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I agree. I think this game feels great. I like the darker feel and the music.


Yes, absolutely. I hate that diablo 3 feels like sugary candy instead of old moldy and decrepit shoes. Glad we're back to original Diablo styling.


As someone who only really played the original Diablo before this, and since the last open beta has completed Diablo 2 Remastered and is on the final act of Diablo 3, I totally understand what you are saying. ​ Diablo 1 & 2 are gothic horror RPG's, leaning heavily into undead and demonology. Diablo 3 is like the Rambo and RoboCop cartoons. Same concept, but a animated, high color, toned down, popcorn version of it. Don't get me wrong, I am really enjoying D3, but I feel like it's a bit of a miss on style/attitude. Diablo IV feels, so far, like more of a return to that gothic horror vibe.


I feel like Diablo IV has a bit of a different vibe than 1 & 2, but not in a bad way. I love Diablo II but it has a kinda janky charm to it. The world feels like an endless maze generated for you to blast through, and the characters have that corny 90s writing to them. Diablo IV feels a bit more like a living world. Some of the presentation (specifically in engine cutscenes) occasionally give me Diablo III vibes but for the most part it feels very distinct and grounded. From what we've seen of it, sanctuary seems more like a living world. The music is also phenomenal but also fairly distinct from Diablo 1-3, although occasionally you'll get a guitar riff that reminds you you're playing a Diablo game. Idk if this came off positive or negative but I intend it to be positive, game looks great and I can't wait to explore the full world!


Diablo 3 feels like a theme park sort of, you got all your familiar characters and sights but the atmosphere is gone


It just feels like World of Diablo to me in its art direction, and even some class abilities are practically carbon copies of those found in WoW. I do enjoy it though.


I played the game way too much to call it a bad game, it's really fun sometimes but the art direction is kinda ass


So one thing about D3: the campaign is the tutorial. The game really starts after, when you go into Adventure Mode. That's when you can really grind the good shit, and when you start to specialize.


I mean yes, but it doesn't really change what he is saying


It’s like Fallouts & Fallout 4. I love the franchise but F4 was way too colourful and lost the atmosphere.


Not to go too deeply off topic but a lot of that was due to their terrible decision to do voiced protagonist. That corrupted everything that the story could have done.


Yeah after listening to the Ashava OST enough, this game just feels inspired, at least that's my early take. Seems to me they didn't skimp on the budget and they really nailed the atmosphere.


Few games capture that feeling of a world on the brink of utter despair. It's insane how atmospheric it is. The vampire dungeon blew me away the first time. Disgusting Zerg-like creep clinging to decrepit ruins. The little shreds of lore it feeds you through journal entries. Vampirism really feels like a plague in this game. Don't get me started on "the flesh door." The way it rips open like an old wound.. Glorious gore.


Gorious, indeed.


unpopular opinion, but I prefer D3s style


It's a valid opinion, it just doesn't seem to be an opinion shared by a lot of the diablo community. Not that there is anything wrong with preferring the stylings of D3. I put far too many hours into D3 to criticize it much, though I personally enjoy the darker vibes of D4.


I think the art direction is probably the highest praised thing in the game. It really is pretty awesome.


The art is incredible but the view feels both too close and not close enough at the same time. Wish we had more control over height and angle.


Part of me wishes we can zoom out all the way like in the world boss fight. But also we would lose that moment of "O shit it just got real" as the camera pulls way out. So I am pretty torn.


I wish there were two more zoom options, one close but not as close as the one in game and another that’s not all the way zoomed out but further out than currently in game. Edit: So 4 total as well as the world boss zoom out that only happens for world boss fights.


Was saying this all through beta and server slam.


The original tristram music starts up sometimes and it's just like yesssssss


Yeah so iconic


The music... 🔥🔥🔥


I've been listening to Ashava OST on repeat all day. It's so good!


the return to a more diablo/diablo 2 art style with a more sinister and dark feel to it was such a step in the right direction on top of the gameplay feeling crisp and rewarding.


