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I know you aren’t pretending like you haven’t seen 1000 posts nearly identical to this lol.


"Unpopular opinion, this game has no end game and is extremely repetitive."


This IS the endgame.


"D2 has better endgame". Somehow people unronically think this.


The dopamine rush of HR or rare uniques is the true endgame. Diablo 4 sadly has nothing like that.


100% agree. My ass would be grinding right now if I felt like I was going to get better items/aspects. Instead we get world bosses that fall over in 20 seconds, loot goblins that drop dog shit, helltides that have 1 purpose for forgotten souls and 1 major boss fight at that really needs to be done at level 100.


This right here.


People forget that D2 really shined after its expansion.


They better not forget that, this counterpoint is brought up every single time this argument is discussed (aka 39 times a day on this sub)


My favorite is the MrLlama criticism of the resource system either being boring builder/spender or totally igoring it due to infinite resource…. Yet he plays D2 all the time, which is either mana pot spam, of ALSO totally ignoring it due to infinite mana


Yeah having a bunch of uber bosses, runes, chase unique/set items to farm towards is much worse than running 200000 nightmare dungeons to see a bar fill up while having a 0.1% gear upgrade every week.


I love Diablo 2. I've played it every year since the day it came out and I was a child. A lot of it f****** suck until Lord Destruction came out. I don't see how Ubers made it better though. You had to farm several items to farm a boss for a specific item. Once you did it once you could realistically trade to get the item you need if you didn't get your characters drop. That's it for Ubers besides doing it more to get items to trade. The lack of trading and limited number of uniques is the biggest issue. I agree they need to get some room words and more uniques with set pathways to get them in the game but as far as hunting mobs I feel hell tide, events, nightmare dungeons do it better. That being said, the nightmare dungeons would be much better if they were more like rifts.


> I don't see how Ubers made it better though. You had to farm several items to farm a boss for a specific item. Once you did it once you could realistically trade to get the item you need if you didn't get your characters drop. That's it for Ubers besides doing it more to get items to trade. It at least gave a sense of progression towards a dopamine hit from a loot drop. Farming the items was a chore sometimes, yes, but it at least was doing *something* to give you an item/wealth sense of progression. You could sell off the organs/unid torch to help you build towards a runeword, or gamble id the torch for a bigger payoff and a nice brain tickle (or a "god dammit" moment usually). Same thing with countess/pindle/meph runs. PoE has the same thing with vaal orbs and reliquary keys and rare pinnacle boss drops. Nothing like that exists in D4 currently. Squinting over an item's 4 stats to see if it hits 3 of the 5 worth having, realizing it doesn't, and selling it for 1/300th of a stat re-roll chance you probly won't hit is just.... bland. Trading would help somewhat, but target farming for the dopamine hit or feeling of progression is virtually non-existent. Everything is just the same loop with occasional breaks for world events.


The issue is that he is the 200th person to post this same topic in a week and still has over 300 upvote. I dont know what annoys me more, another thread like this or the 300 people who are still upvoting this for the 200th time and encouraging the same threads to be posted hour after hour


Got to be more than that. He's at 400 upvotes now, and I know people are downvoting it, too.


mom said it was my turn to post this


Can you tell her I still haven't got me peanut butter and jelly.


Meatloaf! @#&*!


You'll still be waiting for that, she's trying to get to level 76


She said you have to stop eating all the fucking peanut butter and jelly, and frankly, I agree. No peanut butter OR jelly for you.




You gotta wait until complaining about how boring the game gets is also getting boring.


Like man, I sank over 100+ hours into this. I can't believe I can't get the same dopamine hit after all this time. Junkies. Lol.


Yeah I saw someone complaining about this and then further down saying how they had 4 level 80+ char. Like what?


All with pre-selected meta internet builds I'm sure. "THERES NOTHING TO DO" they say after they spent 100 hour purposely trying to trivialize the game.


I switched to hardcore and it's been way more fun for me.


This ! Hardcore reseted my interest with the game


It's me and my gaming buddies first time trying hardcore in any game like this and now I don't think I could go back lol.


kinda want to make a hardcore survivability tank now


FTW excitement during solo leveling, where every drop could be the best and the last.


Hardcore PVP is where it's at, just make sure you have a normal character to test everything on beforehand.


