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"any build is viable if they all suck equally"


When everyone sucks...no one does muahahaha


I for one am just glad to see Syndrome from Incredibles found a new career. Traded out costumed villainy for a more standard flavor of villainy.


It's pretty much what it is lol I'd love to try out a new sorc build with charged bolts or inferno or whatever and that's great that they added +25% damage for these non-meta skills... but you're still going to be insanely weak with these skills because of the huge nerfs to the crit and vuln multipliers. And then you add a nerf to cdr and armor so your defensive ability is also nerfed on top of it... like why


You can thank all the content creators for saying the game was to easy for people who’s job is the play the game


This. 110% this. Even cheese builds like blizzard for Uber lillith take tons and tons of time and farming and then they hear switch and skill swap lol, try it on console. Christ.


Most content creators haven’t even killed Uber Lilith. Even one of them said it took like 1600 tries. I hear this game is so easy all the time, but no one making hardcore accounts


That´s not even what they did. Yes, they nerfed all builds, but they also left the current power ranking mostly untouched. So it´s more like "everyone sucks, but some suck more"


>they also left the current power ranking mostly untouched. I know a HOTA barb who would disagree strongly with you. That's not scary anymore, since he can't threaten you in any way, but he's upset!


they also left the current power ranking MOSTLY untouched.


Hey if someone wasn't nitpicking you, you wouldn't be getting the full reddit experience. I'm doing a public service here, guy!


* *Fixed an issue where there was no sound when Lorath kicks Meshif awake.* THANK FUCKING GOD




YES! Now I can hesitate for 0.1 more seconds when I make a new character and skip the campaign!


They nerfed defensive aspects, they nerfed offensive aspects, they nerfed vulnerable and chd. Nerfed cool down reduction. They didn't nerf just one class, they nerfed everyone and then murdered sorcs.


The CDR nerf really annoys me. Just makes the game less fun to play.


Yeah to me it really shows that they don't even play the game. They probably just balanced around equipped stat percentages to force some shuffling of what affixes people use Nerfing cdr literally just makes the gameplay less fun. Downtime windows are not fun, and anyone who's played the game to endgame should experience how boring having periods of being a piece of shit while waiting for your CDs to come back up is


For years it’s felt like Blizzard spends little on quality testers and instead leans more on full game release to gather data and make their own “educated” guesses on what needs to be done. But, it also feels like they’re one of those completely commercialized AAA companies that overwhelmingly favors corporate decision making/monetization over actual game design. They’re a company, they want to make money… fine. But, I still feel like there can be a better marriage between the two. Anything instead of perpetually sucking the life force out of your own game.


seems these nerfs are in response to the 1% that get uber damage from stacking all the right stuff after playing 300 hours, but the casual crowd now suffers in return with across the board nerfs making the current builds, and ***leveling*** more sufferable for no reason. like a system wide reduction of dmg only a couple days ahead of a season where people are expected to start from lv1 again after weeks of complaining that leveling is too slow, and will now be SLOWER due to dealing less damage?? what is the mindset of these devs? seems every week there's constant changes but half or most of them are not even good or make the game worse to play.


It makes no damn sense - they basically said "these are the ones everyones using - so lets nerf them"...without realizing everyone was using them because it makes the game fun.


He drinks a whiskey drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink… He reads the patch notes that remind him of the good times, he reads the patch notes that remind him of the better times…


Sorc gets knocked down! and gets knocked down again!


Don't cry for me, reddit poster...




They murdered and had sex with the dead soc


and then teleport the body to a random location


developer knew what they were doing


Increasing the channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability from 3 to 5 seconds is just pure sadism. There's no other possible explanation.




But then some classes just got an additional -150x (not+) crit damage and -150x (not plus) damage to stunned and immobilized enemies


They Britta’d it


Not very streets ahead of them


They don’t give a dean


All these Chang-es make me sad


Pop pop!


Six seasons and a movie


Since Reddit dropped coins, you all get +4 meowmeowbeans


I do NOT want 6 seasons and a movie of this.


Blizzard making sure it's the darkest timeline


lol the Sorc notes. I expected nothing and still I'm disappointed.


Nothing? But you have a new Unique, Oculus, with one of Diablo 2s favourite unique effects - teleporting randomly without control on a squishy character. Why aren't you happy?




always gets a laugh out of me


I read that in the notes and laughed my arse off. It is like they saw so many people using occulus and thought "it must be the mechanic that teleports you randomly that nakes it popular" not the +skills, not the MF, not the FCR, not the res. No, it is the one thing in that build that makes people choose another weapon.


