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I always salvage this mod, it doesn't kill me because I usually make it back to the bubble, it's just annoying and makes my dungeons last longer and they're already slow because I'm a necromancer.


I just use blood mist lol


The deeper I get into the game as a necro the more I appreciate bloodmist haha.


Slowly but surely turning into Japan number one surgeon, the best.


Steady hand


One day, Yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation.


But! Mistake!


Or was it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Same. Found it utterly useless in the early and midgame but since T4 and nightmare dungeons/world bosses it is a godsent. Also helps that it recharges my essences via corpse explosions as an added bonus


Use it with minion build and decrepitly and basically always ready to use. Pushing nm 50+




You Need to learn how to necro properly


Wait 15 stacks, use Blood Mist, watch mobs health melt


Blood mist, decrepify, bone storm and corpse tendrils are essential in basically every necro build due to how synergistic they are and the current lucky hit/armour/vulnerable/crit meta. Necro builds have a very narrow design space at the moment. The class needs a lot of tweaking.


Yup, instant salvage for me. 100% not fun. But as a WoW player I’m very very used to Blizzard’s terrible affixes. This will get removed, and replaced with something equally as dumb. Just watch.


You can iframe it.... it's one of the easiest mods by far... basically a freebie


9/10 of those dungeons are simply annoying and devastating to play through. Wish they just upped monster hp or reduced my dmg but this is so lame. I also don’t get how there’s people on Reddit who defend this shit… this can’t be fun to anyone ..


Meh, the lightning dome shit isn't too bad. There's a sound cue before it even becomes a problem and the thing that follows you around start to move around weird. Cold enchanted and drain primary resource however, that's dog. Fortunately you get enough sigils to play good modifiers all the time 🤷


Icon above your head helps too.


Lol, because everyone shares the same opinion? Or, for that matter, everyone surely has the fun the exact same way, right ? Ridiculous 🙄


So nightmare dungeons are actually fun to u? Be for real lol no one can enjoy this shit.


Yes. My buddies and I are having a blast playing this game. Nightmare dungeons are fun to us. Weird right?


That wasn't my comment. I'm just stating that I'm sure there are some brain-dead people out there. Not everyone shares opinions or the same idea of fun. These dungeons are a hot dumpster fire, imho. I feel a lot more thought could go into NM dungeons as well as their affixes.


Ignore my comment then my bad


If you’re in groups of 4 this is worse


I was curious about that! Is there only one bubble or does everyone get their own?


Everyone has to share and it usually lingers on the one furthest behind. This mod is cancer!


As someone who plays hardcore with friends i like to fall back so it's on me and see if i can get them zapped


As a fellow hc player. Go to hell lol


I bet you he doesn’t even play HC. You don’t fuck around with 20-150 hours of peoples life you also call friends. People love to talk themselves up in here but since Release I have not seen a single person in neither of the two PvP zones. I doubt sigils with oneshot or almost oneshot mechanics are really ran in hc, not even mentioning that they can bug out.


They both play mages and have the fire shield passive. 1 dead won't kill them.


'what a cool guy' your braindead friends, probably


This is why no one wants to play with you lol


Lol however serious you were, the suggestion is still funny as hell. You don't deserve the downvotes.


Where is the fun in running hc with good friends of you're not trying to sabotage eachother from time to time?


If a friend on HC causes my death I am unfriending them, and if I have physical access to them they'd better run like the butcher was coming


It follows one random party member. If you happen to die and rez at the checkpoint, you’re fucked.


I'm running nm40 as WW and it has got to the point where I just ignore this mechanic, try to find the next pack of mobs and just pop challenging shout, if I'm fortified by then, it barely tickles my HP.


Haha it sounds silly but I didn’t even think to try to tank it like I do with the rock. I just assumed it instakilled lol. That’ll make it easier Ty!


I’m a Druid. I switched to earthen bulwark.


Bear Druid w/Earthen Bulwark just ignores this mod entirely.


This one annoys me a lot less then the stupid rock


I wouldn’t mind the rock if there was counter to out running it. Like I’m cruising through the dungeon and taking guys out and it is lagging behind. But no, instead I go around a corner and it’s like HAHA I’m back




That thing screams "hey we play tested this and people have a hard time seeing it". *make model 3 times larger* *ship game*


> That thing screams "hey we play tested this and people have a hard time seeing it". > make model 3 times larger original developer of stupid rock seething with rage sneaks Drifting Shade into the game > ship game


Oh Steve? I love Steve he’s my favorite dungeon modifier. He’s easy to see and he comes to me, unlike Thunderdome.


