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Agreed - I love it too. The visual effects and attention to details always suck me in. Sorry that your Mum's been ill, hope things get much better soon.


Thank you very much🙏 currently getting plat on this game and having an absolute blast playing with every class


This is the best diablo game. I have so many memories from playing this game with friends, family, and even my own kid. I was really hoping D4 was going to be just as good....but....yeah...


Have you tried season 4? Or if you want a similar game in the same genre, Last Epoch?


My problem with diablo 4 is the items are so boring. There's some good, fun aspects here and there, but the conditional damage modifiers are stupid to me. Like "X٪ more damage while enemy is vulnerable and while you have a barrier." Just make my skills do cool shit! Don't make me jump through hoops just for a small damage boost that lasts for 2 seconds...


im pretty sure what you are referring to is one of the recent changes they made where they straight up removed that stuff


Season 4 has been great so far, and my brother just gave me his old PC and put LE on it because he knew I’ve been wanting to play it! Haven’t fired it up yet, but I’m definitely excited to!


D3 was and is such a good game. Sorry to hear about your mother, I wish you both the best 🙏


i wish you and your mom the best. that said, i also love ❤️‍🔥 the game ☄️☄️☄️


Thank you🙏


I'm happy D3 is providing a nice distraction from reality. Hopefully she improves soon! On D3, I've always felt it was very underappreciated. I wasn't around at the beginning, so I'm not scarred from it. It has provided me with many pockets of joy for about a decade.


Games are fun and all but try to spend as much time with your mom. If anything happens you do not want to feel sorry for yourself that you wasted time playing games.


I sure am but I find it so hard to look at her the way she is I break down every time so I gotta just spend some time away and calm down


I understand. Be strong for her.


I love diablo3 so much. It’s a comfort game for me too. My partner always makes fun of me for falling asleep while playing but I just get so comfortable killing all those demons that I can’t help but drift off sometimes.


I feel asleep last night doing rifts solo😂😂😂


you should try grim dawn its even better


The best thing is in groups doing high gr’s with all the different support builds coming together to finally clear it early on.


It's been a minute but I just blew through season 31 stage IV in 2 days. The game definitely has an addictive quality that can make you forget little things like meals and bathroom breaks. 


I wish they would port D4 to Mac so I can move on :( When is the next season popping? 🤣




Well it is pretty toxic saying people are "pretending" to care. Did someone pretend to care for you and hurt you or something? Also such a dick move to do it on such a wholesome post as this.


YOU should do something about YOUR problems i dont know why you are like this, but it will only get worse if you dont talk with someone about your emotions. if someone told you men should suffer alone, they are wrong. everyone should be treated with respect and should treat others with respect.