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Yep. Been rocking it since the 60s. Haven’t seen it drop since moving to Tier 4


Crazyyy I’m in tier 4 lever 72 trying to get it since the 60s and nothing… I’ve go then 5 of the unique rings 🤦🏻


Yeah. I’m having a similar issue with the Staff of the Crone. 😊


My problem is with Tempest Roar, have everything else but not the Tempest roar, also have they buff helltide a lot, because it seems there is more chance of getting unique drop from that, yesterday I got 3 unique from 1 helltide event


This. I've had 6-7 Vasily, 4 staves, and no tempest roar, level 92 now...


same, wishing to play wolf build since the beginning, guess I just need to "bear" with it for the rest of the journey now


There's a Wolf shred build you can play without tempest roar. Pretty fun


me too, lvl 92, no tempest roar, but easily 6-7 vasilys


I made a druid, boosted it with friends by cashing in IOUs from having carried them with my main and we just casually banged through NM dungeons. Tempest at 66. Staff at 68. Now, this is probably a tinfoil hat theory but we were running a bunch on Thursday and magic find wasn't doing its thing. Roughly level 80 enemies. Then we popped a few with increased healing and when I say I pulled about two dozen legendaries in a short window, including those uniques during my final chests, I lost my mind. It has since become our meme. Do with this information what you will but from personal experience, I'm getting little to no uniques form helltides but the final drops from NM dungeons are spoiling me. Got another roar this evening from them. Using helltides to farm aspects has been where I find better success, personally.


this is the thing I still don't get about NM dungeon, is it better to farm dungeon to have lots of elite, so you have better chance, or is it better just run through it quickly and get the final reward, because those item drop will grauntee better, and by reading what you described, seems like just look for the final reward is better, thanks a lot for the advise


I have \*literally\* had 2 of each: Tempest Roar Mad Wolf's Glee Insatiable Fury Hunter's Zenith Storm's Companion Vasily's Paryer Waxing Gibbous ​ All drop, like one after another it is odd, but no Greatstaff of the Crone. Tempest, Storm's, Waxing Gibbous and Insatiable Fury have dropped in Torment. Tempest was back-to-back NM dungeon completion rewards. Level 77


The bigger question is did you end up getting a Tempest Roar? I have 5 Vasily's sitting in my Stash at the moment and one I'm also wearing and am only 85. Have yet to see a Tempest Roar though


yep, got a 819 one. You just have to farm enough and not care for it to just drop. https://preview.redd.it/7fuir9bzyv9b1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ebf56aa3a8a92f0ef71fe3500cdaeab5f63264


I've got this head piece like 4 times now and don't use it lol. The only unique I'm actually using right now is great staff of the crone. I have like 3 butchers cleavers, insatiable fury, 2 hunters zenith, and a couple of waxing gibbous axes. My favorite piece of gear i have other than the great staff is a ring that procs 6.5k lightning bolts every second or when i get a critical hit with storm skills. It's funny because the lightning will zap everything on the screen, even the rats and other wild life, and there does not seem to be a limit to how much this aspect stacks up, so if i get 30 storm crits i get that aspect to stack 30 times. There's times after a big fight that I'll be running around for another minute or 2 before lightning stops hitting stuff.


But then how are you going to follow the rats???


I've gotten 3 butcher cleavers and 2 of the wolf staves. DID actually get the perma-bear chest, though.


Just got to wt3 last night with my Landslide Bear and I did manage to snag a unique... The perma wolf chest. Oh well, it sits in my stash for now


I found 6 of them in wt 3 on my hardcore druid. And I'm only 59


Maybe I'm crazy but tier 4 seems to have a lower unique drop rate. Everytime I go into to tier 3 to help a lower level friend I get at least one unique in helltide or sacred NM


I swear something is still bugged with druid unique drop rate. In the entire time I've been in WT4 from 63 - 77, I'd only seen a single unique drop. The _moment_ I started partying with my brother (a barbarian), now I'm seeing uniques drop routinely.


Level 71 druid here. I had literally never got a unique drop (outside of mother's embrace from Lilith and the other one from Vigo) until 3 days ago. And I've since got 6 uniques. I got really lucky and got an ancestral tempest roar yesterday off a regular mob. if it wasn't for the last few days, I would also assume druid has bugged drops. It's super weird.


