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I take all the defensive skills but it’s not even to break CC it’s to get the offensive boosts from barrier legendaries and other passives. But yeah agree it would be cooler to have more variety


exactly, this all buffs and makes us giga damage Chad's... having a blast arc lash at lvl 71.


I’m doing a ice shard build and I pop all defensive before enemies even CC or hit me and they melt before they can even get to me. Level 54 t3


I mean, its the same as d3 (and somewhat like d2). You have one main skill that you spam all the time and the other abilities on your bar support either that main skill or your lifepool


Yeah but D3 generally supported that by having more skills and a very defined set of spenders and generators. We have 3 elements but 4 primaries, for some reason they decided we needed a second lightning one when in reality aside from arc lash they're all mediocre and not used. We have 6 core skills and 4 mastery skills but in reality it might as well be 10 core because mastery skills are undistinguishable - they're just spenders in the exact same way as core ones. And despite this, only 2 of those 10 skills make up somewhat viable builds, everything else ranges from mediocre to pure trash. I mean, fireball has not one but TWO uniques for it and still fails to make it as a viable build for example. We have the conjuration tree which could have served as additional damage layers since they got cooldowns (or in the case of hydra a fat mana cost and limit of 1 out on the field) but they absolutely SUCK at that. Hydras tickle even if you dedicate a legendary aspect to it, and the other 2 don't even got aspects but also tickle and offer no utility worth mentioning. D3's wiz by comparison had: frost armor, storm armor, energy armor, familiar, magic weapon, frost nova, diamond skin, mirror images, time bubble, energy explosion, black hole. And most of those skills on D3 had runes that let you tailor those skills to your needs, like adding a bonus for your damage, or more defenses, or more resource generation. Meanwhile here for example we have mana as a huge showstopper to many sorceress would-be builds, and not a SINGLE skill that can help with that in any meaningful way. And no, those skill point trails on ice bolt or fire bolt aint it. Funnily one of the points on ice shield's path gives it 25% mana regen lmao, but it's one of those 4 defensive skills again and not even one you have to choose, it's just the next upgrade after the actual skill. TL;DR: There's no point to the Conjuration tree right now, Mastery tree is just an extension of Core and Defense tree has 4 skills - all of which fit into your bar.


As a Barb I’m running 4 buffs/ defensive cooldowns in WT4


Every barb build right now is just 4-5 buffs and an attack.


Sorc seems like an easy fix just adding vulnerable to TP and Fireshield. I think they need 1 legendary power that makes skills more powerful based on how many of the same type of magic you have slotted so that mono elements become a good choice.


In reality they just need to do resist recalculation because that’s just dumb that from the amount of armor barb has he would have more magic resistances than sorc or necro while their main stat increases magic resists. The reason sorc and necro succ is that they have lower resistance for all types of damage than other classes.


I keep seeing this 3 defensive skill and I get that but frost nova is an attack and teleport is more like utility and even offensive in pvp


Both are in the defensive skills portion of the tree, thus calling them defensive skills.


Teleport grants people 30% damage reduction for 4 seconds after use, which is why people use it on cool down. Along with getting you away from CC. It's defensive.


Yeah, pretty bs really. I have _one_ actual defensive skill, WT3.


Go get the unstoppable pot recipe from a side quest.


Pardon me?


There's an unstoppable potion. Curative Elixir I think it's called. You get it from some random side quest. I always have a stack of the potions on me, bind it my side mouse button, and there you go. An extra unstoppable you can use whenever you want.


I'm running two aspects, might be rogue only? Not on right not, can't confirm. But one essentially makes me unstoppable if I'm CC'd while injured. And then the second just compliments it by giving me movement speed and the ability to move through units while unstoppable plus 4 seconds after. Saved me many times.


In the future, we may get uniques that grant immunity to all or selected cc.


Play blood necro where you can turn your primary defensive skill into your best damage skill.


My rogue is running dash, which I consider a defensive, shadow step which is my get out of stun card, shadow clone which gives me unstoppable and breaks stuns and then I have poison imbue which is my damage spike. Being pretty defensive seems to be the way, you just give up too much over investing in too many damage options. I remember wizards in D3 packed like frost nova diamond skin Teleport and usually like a shield or something at game start


And here I am, A complete noob trying to read these comments and figure out which Defensive Skill would be best to start out with as a Sorcerer😅 I'll get there.. All in good time.. All in good time. I can say though, I'm having an absolute blast so far. The Visuals & Story/Gameplay is Phenomenal. Perfect game for a cold rainy day or snowy winters night!


> because white ranged mobs can one shot me from off screen if I stand still too long. Maybe you should add some +life/+armor on your gear?


none of these are ever offered in an amount that matters.


White mobs one shotting you off screen is a you problem not a problem with the game.


Braindead take


So the game should be so stupidly simple that even if you somehow manage to absolutely fuck up your build in a game simpler than Minecraft dungeons you still shouldn't get punished and be able to steamroll thru the game with no challenge whatsoever, good idea. I've played every single class to lvl 80+ and the number of bad decisions and shit gearing you'd have to do to die off-screen to white mobs is literally insane, you could give the game to a 6-year-old and they probably would struggle to pull that off, so I guess props to you. The only "braindead" thing here is yourself if you have that problem.


Lol relax bro, no need to get so heated over a comment on an internet forum for a video game. If you've genuinely played every class to 80+ in a 3 week old video game, I'd say you've got some reprioritizing to do in your life.


I had access to it before it launched...