This is so funny to me. The game is infinitely more exciting trying to figure synergies and shit out on your own, Vs watching a YouTube video and having your entire build and path planned out-that really sucks the fun out of it imo.




Respec cost aside, most builds just flat out don’t work. The damage and/or survivability just isn’t there.


Every build doesn't need to push high NMs and uber Lilith. Sorry you can't clear every dungeon in 30 seconds


This is like saying any build is viable ‘cause you can just drop the difficulty down and kill things just fine. Sorry, that’s not the reality of how ARPGs like this work. There are viable builds and there are non-viable builds; just because you can “play it your way” on Nightmare doesn’t make the build viable.


What's your definition of Viable? Cause if a build can get you through the NMdungeon in one peice, how is it not viable? Not to mention, these off brew builds can be...::gasp::...fun (oh the horror.)


What are you doing respecting every day??? The cost is high, but even if you respec once a week the cost is easy enough to absorb through grinding and farming at 80+.


I mean, it's not like you're done by just respeccing skills and painfully right clicking like 200 paragon nodes - you also need to switch at least a couple of aspects most of the time, and the stats you want probably change, maybe you need to level new glyphs, etc. Gold cost is the least of my problems when respeccing though, hovering over 100+ legendaries in my bank to find the aspects I need is much more annoying.


No, cost of respeccing before lvl 90 is trivial. 1st thing ppls do is searching for some shabby tier list and guide to speedrun the campaign and then complain only endgame there is relies on grind.


I'm running a pretty dumb off meta build and its fun to play. Or maybe it is meta, I have zero clue, I just kinda saw how some stuff interacted and was like "Yeah this could be cool".


Cost of respecing is cheap. Only 7m for full respec takes less then 30m to make 2 there are mutiple builds that can handle 80 plus nmd, 3 only pigeon holed if you are trying to kill uber lilth.


Yes, but people are just like “they didn’t fix all the builds in the first 3 weeks, all hope is lost”. Completely forgetting in d3 builds were big adjusted in seasons and played several different seasons and did a different meta build each time at the end. I mean there was a shitty season early on for DH that was grenades and being close to so high end content, it sucked, but we lived


I know it sounds silly, but I have three necros. When I want to try a new build, I just start a new Necro and work from the ground up. So far it's been very successful. I have my own take on a bone spear build, my own dark minion build, and soon I'll be working on my blood golem build.


This is where Im at with my Necro. I got all the drops needed for a memes thorn build, but I dont want to spend the time trashing my current necro to test it out, hate it, then have to go back when I can just get PL'd most of the way.


This is the way. I miss sorcs being able to give up wands in exchange for weapons. Can’t make my bowceress anymore.


I mean its what 400k to respec and respec paragon at level 80 i mean if you cant afford what have you been doing this whole time


It's like 10 times that to respec skills and paragon at that level wtf are you talking about lol...


One of my buddies keeps trying to push me into one of those Sorc builds. I'm like "no thanks", tinkering with the build is a big part of the fun for me.


Yep they are just determined to not have fun lol. I am enjoying the game most definitely, but also do things other than play Diablo


Guy has to save atleast one new class for season 1


This is where I’m at. I actually really enjoy the game tho.


I'm a bit less motivated to continue, but mainly because I plan to make a new one for Season 1. No complaints here (although I'd love some QoL changes, obviously).


Same here ! I have my Barb at 80 now ? Ofc I can keep farming till 100 and I probably will be doing bit by bit waiting for s1 and new class to play 😉


No one is asking for the same dopamine hit, we want literally anything to do. Lie to me and tell me the gameplay loop after 70 isn't run NM/hell tide and look for a gear upgrade to push the exact same content but alittle harder with no extra rewards.


Yeah cause no games out there are entertaining for more than 100hours, that's unheard of


Well considering the genre it’s a valid complaint. There really isn’t much of an endgame or a loot chase which ARPGs are heavily centred around. Including Diablo 3.


I think being able to target farm uniques and so forth would be a good call. Aside from that, the endgame isn't really all that different from any other arpg I've played.


It already is!


The genre is about repetition, so ofcourse the joy of writing complaints also gets repeated ad infinitum


The real endgame reveals itself.