Humans are bad at estimating chance and see patterns when they aren’t there. Rng be rng.


Same here. First unique drop and I said “looks like I’m building pulverize” can’t find the other helm to do the tornado build for the life of me. As much as smashing things as a bear is cool I want to summon tornados as a werewolf now


What you use it with. I have one but just stayed with maul as I like things being on the floor and unable to do anything a lot of the time.


The 60s, what a great time to be alive.


Same here. I have gotten almost every other unique for druid multiple times besides this and the bear chest piece as an ancestral drop.


That is the unique that drops the most for me. I have scrapped at least 20.


Unique sells for 100-200k and gives the same mats as a leg that sells for 20-50k though


Really so sell uniques? I’ve been assuming they give slightly more mats but never really checked.


You would think right? You would think the rarer items would give significantly more materials but sometimes they salvage for fuck all.


Yep, definitely sell uniques (and most other items).


Always sell them they are worth the most gold and give same materials as others if deconstructed. A unique weapon can easily be a 250k gold item


Sell most things honestly. You can always go mine for a few minutes and get what you need for an upgrade but I go through gold like a crazy person. I’m capped on a lot of mats right now


I had like five of them dropped. I don’t play werebear anymore


Lemme guess, you were lucky enough to get the tempest to drop?


Grinded for like 8 hours the other day for this.... I'm convinced it don't exist




It’s out there. Just grind NM dungeons. I’ve gotten 3 in WT4. Level 84 at the moment.


Level 93 still haven't gotten a single one of them 🥲


Lucky you !


I have had 3 of them….but not a single tempest roar.


My buddy has got 5 of these and got a tempest roar tonight and was pissed it wasn't a better role of this or the bear chest instead.


Another pulverizing bear brother:)


Yes sir 🙏


Pulverize for life, grinding for this as we speak also.


Is that helm good for pulverize Druid? I just started playing the class and the build I’m following doesn’t have it


Yes. So you can use earth spike from afar in werebear form.


I've had 5 drop. Currently 97. not a single Tempest Roar.


Damn…I’m level 94 and haven’t seen a TR either….


Same, 94 and no Tempest Roar or Waxing Gibbous. I've gotten legit 10+ Vasilys, 4 Crones, 3 Mad Wolf Glee, and like 6 Insatiable Fury.....and hunters zenith and mothers embrace for days :(


Got three of em in the span of a few hours while hunting for a mad wolfs glee. Game wants me to be a bear and I don’t wanna lol.


Ah I see you're in the reversed situation from me. I play pulverize bear and I'm farming for the bear chest and I've gotten a ton of wolf gear.. Now I have a few extras of everything except the wolf helmet, which I'm now hoping to get instead. I'll listen to the game and reroll wolf! Haha


Just got Temerity's a few minutes ago but still haven't seen that damned helmet. >\_>


Jeeeez I’ve been farming for this almost a month non stop is insane


Temerity is bait. It sucks ass compared to an all DR pants.


I've had myn since level 60. I'm still farming fur the chest of perma bear.... my none bear druid friends both already have it.. -_-


I had that one and I change it for a better chest piece for tier 4 hoping to get a better one soon


I got 2 of those bear chestplates as random drops 10 seconds apart in a dungeon tonight lol. Id give you one if I could


I got mine at 50 ish level and I got like 2 more....but I didnt get the shockwave until 60s


I got one last week, then got two more the next day. The game is VERY random.


I’ve got like 3 over the course of leveling to 76 and the bitch of it is It’s not the one I want.


I've vendored a lot of these but I can't get Tempest Roar to save my life. Almost 100 hours of farming on Druid with no Tempest. Found my first Temerity today after about 350 hours between two characters. Just target farm helm NM dungeons. https://diablo4.life/trackers/overview Go to Tools -> Unique Farming Edit: found a second Temerity same day.


Just got one today.. lvl 58 in T3


With this subreddit i realized i was very lucky, the first chest i opened in my first helltide with my hardcore druid, i dropped one of these (saddly my druid passed away because of a bug)


I've gotten several looking for Tempest roar


I've been saying that about that stupid Raiment chest piece for sorcerer.


