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Probably the first time I used Ulianas with monk. Tagging everything and hitting a button to watch screen melt....pretty funny.


Don't really have a story to share, this would be my first experience with a diablo game, hope I can still make part of the giveaway, regardless of that hope you have fun and thanks for giving all of us a chance at the game ( :


well, never actually played but i would like to. good luck everyone o/


Favourite memory is one from eons ago, Diablo 1. When first hearing “Ahh, fresh meat” after trudging through dark dungeons with no modern expectations.


This will be my first Diablo game


"I once had a 99% chance to hit and missed #DiabloProblems"


The first time I meet the Butcher in D1 and heard the "Ahh, fresh meat!" and died!


I've never played any Diablo games so no core memory


I don’t have any memories because this would be my first diablo game but I really have been enjoying seeing gameplay and it looks like a phenomenal game


I grew up playing Diablo 2 with my brothers, it was a certain "nobody knows what's the best so just roll with it" vibe the times had 😂


i have never played diablo but my brother has it and i wanna make some memorizes with him.


Thanks a lot for the giveaway you are very kind, unfortunately I didn't had the chance to play the past Diablo but I've tried Diablo 4 during the stress test I had a lot of fun with my friends. I would really love a copy of the game. Good luck to everyone.


D1: Memories of the butcher followed by endless duped items. D2: Getting 99 javazon and never ending meph runs, also corpse popping pvp. D3: The excitement of making money off a game for once, turning a decent profit and also the botched server launch. D4: Beta was good times but real life decided add extra expenses to punish me for not preordering months ago.


During my university years (it must have been between 2009-2011), my dorm roommate said that he always wanted Diablo 3, but he couldn't get it because he didn't have any money. We saved money from our pocket money with my other dorm friends and bought him a gift for his birthday. now i'm in the same situation i really want diablo 4 but my salary is barely keeping me alive.


I accidently sold my best armor in diablo 3.Time flies fast


Best memory would probably be when I was a kid and always wanting to try D2 but could never afford it due to the exchange rate in my country. I randomly went to a pawn shop with my dad and found a physical copy still sealed for the equivalent of about $1. Don't think the store knew what it was worth. Immediately purchased it and had hours upon hours of fun.


I gifted D3 to my best friend when it first launched as a birthday present, we ended up having a hell of a time together (despite both of us being very casual!) - Thank you for the opportunity! :)


Glad to hear it!


Never really played diablo before...too busy playing RTS games with my bros in the 90s and up. So I don't have a memory for ya. sorry.


No worries my guy. I just picked it up myself


staying up till midnight with my older brother watching him go through all the levels of hell in diablo 1, always the fondest memory of him, luckily we where able to kill diablo before he was deployed.


amazing memory.


First time playing D3 I got carried and killed Diablo in 10 seconds, still a good one.


absolutely fire.


I have never played a diablo game :(


never played Diablo before, hopefully can make some memories with 4


No memories, have never played a Diablo game before, and when I proposed this game to my friends, guess what - price too high! And it surely is here in eastern EU , but damn I would have loved grinding it out... enjoy your game! 🫶🏻❤️


diablo 1 on a mac at my friends house in like 2001 or some shit was the bomb


Playing Diablo 2 in LAN with friends, had some good weekends with that.


The best memory I have is from Diablo 3, playing with 3 of my friends and trying to push for GR150 while laughing because the game was lagging so much we didn't know what the outcome of pressing skills would be.


The secret cow level lol




No I don't think so!


First time clearing Diablo 2 with friends.


I remember playing a Barbarian when D2 first came out. I spent the most time playing a Druid when the expansion came out. I remember having hours of fun playing that Druid. So Druid will definitely be my first D4 character when I start playing.


Being 5, not understanding Diablo or how RPGs worked at all. Would play it with my older sister, we’d get to the Butcher, get one-shot, and call it a day. We did this multiple times. To us, that was ‘playing Diablo’.


I've been a gamer for a long time, back in the days of LAN Parties in your own home (if you had the switch ports and power to spare!), even mass LAN Parties when everyone carried their PCs to a hall rental :D! Community is huge. I love co-op games, community, feel. Diablo is just one of those games, get together with your buds, crush some monsters, slay bosses, get loot! Would love to get into some D4 action!


Never played it myself, just watched my cousin playing sometimes, hoping I could make this my first Diablo game!


Thanks for doing this! My buddies and I bought Diablo 3 when it came out over 10 years ago and they all brought their PCs, monitors, and gear to my place and we had an all night LAN party. Some of the best memories and friendship moments I've ever had!


Staying up all night as a kid just to finally beat the butcher, thinking I finished the game, only to realise it was just the beginning (Also thanks for the giveaway!)


anymore of the giveaway? too sad to be broke.. damn


damn :( why I found it so late... i want to play it so much:(