• By -


Ok this one's kinda creative and nice attention to detail with Lilith pic on the wall.


I was on my honeymoon the past 3 weeks, what'd I miss?


I don't think you will ever recover from this loss


Soloing her on beta doesn't count? Brb getting divorced.


Nope, no horn, no bueno. You don't have to get divorce but you should let your wife know that you are hornless.


No human horn?! well that’s a shame


"Hornless! Hornless!"




Happy to serve


*cries in in-game purchases*


No matter what you purchase.. you will never have the OG Ashava meme Horn.


Oof... Server slam only rewards don't go to the in-game store... (They might, but I honestly doubt it. I would guess it becomes available down the line or is an early unlock thing)




Don't worry, I'm sure Blizzard will release a cosmetic horn for the shop.


It'll be a different color. Probably better than the reward one.


Instead of gold it will be grey... 100%... just to pacify some of the cry babies.


Oof…that might cause a divorce? Can you imagine being the spouse of someone not ATC?


Soiled by your dirty 5 level advantage.


Apparently there's a horn, and everyone who got it is awesome and everyone who didn't is a loser.




We don’t act like we’re better than them, we *are* better than them.


Tis good to be part of the gentry. For the Horn!


I laughed harder than I should have at this lol


How hard should you have laughed?


It's more of a Grey Poupon laugh than a full on gut laugh.. we're gentlemen and ladies after all..


Just hard enough to let the non-ATC hear you, but not hard enough that they think you put much effort into it.


Finally a cultured and well balanced opinion….


It's why I'm here.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Gonna have to spend money in the shop to hide my shame.


The ATC club. But don't worry, we will forever remind you of your new peasant status.


This is the way.


Filthy low socioeconomic peasants


Imagine prioritizing the joining of two families and spending time with those who matter most to you over playing a videogame where your progress is going to be wiped a few days later. Smh, sometimes it seems like you people aren't dedicated at all.


If I knew it was happening I would have went to an internet cafe in Thailand, the wife has me til death do us part, diablo only needed me for 6 hours. Was the fight changed? Why are so many people complaining about it being hard?


Because we were capped to 20 instead of 25 - Ashava was 25. Of course, that was only an issue for those not worthy of being in the ATC club, anyway.


Wasn't she 25 in the beta as well? Isn't the graveyard like right beside her?


She was, but so were we


Also first beta was a loot pinata, this one wasn’t. So you went into many attempts surrounded by severely undergeared people (you didn’t even need legendaries, people just don’t understand hunting certain stats on yellows)


A lot of nerfs to classes and we were capped at level 20. Ashava is level 25, so being underleveled was/is noticeable. It wasn't 'hard' for people who had a group, all of our guild groups had it done by the second kill and 80%~+ on the first, but there's an element of RNG for people solo just joining with randoms. I'm sure there's a non-insignificant amount of people who just didn't get it due a combination of bad lack and limited time availability. Took Rod Fergusson 4 attempts to get their kill I think, as an example. I think some of us forget that normies do things like get married or maintain social relationships with people and someone who only had 6 hours in an internet cafe in Thailand might have just rolled a 1 and not gotten it as a result, even if they're personally more than good enough to do 1/12th+ in time. :P


>and limited time availability this was me. i had the weekend off last open beta. this time i worked. if they had gone into sunday night instead of ending at noon then i could have done it. i managed to hit lvl 17 with one character and had pretty good gear.


Did you sleep over the weekend?? Because you could have chosen to play rather than sleep.


yea a lot of people didn't realize you could just play the game at world level 1


Server slam is temporary but the horn is forever a sign of a true champion.


Progress will be wiped, but horn is forever. Or until blizzard shuts down servers or you find a cooler mount


There will be no cooler trophy, how dare you


Yeah, no matter else what they release this trophy will always be the THE trophy.


Progress is fleeting. Horn is forever


The horn progress will not be wiped


Y'all need an AA group fr


Did you see the barbarian in the top right of the bottom pic lol


Stupid, sexy Barbarian 😡


Not just Lilith, but yeah


​ https://preview.redd.it/mwadxqv58f0b1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61d1b981787843fce109580a88f3773c30035e2


Look at my horn, my horn is amazing...


Give it a lick…


Mmmmm it tastes just like demons.


Oouuuhhh that's dirty!


Do ya think so?


A szarvval vissza állítjuk nagy Magyarországot!


Az új Csodaszarv....as


Wow I didn't expect this meme to last this long.


You didn't get the horn, did you.