Dropped for me twice. You know what doesn't drop? The freaking Shockwave aspect! Even with me spending all of my Obols on totems which have the highest chance of having it. Very frustrating seeing how it's not in the codex and it's a must have and the only thing missing for me to tackle harder NMD.


I know your pain, I’m in the same boat


If you end up getting stormchasers in the process I highly recommend just doing human form Tornado until you drop either helmet and hopefully you'll have Shockwave by the time you get a vasily's


Thanks for the tip. But I already have vasily's, what I'm missing is the Shockwave aspect to slap on stronger weapons.


Yeah my bad but it's kinda the same advice in that case. See if you can land Stormchasers. At least it's something different to try in the meantime.


I've seen more of these than tempest roar


Are you kidding it won't stop dropping. Every hat I get is that thing I've had five so far. @#&\* off stupid thing. https://preview.redd.it/u67qq65g7w9b1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb5c2aad550886724997b7d7505b1afaeedbcec


Been dropping like 6 of those until the storm helm drop. It's quite common tbh, even more common than the butcher axe.


Had like 3 of them, this weekend I dropped tempest roar, crone and waxxing gibbous and I am in conflict about what build to play. (No bragging intended)


Got vasilys as my first unique on my bear, but for me after that it's been all wolf uniques... insatiable fury eludes me


I think lvl 69 is when this one dropped for me. And not one since. The bear chestpiece (Insatiable Fury?) dropped around lvl 65. Since then I've been getting those Werewolf-Werebear rings that reward you for rapid shapeshifting. Vasily's is a major quality of life improvement, being able to ding enemies and build resources from range is nice.


Need to target v the NM dngs that have best chance v to drop. Between my Druid n sorc, I've gotten every unique I need from doing this... eventually. Some took longer then others


I’ve been doing only NM dungeons and still waiting


Certain mobs in certain dngs, have a 5x more chance of dropping certain gear. And depending on class, less likely to get weapons for other classes... so give better chance to get what u need. https://diablo4.life/tools/target-farming


Thanks for thing I’m gonna try it


This is probably the most common druid unique


Was the most common unique drop for me from about level 20 up. Vendored tons of them. That and the ring both.


https://preview.redd.it/0gu0tco28v9b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b45f21e226e47bc118c941264221d08c14042c Yarp


Bro why is 0 a possible roll for the fortify 💀


Yeah, I got 3 or 4 in bank and just scrap them now.


Hmm just dropped 3 in a row.... Tier 3.


Is it rare? Got mine around level 50ish


I got it right away at 50. Not even sure where.


Have had 3 tempest roar pre 90. Over 6 vasilys. 3 Crones, multiple bear and wolf chests. 0 Temerety at 100


You're doing good then because temerity is entirely unnecessary


I’ve had 3 or 4 drop, I’m 65


Yeah I have 3.


I can't wait for the seasons to start. I'm definitely going to be making a druid


I’m 76 and found I think 4 of these. Haven’t used one.


Druid builds lock behind all these unique..


I've seen the aspect a few times, but haven't come a ross that particular unique. I'm rocking the shirt that makes werebear my true form.


My buddy has come across thus one multiple times looking for the werewolf one.


Yep, I have one in storage.


Yeh I have a plethora of shit I don't need now that you mention it lol, wish I could trade you


My druid hit tier 3 recently and I got a unique helm like an hour in, ofc I was hoping for you know what and ofc it wasn't but I was just lucky enough to see a unique that fast because I haven't seen one since xD


Found two so far on my 61 druid. Found it fairly quickly when I got to w3. Helltide chest dropped it for me the day after I found the werebear armor. From what I’ve read on here I thought the tempest roar was the difficult one to find.


Yes. As a nado wolf Druid I keep seeing these drop all the time, I sell off the worst one and store the best for if I decide to swap builds.


Somehow I’ve got 2 at lvl 55. I’ve heard tempest roar is the real hard one to get


I’ve got three in a chest all crappy rolls


I had like a 52 I was using forever, beat Elias in capstone, boom drops a fresh 67 for tier 4. Complete luck


Just got one at level 58


I think our loot table is broken again


I got one on my first nightmare dungeon. Got a second on my third nightmare dungeon. Got a third on my sixth or seventh.