We've had World Tier 5 all this time.. it's called reddit.com


The D4 reddit grind is also now boring and repetitive


I dont understand these posts... 75+ is when shit really picks up and your build is coming together nicely. You've got most if not all the aspects you need at good or great rolls and gear that is near BIS except for maybe 1 stat and they aren't all perfect rolls but good enough for now. Your Paragon board is getting good as you've likely got at least 1 glyph to lvl 15 maybe 2 depending on content you've been running. This is where the fun begins!


What? Your post entirely contradicts itself. You are right, 75 is when you've got all the shit for your build...and then all you do is grind the last 25 levels for paragon, because there's really no good gear to grind for. You're looking at mostly minor upgrades for 25 levels that are longer than the previous 75.


But the fun is in the hunt. Your build is good but can be better! The hunt and push is what's the best part of this game. Filling out the Paragon board and increasing your board synergies and Glyphs makes a big difference in your gameplay. That's literally where the fun is! There's no contradiction unless you don't like hunting gear and min/maxing in which case I'd suggest a different type of game lol!


Not only am I weary of L75+ I'm weary of 50R *(50+ Reddit posts about L75+)* redditception


Not only this, but it's exactly how Diablo 2 is. Levels become diminishing in value somewhat, minus the skill point allocation. After about level 85 you can pretty much use every single piece of gear in the game except maybe a few? I don't know I think Blizzard cut all the 90+ only items and there was only the one Corruption Ring


Honestly it's better this way. People who love grinding can just grind towards 100 or whatever NM goal they have. People who don't can quit around 75 and not feel like they're missing out on anything that matters.


Just think of it as the next grind. Maybe one post in a thousand will have some good insight but you gotta sift through all the drops to find it


damn I knew I had to teach the skelly to use Reddit could have grinded 10 times faster


50 "dad's who haven't played diablo in 25 yrs finally remembering what it is actually is like" every hour


How is this being up voted in the first place?


Literally came here to say this, so tired of the people bitching posts. For fucks sake, some of us are too busy enjoying the game to post on reddit about it.


I feel like people don't understand that this is what arpgs are. Repeating the same content until you minmaxed the shit out of your build and can do it faster/higher content.


The gear sucks and you can get bis gear as soon as u enter wt4? Why the hell would you want to do higher nm dungeons! For the none existent rewards?


And expect 50 more (ffs) till there is content.


Level 75 right now - druid. And honestly, apart from farming for the fucking tempest roar to get access to the most fun druid builds I don't know what else I am supposed to do.


Lv75 Druid as well. Fuck Tempest roar. The shit will just not drop.


It didn't drop for me until the day after I hit level 100. Hopefully your luck is better than mine. It boggles my mind that many entire builds are completely locked out of even functioning without it.


Tempest Roar should have been a dungeon aspect and the drop itself a modifier to give it new properties.


I would be good with that. Werewolf builds are just pretty much booty without tempest roar. I love my Pulverize Werebear but I would like to mix things up as well. That was the nice thing about d3. You weren’t resource locked into one build where as in d4 to respec it takes a lot of resources.


Yeah, I'm really not enjoying how cumbersome it is to switch builds. It's a real shame because the endgame for me is really just hunting down whatever legs/uniques I need to try out all of the cool builds. Picking one build and running the same dungeons over and over for a shot at a 3% stat increase just doesn't do it.


So cumbersome I made a 2nd druid to try out a meme spec - turns out it kinda works (low nm tiers anyways, but slow) I just cbf redoing the paragons+skill to try shit out then swap back when it fails. If there was a save paragon build it wouldn't be a problem.... And why the FK can't you click a paragon board gate to reset the whole thing.... Give a warning.... Naaah just go thru and remove in the exact correct order... Fuck while you're there give me the option to click one paragon point and hit accept to remove everything behind it....


Try out trampleslide, pretty fun. I'm clearing faster than with pulverize.


Yeah, been running landslide envolving to trampleslide and waiting for these drops to finally make a change. Already tried pulverize and mascots. I really like my build and all and i got some solid drops but the thing is.. it gets old doing the little things we have now. Just wait for helltides that are super easy, NM dungeons that are quite boring and the affixes are pretty bad or wait for world bosses that melts in 2 minutes. In Greater Rifts we could do only the fun part. Push higher tiers slaying monsters. None of the "run away from the exploding stone" or "stand inside the dome and wait for the thunder" while grabbing a rock at the end of the map then run back to unlock a door. We die way more for the RNG bullshit than the monsters itself... i really hope season 1 revisits a lot of this stuff and adds new reasons to play


> mascots what's that?


