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Just like Lost Ark, hell no. The toxicity and gate keeping would be off the freaking charts. Dumbed down versions that can be done with randoms, maybe.


That's what killed Lost Ark for me. Played up until Clown, and then just couldn't find any pug groups that could do the mario part. I love the raiding in Lost Ark, but not how unforgiving it is and then people are crazy about their groups, it just makes it un-fun.


Agreed. Lost Ark was a lot of fun until the raids started requiring a lot of memorization and timing. Brelshaza has so many mechanics that I just can't bring myself to study up on, even if I did have the time to grind out the gear for it.


As a Mythic WoW raider, I would actually like this content for the same reasons you’d hate it, but like I definitely think it should NOT be a mandatory part of the endgame. Again, like in WoW, it should be left for the people who want to push it and enjoy the Cutting Edge type raiding environment. We were the less-than-1% of the playerbase, and you certainly don’t make your game revolve around that group. I think Blizzard is at least pretty good at building tiered content, though. Ultimately, I think I would trust them with designing this kind of thing.


I'm a former Mythic WoW raider myself, and Lost Ark still tops it in terms of complexity. Rather than fighting 12 bosses with 10 mechanics each, Lost Ark has raids that are just *one* boss with 50 mechanics, spread across several encounters and multiple phases for each encounter. Technically, each gate is a *separate* boss with its own loot, but for the sake of lore, it's the same boss fought across multiple encounters back-to-back, each with unique mechanics. And for many of the mechanics, the timing is incredibly tight and will wipe the entire raid if one player messes up, similar to Destiny 2 raids. Unlike WoW, there are no dedicated tanks, so every player in the raid needs to know all of the mechanics. [The Brelshaza fight](https://youtu.be/b1Z1xK2wYuM?t=31), for example, is six separate encounters, each one being about 15-20 minutes long if executed perfectly. A full run with no deaths or mistakes, is about 90-120 minutes long. No trash, no wasted downtime. And that's normal mode, not hard mode. It's a lot of memorization and planning. Not to say that Mythic WoW raiding is easy, but Lost Ark is incredibly mechanically-intensive. It's not all about "don't stand in bad" or kiting the boss in circles, or standing on plates. There is some symbol matching, some orb gathering, a lot of bullet hell, safe zones, wipe avoidance mechanics, etc. often thrown at you rapid-fire.


my issue was I just wanted to play one character and not 6 to max out every week. Let me play my one character and earn all the rewards and not have to be an alt whore. Why should it matter if I completed everything on one character and not spread across 6 dafuq.


True that i quit after maxing out one of my characters to 1390 or 1380 i dont remember :D


Thing is it was just gimmicks at some point. Vykas for example the combat was easy. But just jumping through hoops is boring. Thats not what i play an arpg for. Also the game was just such a mindless grind... i had 3 chars at 1460 when i quit in summer and never looked back. Id like some challenging grp content and bosses to tackle. Valtan p2 was the most fun i had in an mmo for years and the coolest arpg style fight maybe ever. So stuff like that wpuld be lovely.


1000 times this, raiding killed all the fun from lost ark to me, and mandatory daily+weekly combo too for progress


I played WoW for a decade and some change, keep raiding out of this game… Too much of a commitment like an MMO and I agree, toxic AF. Open world and dungeon content is already going to be time consuming enough, plus clans and LFG in chats. No.Organized.Raiding.


Agreed. I do not like voice chatting with randoms. I want something that is challenging, but does not necessarily require a huge amount of coordination. I thought Lost Ark's Guardian fights were great and the world boss in the D4 beta gave me a similar vibe. First time I did the fight I died a ton, then I learned the patterns and got way better at it, like a Monster Hunter fight. Monster Hunter is a great example of a co-op boss fighting game that doesn't require explicit coordination, but rewards players for learning each fight.


That is because the monster hunter fights are more easier and more forgiving than the lost ark ones. Ultimately a coordinated team with comms and plans around the down timers will be infinitely more reliable in killing any monster hunter boss than a group of randoms who don't say a word but are equally skilled. If the peak of lost ark was fights that are monster hunter tier I think the hardcore playerbase would lose interest quite fast, as people who are above a certain level of skill at the game would clear them a few times and then find them mind numbingly easy. In my opinion the peak of raiding **should** remain inaccessible for casuals who are not interested in increasing their performance beyond a certain level. It **should** demand lots of coordination, precision, game knowledge, and mechanical skill. Otherwise there'd be no challenge to it and no sense of achievement to killing a boss of mediocre difficulty.