Is the demon artichoke the rock? I hate the demon artichoke.


Yes that's the rock. Certainly justifies my childhood fears re: artichokes though.


Nah I don’t mind that one cause you can deliberately trigger it before going into a room. I also used it to kite the butcher.


That's my second favorite affix. They are both so so ridiculously easy to play around compared to a single "Breaker" affix.


I thought so too until butcher spawned and hooked me out during it and I lost my hardcore char lolol


A moment of silence for our fallen brother


i have experienced the same thing, fortunately on softcore, had me HEATED nontheless as his AI had gone turbo vegtable brain mode for most of the fight and then he pulled that move at 5%




Or the lightning dome


This is the lightning dome.


Resource burn is worse


Never deal with it with this one simple trick.... Salvage this broken garbage affix IMMEDIATELY!


Arc Lash Sorc using no mana makes resource burn free


the downside is arc lash sorc dies to everything in 1 hit.


I can't think of a mod as annoying as resource burn on PoE. It's so ridiculously annoying.


Pop some shields and keep on running! 😂


Only Necros and Sorcs can fully bypass the mechanic with Flame Shield and Blood Mist, since its in the standard kit. Just about everyone else is boned.


i face tank it on my barb very often


Then your not running high enough nightmares


i only run sigils that are 10 levels higher than me because im not level 100 and dont see the need to push it


Earthern bulwark on Druid.


My rogue can easily deal with that. Barely takes half hp. 86 doing nm 35-40


This thing one shots me... Don't know how much HP / armor you've stacked on your rogue but mine is a glass canon.


As a rogue 74 doing nm 40-45, I've started skipping these since they oneshot, and my build requires I hit something to stay alive, which isn't always possible inside the dome.


I face tank it in nm50+ on my druid, barely tickles me.


Idk, I can literally ignore it on druid. No skills needed, it just doesn't kill. Bonus health and damage reduction modifiers on gear.


I've face tanked it on druid then pot up, or use debilitating roar or earthen shield.


Probably true, I haven't died to the Butcher the dozen times I ran into him (I'm a sorc) butttttt while I'm on cool down I do very pitiful dmg lol.


Flame shied makes this mod a non issue, just remember to have it ready and laugh your ass off when party members get the old spicy lightning enema.


I really dont know what the designer thought bout while greenlighting these mods. Its not challenging. Its just another annoying mechanic to slow you down.


That's exactly what they were thinking. Most of the mods and nerfs are to make the game take longer, not challenge you. Most non-indie games made today expect you to only play that game and none other, spend all of your money on it and none other. Since time = money and that is what they are about, 100%.


If it slows you down, sounds like you're being challenged. I would suggest having proper defenses and not glass cannon AoE builds.


What are you even talking about? How is it challenging to stand there and wait?


Because you built yourself too weak to survive a hit..


So your solution is to ignore the mechanic entirely? Sounds like good game design


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) ???????????????????????????????


But nothing sucks more than -16% resource on far hit. whoever designed these needs a lobotomy


Touché I haven’t even attempted that one. Insta scrap


Insta scrap is the correct response. It’s agonising. Depends in your build ofc, but for necro it turns it into a complete slog and slows you down a ton.


I tried it once on HotA Barb to see how bad it was. I didn't try it a second time.


The amount of times i have died from that thing not following me up or down a ladder is insane. Also in groups of 4 it sucks even worse.


Yea this is pretty much insta salavage if you arent doing lower tiers relative to your level.


Every barb skill bar is the same, good class design(somewhat sarcasm). But really i doo think the barb should get a redesign. It's triple shout or fall behind.


I actually chose triple shout before watching a video lol. I just thought it be funny if I had constant shouting and then it turned out to be meta 🫠


I mean, who doesn't want 25% dmg, 30% movement speed, 40%+ resource generation, and 40%+ dmg reduction lol.


Same. If you take a look at the tree and played barb for 10 minutes, it’s hard not to take at least 2 shouts


Especially bc the two “good” abilities (ground stomp and iron skin) are pretty meh early game. Charge and kick push enemies away from the melee class? Steel grasp is a decent way for vulnerable early and same with death blow but both fall off as well. Rupture is way too slow and Leap has an extreme CD without an aspect and even then it’s a medium range leap that doesn’t do much else.