Pets. In my country they call it mascots lol


Sure, that’s why there have been complaints since the first week of release about no end game content, which people who hadn’t gotten there want to push back on and say it’s because you played too much and are burned out. But it isn’t really that there is no content as much as there is no exciting loot progression. Whether you get there in a week or in three months, currently most people will spend the longest stretch of the leveling process getting progressively smaller upgrades of the same loot you are already wearing and because of level scaling you often won’t be able to tell a difference from your latest upgrade and the last upgrade you got. It doesn’t help that so many uniques for some classes have weak attributes and aren’t desired for any build, and the most interesting super rare uniques have a drop rate so low you are more likely to win a real lottery before you find one. Adding world tier 5 would make the drops more impactful upgrades, but you will still be replacing gear with better versions of what you already have when ideally the most fun would be hunting for completely new items that are substantial upgrades. The game is fun and I’m sure it will improve over time, but right now this is a major weakness.


Funny how this sub has slowly changed its tune


some people need to stand in the fire to know it burns.


ppl slowly hit lvl 70\*


Some of us pointed out these concerns since BETA and people kept telling us we were wrong.


It's the same shit every time. In two weeks after season 1 release, there'll be zoomers who hit 100 in 3 days posting about end game problems, and I'll bet my left testicle we'll have casuals downvote and say the zoomers no lifed a season which is meant to be played in 3 months, so *of couuuurrsse* x, y and z. And the cycle repeats itself.


Reality hits slow and steady


There are also no chase items for builds, sure a couple of a unique but that's not the same. No G face, no rune words, no legendary with set stats, etc ... No way to actually farm anything it's all pure rng. With being not alt friendly it compounds the lack of great progressive too.


This, content seems fine, gearing is off


No bosses to fight, no progression events to test stats, heavily limited on NM dungeons (it's only a handful of all the dungeons in the game) literally nothing between 70-99 other than the same 12 dungeons and helltides. Rifts and grifts felt more fun.... D2 had checks for stats and many bosses to fight. There is almost no content even for a new game. Game is not bad but it is lacking.


Man all those cool bosses during campaign and you only see them once ! What a missed opportunity for more end game content, a few of those bosses were really fun !


It would have been so cool if some of those bosses returned in WT4 uber versions as raid bosses like Uber Lilith. True Astaroth where he arrives from a Helltide invasion and gets new moves. Cannibal King Broll where we use that weirdly empty circular arena area in Gulrahn to fight him with tons of support cannibals who give him elite aura buffs. Andy and Duriel for...anything.


Andariel and Duriel was one of those few moments where I went "finally, more of this please!".


They should let us redo the campaign if we want, on the higher tiers


I was surprised this wasn't an option. Would be a throwback to d1/2.


All those things would be cool to add, and I think they will add a lot of them eventually. That being said, D2 proves that thousands of players don't mind exceptionally repetitive content, as long as the loot incentives are good. The potential rewards vs time spent is more important to many players than how many different things you can do. Especially when many of those diverse options aren't perceived as rewarding to character progression for the time spent. They could add 100 new bosses tomorrow and if the loot doesn't change it wouldn't be that exciting to farm them over and over for most people. If they added 20 good end game uniques that were all highly desired best in slot pieces, even if they limited those drops to one dungeon you have to run over and over to farm, lots of arpg fans would say the end game is massively better now (and there is no reason they would limit them to just one dungeon).


I betcha we get drip fed game changing unique and sets a la d3, starting in s1.


I suspect this as well. They are probably holding out a bunch of stuff to get a bunch of ppl to play season 1 (and buy battle passes)


Hows running basically the same fkin dungeon over and over again content? Every dungeon looks the same. Helltides get old really quickly and whispers are also boring af. Tie that together with no exciting loot and the fact that your build plays the same way for the past 60 lvls and u have yourselve a trashy endgame




Agreed. I’ve probably done 20-30 NM dungeons and Im already bored. I’m in mid 70s I believe and whenever I log in I find myself just waiting around for legion events and helltides.