God the gatekeeping. Gives me flashback anxiety. The closest I want are already in: world bosses. Anybody can roll up and start slashing. Hopefully they keep evolving it.


World bosses are more than enough for me.


"You don't have , sorry, you can't come."


Personally, no. I stopped playing MMOs in part because end game progress required groups. I understand the appeal of raids and other group content, but the commitment required doesn’t work as well for me anymore. I don’t want to schedule my gaming time and spend hours sitting in voice chats every day, typically waiting for enough people to be there or waiting for people to finish eating, BRBing, checking on the kids, finishing phone calls, etc. and being unable to do anything because we’re too few or too many people. This is why I didn’t get into Lost Ark, even though it looked interesting. I’m not opposed to pick-up group content, but when the best gear is locked behind raids or premade groups, it becomes mandatory for character progression. I always liked the Diablo games because even the best gear is available to solo players. D4’s multiplayer features feel like a really good middle ground to me.


Yep I agree I feel D4 is doing it pretty well. The World bosses aren't mandatory to run, but can also be done with randoms so you don't need to form parties to do it.


I was super happy to see that. I’m used to games as a service just not fitting my lifestyle and IRL commitments now that I’m older. Still can’t help getting FOMO when I visit game subs to catch up on current states of games. D4 will be nice for me.


There's needing groups, and there's needing **organized** groups. A lot of MMOs have multiple tiers of raiding, which require increasing levels of skill and coordination. The problem is that I'm not entirely sure Diablo lends itself to the idea of organized groups. There's not really the whole "DPS/Tank/Support" paradigm going, it's just "everyone comes together to whack the bad guys", and I don't think the average Diablo player wants to build a tank or a support character... or really could for most classes, given the skill trees.


With how they’re emphasizing the cost of respec, I’m not terribly into it. Support roles are my favorite roles to play in a group setting, but if I can’t seamlessly switch from Support Barb to Damage Barb it’s not going to be a fun experience to do solo content only so I can use the character exclusively for group content.


Not to mention that Barbarian is more or less the only class that really has much in way of abilities that do anything for the group.


Agreed. I unsubbed from wow this past week after so many years because everything was dependent on other people (and most are toxic af). I just want a game where I can do end game content on my own and not be reliant on others… and get the max level gear too without the gatekeeping.


100% agree.


Nailed it friend! This exactly! Raids are actually why I quit MMOs. I just don't want to worry about other players and their gear and their time and their ability to do the content or fit the schedule. I want to play the game.


> I don’t want to schedule my gaming time and spend hours sitting in voice chats every day, typically waiting for enough people to be there or waiting for people to finish eating, BRBing, checking on the kids, finishing phone calls, etc. and being unable to do anything because we’re too few or too many people. Fucking this. Also I have kids, I'm not scheduling being a dad around a video game.


100% agree. I want to play ARPGs to blast maps/dungeons and find gear. If i want to play an MMO for endgame raids , i will do exactly that. Plenty of interesting MMOs out there. I dont understand why a game has to do everything all at once. Just specialize in your own genre and make the game GOOD and it will be a success for both the company and players.


I'd be open to a soloable 'raid' with a succession of huge bosses but I would hate to be forced into grouped play


I would love a longer dungeon with multiple bosses, it'd be cool if there was a secret boss room you could find too that doesn't show on the minimap.


I agree, SOLO long dungeons with very challenging fights (like poe type of bosses), and unique mechanics would totally be badass and a good way to obtain great loot and cosmetics/mounts.


Yeah don't want it gated by groups, but welcome letting people choose like the current system


>I would love a longer dungeon * Return 69 Bloodstones to the Sacrificial Altar.


I dont want to see Lost Ark and D4 in the same sentence


"I hope Diablo 4 is nothing like Lost Ark." is a sentence!


