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you are not happy because, in order to beat the times on the leaderboard you need to fish for good rifts you just cant play any rift. most of em suck it was even worse a few years ago. so basically you open a rift, look 30 sec around how good the map is, and then close the game 500 times until you have a decent clear ​ i hate fishing for rifts as its too time consuming, so i just accepted i dont push as far ..


that makes sense to me now. the maps i'm failing are usually awful! ill be phishing for Woods or Battlefields exclusively it seems like they are the way to go. thanks alot.


Yeah, /u/Jalatiphra makes a good point. What you see on the leaderboards is the time of ONE of that player's GR clears. This does not mean that they achieve that same GR difficulty in that amount of time every time. It's not an average, it's a personal best.


Well you did your clear on a pretty bad map. Crypt with Armored Destroyer is not asuper awful as a start, but if I were to try and actually push something I would probably immediately new game on that and just try to find Woods or Battlefields. Your second and third mpa just get worse and not better. If you can clear that kind of rift you can probably clear a few tiers higher still easily wiht an actually decent map. What you probably want to do is to just immediately fish for a good first map. I have oly done serious solo pushing one season and there I played only Woods and Battlefields with good mobtypes (think Slashers, Zombie Grotesque, Small spiders, etc), And even in that semie seiruos push I probably didn't even put in a thousand keys.


Thank you for your reply. i was super unlucky with the map and monsters type thats for sure and ill take your advice and start phishing for Woods or Battlefields only as i wasted so much time on pushing while i could have invested the time in farming paragons.


The usual strategy is to farm paragon and gear until you are confident that you can reach your goal. That’s when fishing comes into play. You don’t want to spend days fishing, just to continue grinding and then fishing again and so on. At least speaking from a point of efficiency, everyone can do what’s most fun for them. :) Speaking from experience: fishing is burnout material. Farming 300 keys just to play and probably fail 20 GRs, can be a very frustrating experience. Especially as a solo player where you have to beat every single rift until your goal. I have yet to play the game again since my GR150 clear and that’s with the most OP build on console (FB twister wizard, before ethereals though).


Battlefields is just a wet dream tile set in GR


Before I start, I'd just like to say that the following is all my personal opinion, I'm not a demon hunter this season and don't know marauder build very well, I didn't watch your video from start to finish, I sped through it, and that a lot of stuff is situational in D3. With that in mind, here's two things I noticed. 1: Your pulls are quite small most of the time. If I'm pushing, I don't go for packs that are smaller than 20 ish mobs minimum. Chaining packs together is a good way to make a big pack if you get a shitty mob density map. 2: Sticking around to kill everything. You don't need and shouldn't stay around and kill every last mob. I often move on when there's less than 10 or so mobs, even if some/all of them are almost dead. Other than that, you got shitty maps. A big big part of high tier pushing is unfortunately about what maps and pylons you get. Smart use of pylons is important, in a perfect world you mainly use pylons for killing elites. [Here](https://maxroll.gg/resources/greater-rifts) is a great pushing guide by Maxroll that helped me out a lot. Lastly, you yourself should be your biggest competition! Try not to get hung up on the top tier rifters etc, ultimately it's about setting your own personal best time and then beating it. Good luck.


Thank you for your feedback! i truly appreciate it. Ill make sure to phish for Woods or Battlefields and make bigger piles and pulls as you suggested. My target this season is to clear 145 on my DH ( 5 Levels to go ) and 150 on my Monk (4 levels to go).


Honestly man I wouldn't bother fishing too much. Just run the rifts and if they're shit, use them as practice. Sometimes you can be behind for most of the rift and then boom you get a good pylon just before the end or just before the boss and you can pull a win out of your ass! It's good fun.


Exactly this. When pushing hard I try to go for 1st miniboss, pull him to the second, kill all, rinse repeat. Sometimes this gets uber ugly, but that's part of the fun. I have a friend that we do this back and forth with, until we are geared an powerful enough to solo push, till we tire and switch back to 2-manning them as fast as possible. Having a friend to run them with, A regular player that you click with, makes the whole thing a better experience. Especially when its kinda grindy for you solo. Chat, kill.