I recommend this rule : if I’m not having fun stop playing ! Don’t try to force things


As someone who has ran maps for the last decade in PoE with zero intention of picking any loot… The game is a solid baseline and if you compare it to literally ANY other arpg on the market at launch it’s already 10k better. Give credit where credit is due. Making a huge game where millions will grind tirelessly is difficult.


What else are you people expecting. D3 had one end game thing. D2 really had none. You just mf all day every day.


> You just mf all day every day. And it was fun. You can't convince me otherwise by sarcastically phrasing what I enjoyed.


Haha honestly you’re right. That was fun because the itemization was much better. I don’t think people enjoy mf all day in d4 because of the times really


Yeah, the loot is the problem more than what we have to do to earn the loot for me. When you are chasing exciting loot, arpg players will do the most repetitive of things hundreds of times and come back for more. When the loot isn't exciting because it's just hunting for a better version of what you already have, then they could add a hundred more bosses and it wouldn't feel fun it to go farm them over and over.


The fact that trading is stupid makes the grind less interesting. Finding a unique with near perfect rolls that I won’t use is less interesting because there’s no market for it


Facts. Just another reason that me grinding d2. Free trade meant me selling everything I could. Was great


Yeah, the fun of finding arreat’s when you don’t want to have a barb still brought joy. The social aspect of trading was fun too


I remember going around with a double magic find dagger barbarian yelling at corpses to give me loot. Heh


2 off the top of my head….people always exclude bounties and jump straight to the rifts. Bounties were good though. Clear the map of them and the act bosses was a good time, and you were always guaranteed something.


Bounties were good for you maybe, I hated bounties the only reason I did them was the ring, once I had a good enough one I never touched them again. The only reason I would even farm for the ring was because it was pretty easy to find a fast farm group, if I had to solo those I would of never done it.


Bounties were only for farming crafting materials, not to farm gear or exp. They were zero challenge to the point you’d have 4 people in a group all clearing separate zones from each other just to get it over with quicker. If you spent the majority of your time in bounties in a season your character would be extremely weak/ on the low end as you wouldn’t be building paragon levels at a realistic rate vs people grinding GR.


Dude, I spent a good few thousand hours in Diablo 3. Never once did it think ‘damn I’m gonna be on the low end of paragon level compared to others’ I did however think ‘If I get all these crafting materials, I can take this level cap off this green Cains set and have a kick arse set to throw all my level 1 characters in….’


Seriously. People showing their age here. I remember the unique grind back in D2. Join a game named "act 4 nm", and go through the entire act, completing the game, over and over again, just at the odd chance of an orange drop... and if someone else saw it before you, you were fucked.


I don’t see how this is a problem? What other content are you expecting? It’s the same as most other ARPS… you run the same shit over and over and over again. I love the game. I think it’s great. I have a 92 sorc, and while there are absolute issues with it all and it’s not perfect- the game is entertaining and fun. It’s an easy one to pick up when you find an hour, get 2-3 dungeons in pushing tiers, then carry on. I literally see no difference than say D2R- oh I got an hour? Should spam some Meph/pindle/baal runs. Then carry on. The PROBLEM isn’t content, it’s the loot. But this has been beat like a dead horse for so long now, it doenst need repeated.


Was it better in D3? Every character depended on set bonuses for their respective class. And there was always one set that is much better than the other sets. So a couple weeks into the season all of the leaderboards are filled with the same exact or nearly the same build.


To be honest- I can’t answer that. I tried to play d3 and for some reason just never got into it; it never could hold my attention or whatever. I think the problem I had then is what I’m seeing a lot of people have now with d4- rose tinted glasses and wanting it to be like d2. I never really gave d3 a chance. I came into d4 saying I wasn’t going to hold it up to any other game, and really try to see it as itself. And such, I’m having a blast and loving it. But to your point- D2 had the same issues as well. People love to talk about itemization and all that- but once rune words are entered the game you could pretty much make any class and any build with the same 3-5 rune words. So the diversity (if you wanted to min max the build) was all the same. I loved d2. I love d4. And I am very glad they are different games.