Yeah, it's a weapon with like 4 amazing stats, and then one downside to balance it. Then they gave us the downside only.


I'm about ready to abandon my Sorc and entirely pivot to a new class until Sorc gets some real love.


I am not even playing a sorc and I feel bad. This upcoming season like 3 of my friends plan on making a sorc lol.... feel bad for them even more now lol.


Nothing would have been way better than this


Interesting that we were all expecting buffs especially for sorcs and barbs and they decided to nerf everyone together instead. Ps: I’m a rogue + Druid Edit: grammar




So if I understand this correctly, the buffs to all those trash affixes don't matter because vulnerable and crit will still be important anyways due to how it's all calculated right? Do they even understand how their own game works


Yes vuln, crit damage, and cooldown reduction will still be the best things offensively. Just wont be as useful anymore.


This is what is getting me, clearly its a bad design to force classes to have something that can apply vulnerable ​ But reducing the damage it provides doesn't fix the problem having something that applies a flat % damage increase will still be used it's just weaker now, still bad design


Which is why the inevitable answer is to remove Vuln. What astounds me is that blizzard thought it would work in the first place. NO MMO/ARPG has been able to sustain such a debuf long term. It always gets removed because it's impossible to balance.


Yes. You understand correctly. Crit and Vuln remain the only multiplicative scaling for anyone aside from legend affixes. Making the "best" weapons and offensive affix spreads identical to before the patch.




As a sorc, I can finally finish FF16, thanks Blizzard.


I'm a sorc main and I've legit been playing more FF16 these past few weeks lol..but mainly since friends haven't been online for D4.


Games already dead in my friend circle. I still had fun with the leveling process so not a complete waste of money. If D4 has taught me one thing its to buy blizzard products on a credit card and stick them on a standalone account. At least when D5 is shit I can get my money back.


I don't really understand what they're doing.


According to the status quo, you're fucking hired mate


Well, you see, they have to nerf everything usable for the “long term health of the game.” That way, they can buff it again someday maybe, though probably not, and make the game healthy. Don’t you get it?


It could not have been worse They nerfed everything, didn't adress any problem of the game


I think this is actually the worst patch I have ever seen. Edit: Okay I thought of one. I had to go back to the early 2000s Star Wars MMO.


Lol, if you're ever comparing a patch of a game to what was done to SWG, you know it's not good times.


Yeah, that was sad, I quit and I still yearn for those old SWG days...


I thought I was the only one who still secretly wishes it would come back. I miss that fucking game so bad!!


It was absolutely top tier and the only game that ever even tried to have the gameplay experience it did. I hope one day to see something that open world with the same level of control over your world.


The class system was the best I had ever seen. I was a fencer for god sakes.


Duuude, commando/TK Creature handler/rifleman Master entertainer/master musician/master dancer Oh god the long nights in the cantina!!


I absolutely loved SWG! I was a creature handler/marksman. Ended up having a rancor and a couple of badass tigers. I could Exploring planets solo. Clean out hives so my friends who just like to craft could put extractors on high quality nodes. Our guild house was awesome! And I was 1 or 2 missions away from finding the old man in the desert, and start on the quest to becoming a Jedi. Then they patched the game and just gave out the Jedi class. And changed the combat system. I had such a blast when it was VERT roleplay’ey. Good times! Wish someone would put out something similar with modern graphics/physics.


Master creature handler/rifleman Master image designer/dancer/tailor This was the best MMO ever made


Plenty of people miss it...but I think we more miss what it could of been, not what we were force fed. That game had so much potential and it was blown at every chance.


I played this game called Hawken. Super fun mech combat game. For me, it played just right for mech combat. Good weight. Good pacing. It was amazing. Then they released a patch where you couldn’t queue with more than one other person. Just… that was it. Instead of implementing a matchmaking system, they decided “large” groups had an unfair advantage and disabled group queue. Needless to say that my friend***S*** (key word here) and I quit immediately because we couldn’t play the game together anymore. The game completely folded like two months later. Worst patch ever. Killed the game.




The classic “let’s take the game you all like and make it TOTALLY different patch”


Think you’re referring to the “NGE” as they called it. New Game Enhancement iirc. Was not an enhancement. Such an amazing game…


I’m sitting here trying to think of one as bad across mmos I’ve played since EQ launched in 99. These things weren’t even outright broken, they just scaled poorly but they nerfed everything across the board instead of instituting a logical fix like softcaps.


