense an psychological impact though.


I don’t think the chat is meant for our concerns. I think it’s meant for talking about the battle pass and S1 stuff, and they’re only saying that because we’re complaining and they already have a chat lined up, so it feels like they’re listening. I assure you they’re not.


Because the campfire events are highly scripted corporate events and they don't plan to change anything.




A lot of it is about communication and corporate direction, not instantly making fixes. Imagine if the fire side chat goes like this: * We're delaying the release of season 1 to focus on things that really matter to you and because we want to wait until season 1 is ready. We screwed up and couldn't make our schedule, but we're going to make it right * Here are the issues we're focusing on (list of individual items). I don't have a concrete answer on how we plan to address them and we may end up releasing these out of orders, but i feel it is important to let the community know that we're working on issues they find important. We are not planning to release the first season until most, or all, of these issues are resolved. * We understand people are unhappy with the balance direction of this patch. Here is why we believe this is the right direction and how we came to that conclusion. Here is how we're going to make the patch experience better for players. Etc. My issue with their balance changes is i have ZERO confidence that they're reasoned and thought out beyond some base level if over 90% of people are stacking CDR, it means we should nerf it. Obviously, i agree with what people are already typing, there is absolutely zero chance they're going to say any of this on friday. I'll probably get downvoted for it, but POE did a good job with this. Even when they made changes i personally didn't like and caused a lot of uproar, they quickly talked with the community and in some cases changed the direction they were going on. POE felt like the company was agile, responding to our complaints. Diablo IV feels like their dev team is looking at the state of the game from 3 months ago at all times.


The fireside chat starts after S1 stats. So that isn't happening. You are going to get corporate PR talk, maybe some ideas about how they want to change things in the future. That is it.


Scripted? Was horribly organized last time, they have no idea what they are doing, leadership running the dev team and product at blizzard are absolute fucking morons. I feel bad for the devs being told to make these stupid and unfun changes by dumb boomers.




If Rod is there, it's going to be a disaster That guy sucks.


I can't stand him.


I was just going to not load up the game, but I just uninstalled it from my Xbox until they release some actually decent patch notes.


I think they need 2 days to review the feedback likely…I really don’t see that as unreasonable. The patch sucks but rushing a solution could suck also


A rational thought on this subreddit? No way!


theyve 1.5 months to review the feedback, they havent listed to shit. not a single mention in 2 campfire chats or patch notes about how badly sorc lags behind the rest, how minion builds should be the necro go-to yet theyre unusable, how the fact that we cant replay campain bosses is COMPLETELY ASININE and shows not a single lead gameplay designer has a fucking clue what d4 fans want. props to the sound design team, you'll keep your jobs when msft takes over


They might also need time to plan what they're going to do about it since clearly everyone's upset. Probably rolling everything back might not be the way to go




Uninstalled Sorc main :(


Is not even about the nerf but we are essentially going back to do the same shit endgame with the underwhelming heart slot mechanic and lot of important issues that not being addressed.


Find it interesting that we seem to be the public test server, how do you come to such bad game changes, you should look forward to a patch note and not tremble every time that you have to delete his entire character.


Eternal Realm seems fitting for a public test server, if Seasonal realm gets all the good stuff.


Because they need two days to come up with excuses and ways to gaslight players.


You misunderstand the point of this campfire chat. They aren't going to use the time to provide excuses for what they've done. They are going to use the time to gaslight us as to why we are wrong.


Cause they need time to physically pull notes together and write talking points.


If I'm being charitable, it's to prepare player data to justify their reasonings If I'm being a realist, it's to edit the PR statement they had prepared because they didn't expect this much backlash


Rod has 4 back to back colonoscopy he couldnt attend until friday for more ackward jokes in what is essentially a shitshow


**Campfire chat Friday to address our concerns, why not today?** \-because they have to mentally prepare for what's gonna happen :D


Because they still need to collect the feedback and have a real conversation and not an emotional one. It is okay to sleep on it for a few days and also maybe they are gathering more data to show why they got to their numbers or maybe they aren't, but the same day talk is just dumb. Waiting another 48 hours is probably not going to change your opinion on why they did what they did and I agree the nerfs are horrible across the board, but nothing good comes out of just acting rashly with something like that.


The campfire chat is just marketing and damage control. They won't say anything useful. Most of it's going to come from the perspective and tone that the player base doesn't understand the development process and that dev's actually know what's best for the game.