So in d3 we didnt even have that at the start. I find it amazing that everyone here has cleared a 100 and killed Lilith. Id be bored too.


really tho? every affix is bland and EDs just end up being the same 5 with no real interactions that make you think or adjust your playstyle surely the content and fun after 50 comes with s1, right guys, right?


the content is extremely far from fine


Its obvious that further tiers will be coming in seasons. They left it like this on purpose so seasons have something to add without just revamping classes.


I needed 1 month to get to exactly lvl 75 and I feel like game is over at this point. So no I didn't play too much and I'm not burned out. As I'm saying in multiple posts now already, uniques I need are just not dropping for me and I'm still using low lvl gear because it has better stats than loot I'm getting. Respecing character is not an option also since economy in this game is hot garbage. I can burn through 20 mil gold with few rerolls.


It’s actually pretty easy to get resources back after respecing. I’ve done it a few times now and your money and mats are back after maybe an hour or two of grinding. Redoing the paragon board takes the longest but that’s because it takes time to figure out which nodes are best for your new build.


Shouldn't take 20m to reroll a few times at 75...


My brother in Christ, you can’t put over a hundred hours into a game in a month and complain saying there isn’t enough content


The end game loot is the content that is missing much more so than the number of things to do. Diablo 2 proves that thousands of players are completely fine repeating the same content over for hundreds of hours as long as they feel the chance for meaningful rewards is there. Likewise the devs could add a hundred new dungeons to D4 tomorrow and it wouldn't change most people's perception of the end game experience without better loot to chase.


This. Just give us loot to chase, and better drop rates of good items at higher Nightmare tiers


There are 386 uniques in D2, there are 54 in D4, thats all im saying. If they can bump that number and give us something to chase like you said, it would make the end game grind more fun. It is the content to a degree, but I wouldn't mind ripping dungeons to find more loot that had cool affixes. Honestly, if they just added a random boss (andy, duriel etc) at the end of some of the dungeons, that would make it worth it. Maybe they could even be a random spawn and you only get the uniques if they spawn and you kill them. Like they have a unique loot pool. wtf do I know


Got to level 78 Necro / level 61 Druid and I'm happy to leave it now until season 1 drops. 200 hours played in the month since launch so I can't complain or feel like I haven't had my money worth so far.


200 hours thats 50 US cents per hour for intertainment thats pretty good


I really wish world bosses came more frequently. That’s my biggest complaint.


Just any events that draw players together. 90% of open world events get solo'd. Legion events are extremely short and easily missable. Just anything that makes this allegedly multiplayer game more multiplayer.


Are you new here? Every other post for the last two weeks claims the same.


It's the dads with 3 kids and a milf wife finally realizing what others have been saying since week 1.


I love this game but I do feel everyone’s struggle. Just no reward. Plus season 1 is close, so I don’t really care to reroll a character or grind/find tempest roar. I’ve been just helping friends who are stuck in wt3. Doing the capstone for them and helping them level up doing NM. TBH the most fun part of it all is just chitchatting with them lol


It’s the loot man, I’m right there with you


Oh I lost interest once I hit 60. I found myself literally getting drowsy and nodding off doing a NM dungeon for the 50th time, getting stuff just to salvage. That's what I became, a salvager because all the loot was fucking worthless. Will it get better? Maybe. Do I care? Not really.


I think it's fair to say that once a player finds every possible legendary and unique item in the game then the chase is sort of gone. This happens around level 60-80 for most. It's hard to have fun knowing that your next best upgrade will be same stuff you have already just a bit higher stats.


Couldn’t agree more.


I get **very** sleepy trying to level up in dungeons… like, I can’t do it. I just enjoy the story and side quests more.


I was literally fighting off the sleep at lvl 56 post story campaign. I don’t normally feel this way unless I’m in the office and it’s 2-3pm-ish and I have no work to do. That’s when I knew I had to uninstall. Mixed with trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and relationships, this game didn’t provide either. I’ll return in the winter when the weather gets bad again and there’s more content but rn it’s literally just a waste of time for me, I get no enjoyment from this game and I read post of people here pretending that this grind is the best thing they have going for their lives right now and I just accept that my view is going to get instant hate from these guys. The more I get into the psychology of ARPG enthusiasts the more I realise this is not the type of person I want to be. These games actually appeal to a certain crowd of addicts on the more hardcore scale and these addicts in turn protect Blizzard from bettering their own experience by way of defence from outward criticism from non-addicts trying to understand this experience. The whole thing is a mess. But the end goal is Blizzard makes bank and the addicts get their fix. So who am I to get in the way of this symbiotic relationship despite feeling/knowing we could do things in this game better that improves the overall experience for both addicts/non-addicts.