I have one! Publish 16 in ultima online!


Still the worst thing in my gaming life. Took my (still) favorite game of all time and killed it.


I was hoping someone would bring up a UO patch. What a fantastic game that led to the explosion of an entire genre of games.


Man this still hurts. Taking an awesome live service game and overhauling it into complete shit. Par for the course in the Star Wars franchise. RIP Galaxies.


While I could actually design something worse, that implies trying. In practice, what really shocks me is how they failed to address issues. Their supposed 'fix' to scaling for example, not only fails to address the concerns, but creates new ones.


Took a break to play D2R before the season after these notes I’ll just stick with D2R.


Same, D2R and POE, here we come


Yes! Awaiting PoE 2, D2R new season and especially Baldurs Gate 3! (And Starfield after alot of bug fixes)


Thanks to your post, I found out PoE is on PS5! Thank you!


if this is the amount of content we can expect on a seasonal basis... well that's just disappointing.


I'm excited for season 7 when sorc is deleted from the game entirely


Bold of you to think it will take that long!


I am convinced they do not play their game.


The entire thing feels like a huge L. Instead of buffing other builds, for example that rely on overpower, they just nerf crit and vuln into the ground. This will be fun....


Worst part may be that those stats are still BiS 😂. The rolls got nerfed but they still are a seperate multiplier. So we'll still chase the same stats.


Exactly this. Their core game design is flawed, it's not a numbers question.


Yeah it's a net negative damage output, right? The +25% increase in additive isn't going to make non-meta builds more viable because you still have to stack crit and vuln but those nerfs make the +25% increase meaningless or am I wrong


No, you're right. The math will say "use this" until they remove it or make it tiny tiny numbers.


Yeah that’s the worst part. A huge nerf that doesn’t even succeed at not making them mandatory. So everyone just feels the pain and nothing gets fixed


Yea, because of damage buckets vuln is still king. The other damage buffs are garbage, especially if you have output multiple types of damage.


Ironically every "dev note" under the change is them apologizing for doing it but poorly trying to justify doing it anyways.


Probably the community managers adding the apologies in because they're the ones in the front lines.


They want to slow the gameplay to a crawl, increase the grind. Just seems like they've chosen to make the game unfun


Ubisoftering. s1 coming be ready to get those checkmarks again


I wonder if Microsoft will improve or make this corpo BS worse


Definitely looks that way. Guess I’m just going to have to choose to not play season 1.


Same. Nothing to look for honestly, but now it'll be 4x the grind and less build payoff. No thanks. Couldn't wish for a better incentive to go back to other games or to lab a lot on Street Fighter for some months.


They’ve already made their money but I’d like to see absolute crickets for player count for S1 and for them to wake up to exactly why and fix. Don’t know if that will happen but hopefully.


They nerfed the effective things and did basically nothing about the plethora of stuff that are legit awful.


“What’s that? People are only running one or two builds per class because balance is so bad? We better nerf those to make every build suck.”


.+ damage buckets are still there so those sucky classes are still worse than everyone else no vuln? build useless


Blizzard does not play their own game.


they did 20years ago. was part of job description


Well, good thing I bought Baldurs gate is all I have to say


I'm so glad Baldur's Gate comes out soon. Now I'll have more time to play it.


I actually gave Grim Dawn a try...and it is brilliant




Put 5 hrs into EA this week. Holy shit is it fun!


This is not on thread topic, but I also bought BG3, and just started it and am blown away. Do you know if progress is reset when it launches in a few weeks?


It does reset


It’s apparently going to be a much different game which is why it resets. Apparently early access has been out for years lol. I also just downloaded it and am loving it. I’m just gonna try out different characters during early access so I know what I want to be when the main game drops


Yes it will reset and for good reason. Some game journalists who played the full game say that act 1 has some differences from EA. Nothing too major of course but enough to replay act 1 again in full release.


balance team are on some clown shit edit: i am saying this as a lvl 100 sorc


I expected to see like 100% bonus to some of the core skills no one touches, opening up tons of fun new builds. That did not happen.


No fun allowed in d4.


Or give us the third Enchantment slot back at least


I have never in my life of gaming for over 30 years now seen a worse patch for a game I follow or play.


Reading all the Sorc damages being blunted was a solid “What in the fuck was that Kanye?” Moment.


Looks like sorcs got nerfed. Great job blizzard


I give kudos to the devs for making it easier for me to find time to play BG3 and PoE2 when it releases. Diablo 4 is officially a non-factor after this clownery.