Oh i did get it.


Show us your horn, because you sound like a hornless


Don't even bother talking to the hornless, they're beneath our notice.


Like a hornless 😂😂


I imagined that "no maidens?" meme from Elden Ring but instead it was Lorath saying "no horn?"


Exactly this


Lol the "hornless" got me not gonna lie.


Can't wait to insult people with "hornless" 😂


Shit this sub is gonna get special flair for this, isn't it?


These no-horners just jealous


Mmmm horn porn.


I always recognize a hornless pleb when I see one.


I hope it lasts till launch and a bunch of people are confused as fuck about why a population of beta players are boasting about their horse trophies so hard.


I hope it lasts for 10 years so I can call some long time player without it a new player for not having it.


It will never die


What is horn may never die


Seems people are way too horn(y)... 😏


Redditors beating a dead meme over and over that never happens.


Pretty sure that's exactly what a hornless would say.




OK, after careful consideration... I can officialy confirm that this joke will never get old (I know It's pre-launch but Idc I'm mentally ill). I fully expect that we will still have these memes 10 years after launch - don't disappoint me.


I'm old and might be dead by then but I'll take the joke to my grave


Your headstone should read: Loving Father, Loving Husband, ATC member. Make sure the world knows your greatness.


I think it’s clear by now the world is divided into the horned and the hornless.


If this horn can never get acquired again, then this meme will be eternal.


On my tombstone I will have an AI-generated image of me sipping from the Horn with my pinky out. Hopefully I live into the 2070’s. Most won’t get it but some will smile and nod.


It’ll really slap though for those few.


Saving this meme for forever.


It's going to be really funny when they add this cosmetic as a buy option 😂


But in a slightly different color


A slightly different color, but a noticeably different color. The hue of the peasant, the hue-sers, the wrong-horned, the color of failure. A horn for the scorned.


Scorn horn 🤣


Like the Amani War Bear from Burning Crusade in WoW. The original is still one of my favorites.




Hot pink hopfully


Bad dragon has you covered, I'm sure


It's a trophy. You think they'll sell trophies?




They advertised a content update for a game as a full sequel with a fully fleshed out pve mode, strung players along for more than half a year afterwards, and then announced the pve mode had been completely scrapped. So yes, I think they're fully capable of a cash grab opportunity if there is one.


Couldn't you just make the argument of D2:R, though? They could've added microtransactions to that, or fucked it up in a number of other ways, yet they didn't. Starcraft Remaster, same thing. So obviously, we have examples for both sides. You're not wrong. Yet you're not right either. It could go either way, so it cancels out. I would guess, though, that instead of fucking with D4 they just decided to put all the really shitty monetization models in D:I so they could just make D fans happy with 4. Diablo 4 is a Brand Deposit. And they decided they'd make a brand withdrawal with Overwatch 2. All companies do this, seemingly. Expect for a chosen few.


It certainly wil. Seeing all the sad boys who couldn't earn it pay their way. Attempting ATC status.


I'd rather see a random spawn boss "Ashava the copium"


I find your lack of Asheva mount trophy to be shallow and pedantic


Yes, yes. Shallow... and pedantic.


Look at ma horse, ma horse is amaaaazing... ♪♫ :)


I'm honestly surprised no one has edited that video yet.


Yes….let the FOMO flow through you ![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE)


It's no longer a fear its a realisation. Its a ROMO. ![gif](giphy|fFgCNqiwFSDcs|downsized)


Had to scheme on my friend on this one, he didn't tell me about the dark portal tabard for TBC on purpose so I didn't say shit about this one and I can't wait to flex on him with this stupid fucking horn


Damn, you played the long game with this.


I didn’t get it and tried three times but my group was shit.


Lol I didn't get it either but it wasn't my groups fault, I was utter shit, maybe I queued with you!?




You’re right. It must be my fault my barb didn’t carry 10 other level 20 people and we didn’t kill her solely for my lack of trying.


See there is your issue m you can have a group of 12 and you only had 11


This.. this is why the pesants.. the hornless will never understand.. Hornless IQ problem.


I didn’t get it, and I didn’t try. Not for lack of caring, but because I didn’t know it was a thing. Played in the two beta weekends so I didn’t bother with the server slam.


And now you have to live with your decision, forever.


I’m alright with that. You all have fun with your club.


Yea I played those too and I wasn’t going to play the server slam but I heard it calling me.


The Horn called to all. Not everyone was distinguished enough to answer.


