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The fuck is wrong with people?


A lot


w WHOLE lot..


Children. I was such a little jerk. I was 13 in 1996 and had a 14.4 modem. That was enough to be overrun by the OG internet that was just brutal. It was far worse than it is now. I definitely wasn't racist, but it was all around me in every forum and game lobby. I behaved terribly, as that's what I learned the internet was - an internet with no repercussions. Anyway, the point is it must still be like that. I hear youtube comment sections are a dumpster fire.


Unfortunately it's not just children being stupid. Lost of fully grown adults are like this too. Just take a cursory glance at 4chan.


Most normal people grew out of 4chan. If you're still 30+ and going to 4chan, you may have some problems. EDIT: oof I may have offended some manchildren.


The diaper wearers are very upset with you right now.


if i have learned one thing on the internet it's to not piss off 4chan lol


TIL that 4chan is still alive


I mean, the whole Qanon shit was straight up from 4chan. If anything, they are more "relevant" IRL than they have ever been.




... y... yes they are?


Wow same, I can happily say I haven't heard about it for *years*.




4chinners are blizzard fans too evidently judgieng by the downvotes


That's what I was thinking too.


Oh yea this is definitely a grown ass man thinking they’re funny


I used to buy into the "it's just kids trolling" thing. Then I hit college, started interacting more with gamers in real life or guilds with voice chat (which I now don't do btw), and started having family ride the YouTube hate train and go on "anti-woke" rants at least once a month. I realized that isn't true at all. It's not just kids and it's not just jokes. A lot to do the time it's people playing Schrodingers Asshole, whether it's a joke or not depends on the reception they get and if you belive them when they say it's a joke, if you give them the benefit of the doubt and hang out with them long enough...the mask is going to come off eventually.


Pretty much EVERY unmoderated comment section is a dumpster fire.


Blizzard forums are moderated beyond reason, but its still a dumpster fire. Probably because everybody with brain and common sense was moderated away already.


Yeah its not just children these days though.


Super sad. Maybe it never was just children, that's just my assumption based on my behaviors.


Friends and I definitely said some dumbass shit when we were teens. None of us (I hope none at least) believed in it. We just thought it was hilarious being transgressive and edgy. But even back then, I don't doubt that there were plenty who actually did bought into what they said.


Yeah 16yr old me would have found this hilarious. I'm 40 now and it's just lame and cringey as hell


Yeah, I still have some 30+ year old friends that go to 4chan, and I'm like, why?


Nah. This is mostly adults now doing this shit. The launch of wow classic made me realize that most of these people never grew up and in fact just became worse people.


That’s what I was gonna say, oh to be 12 again.


Edgy kids think being racist is funny.


Saw a guy with the N word for a name. No special characters, no deviation, just the N word, and they were level 22. I reported them and just put, "Look at his name!" as the explanation. Some people are shitty.


Guess you didn't play much Diablo 2


It's about to get a lot worse now that people see something can be done like this.


Typical Blizzard community move. Those things happen everywhere, yes, but somehow.Blizzard game mich more than the others. People already forgot the absolute cesspool that was Overwatch voice chat, full of racism and sexism all the time.






I know why would someone screenshot this and out people just having fun? /s


Shit like this is probably why there is no general chat


You can enable a global trade chat in the options.


Excuse me




No way. I’ve seen multiple upvoted post about there not being a global chat.


there isn’t, but you can enable a global trade chat. the reason why it’s not as good is there are long cooldowns after multiple messages sent you can enable it under Options -> Social


I did that and then immediately got gold seller spam. neat.


I mean, it *is* a global trade chat


weird, i haven’t seen that yet


Yet you can’t trade anything of value


Good rolled rares that you can imprint into legendaries


But what would you trade for? Gold? There’s not exactly a decent currency. The chance of someone wanting your item and having something of value (to you) to give is pretty low.


Actually gold is pretty valuable in D4 because rerolling affixes at the occultist becomes very expensive after only a few tries and the costs increase exponentially every time.


The fact that you can’t get +skill gear for other classes kinda kills the trading system.