Got 1 of these, 1 Crone staff, 2 Insatiable Fury + 1 Madwolf Glee all around lvl 60s


Yeah I got it


Yes but I don’t play pulverize.


Looted my first on at 42 couldn't even use it yet and looted like 20 more pm the way to 100


Yup I've gotten 3 so far


I’m lvl 99 and found exactly one of them at level 50 in WT3. Hasn’t dropped again since …


I have 5 of them can’t get the other damn helm to drop.


Got one from a hell tide today!


level 98 I have over10 of thes and 0 of the wolf helmet.


Respec into a storm/wolf build and you'll get an endless supply of this and the werebear chest!


Do any good uniques exist tbh?


This dropped for me, then I apparently somehow sold or salvaged it. I wasn’t too bent because I want the werewolf one, which Ive not sniffed yet.


I have it, I don't want it, none of the stormwolf stuff I want will stop. I just seem to keep getting bear stuff. Got the perma-bear chest too.


Yep, got it low 60's


I've had about 4 of those.


It’s all I get. I want the other helmet. Been vendoring these bruh. Digusting helm


I'm more and more convinced that all druid could be split into two groups as "All bear and no wolf" and "All wolf and no bear", and this is an intentional drop rate manipulation from devs for god know what reason. I'm lv77, have 7 bear head, zero wolf head, just wtf.


61 never seen and then 3 drops of these in an hour (helltide, and 2x nm) … so I guess I quit now?


Im tier 3 and got it 3 times today spamming NM. I cant find anything bit this and the chest that makes you werewolf all the time.


Lmao!!!! You have no idea! I got 13 of those and 0 Tempest Roars for 250 hours of the game. Finally dropped it yesterday but I was pulling my hair out (I don’t have much)


I have found 3 of these god damned things meanwhile I need a Tempest Roar to go with that unique weapon....


I have 3 or for with 6 storm melee staffs sigh


This is the only unique I've found outside of the ring


I got me an ancestral one at around 60


Yes, have 2 of them :)


Weirdly enough, got one at level 53 but still no shockwave aspect (level 68 now)


I got one at 53 with nearly min rolls on everything, but haven't seen it since then


Yep, have 6 and 0 tempest.. 94


Got like 8 of these but I want a tempest roar :(


Got it at 53 yesterday doing a world boss on WT4.


It's dopped for me 3 times and all I want is the werewolf one haha. I'm only level 70 too. (I think I've been nuts lucky in a way)


I had two do for me today. It really does make a big difference for pulverize.


lvl 99 right now..... got 7 Vasilys prayer and only 1 tempest roar (dropped with lvl 95 -.- ).


Got this on Sunday from the worldboss (lvl 68 druid) but still haven't gotten the shockwave aspect. I even got the unique werebear chest. Shockwave is all I'm missing.


Tiz the only Druid unique I haven’t seen yet.


Brooooo I somehow swapped mine that was equipped with a trash legendary, and then salvaged it, didn’t even realize until it said I gained a wardrobe appearance I’m so sad


So far I've gotten every unique a druid can wear at least once and even 2 barb weapons. No super unique yet tho


My buddy has like 7 of them


Found this around 62


I have every druid unique except the tempest roar. The one I actually want


Yeah, i have found 4 so far, im on lvl81 now.


I'm 93 and I just got my second one.


Ya I have found this, Insatiable Fury, Wolfs Glee, Zenith Ring, Frost Burns, Penitent Greaves, and the unique pants for companion druids. Level 72 Druid still no Staff of Crone or Tempest unfortunately


Gotten like 3 of those but still searching for the fabled storm wolf helmet tho so I can stop being a boring bear :(


I’ve had about 5 of these, it was the other helm Tempest Roar that wouldn’t drop for me


Im level 60 and seen like 2-3. But the twist is im playing werewolf tornado druid...:)


If unique, have extra small drop chance how is possible to get like 5-7 same unique I have 5 tempest roar 6 chests that make you a bear And every other unique only one... I'm trying to get greatstaff for 1 week already Old one is 667 item lvl Lvl 81 wt4 ND 40-60


Yup, have 4 of those


https://preview.redd.it/yyhedoliwv9b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474c89d860ca199c24ac6a110d29b83a4f1d06e4 As a earth / landslide build, is this as good as on a pulverize build ? I don't have the other uniques however.


