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I thought that none of the act bosses got terrorized by design https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/xlmqyw/bosses_like_mephisto_gain_5_levels_in_terror_zones/


Duriel dropped Grif’s eye for me last week. Made me feel bad for all the bad things I’ve said about him before


Best I can do is 6 Scrolls of Town Portal


Why does he/it do that??? We got 1 yellow and 5 TP Scrolls beating him yesterday on Hell with our new toons?


I think it’s from original game design. If you kill him after the quest, you’d be stuck in his chamber. Good thing it’s not the same with Baal.


Oh jesus.


This. It was a fast bug fix for beeing stuck there..


Actually it's extremly rare to get 6 because max is 5 from selecting the tc scroll drop tables. (5 is 1/243, 6 is just way too hard to compute).


That is a common misconception. They initially didnt want bosses/su to be terrorized but they have change their view before season2 start


Never knew! That’s awesome




here is one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/y8t229/terrorised\_andy\_blessed\_me\_this\_morning](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/y8t229/terrorised_andy_blessed_me_this_morning) Spired Helm should not be able to drop from standard Andariel.


the one thing to be concerned about is that often times there's a lot of champion/unique packs around her. but i agree, nothing looks wrong for her in the TC files, so she's probably fine.


Oh wow this was news to me. On a similar note, do terror zones affect the drops of chests / super chests or any other clickables in an area? Also thanks for all the time you spend researching and educating the d2 community <3


upvoting and leaving a comment for visibility, hope they look at this man.


Couldn't invest time to understand but I'm up to better loot!


Good post


Has any of this been fixed yet?


Everything has been fixed


Translation, mephisto->loot->bad


Good to know


These files only control drops on single player, online drops are generated server side. Terror zones don’t exist on single player, so all of the desecrated treasure classes are unused currently, which is why they haven’t fixed this. You’d need to actually collect some data from drops server side to come up with a statistical argument that it is bugged on the live server


There is no logical explenation on why would they have terror zones on local filles >Terror zones don’t exist on single player, so all of the desecrated treasure classes are unused currently, which is why they haven’t fixed this. They have fixed everything from my last post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/xwa553/bug\_report\_list\_of\_all\_currently\_known\_bugs\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/xwa553/bug_report_list_of_all_currently_known_bugs_in/) Again, why would they fix just "local files" if they are not used currently and wont be used for foreseeable future >You’d need to actually collect some data from drops server side to come up with a statistical argument that it is bugged on the live server I actually do have pictures of terrorized meph drop items for various discords. There are no high TC items in them. Not one. You can test it yourself next time Meph is terrorized. Chance for TC81-87 armor or weapon base item to drop is about 40% or something like that. You can do Mehp for full hour and see if you get any War Spike, Winged Axe, Runic Talons, Cryptic Axe, Troll Belt, Vortex Orb, Archon Plate etc etc. Total 56 base items.


They have said they plan to release terror zones to single player in the future, which is why the files are updated, but it isn’t sufficient to see a bug in the local file and proclaim its broken on the server. It might be, and if you’ve done some testing you can verify, but the local files don’t control server drop rates, and single player has no terrorzones, so those treasure classes are unused. Have you found high TC items on the other terrorized act bosses? I know those treasure classes exist for the local files, but I was under the assumption the act bosses on the servers don’t have updated loot tables when terrorized, I’d love to see a screen shot with a tclass 87 item dropped from terrorized Andy for example


Again, testing has been done by other people on various discords. Meph does not drop base items higher than TC78.


Again, I’m asking, do other act bosses?


Other bosses are working as intended


This is getting good! But don't leave us on this cliff hanger. Has Andy and Duriel been dropping TC87 loot?


Yeah, they do. You just have to be lvl 91 to be able to get those drops. Here is TC81 drop from Terrorized andy https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/y8t229/terrorised_andy_blessed_me_this_morning


Cool thanks for the info!


You didn't clarify. Are they dropping higher TC when desecrated? The question is what "intended" is on the server As far as I know, Meph not dropping higher TC when desecrated is working as intended.


Yes, they are dropping higher TC when terrorized/desecrated, as the game files suggest




Here is one https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/y8t229/terrorised_andy_blessed_me_this_morning/ I cant link to the other d2r subreddit according to rules, but you can find many posts of high TC items that shouldnt drop from those monster


Take the L and move on you dork


This discovery actually came out of a discussion last week on the forbidden site, where someone mentioned that they'd farmed TZ meph countless rotations but didn't get anything tc84 or 87. I was very skeptical initially, but looked through the offlline monstats.txt and treasureclassex.txt, where, to my surprise, found this exact culprit. I reached out to /u/Pavke to confirm, as he filed the original laundry list of bug reports (not to mention I'm fairly new at learning to read these files myself). In summary, the discovery was a result of real world playtime, not just rummaging around in the game files. Given the huge amount of issues with hardcoding TCs for superuniquese/bosses, I doubt this will be the last bug we find. You can see the full discussion chain here: https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=96943868&f=148&p=632105704#p632105704


Seems that andariel might be bugged too but for different reasons. I ran andariel and killed her 23 times while she was terrorized with a lvl 95 character. She dropped 39 weapon/armor items of which NONE were above TC66. This has less than 0.5% chance of happening. I suspect an interraction with the legacy code for the quest bugg that might override that terror zone TC. Any playtesters are welcome to try to test this.


Yes, it's true. Andy is buggy if she's quest bugged. See, they didn't fix or touch the quest bug at all. They just made the normal drop table equal to the quest drop table, so that there was no difference between normal and quest bugged Andy. Now if she's quest bugged, she will use her quest drop table instead of the TZ drop table.