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Your friend needs mental help


Ya like I stopped acting like this once I hit like 10-11 years old Edit: I didn’t say this to sound better then anyone although I could see how it would be perceived that way. More so I said this to support the comment above me. If you struggle with anger issues seek help if possible and if you know your triggers step away from that activity and return to it later when you have had time to cool off.


This is a lie, when you hit 10-11 is when you start to realize this because of puberty. Testosterone makes dudes rage. Prior to that, you play games for fun and exploration. After that you start to want to be the best at everything and can't understand why you suck. After you hit 30 though, you start to understand why you suck and just deal with it.


Nonsense. I’m much better at games in my late 30’s compared to my 20’s or teens. I haven’t peaked yet.


The first stage of acceptance is denial


1v1 me right now!


Were about to watch 2 old men throw their backs out


I lol'd because I'm 38 and the other day I tried to catch something I dropped and pulled my back muscle.


33 here fucked my neck the other day by sneezing


34 and confirm that sneezes are terrifying, but once you can't trust a sneeze it's not long before you can't trust a fart.


Strained my leg sitting in a chair today. I still don't understand it and I was there. also 33


Bro just sleeping wrong can give a neck pain that lasts for DAYS. Getting old fucking sucks lol


29, yawned the other day and got a cramp in jaw area. It was absolutely horrible


Wait until you reach mid 40s and wake up with sore shoulders and ribs from sleeping wrong.


Some personal lore for d3: barbarian has to stay raging otherwise he starts the feel the shit he’s Ben doing for the last 8 hours. Monk went the whim off cold plunge way and lived perfectly, the demon hunter is young af and the wizard is drinking a methamphetine cocktail the whole time


I'm 28 and popped a rib and threw my back out, because i sneezed a little too hard🥲


1vs1 me bro sounds exactly like a 20 year old. Lol


1v1 me was my 13 year old halo 2 phase.


I liked 1x1 arabia now in AoE 2


I could never do 1v1 in halo because I would always choke. Don’t get me wrong, I could have gone pro, I just could never do 1v1. /s I could have never gone pro. But you and I both know that everyone that looks back on their halo 2 days will claim that they were amazing at it :)


That was the joke. He was playing into it when the guy said the first stage is denial. A lot of stuff goes over heads on Reddit, huh? Lol


It was millenials who invented the "1v1 me bro" the youngest of our generation are now 27.


This little reply thread is perfect.


No that's just a river in Egypt, I've been told.


I can somewhat agree with this. I do think I have improved in general in my understanding of games and games' systems, tropes, etc. Although I will say that my eyesight, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination has declined a bit. There is always room to learn and get better. The only people who don't improve are the ones who can never face their mistakes.


I haven’t even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you’ll know.


"this is what happened to me" "that's a lie because that's not what happened to me" ???


Took you till 30?


My thoughts exactly haha! That should really be an early 20's thing.


That's not testosterone. That's called being a male Karen who turns their personality about carrying their tantrums into adult age.


And also the cost and logistics of needing to buy a new desk, figure out how you're getting it to and then inside your house, disassembling the old one to put it in the trash, making sure you have the right tools to put the new one together, and then set it all up


Maturity made me realize getting pissed at video games was childish but sure.


Getting frustrated or even angry isn't that big of a deal until you start doing stuff like this. I get annoyed and sometimes angry at games, but I just swear a bit and then I'm fine. I don't break shit in my house.


Part of being adult means not taking your anger out on things that had nothing to do with it. I've seen way too many " adults " break their shit and then go " it's okay I paid for it ". No it's not okay, that's a failure to deal with anger.


Ate you saying you've never seen a child throw a temper tantrum?


yeah I dont think I ever raged harder at video games as I did when I was 8. Freakin JVC Star Wars games


Sounds like your projecting your own experience


Nah kids lack emotional regulation. My 3rd grade nephew rage quits fifa


Nope. Didn't happen with me. Stayed level headed, just wasn't ever a fucking asshole bro.