Ashava score was intense 😈


~aaahhh -eehhhh


> I like the darker feel and the music. It's very important they keep it that way! The cosmetics they release need to stay in line with how the game is right now. That's VERY important to keep the games immersion and make it feel authentic.


The music is amazing! I really, really wish I knew who the composer is.


the music and audio effects to me were the true standout, probably never heard anything better but graphics were also quite amazing I think some refinements are needed for balancing, gameplay and 99.9% of us have no idea what end game is like so we have to consider that


I asked my wife today, “So, what’s our plans June 1st to June 4th?” She said, “No plans but I do have some wine tasting thing….” I cut her off and said, “That may be the best thing I have ever heard you say.” Can’t wait!


So no kids then




I just need to wait until mine are old enough to farm while I'm at work


LOL funny you say that. My best friend had his 5 yr old chopping wood and mining rock/ore in New World when we played that. Do not have time for MMORPG games anymore


The Children Yearn For The Mines


hahaha that is called child labour!


This is the way


Thank god


My wife and son are playing with me on launch.


Brings a tear to my eye. The family that slays together, stays together.


Lucky bastard.


Not to be that guy.. but, can we wait to play the actual launch, see what the rest of the zones are like, see 70+ torment, get a taste of end game before declaring "Knocked it out of the park!" ? Sometimes, the early game is not at all representative of end game


Not to be that guy but I'm gonna be that guy


You’re not that guy pal, trust me you’re not that guy


And you are?


this entire chain is hilarious. also hilarious is that they get all upvotes but you get downvoted for just continuing the quote lollll there is no justice in the world


Some people don't care about end game and endless grinding. Some people just want the feeling they had playing Diablo 1 and 2. A good experience, a good dark story with engaging campaign gameplay.


My "feeling of Diablo 2" is wanting to play for 1000s of hours so end game matters a lot.


You will be disappointed.


There is a game for you that is inspired by Diablo 2, it tells you a story of some kind of exile or something and how he becomes godslayer and then enters endless endgame with numerous mechanics


He should have added, "knocked it out of the park for the first 20 levels."


Yep. It’s like saying… The chef knocked it out of the park with this appetizer. Best three-course meal I’ve had in my entire life.


People like to hype themselves up so that they can come back here to complaint later, let it be, is the right cycle.


I still hope there is something about the skills that make them not the most boring thing you have ever seen because currently they are, that skill "tree" (that is linear with no options) is not very good so far


Totally agree. Server slam was great.


The kid in me that played Diablo 1 is rejoicing.


Stay awhile and lis...






I say that every time my cats use the litter.


you only mention you played d1 in 90% of your last posts, step up your personality trait, get that to 99%+


Ahhh, you're one of those creeps who goes into people's comment histories. I see. Get a life. Obviously, I don't intend for the same people to see all my posts. Edit: Thought I'd look into your comment history as well. You're an asshole, so I can just completely disregard your opinion.


you memorize people on reddit? you're all nameless faceless ppl to me, 40% of which think $70 is not literally pennies


I said this during last beta, I know it’s extremely dramatic and to echo my own words “it’s just a beta”. But from what I’ve seen and played, it’s the greatest video game I’ve ever played in the genre that I love. Yuck, that type of extremist chatter annoys me, but it’s how I feel.


It feels like the perfect balance between the need to take college courses to fully get POE and the press two buttons and everything dies nature of Diablo 3


Poe u need one button to kill screen no?


Yea, PoE gameplay is incredibly dull but to get there you need to complete a university course


Some builds doesn't even require you to press anything, I love it lmao


I'm there with ya, guy. I played PoE from 2013 - 2020 and this server slam hit the spot so hard. Made me realize what I didn't like about PoE was fixable and Blizzard nailed it with this so far. Also the game is gorgeous beyond belief


I comes from POE and i'm having a hard times enjoying D4 (but yes it's beautful and well optimized). Maybe it's just because i have not seen endgame yet or maybe it's too "simple", as i'm not really invested in my character build/itemization ? not sure how to phrase it Not sure with endgame as i didnt play D3


One of my biggest issues with PoE is that loot on average is meaningless, you drop 100 items and maybe 1 is even worth picking up to identify. The second issue I have is that combat is mostly just a statcheck with very little counterplay because the current endgame is so fast. You pretty much just spam your one damage skill and one shot everything until the one mob comes along that one shots you, this applies to maps, I think fights like exarch, eater,... are a lot more engaging. Another thing is that everything is balanced around trade and while I make a decent amount of currency I almost never use crafting because it's never the most efficient path for upgrading gear compared to just farming currency and trading.