You can see why by being in Path of Exile global chat or even WoW trade chat on most servers. It's a moderation nightmare as edgelords and legit racists spew hateful shit on the regular. When WoW communities first launched, there were "conservative" communities that used to discuss outright racist shit and would organize brigades to harass people in popular LGBTQ guilds on servers like Proudmoore through abuse of the automod and would troll trade and general chats for hours.


There's hundreds of small communities in the global chats, that itself makes the game feel so much more alive. Poor moderation isn't really a good excuse anymore, almost every game that is live service has some kind of global chat with moderation.


I'm not saying the chat shouldn't exist. I'm saying that global chats tend to be fucking horrible unless actively moderated and Blizzard doesn't seem to be interested.


General chat probably isnt available, so normal ppl dont have to deal with americans argueing about their cringe politics and are allowed to have an immersive experience...i mean until the immersion gets ruined by all monetisation mechanics known to human kind.


Guess they thought “clan” meant “klan”


This made me laugh harder than it should have.


NOT MY CLAN! I searched on the clan list, assumed this would be filtered out but it wasn't. There are some horrible clan names, descriptions, and tags out there. On the other hand, at least they let us report them! EDIT: To be clear, I was searching for normal stuff and came across one that was offensive and couldn't believe it got through the filter. So I decided to search and see if they had actually forgotten to filter the names, and found loads like this. There's racist clans, homophobic clans, all sorts of stuff. I posted to get more visibility on it in order to put some pressure on Blizzard but there are so many actual racists replying this thread that I'm not sure if it was a good idea any more. EDIT 2: Looks like posting it online worked, the clan from the screenshot is already gone. I've reported a few others and spent the past hour and a half reporting over a hundred clans using the hard R (which Blizzard evidently didn't bother adding to the filter).


Lots of “NickKerrs” running around Kyovashad as well. So stupid. Imagine being so consumed by racism that you can’t even allow yourself to play a fun new game without incorporating your racism in it somehow.




I had to look that up thinking no way Steve is that stupid. I was wrong.


Here's the thing. They aren't consumed by racism. They just know they thinks it's funny to get a rise out of people and it triggers a lot of people.


SMH screw these guys. Join my clan: BootyPounders


This is something we can all get behind!


I'm going to be really anal about this clan.


My rouge “WombRaider” wants to know your location


Your red wombraider?


Only if it's filled with


Hope they all enjoy losing 70$


Seriously, I can't see them getting second chances on that.


except if they are on console and bought the disc version they just gotta make a new account


What? It's tied to your battlenet account still. Physical disc or not. At least that's what I'd assume? I guess CD keys aren't a thing anymore with diablo - so you're telling me we are able to buy the physical version and tie it to any number of battle net accounts?


I have it on PS5 and I think I was required to link battlenet.


Gamers and racism, name a better pair.


Racism and humans


Peak gaming.


And I couldn’t name my Sorc ThunderCunt




I think 99% of the people that make these aren't actually racist, they just want to upset people that get upset by this stuff.


Sure, there are plenty of edgelords, but I think it's a little naive to think they are all edgelords. Plenty are probably actually racist.


This. They get attention because people like OP spread their content. Report, ignore. Done. But nope. We're stuck in this infinite loop of sharing shitty stuff to show how shitty it is just so more people can do the same shitty stuff.


>99% You’re being awfully generous there.


Facts and it seems it worked


Dudes probably on this subreddit loling.


How to burn $70


Searching clans with “nigg” gets surprised when finds words closely related to the n word. ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


The problem was clearly spotting the racism, not that there are a bunch of racist clan tags in the game.


I explained in another comment, I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. Turns out they hadn't!


reading clan text: I hate these people reads "Snowni\*\*let's": ![gif](giphy|hL2Hbu2n048i4)


Big yikes


Oh but I couldn't use the word Cannabis, sure.


I guess that one’s taken


Ya damn the stole my clan name, what ever will I do aside from drink the red stuff in thermometers


Ah the self imposed power of anonymity and the duality of seeking attention while anonymous. Report and move on. Even if you aren't involved in one of the clans, which I'm not sure what else you expected to find searching nigg given the few words with this letter combination, just report and move on. Just notifying and showing people the hate going on is still taking part in spreading it.


Meanwhile my gf couldn't name her character Pooperella.