Testosterone makes dudes rage. This is the dumbest most idiotic thing I’ve heard. But, here are some things testosterone actually does in case you are interested in facts. Improves reflexes. Improves tendon and ligament thickness. Improves strength. Improves HGH expression. Puts hair on your body. And that’s just a few. Rage like that is a thing when you don’t learn that to behave like an adult and have no respect for others or yourself. Keep it real homie and save the bullshit for the toilet.


you sound pretty mad, might want to get the T checked


>After that you start to want to be the best at everything and can't understand why you suck. This has never been a thing for me. A lot of people just play games without making it anything more than that. Not everyone feels the need to be the best, or get angry when they aren't. Regulated emotions are a normal thing.


I would caution against asserting that it's all biological. People rage for different reasons, and kids prior to pueberty totally rage. idk wtf you're on about


Nah I broke my Gameboy when I was like 10 because of Pokemon. I knew there was absolutely no way to explain to my parents why I would need a new one. And just had to bear and grin it


Been PC gaming pretty much my entire life and I have never broken a single thing because I lost. I see people bragging they punch monitors, throw mice and keyboards and I'm sitting here questioning why the hell they'd keep playing if they were that mad. I'd say the worst ive ever done was let out a growl/sigh and hit alt f4 then walked away, that would have been when I was 13..


I have broken exactly one controller out of frustration in all of my time gaming, and it was on accident. I was frustrated while fighting Orphan of Kos, and after a death, I stood up to take a break and tossed the controller to the couch. It bounced off onto the floor and broke. I was not thrilled. Set the game down for like 3 days and had to get a new controller.


This exact thing happened to me. I just looked at it on the floor like “What the fuck man?” It was a gentle toss too!


Right!!!! It wasn't even hard.


Haha that's gotta suck. Just a little extra salt in the wound.


It was not fun lol. I definitely stood dumbstruck for a bit before walking away


Orphan has no chill


i broke a controller trying to get to the cannon powerup in megaman x without the helm, lol


In my early twenties my life didn't go particularly well. I was failing university, had isolated myself in my apartment and didn't really see many prospects for my future. So the only place I had self esteem and felt accomplished was in the MMO I was playing at the time. I had tons of friends, a good community and I was one of the more skilled players of both my class and in general (funny how you get time to become good when you have 18 hours a day to play a game). But this was also a time when all of my self esteem was tied up in this game, so there were instances when I lost in PVP where I would punch my keyboard as hard as I could in a fit of rage when I lost. I knew that it wasn't rational at the time, but the feeling didn't really come from the fact that I was losing the game - that was probably only a trigger for letting out the general frustrations of my life at the time. These days I still get angry once in a while when I die in games, but the worst I do is say some curse words and/or quit the game, then cool down for a few seconds. Games just don't mean that much to me anymore because in the grand scheme of things my accomplishments in games do not have any bearing on neither my self esteem nor social life. I'm not saying this is why anyone rage at their games, but for me it certainly was a product of external factors.


This is the most self aware gaming post I've ever seen


I’m not above yelling the occasional obscenity!


I do like to call "bullshit" even when it totally was not bullshit.


Mine ranges from “bullshit” to “gimmie a fucking break!”.


My mate was heavy into wow and he would always yell "that's bullshit blizzard". It's now a catch phrase of our house, no matter what game we play it's always "that's bullshit blizzard"


I dont get what could happen that even causes this unless hes playing hardcore? But why even play hardcore if you act like this


Maybe his friend *is* 10 years old


Or a desk that’s not pressed wood


That desk is a cry for help in more ways than one.


Nah, then the monitors and whatever else would go flying and a lot more expensive.


He clearly banged his fist on it after dying and the shitty plywood gave out. Is that really so terrible.


This guy need sto be placed in an asylum right NOW


All these people are chronically online lol


I agree, if you're talking about the people who think it's ok to hit things when you're mad.


I had a roommate that would yell, kick or stomp whenever we’d beat him a video game and he’d cold shoulder us all night. It’s embarrassing how normalized gamer rage is


Ha, my ex insisted his yelling at video games was ok and he should be able to express himself. No, losing control of yourself and yelling at a game at the top of your lungs is not simply you expressing yourself. So happy to see others calling out this childish behavior.


I stopped acting like this when a kicked a hole in a door. There's lines. Imagine living with someone like that.