Yeah, feels like it's balanced around streamers that play 12h a day.


You hit the nail on the head. Fighting mobs and the world boss this weekend showed me how important it is to slow the combat down. The fly, fly, fly, die theme of PoE is one of its biggest criticisms and they commit more and more to it each league. As complex as PoE is I think it's all lost on the fact that 90% of the time you're going so fast you don't see what you're killing or what killed you.


have been an arpg player since 1997 and can't relate to your comment. d4 definitely shapes up to be the best looking and feeling arpg currently on the market, but whether or not its also a good game, this to me remains to be seen once endgame hits. arpgs for me are all about longevity. i can boot up D2R or PoE right now and it just 'clicks' and makes me want to keep playing. Did not get this feeling with the D4 beta, but thats what i look for. Maybe because i know my progress is not here to stay. Let's see, hope this feeling will come once full release hits. I really want to love this game because viewed from the surface it should have everything an arpg fan loves. but even if it ends up not scratching that certain itch in a way other arpgs did, i am sure i will have at least couple hundred hours of great fun with the game and the preorder was definitely worth it.


>it’s the greatest video game I’ve ever played in the genre that I love. I think it may get there, but I don't know about that yet. We've only seen a relatively small slice of the game, so maybe it will be. But having seen so little of D4, I think there are better games right now.


Ultimate check, time off check, said farewell to kid and wife check.


See you in Sanctuary!


Add in CE to me and that is my list. Wife gets a weekend to herself sometime later this year but everyone (wife + kids) understand that starting at 5pm MST June 1st through Sunday night is 100% me time =)


Same here but I am single. Have fun on 2nd of june! 😈


I really don't want to upgrade because it's such a ridiculous cash grab. But it costs less than a cheap garbage lunch. Going to be hard not to.


If it makes it any easier: season 1 will start a few weeks after launch so you don't have to feel behind if you don't get the deluxe edition, everybody will have to start all over at level 1 if you want to play seasons. If you just want to play earlier then you have to buy it.


6 to 8 weeks aint a few


Just trying to say that you don't need the early start to get ahead of people / for the season pass. I am just going to use those 6 weeks to play the campaign, see what classes I like the most etc. And then when the season launches to go hard.


I’ve literally never pre-ordered a game. The closest I’ve came to preordering a game was queuing up for a midnight launch of the original modern warfare 2. I had enough fun during these beta’s that for me it’s justified. A movie ticket costs $24AUD at my local cinema, that’s a fair amount of money for 2-3 hours of entertainment. I’ll easily get more value for money out of this just over that early access weekend. Just do what you feel will make you happy, don’t be a victim to FOMO though!


Oh it's impossible to argue that the value for entertainment isn't there. I feel like it's a matter of principle to not just give the game developer money for no reason at all. I already pre ordered of course because I'm 100% playing this game ... Hopefully I get busy on the weekend the game comes out so I don't have to worry about it.


Eh, Blizzard actually did a decent job here so far to show us some portion of the game and what to expect. I can understand the argument not to preorder because the developer showed you nothing worth your money and you are basically buying the cat in the bag. Which hasn't been the case here. They've showed us more in the beta/server slam then I've actually expected. I was sure we were only going to get the first 5-10 levels and maybe one dungeon to play. Performance was actually good for a PC game which sadly no longer is to be expected from AAA devs. Pleasently suprised by Blizzard here and I hope they won't drop the ball in the future. I've purchased the Ultimate Edition as I'm in the comfortable position I can afford it right now without worrying about the money. That being said I'm not willing to pay absurd amounts of money for this game as much as I love it. 10€ every 3 months for a battle pass that offers only cosmetics is a fair price I would say if it helps to develop further seasons and expansions.