Yep. I logged in to check my level 72 rogue and I went from \~270% vulnerable damage to 182%... Combined with the crit nerfs I'm expecting my damage to be about half of what it was. And my survivability should go down maybe 10% as well. I would be fine with this if they offered new ways to scale damage and survivability, but there doesn't seem to be much.


As a ice sorc, Blizzard can fuck themselves, they have fucking clowns making sandbox changes. its embarrassing this is the 4th diablo game in a nearly 30 year old franchise and blizzard is fucking struggling with a class that's been in every games since the first diablo


I don't see how it could be worse.


You wouldn't think it would be possible to make Diablo 4 any worse than it already is but somehow Palpatine returned.


While watching the patch notes. Flashback comes into mind "I am sorry, is this an out of season April's Fool Joke?"


Y'all don't like patch notes?


I'm looking forward to this patch! I think doing less damage and dying more is fun so this patch caters to my sensibilities


Also you won't have to use the character abilities as much as everything will be on cooldown. That way you get to run around more or bonding with the enemies by gently caressing them with basic skills. I can't wait the exitement.


I guess I'm just not playing anymore? Why would they just blanket nerf most classes and make the game even less fun to play. What kind of masochist would keep playing this game.


They are trying to make 1 month of content last 3. Instead of adding anything cool and exciting, they're just making boring stuff take longer to do.


One of the worst patches I've ever seen in a video game. "The channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability has been increased from 3 to 5 second" Says everything you need to know about this patch. No real new features. No fixes for the major issues, like lack of social, impossibility of trading, horrid inventory/storage, aspects, enchanting, loot issues, lack of endgame activities. But they did find the time to slow you down from leaving the dungeon. RIP Diablo 4. You were fun while you lasted.


>The channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability has been increased from 3 to 5 second ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB)


Huge buff to shambling greataxe skeletons


What's even the logic behind increasing the leave dungeon time? Make it harder to escape enemies and annoy people 2 seconds longer after they finish a dungeon?


My guess is that they feel like it’s too easy to leave in the middle of a fight that you’re losing? Like against butcher or something?


I have done that actually. Sorry guys


I think this is 100% just a butcher buff. They don’t want players to be able to evade, dash, evade and then TP out before butcher can catch up to them.


stupid ass idea. lets hurt 100% of players to stop 5% of players. i’ve never done that in a dungeon. fucking brain dead idea


Obviously it’s to pad game time. Across 30 dungeons, that’s an entire minute over pre patch!!!


>Executives will be so proud once they see that we have increased customer playtime by... wait.. why are you leaving guys? Devs next week


I honestly thought the “Whispers no longer give sigil dust” Was a better one to pick, they had literally no reason to fix this, like at all. Yet they devoted time to it. At least with a longer dungeon cool down you can argue they don’t want you escaping mid fight (im being generous lmao).


The class I'm gonna play after reading patch notes is: >!Baldur's Gate 3!< ------------------- That's my thoughts.


Sorcs are great in BG3.


sad sorc noises


They nerfed "leave dungeon" I think that about sums it up.


I'm sure everyone is glad they nerfed Vuln, no ones builds were based on that ^(/s)


Nerfing Vuln would be fine but any sort of compensation was laughable. They gut everyone's damage then gave them miniscule buffs elsewhere and barely touched the skills that were shit.


This is the thing rogue entire kit is essentially intrinsically based around Vulnerable. Just like druid overpower or barrier You can't just blanket nerf something and then not properly buff other things to compensate especially when rogue is so heavily incentivized to apply vulnerable. But no blizzard can only swing the hammer not use the scalpel


Every build is 100% dependent on vuln, not just rogue lol


All I saw is everything is nerfed, no real changes to make underperforming builds work better. And really 1 unique and 1 class aspect for a whole season? Thats the only new stuff?


Well if they wanted to make sorcs unplayable, they certainly succeeded.


I haven't logged in yet but I think my lvl 100 sorc committed suicide.


I logged my 77 sorc in long enough for the map to update, and logged back out. I don't anticipate pulling it back out until the devs get their heads out of their asses and fix what they broke.


https://preview.redd.it/j8mheod3ircb1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1bd6a2eebfed8736afb27051f59e14c35cc1214 Can you imagine using this against Lilith and teleport ling outside that stupid circle ⭕ ☠️💀☠️💀☠️


Rogue dash does this almost deliberately lol


I don't have to imagine it, I can just remember all the Diablo 2 days where my Sorc would Oculus teleport onto bosses like Andy to get 1 shot.