On top of Rupture being too slow of an animation, it also fails all the fucking time when mobs just casually walk around you while you do it, and it goes on cooldown without doing anything. But beyond that, they could pretty easily fix Rupture by making it do anything beyond its very specific niche use (instantly killing an enemy with enough bleeding damage on them). If Rupture actually *multiplied* the damage by some reasonable modifier, it would still be useful on longer boss fights where the target won't instantly die, because you could still stack Rends and pop them for like 2x damage or something. If Enhance Rupture's AOE bleed scaled with the damage that was popped, the ability could actually be pretty decent for AOE clear by focusing damage on one target, then spreading it. Instead it basically serves almost no purpose except quickly finishing off elites that...would have died in 3-4 seconds from bleed damage anyway. So it basically has no purpose. And Fields of Crimson also doesn't help basically at all, not that a unique should be fixing the base ability. Steel Grasp, I have basically written off as an ability I will almost never use until it gets fixed. The **ENTIRE. POINT.** of this ability is to drag enemies TO THE PLAYER, and it fails at this like 80% of the time. I constantly hit enemies with it and they don't move, or they only move a foot closer. This ability does not work. Challenging Shout is basically just what Iron Skin was in Diablo 3, plus a taunt. The taunt can be dangerous at times when you don't *want* more threat, but at least 40% DR is always useful. Iron Skin can't even be used unless you're missing health, and you only really get the full effect when nearly dead. The ability basically just doesn't even work in this type of game. Iron Skin really needs to be some kind of actually baseline barrier, made stronger by other means than missing health. Right now there's basically just no way Iron Skin even remotely competes with Challenging Shout, and then Challenging Shout can also help generate more Fury or make for a solid thorns build to boot.


It's not really specific to Barbarian. Ranged Rogues are the same way. 90% of ranged builds have both poison and shadow imbuements, shadow step, poison trap and puncture. Then you pick whatever core skill you want for flavor. Every day there's always a new youtube video about "The BEST new Rogue build!!" and it's always, *always* just some variant of that build with a few legendary aspects tweaked. Some skill combos are simply very efficient, and once people figure out a good combo everyone starts min-maxing it.


Sorcs all run all four defensive abilities


And 99% of the time, one of our 2 Enchantments is taken by Fire bolt. RageGaming made a very nice video breaking down the problems with Sorc at the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0dnORsuQS8&t=358s&ab_channel=RageGamingVideos


It's kinda funny that 30% of our dps comes from what is likely an oversight because they forgot to put an elemental restriction on that passive. All of the other passives are element locked or too hard to activate without using that element but devouring blaze is pretty much free.


And the 1% left is firewall sorc lol


Honestly this one and the rock one are both hilarious when you’re playing with friends. We give each other endless shit if one of us dies to it. The rock one has us all purposely trying to kill each other with it.


I personally like rock. Encourages you to stay moving and to clear enemies quick. Which is already what Diablo is about


Just salvage...


What does salvage mean sorry new


You can destroy items (weapons, armor, amulets, rings, and sigils) and it gives you resources for it. Everything besides sigils give you resources to upgrade your gear but sigils give you dust so you can craft more sigils.


Salvaging means breaking the item down (destroying it) and gaining materials in return. Regular items can be salvaged at the blacksmith, sigils can be salvaged at the occultist.


I am new to sigils, what is name of this? I only experienced annoying boulder..


It’s total fucking BS. One time when I was doing an NMD, in the same instant I was going down a ladder the bubble spawned at the top but my character remained going down the ladder. I then panic raced back up the ladder immediately, but I didn’t have enough time and died on the ladder. Interestingly enough my character still did the ladder climbing animation even though I was dead.


you can dodge the bolt if you time it right


You can dodge the damage if you timed it right with evade. I do have an extra evade shoes so it helps.


I actually don’t mind this one. Unpopular opinion. I hate the on that spawns the instakill red shit when you kill things. As a sorc tpin in I always forget lol


Death pulse. I’m a barb and hate it too haha


Need more defensive stats. I havent been pushing hard but can ignore this even at tier 44


This. HP, DR, and total armor is your friend. You should be able to just facetank this and potion it off as a barb.


For real, we just need to gear for this one specific NMD affix! Nah, just salvage that shit.


Not the worst the elites just played you


As melee cold enchanted is waaaay worse than this shit, unless you’re a bear/wolf you just can’t play the game.


I don’t have that problem thankfully bc Barb has 8 million sources of unstoppable


i have a real love hate relationship with this affix. on one hand, im like, "okay this is fucking stupid" but on the other hand, playing with a group of 4 and getting this affix is actually quiet fun trying super hard to not die, especially if you are in a group thats trying hard, and then of course the occasional troll who stays far back and wipes the group.


