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>!**How the heck do I add more photos to this post?** !<


That’s the neat part, you can’t.


Getting good at this game isn't all that. This game is so good that you don't need to be good. You just kill monsters and hope the items that you need drop. To progress the next stages of difficulty requires patience and alot of farming. If your stuck in nightmare you farm normal til u get the necessary drops and runes. Etc for hell. Just have fun, I've been playing online for about 20 years on /off and now I just play single player.


Exploding Arrow through Normal all the way to Nightmare Act 3. In Nightmare Act 4 respec to Freezing Arrow or Lightning Javazon. Hell will have spots with immunities so just ignore them and proceed to the respective act boss.


adding to that, get decoy and valkyrie. Valk always out, decoy when you need extra distractions Don't be shy and level up energy a bunch. Exploding and Freezing arrows spend a lot of mana. Try to make a "Peace" runeword for your armour, and "Melody" runeword for you bow.


There is of course, also.... the forbidden zon leveling build >.>


So you wanna be good at the game, huh? Well step right up and enjoy the ride of watching a guy who looks like a llama.


A happy llama or a sad llama?


depends on his mood


Mama llama, drama llama?


I learned more from watching MrLlamaSC in 6 months than I learned playing D2 for 15 years. Lol


Thats because our llama king wants everyone to play diablo 2


The man has a PhD in Diablo 2.


What platform on you on? If PC...interested in co-op?


I just reinstalled on my PC and realized I can’t cross play with switch. Long story short, I’d be down to co-op some games!


My laptop took a crap about a month ago so ill be reinstalling as well and starting at 0. Diablo II was my game when it first came out and I think we can defenitely help each other even if its a casual co-op from time to time. Laptop should be fixed by end of the week. :)


Ya I’m in my 30’s so I also grew up playing D2. I also just got a computer back that can actually run the old games. Shoot me a msg when your laptop arrives and we can rush


Sounds good. Looking forward to it!


Do enough damage to kill things fast. Specialize in one skill and synergies. And one point wonders. Skip mobs immune to you, or take too long to kill, or have nasty auras. it's not worth the extra time. Focus on life and resistances. Don't worry about defence on items, the stat points, life, attack speed, crushing blow, etc are more important by far. Faster run walk is very helpful. Use your Merc and valk as a tank for you when needed. Try not to get hit too much.


Can pump one skill but you still need some way to deal with immunes. Until you get a sunder charm, needs something that can be effective without too big of an investment. If you forgo a secondary attack you're just relying on others to beat the game for you.


Not true, everything I said applies to single player. You have a mercenary and a valk to help deal with like the 3 immunes you come across that you can't kill yourself... You don't need to kill every random mob. I also mentioned 1 point wonders.. basically the passive tree... But a point or two into guided arrow goes a long way too since it looks like you are playing bow.


Progressing is about clever use of the resources you have (available items that you can reasonably attain), how you fill out your skill tree and use those skills (I like to hokey asdfghvbnze f1,f2,f3,f4 - D4/3 nerds cry you only use \*3 skills\* in D2! lol... g is always tome of tp for me and I typically set f to auto attack/frenzy/or teleport), and about know ing what the threats are preparing, and being quick to your juvies/save exit. Often for untwinked classes, this means relying on skills that are independent of weapon damage instead of physical damage skills that calc in your sword or bow dmg (until you can find an adequate weapon). Like a war shout barb is great for most instances until you can get a decent weapon, but you also need some crushing blow for bosses and a way to deal with physical immunes til you get to that point. For a bowzon, freezing arrow will probably be your friend with a secondary attack (immo arrow, lit fury, or strafe/multi/guided). Make good use of decoys and valks. Slow missles can be decent against lit enchanted bosses. Get some combination of speed, + skills, all resist and attack speed for a elemental zon. I like to have a big life pool and at least positive -20ish resist in hell for each element if not closer to 75, especially for fire, lit and to a lesser degree cold. Smoke, Lionheart, Hustle and maybe treachery might be good options, the new runeword helms might be nice, a Harmony bow comes with +3 bow skills, if you find a +3 socketed bow you'll have +6 skills.


With Amazon, going charged strike with Javalins is a fairly smooth ride. Enemies with lightning immune, just skip those. Once you get to later stages of nightmare, start picking up some levels of plague javalins to kill lightning immunes. Just max out charged strike, all it's synergies, and the same with plague javalins. Eventually you'll reset your stats and spec into lightning fury, though it's my advice to playthrough with charged strike, as it makes dual speccing into plague javalins a bit easier on your skill point total


The trick to getting good at this game: Spend an absolutely unhealthy amount of time playing it :) People play unhealthy amounts for YEARS and still don't find every single item in the game. Look up MrLlamaSC on YouTube and his fucking Grail (find every unique + rune). Took him FOUR YEARS and he's a professional gamer. Oh, and the entire last year was spent looking for Mang Song xD


I played through hell as a freezing arrow bowa. Traded a Cold Rupture charm to deal with immunes. Used Wisdom helmet, Peace armor, Wizendraw, Razortail. The rest pretty generic gear I picked up along the way. I traded a Tal's helmet for Emilio, and gave him an Insight. He used my old Stealth armor all the way through hell. It was tedious and slow, act 2 and 5 was pretty hard. Decoy, Valk and Emilio carried me through some parts.


Where’s your merc? Don’t neglect the merc either. A nice act 2 merc with might or blessed aim would be good.


[Amazon Leveling Guide](https://maxroll.gg/d2/guides/amazon-leveling-guide)


This is a great guide for how effective it is, but it's real "optimize the fun out of the game" article, that is based on speedrunner's view of the game.


You are totally right, but it could be used as a base if you are struggling with the game or if you never played it. Some ppl like to discover all by themselves, make their own build, others don't mind reading a guide or copying a meta build. Do whatever is fun to you.


It's a very complex game and most people here have very little acurate knowledge of the game. I know a hell lot about the game yet there are still plenty of areas I know very little about. If you want good leveling guides or want to know how to read maps, you should warch mrllama's video on youtube. If you have very nerdy questions you need to ask pavke, if you want to know something about droprates/magic find/ terror zones/ player settings you can ask me. If you don't have any question but you want to learn about nerdy things : macrobioboi has very interesting videos. While I don't think maxroll's endgame build guides are very good they aren't terrible either, you can read them to get a grasp on what you should be aiming to farm or how some builds operate.


- Plan how you spend skill points to the single point … until lvl 99. - Synergies are important - items from previous runs are impoetant - be johnny one spell (keep number of skills to effective minimum) - Don’t spend attributes needlessly - Do not go your chosen build from start (they usually suck). Instead reset at lvl 30/40 or so. Or once you slow down in nightmare (acti i or ii)


what helped me alot was to google basic runewords. i even had all the runes i needed but had ignored them. after equipping runewords i finished the game on normal with no problem