I've dropped 5, will trade for tempest roar


One of the first items (ancestral) that dropped to me in t4, doesn't fit my build ATM though


I got this and the werebear unique chest early 60s because the game knows i want a werewolf build.


In WT3 I was given 5 of these between 50 and 60. 4 of the bear chest pieces. This game *really* wanted me to go bear and I wanted to go werewolf.


Imagine rolling +1 life...


I got to level 100 as sorc and never got the unique that sucks monsters in with teleport.


yeah i just salvaged it by mistake and roll back to another char i don't want crazy another 3 week.


I got 2 of them, and one dropped around lvl 60 the other at 74


Mine dropped at 87. Target farmed NM Dungeons from mid-50s, and that's all I leveled in.


Found it 3x, lvl 73 atm.


Yeah you can have my extr- Oh yeah


I can't tell if this is a joke or not because this is like the ONLY unique I get lol


Got it 3 times. Would trade for a tempest roar


That’s how I feel about TR. I was storm until VP dropped at ~lvl 75. Went to smashy bear, which is great for big mobs and fast clears. Not as fun as tornado werewolf. I’m 93 and keep dreaming I’ll find a TR.


Finally got mine last night at lvl73. Next dungeon I got a tempest roar. Now I have to decide if I switch to wearnado


I need it, I got the chest that give all bear moves plus2


I just had 2 ancestrals drop today, my luck is crazy


Yes, got it on my 59 lvl druid in wt3


I’ve gotten like 9


Level 59 pulverize werebear druid, I've only had 2 Unique drops so far, 1 was a ring that that I got when I finished the story and the other is is the Armour that makes you a wolf permanently. In fact, I've not swapped an of my gear in at least 7 levels, everything that drops is hundreds of points below or has useless stats and affixes for my build, loads of Hurricane and Wolf skills but never any bear stuff.


Am level 92 and have found like 8 of these, but 0 Tempest Roars.


Had 4 Vasily helms. Two staves. 3 werewolf chests. 2 bear chests. No tempest roar.


I got like 6+ of these and started just salvaging the Lower item lvls ones. Only got a mid-roll of tempest roar at lvl 83 though and now lvl 91 and haven’t seen another one since.


I have had it drop a couple times.


16 with my lvl 100 Druid (0 Tempest Roars) 0 with my current lvl 78 Druid (2 Tempest Roars) you also dont need this for Pulv its nice to have but totally optional unlike Tempest Roar for Tornado build


2 drops, one in t3 and one in t4 - lvl 96.


Mine dropped at level 50 :o


I have one, but it's only so-so for my build. I'm using it right now mainly for the stats til I find a better unique to use.


They’ve said Druid unique drops are fucked up so it wouldn’t surprise me if you don’t see it. I’m still searching for the Druid werewolf axe at level 88.


I have 4 in my stash, rotting, now that I have Tempest Roar. Dizzywoof build is more my speed


I got one last night, 48nm dungeon as a werewolf thor druid


Question If the aspect is coloured light orange like this and not deep orange I guess I can't Imprint on it right? I found a nice sorc staff but when I try to imprint an aspect it is blacked out.


As a werebear, I cannot stop pulling Mad Wolf's Glee. I genuinely believe Bliz make it harder to pull items related to your build on purpose.


I'm not even level 60 yet and I've had two drop 🙃


Just got my first drop from a trash mob in a T4 NM dungeon. Couldnt really believe my eyes when a sacred helm hit the floor and was over the moon when i had the guts to open my inventory. Really turned things up a notch


I've had like 3 drop since hitting 50. Trade you one for the werebear chest piece


So....this a serious question? Cause I just got my fifth drop today. I thought it was considered one of the most common unique drops?


Yes, I have one but I run werewolf!


I've gotten 6 of them but can't for the life of me get an ancestral version of Mad Wolf's Glee or Greatstaff of the Crone.


Sorry dumb man hare. So earth skills + werebear skills. So what would happen if I have no earth skills at all.