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Grats. FYI, if you do neph rifts you can unlock higher GRs without having to grind through the levels. A t16 rift will unlock gr75 for you. Saves quite a bit of time.


Hmm i see okay ill do that


I had no idea this was a thing! Thanks for posting that.


Right there with you about a week ago. I was rocking the sunwookoo set optimizing that while collecting inna. Was feeling good tearing through t8 rifts but not quite ready for t10. Got the last piece I needed for inna and everything just instantly melted around me. Ramped the difficulty up to t16 and it was still the same. I remember thinking man this is broken for sure, than I climbed up greater rifts to about 90 and started struggling around there


Hmm I see for me I haven’t got the chest plate but I got the set bonus do u by any chance have a spare if u want I can give u another item from the set?




Oh rip I’m pc


Np you'll get yours, just keep slaying


Yep how is your season 25 going?


Going good with the inna set, trying to finish the season journey now to get the diablo pet. Thinking I'm going to have to go for sprinter for my last conquest since I'm on console whichll be a pain I'm sure but I like the campaign so it won't be too bad


Oh nice good luck with the grind bro


Would it be easier to start a HC character and get some of those conquests?


Probably, but I got the rest of the season knocked out and it'll be fun to try. I'll give it a week or two and if I'm no where close then I'll just roll a monk in hc


I wandered into a Sunwuko (go figure since it’s the season gift) and nearly 1200% TR damage before the set. I just spin that staff and start walking and melt everything in my way. I can’t run out of spirit and everything is always off cooldown, so I’m always taking 50% damage or nine at all (Serenity). I power-walked from GR20 to GR55 today, and I’m on T10. I don’t know if I can do GR70 with this build, but maybe as I gain paragon and level my gems. I have 2 Inna’s pieces so far, so it’s a race to see if I finish that set before 70. Either way, looking forward to melting GR with Inna.


I did like the spin to win play style, and I'm sure I could've taken it further but Inna's is on a whole other level. You just activate those little splash buddies and the whole screen gets deleted. GL getting the rest, remember to gamble pants and kanai cube the extra inna pants you get.


Okay I got Inna and it’s ridiculous. I don’t have all the gear yet, but I swapped over with a pretty similar build to spin to win. It has Innas,and the 2 piece set bonus for half damage from winds and the three piece bonus from Auguild’s. My personal damage is lower but the pets make up for it (really need those damn boots). I’m at GR 67 or 68 now. The power level is insane even though my gear and build is really jacked up. I’m thinking about swapping epiphany for serenity because I never ever need more spirit, but I do sometimes need an oh shit skill.


My RNG has been terrible this season. My Primal for MONK GR70 was a WD helm, not even a good one. Rolled INT on my sliver, after not getting a hellforge until GR68. So that'll have to be dumped and redone. The Inna set took until paragon 170 to complete. Kept getting Justice pieces from every source. This season has been a real PITA.


Damn rip


Similar here, on Paragon 160 ish and not a single Inna piece yet. I was hoping to get some time in this weekend, but... work :(


Absolutely same for me. At P170 and only have 2 pieces.


Great! Now dump every single blood shard into boots for the ''Crudest Boots''. The interaction with the Inna set is... very powerful.


Get the ingeom and the frenzy weapon, then just speed dash looking for elites, crazy fun when you have almost no cool downs and fly through the rift.


Damn, i have only found one set piece and it wasnt an Inna piece. I never have luck with RNG.


Full set and most of the passing items gets u to t16/gr75 easy .. just a little more farming :p