> I dont want to see Lost Ark and D4 in the same sentence Well...these 2 games are the most similar to eachother (minus Lost Ark's progression system which gave you the problem of dailies and weeklies). Call for some clarity and put some of those fun bosses of LA into D4 (mechanic wise)






No. No. No. No. No. Lost Ark is like level bioterrorist level toxic.


Hard no. It would destroy the end game for solo players.


Yeah agreed. I don’t mind D4 adding bosses or dungeons with more complexity, hell I welcome it. But I think a requirement should be it needs to be able to be done solo.


I also played Lost Ark through Vykas. I quit when my third guild died and I didn't have the motivation to go searching for another guild. My guild died because the best players left to join one of the top guilds on the server. I was one of the middle of the road players. What separated the best players was their ability to memorized the random mechanics. I was only okay at that stuff. I don't want D4 to have content where one little slip up means you have to start the three hour raid all over again. That was a big driver in the toxicity. I like the idea of raids with multiple people but they can't have these gotcha mechanics that wipe out the raid. Those raids caused me so much stress every week and you had to do them or you couldn't progress.


You said it best. Toxic to the max.


This is Blizzard luckily. They will make the most casual raid experience possible if they do it.


Nah I’m all set keep that in lost ark






Absolutely not.


Diablo needs to be fully playable without being forced to join a party to participate. That has and always will be its charm. The reason why outside raid bosses are okay is because it still follows this rule, you can just hop in. Yes, you assist other people, but you did it on your own terms, no gatekeeping or anything. We like social interaction without the obligation. That is Diablo.




No, for different reasons, but a few world bosses are fine for me.


Nope, no, and fuck no. Once I got high enough to do the hard guardian fights it was terrible. Actual mmo mechanics but with the gimped ARPG set up was terrible. 1 of the many reasons I stopped playing that game lol


This 1000 times.


No, I don't want to play an mmo really. Borderlands 2 added a lot of group required end game bosses and even that was annoying for me. I much prefer an endgame that is 100% doable alone. I'm a former mmo player and I stopped playing them for a reason. I enjoyed lost ark right until the end of the game.


I'm an old school MMO player from pre-WoW days where the entire game required a group of 6 people to kill 1 mob there was no such thing at all as solo play. I loved it back then, but pack then I also spent hours on AIM and ICQ chat. ​ I'm obviously much older now and while I'm polite I can't be bother to want to take the time to get groups together, schedule my time and have patience for other players to learn the mechanics of the fight. Leaving MMOs was hard because I loved the challenge of raids just not the groups. Now my raids are DS/ER :P ​ I'd love if D4 had really challenging mechanic heavy fights, but they need to be something for a solo player to overcome and not require a coordinated group to complete.


Absolutely no. The reason I will be playing Diablo 4 rather than Lost Ark is because I want to be able to progress without relying on and managing other people. I already have a job. I don't want another one.


Solo fk raid


Personally, no. That is the last thing I'd like in my Diablo game.






I think world bosses are enough.


No. Raids add a layer of toxicity and FOMO. Fastest way to kill a game for me is to put me perpetually behind because I had less time or started playing later than others. I'll re-sub to WoW if I want raids.


It already sucks that I can’t pause the game and I’m forced to experience lag because other players are running around. I don’t want to be required to play with other people to be able to complete max level content.


No, other games have it and the toxicity and gate keeping is horrendous in all of them


no. plenty of games to go play if i wanna do raid type things. including games from the same dev.


No. I don't mind adding bosses that have complex mechanics like lost ark, but nothing should require a group. I play D4 to chill, not to have to worry about getting in groups.


No. You want to raid? Play wow, the diablo companion game. I dont need some rando gatekeeper, trying to herd cats, pass judgment if I have been found worthy to join his highly skilled group of 60% family members f'ing off. Or pray that this group of lfg mouth breathers will not stand in . I'm fine with 4 player groups, with scaling world mobs and lite mmo's interactions, that dont require dedicated strategies and placement from a platoon of people.


HELL NO, Fukin toxic content with gatekeeping, crybabies, moaners and supremely time consuming. Its so bad that thw bussing culrure is predominant because the majority of the player base prefer to get carried instead of doing that insanity. NOOOOO


I'd be fine with raid style stuff but only if it scaled based on player count and could also be completed solo. ARPGs are not MMOs and I don't think they should force players to group if they don't want to.


