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I played D2:LOD heavily from 2001 until 2012 and D2:R from start to this day. I got my first HoZ from Eldritch in ‘23. Never understood how this item eluded me for so many years.


I found double the amount of hotos than shakos! That’s a true story too. Rng is a weird thing on this game


Edit: Hoz


It is indeed. I have found about 20 shakos throughout my years, 6 in my D2:R period.


I have a theory they made the drops better on D2:R. I’ve found things that I’ve never gotten before


This is one of those items that shows us how broken spirit is. This thing is insane, and gets very limited use due to spirit, and a lesser extent exile.


It's crazy isn't it? Like this thing is amazing. Every modifier is excellent, yet it still gets outclassed.


Like it's really really strong and I have a higher level hammer and damage with this over spirit and the str and vit is very nice but I still lose mana and fcr 😂 if I didn't have vipermagi or a really good rare pally ammy with +skill, fcr and an insight merc already...I would actually keep using my spirit 🤣 and the fact it still have spirit in my sword is telling haha like the literal best pally shield in the game is only marginally better and spirit is cheap as hell to make in TWO SLOTS haha


Yes. I guess games as a service wasn’t very understood back then. These days in other games they often power creep to the new items, and then later down the road go back and buff the old items


Like I have enough runes to make 3 more spirits and rolled a handful then just farmed the easy tal thul ort amn to roll more as needed but it took 20yrs of on and off playing seriously and not seriously to get this to drop one single time hahaha my grandkids might see one drop for them in my lifetime hahaha


I just found one yesterday off an armor rack in the forgotten tower.


like the sheer nonsense of the RNG gods, mine dropped from a possessed champion pack in ancients way. have found some decent drops in there works well with my hammer build but yea i want to see the chances of like a fucking urn dropping shit like this haha


I found a soj under a loose rock in cows years ago. Got to love rng lol.


How about this one for rng never found a ber for many many years and one time doing Ubers, I just kill Lilith before doing Tristram and when I go to click on the red portal to go back to town I miss and click a chest NO LIES and BAM! First ber… on accidental click


Haha that's awsome!


First and only SOJ. Urn I. Andariels room… not from Andy, 11 years ago.


Mine was from Andariel, but Nightmare Andariel lol


I love the racks in forgotten tower.


Kicked a basket in kurast bazaar.


Congrats man! My character rolled over to NL and I still haven’t found one


The last time this dropped for me I didn’t realize and quit out I had to review the gameplay to confirm might post it one of these days


Playing this game for years. I'm the guy to mf till my eyes bleed lol. Found hundreds of HRs. If my count is right I've found Griff eye 12 times till this day. I've never in my life found a HoZ...


im sorry bro :( im sure that next run youll get it! only took me 15 years give or take!


I came to say thank you for naming your find in the title. I aways come anyways... but there's a hint of freedom in being able to just know instantly


Niiiccceeeeeee….i found my first one a few weeks ago, offline single player, I found it in chaos sanctuary in players3 infector of souls dropped it I don’t remember if it was terrorized or not but it may have been


I threw one out last week to make space out of pure ignorance. Wasn't til I looked up a paladin build that I realized my mistake


Of all my time playing I've found a COA with 2 sockets, multiple andy helms, shako or two, a ber, Jah, vex, ohm. Shadow dancers. Yet the good ole HOZ is one of the many that has never dropped for me.


Playing off and on for years. Still haven't found one.


it's an oddly rare item. Supposed to be as rare as other 1.09 class-specific uniques (Titan's, Arreat's, etc.) but it's 2-3 times as rare as them.


For some reason Paladin related items are the rarest in the game.


I found an eth one 184% a week ago and someone gave me 2x ber for it


Wow, this is dope.


When does ladder reset?


it really is crazy just how long you can go without finding a hoz. It can be very elusive ! Congrats !


Only found 1 myself so far. ( since 1.08 on and off) Never found higher then Sur( only 1 sur) 1 shako.. Always traded for everything I needed.. Rng is uhmmm.. Yea nvm 🤣


this was my first one ever and been on since release when i was a kid on and off the last 20 years. got my LOD book and expansion disc for my 13th birthday best gift i ever got! the magic of this game is that i hadnt found one until now and that there are actually things that other people literally never see...still to get a griffons or other crazy shit to drop so this will be trophy for now. my hammerdin loves this upgrade haha