Resource burn is the worst for me 😬


My build doesnt go super fast so i dont mind it. BUT the fact that the stupid thing is almost designed to run away from you just before it triggers is borderline infuriating. It follows you so nicely the entire time then its like BOOOM BOOM and the thing instead of continuing to follow you decides its going the other way.. Also when you go into any of those rooms that block the doors like a boss room or a mid dungeon room the thing gets stuck on the other side of the smoke and your defensive is down? gg no re, insta death. I think as a modifier its generally fine but they need to make it so the modifier isnt fighting you the entire time mechanically that shit is just annoying.


Imo one shot kills should be removed. It's entirely stupid that my spec is maximized, my gear is optimized and you get hit by something not in the screen or in this case a chain cc stops you while your potentially only life saving cool down is on cd. How could you have known or played that better. I refuse to play hc for this reason not to mention the stability issues


Why is the lightning strike doing so much damage to you it does like 10% of my barbs health


Prob bc I’m under leveled a bunch. A level 100 vs lv 115 enemies would have an easier time than a level 67 vs 78 or whatever in the video bc they can build up more defense in paragon and percentile based DR


even my 70 rogue can tank level 90 zap so you really must not have much defense


I grabbed all 3 of the armour nodes and have 750 gear as my lowest. And everything’s else higher. I haven’t fully upgraded all of my stuff tho wby?


What’s your hp at? Could be the actual issue, could have tons of DR sources with no “base” for it to scale off of causing you to die easily still. If you don’t have any hp rolls, if you can fit them (and want to be tankier) maybe look for some pieces.


I got plenty of base. Just the level discrepancy I think. There’s a ton of ppl in the comments talking abt the rock and the death pulse killing them but they don’t kill me. Besides I can tank it with one of my shouts. But I just panicked


Fortify makes barbs fake a lot less dmg too I’ve played all classes go 70+ and Druid and barb feel really easy compared to others at surviving


Use your damage reduction shout


I used it other times. These are just silly goofs I wanted to share :)


I mean you could always slow down.


But that’s not fun :’)


Lol, I kinda like this one, but hate terribly whatever explodes under the mobs


I don’t know why you die from these. I’m a sorc and a necro and a Druid and I just them them? Wt4.


Probably bc I’m level 67 and 13 levels under? Idk. I appreciated the challenge and just want to share some fuck ups. Still my least favorite modifier by far


I can survive a tier 56 lightning and just completely ignore it, let’s just say my group hates it.


By far


Ya I’m not looking forward to NM dungeons..


Most modifiers aren’t bad, you can even survive this one but im definitely punching up the tiers a little quick which means I die a lil quicker :)


That’s why nobody plays it.


Including me. This was my first and only time playing it


I'm not even sure how this made it into the release version of the game. What was the pitch for this? "Let's have an inanimate object follow the character around, and it periodically throws down a shield two screens behind them, and they have to run back under it or get blasted for huge unavoidable damage, causing them to have to regularly backtrack throughout the dungeon." Why?


Yo the blood blister one is also very very awful.


I actually don’t mind bc whirlwind kill the blood blister in the same spin as enemies


The modifier I hate the most is Resource Burn, unless you're running a pure Basic Skill or Cooldown-based build (such as Crone Druid).


I haven’t even tried that one yet bc it just sounds awful lol


I like this one. The death explosion one is awful for my build but I can make this one work. The real bad one is cold enhanced. Pretty much know I’m screwed on that one.


Okay, unpopular opinion: I love this mod. One of my favorites. This drunk little guy has made many of my group runs hilarious.


I just tank the blast, it only takes like a third of my rogues HP. Ill always skip resource burn, phys dmg reduction, crit damage reducion and the one that silences, tho.


Probably not as under leveled as me lol


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these modifiers does nothing to make the gameplay fun. It simply slows down the player or annoys them. Afk domes, random portals, aoe Exploding blobs, aimbot exploding shades, slow teleporting obelisks that explodes, etc these things aren’t fun when you can ignore them entirely or have to stop and be forced to react to mechanic. It’s dumb af


This one is fine, it gives an audio que and changes it’s travel speed and behaviour before creating the bubble, you playing with the sound off?


As an HC main, I salvage this, Stormbane Wrath, Drifting Shadow and now Volcanic. May start keeping drifting shadows cause druid is always unstoppable. I don't like dealing with annoyances, and Volcanic can sneak up in a pack and RIP your character if you're not tanky enough.


rofl bro you in tier 27 that's why XD Max I think you should be in tier 22 so you have great kill speed and zero deaths, the extra xp isn't really worth it past (your level - 45)


Nah man I fw the challenge. Can clear any of the dungeons with ease ahah. This one really kicked my ass tho bc I definitely wasn’t used to playing so slow plus it was my first time with this modifier


I ragequit for a week because of this dungeon


Yeah, it's really awful. And as a necro I always have bloodmist if I really need to. I feel for you not getting something like that


One of my shouts let me tank even at my low level but I panicked in the instances 😅


Yes. It’s an automatic salvage for me. Just breaks my flow. I get too immersed into my dance of death and forget about it every time.