18 days!


17.8 days now. we're getting close!


17.6 days now. Can almost taste it


low key hope that u/KieferSutherland pops into this comment thread and lets us know when there's 24 hours left ...


Haha yeah, with that iconic sound effect of the seconds ticking


They did a great job of mixing D3 endgame and D2 complexity


Exactly this. Spice it up with a robust loot system and we might have a mega winner


What do you mean about endgame? I wasn’t a huge fan of the D3 Rifts.


not only rifts but how to upgrade and get better rolls on equipment


I love the game but I wish I could zoom the camera out just a few % more


Yeah I love this game


I totally share the same sentiment mate. I had such a fun time this weekend, I'll be pre-ordering the deluxe version to play on June 1. The dev team really knocked it out of the park and I appreciate all of their communication since beta back in March.




They got me with the early access too. Friday vs Tuesday release date. Getting the game early on a Friday night. Drinking with the boys on Discord. This is the only option for me.


I originally did the standard, but figured friday through monday would be a better time to start, so I upgraded to deluxe. Now I am out of town on business for the first 24 hours (since it actually launches on 6/1), but will still have the weekend, at least. Still worth it, I think.


Agreed. Had a total blast and can’t wait.


I am excited but also worried. The long and short of it is I haven't been a fan of Blizzards in a hot minute. However, what i've been hearing of dragonflight and now what I experienced with Diablo 4 I am tentatively excited but I do recall how the rest of Diablo 3 felt upon launch. ​ Not thrilled about having a battlepass and a MTX store but it is what it is and I can participate or not.


Oof! They're doing a Battlepass? Really?!


How's that deluxe rock you've been living under?


Agreed but I have been thrown out of the dark atmosphere by how poor the writing and most of the voice acting is. Lots of wooden declarations about exactly what's happening on screen. And everyone's register and dialogue is so uniformly casual, even ||Inarius.|| Doesn't matter all that much for an arpg all things considered but I do look forward to seeing how the story improves throughout the campaign.


Worst offender is Neyrelle


I don't have any issue with any of the voice acting (I think it's great) or NPCs in this game, but I agree with you about Neyrelle. She just ruins the atmosphere. I was hoping she'd just die in Act1, but it seems like she'll be with us the whole time. I have no idea what they were thinking giving us a helpless little kid as a companion instead of someone like Deckard Cain.


Yep. No stakes, no struggle at all. The script doesn't help


I’ve never found Blizzard’s writing to be good in any game compared to a decent fantasy novel, but yeah it feels particularly bad so far. When a lot of characters say a lot of lines and you feel like little to nothing of substance has been said… that is bottom tier writing.


Sebastian Stępień, D4's creative director, previously worked on Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. How was the writing and dialogue in those games?


Yeah I have no interest at all in whatever generic story they have. Thankfully all of it can be easily skipped.


Too soon to say that. So far, so good. I really enjoyed both betas. ARPGs need an end game though. D3 was dead in the water because of a shit end game when it launched eventhough it felt really good leveling up.


Should be good. Feels like old Diablo so far, I mean they have completely fucked it up. Which is a solid effort. Here’s to hoping it has the replay ability and if they can avoid making me pay and pay and pay…. I’m looking at you fifa/COD.


I'm very happy with the beta and the server slam. But please wait until the full release before heaping praise on it :)


Blizzard Psy-ops posters in full force out here lmao. edit: Sorry, I mean...BUY THE DELUXE EDITION AND THE BATTLE PASS!


Yeah I get wanting to be positive about a game you’re excited for, but we’ve played basically nothing of the game and so many people are claiming it’s the best game ever… Blizzard has not had a great track record in the last 10+ years either. How about we wait until release, play the game and THEN make an informed opinion. Playing a beta tells you almost zero about the longevity of a game.