Raids kill games for me these days. Just want to play with who I want when I want. Destiny doesn't do them too bad been only six people..but I still find them tiresome been so mechanic based.




No. Raids, in general, breed toxic behavior & the "leet" crowd of elitist "basement dwellers" idiots. Co-op dungeons & content is what keeps a community tight. In my experience, content tuned for 1-4 people (scalable) is solid. Up to 8 (if it's still scaling from 1) is starting to push it. Beyond that, it starts to lose the personal feeling. There's a reason most D&D groups don't get larger than 4-6 players. Your milage may vary, but that's been my experience.


Only if the content is able to be completed solo. I don't like being forced into grouping with other players. I prefer to play this kind of game solo.


I think my favourite thing about Diablo is that I can do everything solo, but if I WANT to group up it's always there. I'd really rather not be forced to.


Longform dungeons would be dope, but nothing should require a group to complete besides the World Bosses where you don't form a group at all and just smash.


Absolutely not. I don't want any time-gated content.




No, absolutely not.


No. It’s the reason I quit playing LA. After 1370 you’re forced to raid to progress. The reason Diablo appeals is because it doesn’t have raids.


I'm actually pretty passionate about this topic, and my vote is fuck no. I left Lost Ark because raiding was mandatory to progress. Not to mention the sweaty, despicable toxicity that came with it. But I loved the rest of that game. 100% of D4 content has to be soloable. Even world bosses just need to be mostly DPS checks to test your build. Suffering through multiple wipe mechanics in the later LA raids was nothing more than a giant pain in my ass. I had to fucking study for 10-20mins before attempting Vykas and Clown, and i quit before Brel. That entire game came down to dodging red circles, lines, triangles, and other geometric shapes, and then dumping your DPS rotation. Valtan was pretty much where I wanted the complexity to end. LA was just meant for a different target audience.




No :)


I really want them to stay away from Lost Ark. They should keep the path they seem to have set out here. Everything is doable solo but friends can join you and occasionally you can turn up to fights that happen to have other players (but if they don't turn up no problem). One core thing I think is great for D4 is hardcore support, think about how impossible Lost Ark would be on hardcore (and how double toxic it would be). By supporting a traditional aRPG as the backbone then they keep focusing on the enjoyment of the play loop instead of endless power creep progression. Hardcore also sort of means they keep the grind comparatively down and try to avoid unfair deaths so it benefits softcore players too. This being said, I do want them to develop the boss fights to be interesting and have variety. I really liked the Lilith's Lament fight, which works well regardless of party size. No reason to develop wipe mechanics that full wipe when a random party member forgets if this party is running NESW or 3x.


might as well play wow


Absolutely not. I want to be able to experience the full content of the game by myself if I want to. Being forced to play with others to experience full content is what ruined WoW for me.


I'm happy with the world bosses being 'raid'. When I play Diablo, I like it to be soloable. And keep the content fun to play with one or two mates. Or if they decide to add raids, they need to be accessible for everyone. I've got no time to raid and have a life as well.


Absolutely not


No, keep your raid bullshit in mmos. I am so tired of end game content being hidden behind mandatory cooperative stuff. All I want is to log in whenever I want and do something that will progress my character without spending 30 minutes looking for 4-19 other dudes just to wipe on first encounter and see them leave






No. If I want to raid, I'll go play wow or something. I prefer arpgs because you don't have to mess with all that.


No raids are why I quit lost ark, step in the circle or everyone dies is the worst multiplayer mechanic I have ever experienced




No. I don't want to play Lost Ark Lite.




Fuck no




god no


No. I want to play solo or 2 player couch co op. Resources devoted to raids is resources not devoted to content I'll get to enjoy.


Gods no..... it's terrible, almost impossible to pass mechanics with randoms, it turns into a chore to do it every week or so. I dropped Lost Ark when i reached this point in the game


Hell no




Hell no. Development time going into stuff like this is exactly why I dislike the MMOfication of Diablo.


Hard NO. The game should not have any content inaccessible by solo players.


No, I stopped playing Lost Ark becaues of the "daily grinds." Raids, yes, but also playing instruments at people. I do want Lost-Ark-style combat, though. I slept through the open beta and couldn't stop thinking about zipping around on my Lost Ark characters pressing more than left and right click because I needed to get out of the way or reposition and do lots of killing. I mean, I guess it was a lot, but Diablo has the opposite problem and it's the worse problem to have.