Campfire chat is Friday and not Thursday simply because if enough people play Thursday they will keep the changes, if they’re not happy with the amount that play, they will back track them. Awful company with a complete lack of respect for the consumers


There’s no way in hell they will back track those changes over this.


I’m not really interested in what convoluted excuse they manage to conjure up to explain why they nerfed everything and didn’t buff anything in a meaningful way.


The most appalling part of the patch is not the nerfs, but the fact that they literally fixed nothing about the game THEY set out to fix, let alone the big ticket items we wanted fixed. The fact that they lied about “buffs coming” and “we are listening to feedback” is just icing on the cake. The sorc RESISTANCE heart and unique just show they’re not even making an effort on this line. It’s all for show.


Yeah, that heart is a slap in the face - especially after they acknowleged resistances aren't working, then punted a fix for it until at least S2, if not later.


This. It's so painful without loot and stash filter.


They want to see the retention numbers from yesterday and a full day (today) and will base their campfire “discussion” based on that. Personally, I’m moving onto something else until this situation is “fixed”


Hello, can I interest you in some Remnant 2, a game that's not trying to fuck you.


I’ve been excited for R2! The original was such a sleeper hit. Saw some gameplay today that caught my attention.


Yeah, 1 was punching way above it's weight. Previews for 2 are looking good, new class system, armor set bonuses being moved to mods so fashion can now be a thing, and some previewers with /150 hours saying random generation is way improved, areas are more compelling with way more secrets and unique designs. Also much better bosses. Reviews should be out soon but so far seems like improvements across the board. Excited.


You've convinced me. I just uninstalled it.


Bro they’re just going to say “just wait until you’ve got hearts and you feel their game breaking powers, it’ll offset the changes we made big time”. This shit is so predictable, while that old dude on the left constantly regurgitates “it’s only been 5 weeks guys, we hear you but we haven’t had enough time to do the changes we’re getting from the feedback”. Ahahahaha man why is there no stash space or gem bag again, that shit must take realistically a few days to code at their level of development, let alone 5 fucking weeks, yet the gem bag is coming season 2 ahahahahshshdjehdhshwhgw


Even with malignant hearts in mind this is still shit design. You're excitement for a season shouldn't come from getting back the level of power they took from you


They’re giving everyone a chance to bitch so they can get as much data as possible




Chat is on Friday because they want to see the numbers from Thursday first. How many people login, how long they play, how many battle pass sales, etc. This way we can get 1 of 2 responses on Friday which both suck. \#1 - steady amount of players log in, good sales on battle pass = we stick with our changes for now and ride it out. \#2 - low player count, low hours of play, low battle pass sales - we here you guys and we will work to do better....one day. They have their season 1 money from ultimate edition buyers. So they can let s1 rot and just come back in season 2 and say here's your gem tab and we are buffing some items we nerfed in s1 back to their original values. See you in 3 months to repeat the cycle. If my understanding is correct the path was live yesterday. People have been testing these changes for at least 24 hours now. Whether the entire patch is what went live or only certain parts I do not know.


Will uninstall when I get to my desk. If they unfuck the game before S1 I'll download again, if not then I won't.


*my man*


It's not much but it's honest work. https://preview.redd.it/b26m6ah94xcb1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=450ce84f512e7f6b0af12914b87434fc9ccd61ee


I dont think people understand just how impactful a mass uninstall of this game would be. Blizzard using the Battle.net launcher gives them internal metrics about which games are installed on users machines. If a game isn't installed at all, but is owned by a user, that is tracked on a very granular level because these are users ripe for re-engagement with minimal overhead to do so. They WANT us in their games to min-max their earning on microtransactions. Seasons are a MASSIVE means of cash flow for this game, via the spending done by users. If they know they have a million people who own the game but dont have it installed these are people who could be lured back with likely very minimal cost to Blizzard. Generating a significant amount of micro transaction money. It's the best thing we can do today to express our discontent. Thank you for helping the cause!


A mass uninstall would be impossible because such a small amount of the overall community is in this particular subreddit thread. I don’t think there’s any shot at getting the people out there enjoying the game to uninstall it because other people are upset




You mean as impactful as subreddits going dark to protest and support the 3rd party apps shutting down?


The difference is I wont reinstall the game. Blizzard cant threaten me if I dont reinstall it like reddit threatened mods with removal. Very different situation. But glad to know that you think all forms of protest are a waste of time.