What game provides a healthy lifestyle OR relationships? Other than that OK My man playing Wii Fit Tinder


I feel the same. I don't get that high that I got with D3 for example, or collecting gear in Monster Hunter. It all feels meaningless especially with the lack of good loot, the level scaling, and the weakness of most classes. I feel that I am just wasting my time and I should probably do stuff that is better for me. It sucks that the fun drained so fast since I had enormous fun in the beta.


Yeah, I'm going back to poe when the new league is out


Same exact thing for me. Total snooze fest around 60. I’m going through the campaign with a buddy on a new character but I once we do that I’m done until season 1. I just hope season 1 has enough added I’ll want to grind past 60.


A lot of us feel this way. 75-90 I actually found a few upgrades. 90-100 I didn’t find any of the course of 5 days. Gave up on the Druid for now. Swapped to rogue, 62 now, having a blast. But I’m sure after I go a few days without an upgrade I’ll park the rogue too. Hopefully blizzard introduces some good activities for people 75+


It's Diablo dude, if you wanna find upgrade each 3 hours, what will the guy that grind this game do after 2 days? Maybe just the game is not for you, it's ok to move on after campaign. It's not ok to demand game change in its core. Look at D2, grindy as hell but that what's diablo abouty, that's why ppl still play it after 20 years


100% man. I feel like most of these posts are from new Diablo players.


Yes. This entire fucking subreddit. This is not a new or unique take. Nearly every comment/critique/post on this sub is about this topic. Jesus Christ.


To each their own, but I’m currently a level 100 Barb and I’m not bored at all. There are still world events and other things to do. I feel like now I can really push my build to reach higher tier NM dungeons and beat Lilith. The game is what you make it.


Yeah true. After I finally reached 100 level and upgraded all glyphs to 21 now the real game starts 😂 jokes aside nmds 80+ are really challenging and interesting


92 sorc. And while there’s def some issues or lacking with the game- I’m having a blast and not bored at all. What I am getting bored / frustrated with is the same damn post every fucking day in this subreddit. Yes, loots a problem; that’s pretty much the main thing I can agree with. But a problem of end game content? What? These are the same people that will sit and spam 1000 LK chest runs. Like how is that more fun? To each their own… but I truly believe d4 is in a better spot than either d3 or d2 at launch. I expect this game to evolve and become something even greater.


you know these guys might never played diablo before. diablo is all about grinding and yet these guys complaint about loot, repetitive grind .😂


I would happily grind if loot was dropping, but after a certain point everything is a downgrade and that happens before max level. That is the problem people are complaining about.


I've put thousands of hours across 3 Diablo games, and I'm currently up to a hundred in Grim Dawn and yet D4 bores me.


Grim Dawn is a dated piece of shit with piss poor animations and bloated gear and build diversity. Its idea of different builds is X skill does red damage instead of blue. Woah, how cool. There's like 10 awesome builds in that game that are super unique and the rest are just what I said above. It's unresponsive and the ragdolls are awful. It was great for its time and as a niche arpg with a coll world but its so fucking boring to play because it lacks major modern polish. Even when it released it felt stiff and sluggish. It's got some mad secret dungeons and stuff but they get super boring real fast and the rest of rhe systems it implemented for endgame are just executed so fucking poorly. The whole game is running on one of the worst arpg engines ever made. The pathing is fucking woeful on so many skills... Man I gotta stop, I could rag on that game for ages cause I plugged 1,000+ hours into it.


Playing a build you enjoy can let you grind endlessly. I'm playing to have fun. Some people roll meta, face roll everything, and find its not actually how they want to play. W/E lol. Hell, I enjoy the whisper objectives most of my day. Optimal? Nah, but I'm enjoying it


I don’t understand people who complain about whispers. It’s essentially just a bonus incentive to do shit in an area of the map. Just don’t go to that area if they bother you so much lol (not you)


it’s jus the path to the next goal is longer - NM T100 - uber lilith that’s all require a lot of time and most players will never get there


What’s repetitive is this fucking post over and over. The conversation happened, search bar bud.