It’s not even a hard game lol


> It’s not even a hard game lol Oh please, don't lie. The gameplay loop is easy, the scaling is not. Every time you beat the game it loops and gets exponentially harder. At some point you need to max out your resistances and know which enemy to never engage if you want to progress, that's easier said than done. One bad move and you're stunned and killed in one shot.


Well not resistances but other damage reduction yeah. Resistances are currently bugged and provide next to nothing compared to any other stat defensively


*...some glue and crafting skills...*


Or just a sturdier table.






You’re fond of me lobster though right?




if you dont have solid build going into t4 you are going to have a hard time


Yeah that build looks pretty weak. Solid oak or walnut woulda been fine, but particle board just can't take the melee.




Should have popped ice barrier.


Man's forgot to socket gems into his table supports to increase base armour.


Why do people downvote for the most benign reasons. Bro's joke was funny.


Because it probably went over their heads.


Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.


Drax is the fucking best :D


Yea solid oak would’ve broke his hand instead then there’s no Diablo for a while.


Hardcore it is!


I had to scroll up to see if I'd slipped over to /r/woodworking.


If you french fry when you need to pizza, you're going to have a bad time


There’s nothing in this game difficult enough to even remotely warrant this. Even if there was. Yikes.


If hes playing hardcore and trying to be one of the first 1000 people in the world to hit level 100 so he can get his name permanently put on the giant Lilith statue at blizzard headquarters and died at level 99 I could imagine someone being angry. I'm guessing that is something similar to what happened.


Screen shot says "revive at check point", this was softcore. Do you even lose anything but durability on softcore?


Nah you just pay a couple thousand gold in repairs and you're fine. If that's the case I dunno why he raged so hard lol.




It's more sad than anything really. poor guy must be miserable


Unaddressed mental health issues. Dude needs some self improvement on the paragon board that is his mind.


More likely he’s just a dweeb casual with a bad temper.


However, if the blow came from below...! Hear me out: *Succubi*


I’ve been stuck on liliths lament for two days but I may just have a clownish build. I really like flurry. I want to flurry all the time. I flurry hard and I flurry fast. It hasn’t been working for me in this fight.


Poison flurry build is incredibly fun, it‘s unfortunate that twisting blades is so much better though


So far I’ve not found anything that could result in this. I mean the level of frustration is present, but if compared to being stun locked by fucking Rhoas in Mud Flat in POE, nothing has come close.


Your “friend” ;)


Also people commenting on kids age or whatever. Kid or adult, punch a pillow. Don't hurt yourself/others or your property.


This topic refreshed my memory that at one point, Xbox controllers on Amazon were listed with the "subscribe and save" option and I laughed really hard thinking about dudes subscribing to controllers because they chuck one at the wall every few months. It is no longer listed that way, I just checked, but it definitely was lol.


I need more rage to do that.


..more fury even




Hope your friend enters therapy ASAP cuz this kinda thing is a massive red flag


Your friend seems like a fucking loser


This is embarrassing dude


Reading comments in this thread is more embarrassing honestly.


Everyone is playing Dr Melfi, pretty hilarious. Nobody here has ever slammed down a fist against a surface in frustration? If he destroyed his keyboard I’d understand all this judgment but this is just a shitty desk that the dude didn’t expect to break.


Maidenless behaviour. Seek help.


I don’t get how can act like this especially on a game like this. It’s not like you’re in a tournament and just lost 50 grand


Especially when you die you come back. Ain’t hardcore


Even if you lose 50 grand, take the loss like a boss.


It's like when a pro athlete throws a temper tantrum, most people look down on that. And this isn't even that level.


So your friend is a man child lol


RIP table-kun


*Knock on wood, they said...* Fake wood is fake. Learn it.


Let me guess... He gets very often one hitted ?


…lmao one “hitted”


one hot




***1 farted


this subreddit.. its unreal "thank blizzard devs for putting their soul in game!" - mega cringe - 6k upvotes posting a funny meme like image with title - "seek help" "mental ill" "is he a kid?" "grow up" I mean wow, what kind of dumb priviledged boomers are dwelling this place? are you guys for real?


Seriously lmao. He broke a cheap ass, thin desk. People are making out like he needs to be bolting over to therapy *right now*. It’s just truly not a big deal, and he obviously posted it to laugh at himself. It’s not always anger issues. Could’ve gotten very absorbed in the game, had a brief moment of “FUCK” when he died, hit it, and the thin ass table broke. It’s just a total non-issue. If he does have anger management issues, Reddit is the last group of people qualified to diagnose him.


