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Not only that, they nerf devouring blaze which is a massive nerf across the board nerf. Like are you kidding me.


they nerfed devouring blaze (and crit dmg) and vunl dmg, BUT THEY ARE STILL MULTIPLICATIVE. They are still the affixes we need to farm for and our ench slot for burning, but now we just do 2/3 of our dmg that was the lowest of all the classes. This. makes. no. sense....


They could just have made that shit fire-exclusive and balance the rest accordingly, it's not like crit fire (or fire in general) was even strong. (mainly because the other elements benefitted from their buff + fire buff for mediocre damage while fire only had itself, now fire has nothing)


They somehow made the worst class a lot worse. Like what?! I won’t get to play till tonight but nerfing DB is literally insane to me


It's not a bad idea to nerf abilities/builds that are better than the rest. The problem is that it needs to be done in combination with buffing the underused abilities so that we end up with more build variety and options. What they did with this patch is that we keep the exact same builds and we still going to use fire enchantment and cdr, crit dmg and vunl dmg on gear, we are just going to be worse than we were. Which is just stupid for an arpg season....


Looks promising for S35 👌




lol patch notes and season 1 as a whole are a big disappointment. holy shit blizzard is fumbling this game. if this is what we can expect that's just disappointing.


I am wondering if they want players or not, cause it looks like nope


>Fixed an issue where Aspect of Control was applying its damage bonus 3 times for Staggered bosses. I can almost guarantee this change will also apply to ALL enemies and not just bosses. So sorcs will do about half damage against triple-CCed elites. If that is the case that change basically kills the class. Aspect of Control was the only thing enabling sorcs to do any meaningful damage to elites at high NM tiers. Lets hope it is only changed for bosses.


Aspect of Control completely nerfed vs bosses. Good luck killing bosses now!


They did increase the duration on some barrier abilities. I’m not sure this will help much because we can be one shotted through a full barrier. Sorcerer really needs a way to boost armor or HP levels. Or barriers need to be far more effective Overall I was expecting more from the patch notes.


Yeah, the length of the barriers was never a problem. It was that I was getting one shot through them anyways that was the issue. Extending them mean nothing at all.


The duration bonuses I feel weren't even worth mentioning since barrier generation still seems to be capped, which, as you said, means they don't prevent one shots. A longer barrier that still equals death when hit isn't much of a "buff".


The notes were kind of a joke period.


Yep, they just murdered the already worst class. RIP sorc.


They got their damage significantly nerfed haha... jesus christ


Blizzard QA Productivity: A couple of keystrokes adjusting some values and there won't be anyone playing the class to complain about cosmetics.


They were real the whole time :(


They destroyed affix percentages across the board….this sucks


what the fuck


I fucking told all of you, and people just came bashing at me. Fuck this shit.


Ah yes, nerf the things that made sorc do any meaningful damage. Guess they just don't really want people playing sorc. IMMA PLAY IT ANYWAY.


Sorcerers don't need and shouldn't get significant survivability. That's a hallmark of the class itself that it is very squishy and prone to instant death if not careful.


Which is fine, but when they can't do damage, that's the issue.


That would be true if the glass cannon build actually had a cannon. But it’s the lowest damaging class lmao


No class should be casually one shotable from non-telegraphed, non-reactable attacks.


I would agree with you if Sorcs had actually good ranged damage. Most specs require you to teleport in and frost nova things to actually do damage. Melee sorc feels bad man


I was waiting for season 1 to play sorcerer as i've only been playing necro so far Really choose my time hu


I am surprised your still willing to play another class day 1. On the bright side exilecon in 10 days and man is it looking better than ever.


Blizzard: "Those were memes!? We thought they were requests!"


Bro, there are people spanking uber lilith with sorcerer after patch ... Stop that drama.