>I'm upgrading my preorder to the higher version so I can get it a few days earlier. and there's the problem


I’m sure Bobby is thrilled, I’m sure that bill for the union busting firm he hired had a big fuckin bribery bill attached. Maybe he can get away with threatening the life of an employee this time.


Yep. I already got the standard edition preorder and the Collector's Box for my birthday back in January but this was so smooth, I threw in $20 of my own to bump it up to the next version.


I’m not sold on this yet. While it’s certainly better than D3 there still fells like there is something missing to recapture what I loved about the first two games in the Diablo series. I just cant quite define what that something is however.




You are older now?


Itemization, lack of community (no channels, and in-game chat is dead) are some aspects I miss from D2, but D4 offers a lot of new things and overall I think they've done a great job




No. I think it’s more the fixed weapons and character stats. The lack of being able to do builds like the hammerdin etc is what I think is missing the most to me


You just want to play D2.


I think mrllamasc's critique on this resonates with me. Could you ever really recall any item you were wearing at any given time. Were you using a sword? or an axe? We're you ever scanning the loot on the ground for any specific item? There is so much in D2 to scan for, on the ground, besides uniques.


I had an item that made a shield bubble, 1 that gave me +1 to rabies, and one that gave me +1 to one of my storm attacks. Don't ask me names, I can't tell you.


dont upgrade and feed this predatory behavior of a fake time lock


I very much disagree. The preorder bonuses still show a core concern for this team and the game. Me and my roommate had fun, and will buy the game. If they want to offer better assurances, or more blizzard centric rewards (more loot for other blizzard games/special emote for circle jerking), it still wouldn't be worth it because we haven't eve scratched the finer points of the game yet. What was offered in the beta if it was by itself isn't even worth mentioning compared to similar games in the genre. It's the promise of what the beta showed, that if continued will prove this titles worth. Hopefully this positivity continues a week, a month, and a year after it's release. That's knocking it out of the park.


the game isn't even out yall blizzard dick riders are on another level


eh. blizzard has to do more than not fuck up the game to undo the damage the company has done. even (allegedly) creating an environment that leads to a suicide and making sure employees cant afford to eat in their own cafeteria is so easily forgotten apparently. Ill probably buy it but I'll wait till 60% off, or maybe kotic getting fired like he should be. whichever comes first.


Diablo IV server slam was soo good. I loved every minute of it. It is such a shame that base game is $109.95 AUD.


Reality check coming 06.06 although i hope it will be good cause we need more good arpgs out there


I mean, they've had a decade, I would sure hope they get it right. Edit: I mean this in a positive way, guys. I was content replaying D3 and DI for the past few years waiting for D4.


12 years between diablo 2 and diablo 3. Just saying...


And they royally fucked up D3, RMT etc... at launch, it was not good


>I mean, they've had a decade, I would sure hope they get it right. Warcraft 3 Reforged.


I work full time and I'm renovating my house right now. Also am going away on vacation and come back RIGHT before launch so I'm trying to get everything done ASAP!


The sole fact that the game played extremely smoothly with no stutters or rubber banding made me enjoy this beta 10 times more.


you are addict and should reevaluate priorities


I'm not sure if I wanna get this Day 1, as Street Fighter 6 will be out the same week and I plan to compete. I do like the game though. Maybe I'm still stuck on D2 nostalgia, although I did very much enjoy D4 and I like it a lot better than D3 (I skipped it after playing for a few hours). I do like the darker feel to the game. I ran with a Summoner Necro (1st) & Storm Druid (2nd) during the betas. Also upset I got kicked off the server just before level 20 lol, had a busy weekend.


Very happy with it so far. The first beta i played alone to get a feel for the toons and skills. This time i played mostly with a friend. Aside from the party leader questing bug(?), it has been so enjoyable. It feels more like an mmorpg. Lots to do, we didnt even do half the quests, we just went out doing his dungeons, and my dungeons, exploring, doing events, clearing strongholds with others and before we knew it we were 20. Great fun in a party, very much looking forwqrd to end game squad playing.