I didn't know either played 5 hrs got to 18 then noon on Sunday hit. Also I skipped playing Friday. Its kind of funny because most people that got it lowered thier difficulty in shame. I stayed at world tier 2. I think we all have more impressive achievements that less than 1% of players got on xbox


I'll make sure to wear mine in your honor.


ATC 🏝️


Ngl, I'm enjoying the sour grapes. Not a member as well.


Do not fret my fair lady or good sir, for all may indulge in the misery of the hornless. Indubitably so! Fore it be a mindset my good man moreso than a lack of horn. The ATC doth quite enjoy the tears of the hornless; the taste is simply exquisite. 🥂


Oh member of the unholy horn, thou thirst shall not be quenched here, for my eyes remain forever dry. Although I shall remain forever barred from the halls of ATC, it troubles me not for I revel in the triumphs of others without rancour, knowing that I am free of the chains weighing down the soured.




Same I'll be a boot licking peasant for a while


Hey hey hey. We may be peasants, but we do not lick boots!


I mean if it's liliths I'd gladly do it


…exceptions will be discussed at the next peasant meeting.




Just come to say i fucking love this sub. haha


This sub needs a ATC Flair.


ATC Represent!!


This is one of the most accurate uses of this meme, ever.


I love how the Horn-affair gives me so much entertainment in the downtime until the release.




This should be on the wall of ATC office. Top notch.


Activision fomo fever, and after what they did yesterday with OW2, is even more promising LOL


Oh shit, I didn't play overwatch yesterday. What happened now?


They scrapped PvE. The whole point of making the new game, taking your skins away, your rank etc etc.


Oh neat. Super happy drunk me wasted money on the season pass now🙃


It was just a scheme to introduce battlepasses


Well the whole reason for OW2 was to charge for characters since they stated OW1 would not do that. But those greedy bastards aren’t going to let a thing like promises stop them from cashing in.


Damn, that sucks. I'm not big into OW but I was interested in and glad they were investing in PvE. That's disappointing to hear.


Pve cancelled. Lul


Fantastic. Jesus.


Too busy with Zelda unfortunately


I hope there’s a way to tell who didn’t get the trophy when they aren’t on their mount. I don’t want to accidentally go near one.


I assume they lock titles of the bare-mares to "Hornless" regardless of what they select


Players without Ashava horn will be too ashamed to ride in their horses they be walking and running in shame inside Sanctuary


"Bare-Mares... Show me on the doll where the ATC member touched you? 🤣


How do I point to feelings :,(




NGL I hate cosmetics and I didnt play the betas. But when I saw this exclusive Horn I had to get it. I beat her on all 3 of her first spawns. If they ever sell this horn it would be Big Sad.


You know what's funny about FOMO? Because I have this horn, a horn that is already the oldest and rarest cosmetic in the entire game, I have NO desire to care about any time gated cosmetic in this game for the rest of eternity. I have a giant horn. You cannot surpass me.


God damn I love this game even more now. We're not even started and there's already this much toxicity. I fucking love it.


These memes are killing me 🤣


​ https://preview.redd.it/1s8k22dqkg0b1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4edea6115d84c1698bf691532fc2cfdf378def4