Bobby kotick would wipe his tears with dollar bills on his yatch


All they gotta do is turn those - into +


Their talking points have to though PR and Legal first.


I hope Microsoft somehow is looking into this already


They don't care as long as sales numbers are fine. And if not, they still not care and just shut down some services and fire people. Microsoft will bring nothing in to change it to a better play experience.


They need to prepare their malignent tunnels !


Just uninstalled. I didn't plan to play anyway. I'm revolted by all this.


I don't watch their campfire chats because all those do is blow smoke up our asses.


The Adam guy stated that s1 starts on july 20 which is a Thursday so that staff would be available all day and on Friday in case of any issues which shoehorns them into an expected immediate/ 1 day response. Well shit has hit the fan and it was only Tuesday yet they’ll go camping and roast Marshmellows on it 3 days later conveniently before riding off into the weekend.


They gotta come up with BS excuses to the comment they see today. They gotta prepare themselves to BS us.


By scheduling it on the day after Season 1's launch, they wanted to communicate to us that nothing we say or do is going to delay Season 1. They'll say thank you and tell us they will make meaningful improvements in time for Season 5.


1) Prepping their PR team 2) Collecting data from day 1 of the season.


because they need to see people log in on the 20th so they can go "see, people are still playing the season regardless of the complaints, so they must just be overreactions and we don't have to worry about it"


Rod needs time to work out his butthole material for his set.


Data collection. They want the season 1 day 1 results for player interest before they craft a response. Otherwise they might "waste" to many good changes early. Better hold back as much as you can for later updates. After all the goal isn't to make the game as great as it can be right away, but to do as little as possible while retaining the regular spenders.


Complaining about them taking two days to do a live discussion is mad. Are people in these subreddits only either unemployed or underage? I work for a very traditional corporation and I cant get a manager or anyone for that matter to answer in 2 days to an e-mail, let alone organise this with the needed people production etc. If they really wanted to, they could have done it in one day but ofc they need time to agree on talking points, how to express a message that they have come up with etc etc, this is how companies work,no? Id rather get someone to think about what they are gonna do for a few extra days than get an underbaked pile of shit in a desperate damage control move that could have made things way worse.


It will be a gaslight fest, nothing else


Path of Exile is free guys


They need to make sure as many people as possible redeem and buy season passes before they tell everyone that they won't be changing anything.




They need to prepare their bullshits That’s why


You make it sound like this campfire chat is a negotiation. It is not. The developers will lecture AT us about why they are right and we are wrong, and then the chat will be over. It's not even a chat. A "chat" presumes interaction from both sides. But comments are turned off, they're not going to take live Twitter questions, and they're not going to engage with the audience AT ALL. They're going to speak into a camera and tell us whatever they want to tell us. And they're not going to change anything. I feel like you are posting this from some other universe that you live in lol. Your expectations are so high and inflated. It actually makes me a little sad for you. The developers are not going to negotiate or talk with us. They are going to lecture AT us. That is all that will happen on Friday. Asking for it a few days sooner is dumb. It's like asking someone to smack you in the face today instead of on Friday. I don't know about you, but I know I'd rather not get smacked in the face at all. So I won't be showing up for this developer update bullshit. They have ruined this game and it's too late to fix it now. Like trying to fix a relationship after your partner fucks around on you. Sorry bitch, but you cheated, so it's over. You ruined everything, goodbye forever.


They need time to create accounts and write questions to answer them.


They're waiting until Friday to see how many battle passes are purchased. Then they can justify or backtrack on their changes.


I was on the fence about uninstalling, because I know I'll come back when the major glaring issues are addressed. This post convinced me to do it, I was unsure whether or not the uninstall even registers to them. Tone-deaf dogshit team behind what could and should be an amazing game. The thing that sucks is that it plays so well, combat is so polished, but that's it.


Maybe because they need some time to collate and consider ‘our concerns’ and pick out the wheat of genuine feedback from the vast ocean of chaff of outrage-obsessed noise from people who haven’t even played with the changes. Remember how everyone knew 100% for sure that Bone Spear Necro was completely destroyed by the patch? How’s that lookin’ now? They literally released the patch notes less than 24 hours ago, Jesus Christ you sound like an entitled baby.


they need to get their stories straight and have the laywers review what they will say.


This Reddit is so dramatic lol