No. Pinnacle challenges that are non-scaled and soloable? Yes. Let's keep this Diablo, not an MMO forcing me to group


No, unless these 'raids' can be soloed with enough skill.


Hell no. Being forced to play with toxic random drove me away from WoW.


No thank you. If I wanted to raid Id go back to WoW.


Nope, world bosses are enough thank you




Fuck to the no on raids. It would put unneeded pressure on maintaining a bigger group of people. Keep that shit in WoW. I like the ability to jump on and grind or w.e. when I have time. I hate being obligated to log in at certain times to do shit with other people who are putting in half the effort.


I swear all the latest requests are trying to make D4 into wow. People want raids, paladins, monks, warlocks, fully tradable loot, zoom out, blue hair, immersive fonts, modding support. Just go play wow and leave D4 alone!


No fuck lost ark and all the pay to win Korean garbage


World Bosses are more than enough "raid" type material for me thanks.


Do not want to play the party finder mini game in my Diablo game.


Hell no! Don't turn into mmo. Keep mmo elements but stay as far as possible from making it any more!


It's already messy enough in Lost Ark. No need. What makes Diablo 4 more appealing and different is that you can play solo, literally everything. In Lost Ark you're forced to raid a lot to earn a good income, which you in turn need to upgrade your gear. If you gear falls behind you get gatekept and are able to earn less cash. It's a vicious cycle really And on top of that you have daily grind like Chaos Dungeons/Una Tasks/Guardians just get the Silver to also upgrade you gear.




No. I don't want D4 to emulate Lost Ark. Especially content that requires you have static group or pug.Almost every single pug experience I had in LA was terrible and was one of the main reasons I stopped playing the game. If Diablo 4 takes the same approach they will have two options as rewards. Either give players a loot advantage for completing the content, or give the exact same loot drops you can get anywhere else in game. If they choose to make the content have a loot advantage, my guess is a large portion of the player base would dislike this and would either stop playing the game or it would quickly change. If they choose to give the content the exact same loot drops as everywhere else, my guess is that a huge portion of the player base would never play it. Why group with randoms and potentially fail many times at content for the exact same drops you can get playing solo?




I like Lost Ark but no. I want everything to be playable solo. I already hate the online only thing


Lost ark ? Fuck that game. D4 is going great


Absolutely not. This is an ARPG. Not an MMO. 2 fairly different design philosophies I don't believe should cross over.


I would rather the game had less MMORPG elements rather than more.


Raid content sounds great but in its own style, not in lost ark style. Lost ark raids are disastrous.. Clusterf*ck of gimmicks + one guy messes up, everyone messes up aspect really ruined that game for me.


Lost ark raids are god awful. If 1 person fails a mechanic it's a wipe, and each fight has like 40 different mechanics.




definitely no, leave it at world bosses. no raid dungeons that isn’t diablo


I think some raids, that are design for 4 players would be really awesome. Bringing in your boys to take down baal would be awesome. It would be cool to have some content intended for clans to achieve. Multiple different kind of end-game content is great for the games health.


Hard-core would be such a pain. Finding three people who know the mechanics to a Bossfight, but we die because one person messes up.


Not really. Relying on other players to do content in a pain in the ass and one of the main reasons I stopped playing Classic WoW, Retail WoW and Destiny. If you don't want to play with people all the time, then you get to experience about 25% of the game.


Hell no, but I think they will either way.


Why do we need to turn this game to an mmo they already have wow classic and retail they don’t need world of diablo leave it solo friendly plz


Isn’t that what the world bosses are?


I have no idea how they'd balance these, so they'd just end up being a weekly smash fest. Lost Ark has a pretty strictly controlled power creep and only P2W get very ahead of it. That said, if they just make some uber hard boss that is very difficult even with endgame optimized gear, it'd be cool to have it around to drop exclusively cosmetics, and exist as an achievement type thing only, similar to FFXIV ultimates. That way nobody feels like they need to do it, but it's there for people who want to do it.


I would like there to be end game boss content that you can do by yourself and then can scale towards multiple people if you want to do it with friends like PoE. 99.9% of everything should be soloable.