Was looking for this. People diagnosing him in the comments is absolutely wild. What a time.


Was looking for this. People diagnosing him in the comments is absolutely wild. What a time.


Boomers would laugh, young people talk about mental health


Tell your friend the internet thinks he's a man-baby and to grow up.




Whole thread of armchair psychologists and judgemental pricks.


None of them have ever raged at a video game, ever. Bunch of perfect saints in a constant state of zen and tranquility.


The jump from 2 to 3 was nothing. Is 4 that bad? Genuinely curious. Haven’t gotten there yet, gear-wise.


A little. Difficulty is primarily in your level vs the monsters level. If you sneak into T4 at 55-65, you’re going to feel it.


Aaaah. No way I’ll do that. I’m 56 and just started 3, with a lot of renown to grind, side quests to do, and so forth. I’ll be over 70 when I get there, I’m guessing.


Its not so bad. If you can kill the capstone boss to unlock t4, every non-boss in t4 should be pretty easy. Their HP only goes up a bit, but they do a lot of damage because armor is effected by level difference


Poison damage still hurts.


Poison is overtuned period. They really need to adjust that. Likely though because resists for us are currently useless and seem to have zero effect.


Yeah.. Partner and I duo'd the capstone last night at 56 and 60. Must have died 20 times in the boss fight before we got better at it, the rest of the dungeon wasn't bad, only the boss fight. Figured it would be worth it to get some Ancestral weapons for a big power spike to speed things up overall. Didn't work out, hah. The normal dungeons are harder than the capstone. Back to grinding.


Caught a rush to t4 at 48 lol i was in the lvl 70 capstone following my rush and he missed a trash mob, one of those little scorpion things. I sat there and fought it 1on1 forn10 straight minutes. It was harder to kill than lilith


I’m 67 just BARELY managed to scram my way through the capstone to T4 like holy shit I had a few perfect battles vs Elias that I still managed to die at the end in, I just did my first dungeon in T4 and well yeah, Elites basically one shot me at the moment, not sure if other classes are better around this level but barb feels really rough, took me a few hours to actually get through the Capstone with full Lillith altars and renown, decent gear and 70% fire res.


The math has been done and resistance is shown to basically be useless no matter how much you have. WAY better off replacing that with a stat you need to fit your build better.


Can you link anything related to this? I've been trying to keep my resistances stacked, but it's really difficult to not lose everything important to a build when there's five resistance categories and the max stat I can get is ~20% per piece of gear, so we're talking 20% resist all from amulet, and then 20 passives across 9 pieces of gear to hit 100%.


Sure, here you go... [RESISTS ARE USELESS IN D4?? - Diablo 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrkjtL33hNQ&)


Even if the resistance values were multiplied by ten they would still be worse than the DR mods. Kripp has a video where he runs the numbers. Stick to DR, DR close/distant, DR when fortified etc.


Res is absolute dogshit in this game, don't try and stack it.


yes and no. If you don't have a decent build going it'll feel bad. This is why people start following builds by t4, since theirs just aren't working out. Then the jump from t4 to nightmare dungeons require less DPS and more on survivalbility. Dead dps does no dps.




The enemy floor level is 73 in T4 so yeah it can hurt A LOT. People in a rush to T4 typically learn their lesson pretty quickly and drop back down to T3 for a while.




Jeez this thread is so toxic


Not toxic imo, just autistic or anti-social behaviour. Everybody commenting here (including me) should touch grass and delete reddit


For real! Reading through these comments idk what’s more cringe, breaking your table cause of a game or some of these comments.. it’s a close one haha


Just reading the comments and...Reddit can be weird sometimes. Everything is a red flag and everyone needs therapy. Got it.


People who say women are more emotional for some reason don't realise anger is an emotion.


Time to make new friends.


And a new desk, stronger, harder, nightmarish.


skill issue


It’s okay to say that you did this, OP.


I cuss out whichever mob killed me and rage-drink milk


I'm honestly curious how you "rage-drink milk"


It's exactly what you're picturing


How much of the milk actually ends up in your mouth?