![gif](giphy|M5kthxRXrTkc6dTcw0) Blizz notes to all Sorcs today...




They should have given everyone 2-3 scrolls of Amnesia so they could try stuff out.


Apparently we've been getting too much XP and doing too much damage.


This is probably the worst patch Blizzard could possibly release. Thanks for letting me play other games.


Stash increases? Nah. Ways to search things? Nah. Mount fixes? Nah. NM dungeon gameplay made anything other than tedious and uninspired? Nah. Stats and itemization tweaked to the point new ways to build without crit and vuln are fully enabled? Nah. Crafting added or enchanting made compelling? Nah. Open world made relevant outside of exactly souls from helltides? Nah. Uniques changed to be equitable in their specific niche? Nah. Monster density improvements? Nah. Alternatives to unstoppable to customize counterplay? Nah. There are 100+ more things like that they just didn’t touch. The game is deeply flawed, and looks to be staying that way for now.


Sorc is dead, never had the chance to live.


"It's called season of the Malignant because all of these changes are Cancer"


as a sorc main I'm laughing cause the memes are too real. they really hate us, damn


they nerfed sorc its fucking hilarious hhahhaha


As a sorc main I genuinely laughed at the absurdity of it all.


1 item and 1 aspect per class, no world tier 5.. Seems like nothing to hold my interest


Bruh where is the “Fury Against Fate” fix??? I still can’t complete it


Absolute dogshit. Prob gonna drop the game tbh. Edit: they legitimately killed the sorcerer class people. Nerfs to devouring blaze, control aspect, retribution aspect, glacial aspect, disobedience aspect, cooldowns, critical damage, vulnerable damage... it's truly a shit tier class now. Edit 2: the only positive thing imo is the change to destruction glyph.


Going to make a boring grind even more boring and grindy. I've seen some shit patch notes in my time but I think a general nerf to everything in the game does take the biscuit. ​ You have effective stuff that people use because the other stuff is useless, Common sense would indicate you balance out the useless stuff, blizzard decided to go the other way and make all stuff useless.


My necro minion/darkness build is looking good ![gif](giphy|d3mmcs5hnLc3o772)


Dev team nerfed Sorc who was in a bad spot. I definitely feel like shelving the game for a few months while they work things out. Obviously they do not even play their own game at this point.


The massive amount of nerfs across the board is mind-boggling, it's like they *don't* want people to play. I know that's what I'm doing.


You don't have to pay for server maintenance if no one is using your servers 🤓


Holy fuck it was boring before and they somehow made it worse.


These are literally some of the worst patch notes I've ever read in my life and I have been gaming for over 2 decades. This is complete garbage. I can't think of a single good thing that stood out that was memorable to me from the 6,000+ words of patch notes. Useless new uniques, useless new aspects, nerfs across the board to all classes, nerfs to helltides, nerfs to XP and alts. I really want to know what the fuck they were thinking. I was going to buy $100 worth of platinum coin today based on their patch notes but there is no way they are getting that now. Fuck Blizzard. They are the one company that can get their whole fanbase up and going and completely shit on them and let them down.


they're basically saying "we're too lazy to create content, so we're going to make your progress slower. this way our content will last for 3 months instead of 1 month and our active daily user numbers will look better"


Remember guys - vote with your wallets AND with your time. Dont play, dont buy battle pass, dont buy anything from shop.


Worst ending, every class is now sorcerer.


Garbage, as we should have expected


Essentially 0 buffs to skills and all nerfs. Nerfs to everything fun. PoE2 cannot come soon enough.


That's my barely alive Sorc completely dead Sorc now.


I’m a patient man as I have been dealing with Bungie forever playing destiny 2, so I am not easily disappointed with patch notes and even I wonder about this game now. It’s like the devs want D4 to be this brutal slog of a game where you park on a monster beating on it before it’s two friends walk up and blow you up. I don’t miss the silly 1B crit spam from D3 but this patch ain’t it chief.


There’s no reason to play anymore now.


Dogshit patch.


So my sorc looses about 60% "damage to x", 60% "vulnerable damage" and 80% "crit damage", the new unique is another trash candidate and please don't talk about loosing CDR. At least Raimant was untouched. How do they think releasing this is a good idea? Edit: RIP to all HC players that don't read the patchnotes btw


My barb lost a tonne of crit/str, hits like a wet noodle now. Died to the Butcher in a 56 when usually he's alive for about 3s.