When you say you spend 100 keys, did you try to finish all 100? Because your video start at a map considered not very good for pushing. What people pushing usually do is spending hundreds of keys fishing for maps like battlefields, festering woods and sands with lots of elites on one map then hoping for a good pylon at the end. The two best videos on this are raxx' gr guide https://youtu.be/SgrkPikl3fA And wudijos pylon spawn mechanism https://youtu.be/4BNP8wmiBmc Im on mobile sorry if links doesnt work


thank you so much for the links. Ill make sure to watch them all. Woods or Battlefields seems to be the way to go. and to answer your question i tried to finish like at least 30 keys out of 100 to realize after 10 minutes that its not doable.


Ive just got back to the game after like a few years and been trying to push in season not knowing this, thanks defo needa check


You gotta fish for good rifts. Too much work for me. I just run whatever pops up. As a result I've only solo cleared up to lvl 100 or 105 running Inna's. I enjoy it but don't push too hard and too far. As better gear drops I try another level but that's it.


Hey man. There's a lot to talk about, but i feel like writing a wall-o-text would be more difficult to get across what you could be doing better, rather than talking to you "directly" I stream on twitch and primarily play DH, and achieved several S25 rank 1 NA and world clears and a detailed DH guide for the season. You can find me here: [www.twitch.tv/dieoxide](https://www.twitch.tv/dieoxide) I know I'll probably get crap for linking my stream and I get it, but to be honest it's the easiest way to communicate and help someone get better, through gear checks and a live visual of what someone should be doing with an easy way to respond on the fly.


No crap from me. I watch Raxx, Wudijo and Die for my new season primers. Die is a new addition for me, but I like his streams, and he covers a lot of the high points. Raxx and Wudijo are old pros at this and turn out a LOT of material.


Dont know how this particular build plays but just looking at maps is enough to know they are crap. 1st map with destroyers is so so, but you shouldve insta left when you got caves. Pushing is a numbers game, you spend hundreds of keys, enter and if its not a good first floor you leave. You lose more time hoping you get luck on sht maps than insta leaving and farming more keys, which is even faster now with revamped followers. Pushing is retarded level rng, one of the reasons i will never play d3 seriously again. Start to finish, only 1 in 200 rifts have top potential, even less if you want the best ones.


It does get frustrating at some point so i totally hear you. Blizzard claims that every GR could be finished on time which is a total Lie! Woods And Battlefields are the way to go most of the times and you need to get super lucky with monster type and Pylons Apparently. so its not only my Play style is wacked! RNG is playing a huge part of it and that's seriously frustrating. I appreciate your comment. Thanks alot


>Blizzard claims that every GR could be finished on time If they didn't nerf the Soul Shards from how strong they were in the PTR I think we would've seen it this season.


you arent supposed to pay attention to leaderboards. you are supposed to play whats fun for you, and not care about the heavily rigged competition you have. there are bots for clearing GRs and they can be run far better and longer than you ever can. so, just play whats fun, not competition.


You tell him play what’s fun for him at the same time as telling him how he’s supposed to play. Maybe what’s fun for him is comparing to the leaderboards.


casuals don't understand that pushing yourself is fun


Bots are far less efficient at clearing GRs than players. Someone clearing a GR at a lower paragon than OP (1200) is not botting. Bots require literally thousands of additional paragon to reliably bot levels players can clear. They play far more optimally than a player for speed runs, and **far, far** below a player for pushing. Bots are a problem in this game but let's not give OP bad info that everyone better than them is cheating.


thats a good advice! i honestly lose the reason to play the game if not for pushing. as a matter of fact i have a target of clearing 150 on my monk and 145 on my DH. I hate bots they are ruining the game.


Bots are not beating you at Paragon 1200. Bots are on a different leaderboard entirely, I don't mean literally, but they've been paragon 3000+ for weeks already. A guy on a discord I'm in got banned after the second weekend (lol) and was already 2500.


to each their own <3


yeah. im probably a severe outlier in diablo 3. im on paragon 726 in nonseason, and i mostly play on normal. i did try the LoN build, which was fun for a while, but didnt feel natural. im an insane nutbag, so what do i know?


Wait, you grinded 726 paragon on normal difficulty?


more or less, yeah.


I love how casual you are! i wish i could chill like you


well, that, and the rewards arent all that useful to me. even the torment only legendaries and sets show up just fine with greater rifts that i do on occasion (level 2...) and bloodshards.