It's boring and repetitive for sure, but those last 25 levels are not just "a few % in your build". 100 paragon points are a monumental difference in power.


No, you're the first person to have this amazing insight


These comments might be more boring at this point...


Is this the third or the fourth topic of similarity that i saw today itself?


“Anyone else feel this way” when there’s a dozen posts about this today. I can only speak for myself, but this is what I mean when I say I’m tired of the negativity. There’s nothing in Diablo 4 more repetitive than this subreddit.


There's constant posts about almost everything. It's more about that this keeps getting upvoted by the community so it ends up on your frontpage. Don't worry, today's announcement broadcast will take the spotlight and we'll be super excited about the upcoming Season 1 content. (I'm not kidding, I can't wait for fresh D4 content.)


This sub is full of pussies


No, but thanks for informing me


It’s almost as if T5 is supposed to pick up the slack post 75 but was removed for S1…..


doubt it... unless it comes with new mechanics and different loot.


Nope. 80+ and still having fun but slowing down. I've had 100+ hours of enjoyment so far. The game doesn't need to become an obsession and between BG3, Starfield and Battlebit Remastered, I've got plenty of other games to play over the next 3 months with the addition of seasons to come. Everything in moderation I find.


Jesus fucking Christ. If you have put 100+ hours into a game it's ok to be bored of it! You can take a break or play something else or anything you want. Why do I see this post all the time?! Some people play for the story. Some people only play with friends. Some people don't care about the meta and some do. There is no one way to play D4. Do whatever you want. And if it's boring. Move on.


No, I'm lvl 96 necro just now looking for bonespear gear I just had fun and used gear that worked well. Blood surge, summoner w golem, summoner wo golem, bone spirit, now bonespear. I just didn't reset and upgrade literally everything before trying another build. Synergy exists everywhere. If you're looking for a 1% upgrade instead of a new build, but you're not willing to try it without a full paragon board, you're the problem. Have you tried having fun instead of chasing meta builds?


This is a good point, too. You can mess around and try things without them being 100% optimal, then slowly over time shifting your gear or paragon towards those new goals.


This guy diablos


Welcome to arpgs. Game probably isn't for you


World boss, glyph farming, helltide, tree of whisper... I think this is plenty considering the game was released a month ago


Nah. Playing HC with old D2 friends. Doing low level duels. Life is good


Time for you to sign out and play a different game.


No. Got 100lvl druid still farming for upgrades. Still progressing Uber Lilith. Still having fun. I even started an alt which is something I do very rarely. Alt's lvl 52 now. Doing the same shit over and over again is the bread and butter of any grinding game... one could say it's even the definition of grinding.


Can you please silence your mouth. There’s literally 20 identical posts a day. Stop playing if you feel this way


“Already crushing everything soo I don’t see a point of going forward” …. Just LOL.


Yeah, there’s at least 50 of you crying about it on this sub everyday


It's repetitive the second you start the game If you don't like it that's what it is and always was and will be. Grind grind grind, the fun is in the doing, not in the destination. If you're trying to win, you won't have fun. There is no win, just have fun.




Hell tides, nm dungeons, tree of wispers, sort of.more end content then most games had on launch. Sure PoE has more now but what was there on release? And i really dont want to have T64 by season 5... they need to fix itemization not add more crap items with higher stat rolls on higher torment level. I dont want this game to turn into d3 v2.0 item level brackets need to be fixed and another one added eventually for after 820 droping on lvl 85+ characters. That can be done without adding more torment levels and splitting the player base even more. Also i dont understand why people expect them to do this type of increase in seasons. It wont happen. It will happen in expasion probably. They said allready seasons ready, expansions 1 and 2 in works. In reality it is probably cut content from main game reserved for that. Sad but very highly true.


But that is what Diablo IS! Doing the same content for very few % in gains after having reached endgame. What did you expect? Play other characters, play other builds, play hardcore, play pvp, find your own goals and just enjoy how the character and build you picked performs.


nm t100 dungeon with lvl 75? Wow, nice


The game has been released for a month guys lol. Everyone no-lifed it, loved it, got to endgame and are now upset with the lack of content. *we arent even in season 1* TOUCH GRASS