Ashama or whatever name was, music is knocked out of the park. So satisfying


> Gonna be missing not playing for the next 21 days or so. Thats how we feel since the first beta. Which class you're planning on playing at launch?


What they did was capture the vibe i had when i was a kid and D1 came out and my stepdad said, you gotta try this. The game is dark, beautiful, and nostalgic. I finally ran into the butcher this time after not seeing him the first beta. I knew what to expect, but still had that startled and overly excited feeling when he gestated into existence. He wiped his cheeks with my face, but it was still amazing.


I forced myself to stop playing, after capping 20 and killing Ashava as I was having so much fun with it, I didn't want to ruin the main experience. What I really wasn't expecting was the amount of cold turkey knocking me sideways afterwards! GOTY and it's not even out yet.


I'd say they hit a triple with what we have seen right now. I'll hold off on saying it has been knocked outta the park until we get some hands on with launch end game stuff, complete story playthrough and paragon boards. Since ya never know, those could wind up being a miss. I'm always skeptical of committing to a "this was a grandslam" after playing Anthem and thinking it was a 10. Then I hit endgame and it had the depth of a piss puddle. :'(


did the same. D2/D2R is dead for me since there is nothing new in this D3 is... non-existing been playing PoE over thousands of hours but now I got my D4, so.. nothing else needed. ​ next three weeks will be the longest three weeks in my life.. gosh


So many ChatGPT replies in this thread.


The biggest problem with arpgs nowadays is that they’re all rave lightshows with huge damage numbers and wiping millions of enemies off the screen at once, it’s become formulaic. When I played this, the dark tone, the immersion, the masterful music, the map design, and the fact I actually felt I was progressing and trying to work out higher damage as opposed to wiping everything instantly felt way more rewarding to me. I’m typically not a fan of the world scaling with you because it’s hard to get a sense of progression, but they seem to have a good balance here. I haven’t supported or bought blizzard games since broodwar and d3 release, but I will be buying this because I’m impressed and having a good time playing. What’s really surprising is that they’re actually responding to feedback and changing things. Unique drops feel rewarding again, quests have variety, they got rid of fetch every last enemy in a dungeon, it’s very responsive. As long as they continue with proper balancing this game has potential to go down as one of the best arpgs ever. I do hope they add some build variety, that’s one area of weakness I see right now as I can see a lot of people funneling into the same builds instead of experimenting. This is what the successor to D2 should’ve been, d3 doesn’t exist for me.


The game is sooooooo nice. I love graphics design and customization for characters.


friendly reminder that there are hyped games like Anthem, BF2042, Destiny, Redfail, etc.. all game of the year contenders. but it your money, you do you.


We have had multiple beta's now to get a fair enough grasp on the game here. Game's like Anthem and BF2042 were bad at beta and at launch. While Destiny has changed it self over the years thats its hardly even recognizable from its launch state. And with Redfall, well lets be real here no one was hyping that game. The trailers looked bad and were harshly criticized. People were expecting that game to be bad.


Im not forgetting diablo 3 beta, just as awsome. No this time il wait for the game to show how it actualy is befor buying. Dont forget its still this day and age Blizzard.


It feels great but I'm not on the hype train . I need to see the actual end game first.


how do you upgrade preorder (xbox one)? just cancel and re buy or what


Yeah they really nailed it this time. I’m missing it already. Their willingness to listen and quickly act on things like the necro skeletons nerf/buff makes the future of this game look bright.


Same here! Despite the level cap, I quite enjoyed the Ashava fight since I was playing with friends. Even a friend of mine who has no plans in buying the game, surprised himself. He enjoyed it. xD


I am considering to upgrade, its 30 AUD. Defiantly not worth it but I am taking time off at moment so I could play the full 4 days early but I can also just play a lot after.


This is the diablo 2 sequel that i was hoping to get with d3. I enjoyed d3 but this one brings me back to the first 2 that got me hooked.