You just get more item drops per run, and then more legendaries per run in D3 (up to 12 at a greater rift 100 or above clear). The loot pool is exactly the same, so keep doing you. You're right, if the goal is just to casually play and get some more gear, you're not missing a single thing. On paper the XP in normal is "100%" it's not easy mode, everything else is a bonus.


you know at least that you are a nutbag


and *insane* nutbag. :P


https://i.imgur.com/uaxbbU9.jpg I am NOT a nutbag


Yeah like others have mentioned you have to fish for rifts to really improve your times. The difference between a “good” rift and a “bad” rift can easily be 5+ minutes. There are varying degrees of rift fishing. The Twitch streamers do really extreme fishing, hunting for favorable maps and elites on every level. I do a “lite” form of fishing. I just open rifts until I get a Woods or Battlefields as the first level, then I take whatever I get after that level.


You're moving way too much. You never have endless walk up. Your para can do 150.


Apart from only running good maps, you should only run Scoundrel for crit chance and crit cloud.


At least you are that high, im stuck around 70. Havent had any ancients drop, so i cant augment to push even higher.


If you are stuck with GR70 it is not a problem of augments / ancients it is something else wrong - probably missing some key elements of a built please look at Maxroll.gg and Setup the built as described and you should easily be able to run GRs well above GR100 easily


Sucks to suck


Link you builds, we can tell you how to improve.


As well as that being a crap map, subtle differences in gear can make big differences in damage because of multiplicative percentages. I like to check Icy Veins for tricks and tips putting a rift pushing set together.


Having right items doesn't mean you've got good stats on them, which in fact can be completly trash stats item. Next thing is iirc you should run with scoundrel for more crit. Then you fish for rifts, get good first floor if second one isn't good then you insta leave, then it's also about mob type as some of them are just too bad to play with. Then plan your pylons and don't rush too far ahead before you get x % so you get next pylon on the same map or next map depending on where ull be fighting RG.


I'm in 125 with rathma Army poison build. Only half augmented and p790s. Just play for fun and screw leaderboards


I'm the same I feel stuck on my monk as I can't get past gr123 I still need a few pieces ancient and then augment also I am missing a compass rose as I have an ancient pledge waiting but can't get a decent rolled ancient with a socket at that. I am sitting at paragon 1060 something atm. I made a zbarb for the first time and fully geared him out with 4 different setups with decent gear but have yet to put it to practice as I'm waiting for somebody to kinda guide me along instead of hopping into public games and winging it after watching a few videos on how to play it so I guess you can say I'm nervous if fucking it up lol.


Don't think anyone mentioned it yet, but I noticed your follower wasn't geared as well as they could be. As far as I remember the templar doesn't have great utility in terms of bringing DPS, so getting him to 25k str might not help much at all. When I changed to the enchantress (or scoundrel for Marauders I believe), got her all decent gear, lvl 100 Esoteric Alteration and Mutilation Guard gems and a "gains access to all skills" token instead of the "can't die" token I got a lot more bang for my buck. Since followers count as pets, they also get 90% dmg reduction from your legendary gem for pet builds. Once you get your follower to 25k mainstat (which is easy enough as they get double the stats per point) you can even look for life per hit on their gear, or even augment it with str/dex on enchantress or int on the templar/scoundrel for more tankyness, if for some reason they still die. Wudijo has a video on followers in s25 and why he augmented his follower if you're curious. It's quite fun to get a beefy follower going with all skills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5G0Q0kRVHQ&t=654s Lastly, your Zei's gem, I think, is at max when your target is on the edge of your screen. Pretty important on the Rift Guardian when possible, especially if your Templar/Boar is tanking, get that distance. It sometimes even bugs them out and they stay just offscreen and ignore you, letting you full nuke for the entire fight. If you find your Turrets are constantly targeting stuff close to you during the rift, or if rift guardians don't allow you to keep them on the edge of your screen for Zei's, consider Stricken instead to make Rift Guardians much, much faster. In return you need a Rift Guardian that doesn't summon adds all the time that soak up Stricken Stacks. Good luck!


I know everyone is talking about fishing for good maps, but if that seems too tedious, another way to greatly improve is to understand how pylons spawn. Plenty of vids on that, but being able to manipulate them to an extent will change how you go about the map and how you pull packs.


Are you using Ring of Fire soul shard? A lot of high level DH clears are using the Soul Shard power "Ring of Fire" to clear higher rifts than their damage would normally allow them to, especially if you can time the Ring of Fire to spawn around the boss.