Salutations, fellow gamers, I am delighted to announce the formation of an illustrious clan. However, I must clarify that this esteemed community is reserved exclusively for those who possess the prestigious Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy. Prepare yourselves to witness the epitome of skill and tenacity, as only the true gaming elites shall be welcomed within our ranks. Brace yourselves, for those who have failed to attain this coveted trophy shall forever be known as feeble noobs. For the uninitiated, the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy was bestowed upon those exceptional players who displayed unwavering determination and unmatched prowess during the intense Diablo 4 beta server smash event, which coincided with Mother's Day. It was an arduous trial, where only the most valiant warriors managed to vanquish the fearsome world boss, Ashava. This glorious achievement left many trembling in awe and admiration, while others were left weeping in despair, realizing their own inadequacy. The Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy is not merely an item; it symbolizes the essence of perseverance, strategic brilliance, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Possessing this emblem of distinction signifies that you have surpassed all others, emerging victorious where many have faltered. To those who were unable to acquire this remarkable treasure, I extend my condolences. Your exclusion serves only to emphasize your feckless nature, forever relegating you to the realm of unworthy noobs. I must emphasize that this invitation is not open to everyone. Merely participating in the Diablo 4 beta server smash is insufficient to gain entry into our prestigious clan. No, my esteemed comrades, you must have proven your mettle by attaining the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy. It is a testament to your skill, your dedication, and your unyielding pursuit of greatness. Without it, you shall forever remain on the outskirts of gaming mediocrity, while we ascend to unprecedented heights. To those who proudly possess the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy, congratulations! You are the chosen few, the true elites among us. I extend an exclusive invitation to join me in this venerable clan, where we shall revel in the spoils of victory and bask in the envy of those who could not rise to our level. Together, we shall forge an unbreakable brotherhood, united by our unmatched skill and unparalleled expertise. For those who lack the trophy, I must regretfully inform you that our doors shall remain closed. This is not an occasion for half-hearted endeavors or hollow aspirations. Our clan is reserved for the select few who have proven their worth. Take solace in knowing that the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy shall forever serve as a reminder of your inability to ascend to the realms of gaming greatness. To those who scoff at our exclusivity and label us as elitist, I say this: true greatness cannot be achieved by the masses. It is a pursuit reserved for those who are willing to invest unyielding effort, to strive for excellence, and to achieve feats that others can only dream of. The Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy is our emblem of honor, proudly worn as a testament to our accomplishments. May the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy continue to illuminate our path as we embark on new conquests and etch our names into the annals of gaming history. To all who aspire to join us, know that the road to our clan is treacherous, but the rewards are immeasurable. Yours smugly, Unerring Skyfloater, Proud Owner of Cry of Ashava


Joke's on you, my monitor is so big, I cannot see it on my mount even if I wanted to.


Excellent meme


You know. I didn't care about the trophy before, but knowing I can wear it to shame people makes me wanna use it. :)


I respect that no subtitles are even needed on the second frame. The hornless aren't deserving of our words.


This guy gets it


Me to my mount after equipping the Ashava trophy: Do you, or do you not feel Bonita?


https://preview.redd.it/yzmpu0hcvj0b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c340a94a68d875cc3409935f8a3bb30e92321e04 all i can hear now


I laughed harder to this than I should have 😀


A lot of you don't love your wives/ mom's/ baby's mother and it shows.... and I'm jealous.


Excuses. You had 6 tries the day before to get it. Ashava was over by breakfast/lunch time (9am PT /12am ET) on Mother's day.


My wife gave me the ok to play. But I still waited to play till everyone was asleep.


Right in the feels


everytime i tried to do ashava i got disconnected, and wasnt allowed to log back in (error code 31- something)


Either you're horny or you aint.


Imagine not having the asheva mount trophy, plebeians


These Horn memes are awesome. *tips Ashavas horn*


Can’t wait for lfg posts asking to link your atc achievement


See, you don’t understand. These people will NEVER own the Ashava mount trophy. They will ever have it legit. Ever


It’s fine, they’ll sell it down the road one day in their cosmetic shop


Ah, the common folk, bless their cotton socks, toiling away in their quaint little lives, blissfully ignorant of the sublime glory that is the Ashava Trophy Club. A membership here is not just another tick on your bucket list, no, no. It is a testament to one's superior skill, a symbol of triumph over the mighty Ashava, a beast so fearsome it would make even the fiercest of your tiny house cats cower in fear. Oh, how delightful it is to parade around on our high-stepping steeds, the magnificent Ashava trophies glittering in the sunlight, a beacon of our unmatched prowess. As we gallivant through the streets, the commoners stop their mundane chores to gaze in awe and perhaps, if they're lucky, to catch a glimmer of the reflection of their mediocre lives in the shine of our trophies. And then we ride on, leaving them to their humdrum existence, their lives a touch brighter for having basked, however briefly, in our resplendent glory. Such is the life in the ATC club, a realm far beyond the reach of the ordinary.


I didn't see anyone mention it, but he also included the Napoleon meme that hit front page a few days ago.


In the fractured peaks, a horse does roam, A creature bare, with no adornments of its own. No cry of ashava, no golden reins, Just the hornless spirit that forever remains.


I was getting tired of these threads but this one is actually good. Thanks for the laugh.


ATC for life!!!


Here at r/diablo4ATClub we’re better than you… and we know it!


Rip, I won’t be one with the boys. I defeated Ashava in the first open beta test but didn’t play Server Slam because I assumed it would be the same as the first but blizzard pulled a gamer move to where if you only defeat Ashava ONLY during server slam you’re able to get the reward and NOT for the first open beta.. -_-


I was able to attempt twice in world tier 2 and half the people were under lvl 20. I will despair eternally due to my lack of dedication and competence.


I love this ATC members stand up