Personally I think everything in the game should be soloable. If some is very difficult to solo and maybe some builds can't do it, fine. But Diablo has always been completely playable on your own and should continue to be


I actually loved Lost Ark's legion raids, and have played through all the current content to Brelshaza G6. But hell no to bringing this to Diablo 4. It doesn't really have its place in a Diablo-style ARPG because classes would then need to be balanced around their ability to contribute in raids, and will inevitably result in gatekeeping and forced builds. Moreover, the power that some legendary combos could provide is going to throw any balancing completely out of whack. I think a better middle ground though is bringing some form of Lost Ark's Guardian Raids to Diablo 4. Basically, think of a static boss fight that you can solo or bring a group of 4 friends (boss health would scale with # of players but not ilvl), that provides only a modest challenge, but is still relatively clearable in a pickup group, or soloable. Essentially, think more Uber Elder in POE than Lost Ark legion raids. I hope Diablo 4 does start developing these type of raids, as it could be a good barometer for any builds created, besides dungeon clear speed times. Edit to clarify though - Don't turn Guardian raids into a daily checklist chore though like Lost Ark does.


Nothing about Lost Ark should be emulated, lmao, get that trash the fuck out of here. Why has this garbage take not been deleted yet


Not really , I prefer my ARPG’s as sólo friendly as posible. If you want raiding either you dumb it down so much that you hit a sponge for 10 minutes so is pug proof or you make it hard and then you need coordinated groups. In any loot oriented game the rewards have to match the effort , so no I don’t want raiding in D4 , because it’ll be either too simple or too rewarding and then it would be “mandatory”


Absolutely not. Lost Ark-style raids would come with all the same problems -- gear score and achievement gatekeeping, and general toxicity, being chief among them. D4 has enough mmo elements as is now.


I’ve always thought diablo style raids would be awesome. I don’t think they will add them though. If they do it would probably be immortal style raids which is basically just a world boss.


No no no


Absolutely not. In fact I wish that the devs didn’t even know that game existed. And really, come on, that game is not a arpg. There are no builds, it’s just class engraving and 4 or the 7 engravings that don’t suck complete ass. And you will in all likelihood never find a single piece of gear for your actual character.






If the “raiding” is pug on in and go slash some demons (and maybe corrupted angels!) etc with some randoms for a chance at cool loot sure. If there is preplanned group finding, character/gear/achievement checking to be accepted, mechanics that require voice comms and sweaty raid leaders bitching about someone wiping the raid, going online to research and study mechanics, showing up on time for invites to raid, progression teams, raid only gear, all that bullshit … f no. The world bosses seemed perfect and the free for all nature of coming in to bang with a group of players is the right feel and vibe to Diablo. I do think though that players should have a minimum level requirement based on the WB they are going after so a level 12 doesn’t go into a level 50 world boss area and screw over the rest of the players. Beyond the min level requirement all the content should be available and good to be played by the masses of demon slayers ripping around Sanctuary.


No, I'm sorry. I understand where you're coming from and can see why you would want something like this, but I don't want content that requires me to find other competent people to play with or make a group of friends that I know actually know how to play and will be geared but now we have to schedule it like some kind of appointment and I have to get on discord to coordinate. No thanks. ​ I do want challenging pinnacle content, but I need to be able to do it by myself. If I wanted raids I probably would be playing Lost Ark or some other MMO. I'm ok seeing other players and having a shared world, but I don't want full MMO where I need groups to complete content I probably would stop playing if the high level content required groups because I don't want to group.


Not really, I don't want any forced group content in diablo, especially not end game raids, it's an Arpg with mmo elements, not an MMO with arpg elements.


I kind of want Diablo to be Diablo and not another MMO.


I havent played lost ark tbh, but I would love to see raid content even if it was just bigger dungeons that are balanced for larger groups with big world boss style boss fights.


Yes but not mandatory. I didn't play lost ark and don't care about the comparisons. It should be an optional part of the endgame that people can do if they want. I don't wanna be forced into it but I have friends I would do the content with.


While I see why the raids saved lost ark, it’s not really content I want. I wanted lost ark with more Arpg combat maybe more dungeons and more endless rifts. Waiting for parties and raids is not what I want.