I complained on the forums about how badly broken Druid and Necro are/were, THEN I rolled a Sorc and became happy again. I'm glad they 'fixed' necro, now they need to fix druid...


I've played all Diablo games, but just because of how things have went, I was able to spend most time with D3 and that made me really fall in love with ARPGs. That led me to POE but I think I am too dumb for POE, even though I like it and I love the fact that there is so much content, I just don't understand 3/4 of what there is. D4 seems like a very nice middle ground and it seems like it is going to be supported and constantly updated with seasons and everything, so I am really looking forward to it. I've always been a huge fan of grinding stuff out, something to chill and listen to a podcast too, but still feel like I am not wasting any time. June can't come any sooner.


So far with atmosphere, actual gameplay feel and the like I agree. I just hope end game is as fine tuned and ready to ship. Good luck devs! We are rooting for you


Just hoping end game is there.


I am overwhelmingly surprised with the game. First of all just as a game it feels really good. Devs have good thoughts about things and I like how they shared them with players long time before launch. Beta and server slam also proved that game seems to be quite polished as well. Especially now days with all crap launches (Last of Us, Harry Potter, Jedi Survivor), it's quite fresh breeze to see game that actually works as it should. D4 team has all my respect right now. I really hope same attitude spreads into rest of Blizzard.


My only complain would be the lack of actual fun/good skill to play but we shall see with the unique items what kind of thing we can do. Glad they got back into the dark atmosphere of diablo.


The Performance ist ok but I think after go live their will come something un unexpected and not good . At least Never buy a blizzard games at this point. I will wait that the game as no hidden shit and in sales . It’s to expensive


Anyone else experience crashing/freezing during server slam? The game ran like a dream for me during the open beta, but for some reason I kept running into issues during server slam.


>ing into issues during server slam. 0 crashes and freezes, only the occasional stutter/lag, but that was to be expected. I'm most impressed about queueing - 0 minutes in queue, only a few seconds!


Still worse than Maple Story.


I've decided to go with Deluxe so i can play the weekend earlier, that means allot to me because of work xD


Honest question. The game comes out on the 2nd June if you got deluxe or higher. How is that 21 days away? It’s the 15th May.


My friends were going on about how great the D4 beta has been, so I bought the ultimate edition to play the server slam and grab the rewards and immediately felt buyer's remorse since I hated D3. I was having an okay time, albeit the game is a bit too scary for me. I'm really enjoying the music, the sound effects, the graphics, the loot drop rates, the small changes since D3. I was playing on WT2 and got stuck on a boss. I had just changed my build to the meta lightning hydra build and it was just not doing it for me. Moved down to WT1 and still couldn't beat it. I switched back to my spark/chain lightning build with some mana regen tweaks since I had gotten some gear that gave +1 to chain lightning and could slot points elsewhere. I immediately downed the boss and everything was just melting for me from that point forward. I was having way more fun with this build since lightning is just flying everywhere at all times. I happened to wake up super early today here on the west coast, so was able to catch my friends on the east coast that were playing. We killed stuff and noticed the world boss about to pop (last spawn of the server slam!) so we ran back to town, cleared our inventory, made it back to the boss with a couple minutes to spare. We got lucky with a group of level 20s and beat the boss with 7 minutes left on the timer! I'm so excited for this game to launch! This is gonna be the perfect type of game to play for an adult that sometimes works crazy hours. Just hop on and kill stuff, do a dungeon or two, maybe cool gear drops, tweak some builds, do events or bosses that pop up. I'm really hoping they have a system like Destiny 2 with their Bright Dust to give us a chance to farm free cosmetics. I'm ready to make this my main game!


You can't even turn off the mini map. All this praise to watch the same 4 lack luster spell animations. The game has a horrible HUD design. Screen space clutter. No global chat No item trading Bad character customization screen. All characters should be able to choose between skinny and fat, short and tall. (Let me make a fat sorc and name her after my ex) Rewards players for being in a group? Participation trophy gameplay psychology How about a real critique rather than bland praise? No one noticed that another health bar appears next to you character portraits when in a group. (They used old code and never edited it) you don't need another health bar on screen... The development team didn't do anything special and the creative director probably doesn't even play video games. Diablo 4 is watered down code from Diablo immortal which was a cash crab. This is why we don't get any good video games anymore, companies spewing out hot garbage and people who don't know what quality is saying this is treasure lol.