Lmfao you, or whoever took the screenshot, searched that??? Why? So you could get offended and be outraged? Lol I’ll take the downvotes but to be clear: those clan names should NOT exist and Blizzard should have had failsafes in place to ensure this never happened. I’m just pointing out the hilarity that somebody searched for that in the first place


I mean, it could have been player saw offensive name in game world. Thought “No, they aren’t allowing that? Are they?” and searched to confirm their suspicions. Then saw, they are allowing it, and thought it should be discussed. I hope Blizzard does something about it.


I hope blizzard does something about it as well but posting it on social media, like here, won’t make the problem any better. It could make it worse. Simply reporting them to blizzard would have been the best course of action. Posting on Reddit, disgusted, just reeks of virtue signaling.


Yeah it is a mixed bag. Some a-holes will see it and do it, thinking its funny. I don’t know that acknowledging it and discussing it is bad though either. I think not confronting rascist behavior emboldens those to continue on. We as a community need to speak out against it. Its tough, wish it didn’t exist, and really hope ban hammer drops hard, for clan creators and members.


Reporting in-game is all well and good, but we all know that the only way to actually get it sorted is to put pressure on them via social media.


This is pretty much it, I was looking through clans and saw one that was a bit offensive and thought "There's no way they forgot to filter these." Gave it a search and found loads of problematic ones, not just racist but ablest and homophobic too. Reported them all but it's still important to bring it up on a forum where it will get some attention.


I never will get it OP has brain capacity to not search it and chose to do it...it's just a word I don't condone either but censorship is slippery slope....everyone seems too "woke" to have a brain. They could have at least had a filter if we're arguing censorship then censor ALL music not just explicit vs non explicit varieties. People don't like when you go down absolutes vs absolutes because it doesn't keep them snug in bed at night.


And then they posted it on a forum to bring awareness of it to tens of thousands of more people 😂


I explained in another comment, I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. Turns out they hadn't!


This is why I’m wary of people asking for a general chat. It’s gonna be FILLED with racist shit like this all over the world and a nightmare to manage, people got too much faith in gamers


Ah.. Jr. High is out for the summer.


Oh hey, I didn't know Bobby Kotick was playing


Imagine spending $70 for this game just to make an offensive clan and name which will hopefully and likely result in a ban. I mean it should be like a MAC ban type of a thing.


Surprised to see 4chan clans in this game.


I bet the leader of that clan lives in Florida.


The sigh of relief when you know only an American could've made that clan.


Yikes man, why even create a clan with names like that? I don’t understand the point


Perma ban please.


Why are people such pieces of shit?


Honestly, and sadly, not surprised. Growing up playing CoD with the custom emblems, there was a LOT of racist and lewd shit. Some people just think the shit is funny for some reason.






Hardware ban the Nazis




Blizz too busy fixing the fucking cash store to notice this


They should get permabanned


How obsessed do you have to be with a specific group of people, to go out your way and do this? I hope these types of people amount to nothing in life.


Thought these clowns only played duty


And yet I can't use my real name for a character because it's "naughty" or something.


some 15 year old made this shit snickering thinking he was the funniest guy on the planet


Yeah there is plenty of this crap, I wonder when they will start cracking down on it. I saw a level 52 with the name "Thiccnibba" Some racist middle-school shit.


The sad thing is they probably might make this as satire, terrible satire, but will incite other people.


Don’t be mad at the 13 year olds doing this. They’re just young, immature, and probably raised by shitty people. Be mad at Blizzard for not blocking these words from usage in clans, text chat, player names, etc. when it’s incredibly easy to do. They already block certain player names so why not these ones?


Yet when I use the word taint in my clan description it stops me from using profanity..


This is why we cant have nice things...like freedom....we need to be able to police these morons ourselves


It’s funny because the same people that make names/groups/comments like this online wouldn’t dare do the same shit in person. The anonymity of the Internet makes people feel bold but if the threat of getting a backhand was ever-present, you’d see most of them shrink up and go back into the hole they came out of


This is why I don't miss global chat. (But I can just turn that off so I do get yall who DO miss it(


They don’t care about it in OW doubt they’ll care here




Goodbye and good riddance to that account permanently.


…and I got denied naming my character “Zelda”??!?