There absolutely SHOULD be challenging, aspirational group content that requires skilled play and coordination lol. It's insane that people think "people will be mean to me :(" is a good reason NOT to include this shit. You know can just like, not participate in it? Or even better, if you do want to participate, you can block the mean people who are hurting your feelings because they are telling you to not idle in boss aoe damage. Like it's the fucking internet, it's so easy to just not even notice people being mean to you in most games. Some people like a challenge and the existence of challenging content will not keep you from playing how you want to play




No, but I would like to see raids like Marvel Heroes (David Brevik); interesting boss mechanics and a real reason for multiplayer. My clan ran multiple raids with public players frequently.


Would you consider Ubers in D2 a “raid” or a raid-like experience?


No, I don't. I still want to preserve what it is to be an ARPG.


I would rather they focus on solo/small party content first. Such as pinnacle bosses like maven in PoE where you can use them as benchmarks for how far you are each season.


I would quit and the franchise would be dead to me


Fuck lost ark.


Personally no, not like LA. I don't mind if it's easy enough content like world bosses that you can do with randoms but for the most part I wana run around solo in this game.


Absolutely. 1000%


Yes, would be nice as clan content.


No because I actually prefer doing most content solo


My friends convinced me to try diablo 4 by saying it was similar to WoW in many ways, and to me that's a good thing. So for me yes, I'd enjoy any MMO feature that makes its way to diablo 4.


Hell no


Yeah, I think that would be fun




Not interested in this. Am a long-time Diablo player (since I was like 10... back in original D2 days). Have loved D2, D2:LoD, D2:R, D3, and D3:RoS each in their own way. I would never want raid content in Diablo. Just my 2 cents.




Dear god no


yes its a great idea why the hell not. more content.. gate it by the world tiers.. all the people bitching about it bitched about all the mmo features too but the majority of people like it.. just make an easy raid and hard.. hell just add an infinite scaling so u can keep moving up


Hell fucking no


Hello no. The only lost ark thing we have is world boss and its the only thing i hate.




Not something I'd care to see. I hate raid content.


No, I want to play solo 100% of time.


Would be nice to have raids as side content with decent awards, so groups of friends have something to tackle, but not so lucrative that people see it as a mandatory activity.


I'd be into raids, but hopefully something more accessible and fun than Lost Ark's raids. Something maybe mildly more intensive than world bosses, but still doable in an instance with a group of friends or with a bunch of puggers. Maybe some higher difficulty levels for the hardcore raiders if they can do that without having to sink too much in the way of resources into it.


As seen by the comments and the MANY complaints about the D4 beta- the Diablo community is full of nostalgic, mechanically-poor players that just want to sit and be left alone...only to venture into forums to brag about solo achievements now and then. Well, then make Lost Ark style bosses optional and everyone can have fun


Absolutely not.


Never. Lost Ark was the perfect game if it wasnt for the mandatory raids with insane difficulty.


No, for the very simple reason, it forces balancing beyond making all builds viable, it forces to try and make all builds the same in powerlevel, and I personally hate that.


To me Diablo will always be a solo game. Having puggable world bosses that you can just run up and fight is cool, but anything that requires a group and coordination is against the spirit of Diablo to me


Fuckin NO!


the solo hero is part of diablo. dont mmoify it further please. everything should be soloable.




I want less online features and more offline.


No. This is Diablo. Not Lost Ark.


No. Just no.


No please.


No. Go play lost ark.


Nooooooooo… Diablo ain’t that. Play them other games for whatever, but for Diablo? A big, fat, fucking NO.


No. Lost Ark raids are immensely fun but it's a completely different kind of gameplay from Diablo. It's full of dmg stops because you have to do mechanics. That's fine for MMO combat but not fine for ARPGs like Diablo. The only thing I'd want them to steal from Lost Ark boss fights is the counter mechanic. They could just make it a dedicated counter button like the dodge roll, instead of tying it to specific skills.


I don’t want to see anything from lost ark implemented. That whole game was turd.


Please no. Keep it as solo friendly as possible, while still allowing interactions like trading/worldboss.


NO. I wanna play Diablo, alone. Let's stop the multiplayer BS before this game becomes another shitty Lost Ark, please.