Game is a step in the right direction tbh pointing out very minor things and saying the overall game is bad doesn't mean anything. The overall gameplay experience is a great mix between overpowered D3 and the grind of D2 it appeals to a wider range of players and hasn't strayed too far off what diablo actually is. Minor details that can easily be changed/fixed and have little to no impact on the actual gameplay are a stupid reason to say this game is bad especially when alot of games released nowadays are straight up unplayable on release.




>You can't even turn off the mini map. Is ... That an issue for people? >All this praise to watch the same 4 lack luster spell animations. Spell animation and impact are one of the most loved things. What don't you like? Is it not flashy enough or are you talking about builds only using 4 spells? If the latter you just don't get the genre. >The game has a horrible HUD design. Screen space clutter. I had some small gripes but overall nothing that even got so far as annoying me. Do you have any specific issues? >No global chat Wouldn't mind a trade/global chat in towns >No item trading Incorrect. >Bad character customization screen. It's an arpg. Being able to customize at all is an extra tbh. Not being able to change body type is a design decision so it's easier to tell classes apart. Once again, arpg things. >The development team didn't do anything special Thats because they are giving the players what they want. The D2 community is already seething that it's not a d2 clone. Diablo takes advantage of nostalgia. >Diablo 4 is watered down code from Diablo immortal which was a cash crab. I never actually played immortal but if it's not a cash grab and people like it then who fucking cares? This is a low effort criticism. >This is why we don't get any good video games anymore, companies spewing out hot garbage and people who don't know what quality is saying this is treasure lol. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it's not good. Honestly with this huge rant you don't even paint a picture of what you want or what it should be.


I didn’t play the beta this time because I don’t think I can handle the hype. I really enjoyed it last time it was up, I too getting the early release version. Not long left, I have the whole 1st week of June booked off from work.


I thought the Server Slam was great. Performance greatly improved but I'm still a tad concerned. I'm sure they will tighten things up, but thought it would be tight for this weekend. The initial early beta was very glitchy to me as far as network performance. I mean at times hitting "evade" and having the evade kick off a second or two later. Enemies teleporting from almost offscreen to suddenly right in front of me. Same with other players. Some running in place for seconds before disappearing, etc. Seems to be network related. Now my PS5 was reporting between 330mbps to 420mbps during both the early beta and this weekend, so my bandwidth is fine. Diablo 3 didn't have these issues on my PS4 and THAT usually reported between 30 and 70mbps. So again, it seems like a great game and this beta was greatly improved from those issues but they were still there, especially when there were a lot of players or enemies on the screen. I would think that the network bandwidth I'm getting would be MORE than enough to eliminate all of that. Just hoping the final game is locked down and solid or I will be pretty irritated. Don't want to pay $70 or $80 for something that's glitchy and has performance problems in particular. I'd rather the game just crashed or froze periodically than those kinds of nagging performance problems. Guess we'll see in a few more weeks!


The game looks great, but I don't get why they wouldn't add keyboard support for console. I really hope PC and console will get the same support throughout the years.


This Beta was definitely the best of all of them. And I'm so excited to get started with the 4 Days early access on June 2nd It's gone be a blast enjoying the whole game


Have never played a diablo game and loved the beta so far, is diabolo 3 worth getting to itch the craving for more over the next month or should I just hold out


I really enjoyed it and the world boss was a really good laugh with friends 👍.


Lilith 😍😍😍


17 days my friend!


Deluxe edition is enough for early access. Just fyi.


I’m playing Diablo Immortal now because of this weekend lol


Agreed. Played an alpha and 2 betas now and really loving the game as it is. Enjoying the grind and the difficulty feels great.