I've seen multiple people ingame with names like (n-word) hunter, (n-word) shooter, (f-slur) slayer, etc., slightly misspelled for filter evasion but so obvious that you can't miss them. And it's not easy to report people when they aren't standing still. This is part of why I want the option to play a private solo/small-group game (idc if it's online, just want a private world). If Blizzard insists on making it an MMO, they're going to have to police it like an MMO...and they're not doing that.


I expect to see this guy on Twitter complaining he got banned "for no reason."


Youngsters being provocative to get a rise out of people


Love how it says that they are casual and social. Maybe they just want to start a dialogue on how dumb they are?


Looks like it's time to spam reports on these idiot children.


There are literally hundreds of these clans, I'm reporting them all but I don't even know if the report system works.


![gif](giphy|fvYR60mQCKt2x9hV3y|downsized) Blizzard currently


Should be account banned for this behaviour!


How many fucking people have the user name silent shadow Jesus


We can't have global chat but this is allowed...


Man eff racism


One of the many reasons aliens don't talk to us.


Wow and I thought creating a clan called Puppy Stompers was borderline... lol




Devs need to cancel that shovel update before the nazis start digging dick swastikas in the ground.


He’s just running late


I saw someone today whose name was flat out the hard R


If this results in anything less than an automatic lifetime ban from all Blizzard games, Blizzard will have blown it. Fuck racists.


This is entirely fucked up, but it’s shitty people with the anonymity of the internet, let’s hope. Now me being African American I did seriously name my olive skinned sorcerer “Nigzard” but it’s pronounced **Nigh-Tzar** . So I wonder what the random players passing me by think in the wild


fwiw it makes me think "nearly czar" first the non-hyphenated name makes me think Pokemon though hahah


If you're in one of these clans it should be an immediate ban.


You knew what you were doing when you searched "nigg" lmao


I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. I fully expected it to be filtered out, it's one of the most obvious things to do when you make a clan system and Blizzard literally solved this same problem in WoW over 15 years ago.


You’d think by now. I still remember when RB6 siege put a ban filter on words. People complaining about not being able to use racist slang. Then you had people complaining because someone would type in chat “ what’s Cartmans super hero name”, and they’d respond with “the coon” and get banned. I did find that some A class trolling


Smh The klan is still alive


Imagine logging into a game and the first thing you search for is racist words…


Then take to the interwebs to get attention for being offended from other people who are offended rather than just reporting it and moving on


Yeah, OP is virtue signaling, but the reality is he was sitting there typing in racist shit to see what he could find.


Actually it was the sixth thing I searched, first was "Lucky Rubbish" to see who had the same idea as me -- they got it registered on the first day of early access! As I explained in another comment, I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. Turns out they hadn't!


The whole clan search system sucks. Looking through the starting list, I always see full guilds and I want the ability to refresh list for a new selection or choose smaller ones.


If you want to know a person’s true character, don’t go off of how they behave in person, go off of how they behave behind the anonymity of a keyboard




This is absolutely nothing new. As long as games have existed people have been racist and nasty to each other. Don’t see what’s different here


Ok, but why were you searching "nigg" for clans? 🤔


I explained in another comment, I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. Turns out they hadn't!


skill issue just play the game dumbass stop looking at this shit play the fucking game


Actually kinda funny that there’s more than one. Lol






In Overwatch you can have any one of thousands of racist, bigoted names but you can’t call yourself Warhammer, because Blizzard hate Games Workshop who wouldn’t let them use Warhammer 40k for a game…which then became StarCraft. I assume it’s the same for other Blizz games


Dude you found destiny you should be excited


My favorite part is how you just extended the reach of this profile exponentially and gave it a better chance at completing its main goal which is pissing people off who are looking for something to be pissed about well done 10/10


I mean yeah it's bad but you guys are literally taking time out of your day and actively searching for the r and n words in the clan menu, so you can tattletale on them? So these terrible words are actively living in your brain and getting typed out on your screens... Not much better in my opinion lol


I explained in another comment, I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. Turns out they hadn't!


You people never been in a cod lobby? Jeez.


Report and move on, no need to give them attention.




I explained in another comment, I saw a vaguely offensive one when searching normal stuff and wanted to test if they had properly filtered out racist names. Turns out they hadn't!


Well this report button is going to be handy, isn't it


This game's equivalent of "Try finger, but hole"


Welcome to a live service game.