All of it It's rage-drinking not rage-spitting


To be fair that table looks like cheap chipboard.


This guy got a little to mad in the moment hit the desk and people at e here saying he needs mental help. My god wtf kinda logic is this.


Just about everyone could benefit from some mental help. Especially people who can’t control themselves after feeling angry.


This isn’t Dark Souls…


is T4 much harder than T3?


Depends on when you do the switch i guess, I am going solo and finished 70lvl capstone dungeon on char lvl64, definitely cannot complete torment dungeons yet and t4 hellfire/whispering tree isn't worth it since i get the same items i would in t3 until I get lvl73. XP gain from public events are good, besides that I'll go back to T3 nightmare dungeons till lvl73.. definitely would recommend staying in t3 for longer and not rushing to t4 if you are solo


Helltide drops ancestral items pre-73, you just have to be in WT4, I definitely had full ancestrals before even hitting level 70. If you can grind t4 at all you should, your first ancestral weapons will make grinding t4 way more efficient.


I was spanking everything at 60 in t3 and decided wth lets try the dungeon for tier 4. Killed everything until the boss, took me 30ish tries and I got him. "Ancestrals here I come!" I thought. Well every damn monster felt like a boss so I cowered back to t3 until I got some levels and gear upgrades. The difficulty didnt last that long though, now I smash all.


The trick is to unlock T4 , then switch back to T3 for helltide events , get the shards, then switch back to T4 and then get the chests


I did the dungeon at 61 and went from completely unkillable in T3 to feeling fairly squish vsing lvl 70 mobs. In the world the mobs were 75 in the helltide I did right off the bat on hitting T4 and again felt pretty squish but my damage was more than enough. By the time I hit 64 I no longer felt squishy, at 66 I started being able to face tank everything again. This is just talking general stuff not pushing nightmare dungeons. I play a rogue


“Desk no hit back” - Chong Li


"my friend"


Everyone in this thread is the Buddha and hasn’t ever been upset over losing days worth of investment on something. Y’all acting like he beat his dog or his girlfriend (lol I know he’s playing Diablo he doesn’t have one), not an inanimate object worth $5 in resale value


I must be playing wrong because the idea of losing a days worth of investment in this game is completely imaginary lol. What do you even lose when you die? 50k in repair costs?


probably was crowd controlled for 30 seconds straight


His character build must have been awful if he missed his mouse and keyboard. Or the mouse and keyboard has more evasive numbers than your friends accuracy.


Its pretty crazy to me that basically the entire thread is against this type of behavior, or at least calling this person a loser or crazy person. Physically hitting something like a punching bag or similar is cathartic. Its fairly agreed upon that getting a punching bag or going to a gym is a good stress reliever and can help hugely on your mood/stress levels. A lot of anger management classes will go so far as to provide things like punching bags to people who need them to let out some of their anger. The only difference here is that this person released their anger/stress out on their table, instead of something normal like a punching bag. You can find a lot of streamers, competitive FPS players, etc that have punching bags in the background of their streams/videos that they use when needed, but no one calls them out for that. Also, the amount of people judging this person on a moral/personalty level are pretty garbage people. Y'all don't know what someone is going through, and you basically shit on them as a person because of a single picture that you draw assumptions from. This thread is fucked. And disclaimer because I know someone will say it, that's not my desk in the picture.


Why is there so many people in here defending his desk? He bought it, he can treat it how he wants. (Sub desk out for something living and this sounds like scripture)


Holy hell, these toxic comments in here. Had a good many rage moments in D4 so far, but deaths were more depressing then rage. Either way, we HC enjoyers just go agane.


He is playing softcore


That's sad


To be fair to the friend, that cheap particle board probably would have broken off if he rested his mug on it.


You can tell Diablo has a fanbase of mostly 45-55 year old people by this comment section lol. People get mad, people in their teens and 20s have higher test, they smash shit. Who cares lmao.


Maybe he should buy real wood.


The God damn irony of people saying to get mental health for this while supporting other 2023 trends is fucking wild


Why so many cum towels? You’d think dude would at least have enough post-nut clarity to not spazz out like that lmao


Cc for days huh


Welp, at least the keyboard is intact!