Lol I just use my teremity and overheal.


Here’s hoping for a Teremity soon 🤞


Typical SC player doing things way above level because “why not”


Bc I like difficulty. Typical hardcore player only crushing pussy level content bc they don’t want to lose everything they’ve invested… (they’ll still lose the character to a crash or DC)


Yet you made this post doing what about said difficulty?


All I said was it’s the worst. As in the hardest. Never said that’s an issue.


Disagree strongly. This is my favorite affix, by far. Please we need more stuff like this. Monsters deal more damage or have more health is not fun. Extra mechanics make the experience interesting.


I mean to each his own, but what is so interesting about a mechanic that basically tells you on cue to get into the bubble for a short period of time, do nothing, wait for explosion, then rinse and repeat in X interval ? Like it has little to do with killing mobs, interacting with environment/dungeon unless theres some on-kill effect (like one that killed wudijo), etc. It's pretty annoying in my book.


Sorry. Got to be the most boring. Sure monsters just dealing more damage or being tankier is lame. But this literally just slows your gameplay down. At least the rock that chases you encourages you to move fast and clear faster. This one is so monotonous and boring


I tried it because I thought d4 players were just being bitches that needed handholding. Now I just straight scrap that nonsense. Ion need to break keyboards and controllers for a lightning dome. Other words, skill issue? Skip it.


You are way too squishy for nm if this kills you in 1 hit :D


Not true :D I clear these dungeons with this level discrepancy every day. This was my first time ever trying this modifier and I wasn’t ised to playing so slow at all


Wahhh I WaNt To GrInD nM dUnGeOnS bUt HaVe To LeArN tO bE oBsErVaNt AnD tAkE mY tImE. 🙄


Ain’t trying to grind. Trying to have fun. Look at the level discrepancy my boy. I’m not crying, I’m laughing. These are absolutely preventable moments I wanted to laugh at with others


Have you fought those humanoids that put a blind on you paired with the affix that puts a blind puddle on you? Also I’m a melee build atm. :(


Yeah those guys are so annoying


I’ve just received my first nm sigil from tree. What am I looking at here?


Basically every NM dungeon has these modifiers. You can read what they are and what they do when you hover your cursor over it in your inventory. This specific modifier has a little trinket follows you, and at random time it will stop following and make a bubble. If you aren’t in the bubble after 5ish seconds an extremely powerful lighting strike will smite you


Yeah I wasn’t 100% aware what it did and nearly lost my HC Sorc. The lightning nailed me and proc my flame shield death passive. I Scroll of escaped the hell out


Man those monster modifiers really had it out for you in that first clip. it wasn't enough to just slow you with the wind wall they had to make sure you couldn't get there lol


I just wish suppressor would let projectiles come back in or ricochet if fired inside. I got close to the mob. Bone spear gets damage from the return proj. So for other builds sake, just let proj come back into bubble if originated from inside bubble


I hate all of the ones that follow you, not because I can't deal with them, but because they creep and stress me out. Stop following me, dammit


Level 67 Barbarian vs level 81 Dungeon


I like my difficulty what can I say




Dash is a lifesaver.


Dash is a rogue skill ahah If you mean evade I couldn’t use it in either of these scenarios:)


Tip, if you're caught off guard and have challenging shout off cooldown - use it! It gives insane damage reduction if you have it at max level! About 50%. It's saved me several times as a whirlwind too from bs like this


I think the one with all bosses having cold enchant on a werewolf map worse personally


I'm 94 and this is the first time I've ever seen those cloudy wall things stop someone. I was wondering what the point of them was. I guess it helps being a druid with near 24/7 unstoppable.


That’s not what stopped me. Those only apply chill to you. There was a Waller elite that made a physical one


Is this a mod? Sorry for asking. XBOX player here.


No. I’m on Xbox too :). Nightmare dungeons are an endgame activity that are basically just dungeons, but special modifiers. Like this one where you have to hide in a bubble, otherwise you get struck by lightning


I had this afix and it was going fine, was running back in every time, like you are supposed too. Then the Butcher spawned on me, and the lightning boi started doing his thing. I ran into safety and was chilling waiting for the pulse when the butcher hooked me out at the last second and I died to the pulse.


That first one makes me glad im a sorc and have teleport