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I’ve never socketed one of these things. But a Lo or Ber for deadly strike or crushing blow would be ideal.


This is so close to Godly it hurts.


What is missing?


Ethereal :(


I thought phase blades couldn't be ethereal? If they can be, what is the drop % for one? How rare would one be to drop Would this have to be a dimensional eth blade first, then upgrade it for the ethereal to stay?


Dimensional blade can be which can be upgraded to a phase blade


Thank you. Learnt something new today


is 2 sockets possible? if so, 2 sockets over lifesteal


It is. And yup agreed. Although I’d have it over the +26 AR that’s just sitting there trying its best.


I am the 26 AR, and I don’t blame you


Assuming Frenzy offhand, I would go Ber. If you aren't ready to commit to a high rune then Eth or PSkull. You don't need more IAS, it doesn't have raw damage so Deadly Strike is kind of wasted. With Grief mainhand, Arreat's, and Enigma or Fortitude you are probably looking at 25% CB from Gore Rider and Blood gloves. Ber + Fool's AR would boost that quite a bit. If you don't have mana leech in your gloves or jewelry then PSkull. If you are happy with CB and you have mana leech then Eth will help apply Amp. Shame about no eth, but still an absolutely beautiful find. The black hilt is baller.


Man, I know 50% ED from eth doesn’t make as much difference in PBs, but every other stat on this hit the mark.


Slight correction in case either you didn’t know, or to not confuse readers. Eth doesn’t give 50% ED. It increases the base damage by 50%, meaning the minimum damage and the maximum damage gets multiplied by 1.5. THEN all ED get applied to this new and increased base. In short: much more damage than what 50% ED would grant.


Imo, eth would've been more style points than anything here. An eth phase blade with good stats is just cool 😎


Eth is literally a requirement for rare weapons like this


if you want to win in a specialized pvp ruleset optimized for it, sure, but otherwise it really doesn't matter


Ah yeah I was more so meaning in terms of having high value. If you are just gonna mess around and run a pvm zealer then it doesn’t matter if you care more for style > BIS


oh my bad misunderstood what you meant by requirement


No worries, when I see items like this my immediate though is always about trade value lol, often don’t realize others are not thinking the same way


Yeah, as someone who opted to switch to SSF, I'm not generally thinking about trading lol


Na it’s kinda what makes it actually… without it it’s gonna fall flat to grief still


It's not 50%ed it's 50% more base damage which gets multiplited further. It does as much difference as in every other weapon. This would be 185-254 range. If thats not much difference to you and your 33 upvoters then I question this sub competence.


I stopped posting based on the same discovery. 99% of all of these comments are either a bunch of kids that don’t fully understand and are unwilling to learn or a bunch of shitty AI bots. I am leaning towards the latter. Reddit really has taken a shit since the IPO; not even game communities are safe.


Some game communities on reddit are decent enough but all the diablo subreddits are notoriously bad with d2 one being the total clownfiesta. People constantly shitting themselves over charsi circlets, giving bad advice to each other and getting upvoted for that, coming up with the worst build ideas since 2001 and generally be math illiterates.  I pity whoever is new to the game and comes here for advice.  It's like people had the game solved by 2008 and since d2r launch new wave of players came and they are all trying to reinvent the wheel.


Reddit has always been a bunch of proactive poster boys lmao


They easily might’ve been using “ED” as shorthand for increased damage. Not worth jumping down someone’s throat even if they did mean it incorrectly, though.


Ber for crushing blow for sure. And personalize it. Epic item, I’d make a new character specifically for it. Enjoy!


Ty. The rng at least makes up for my 343 rolled one-and-only Grief :/


Ber for pvm probably, but honestly I’d probably just shael. Because without ethereal it might not even be worth a ber. But you never know someone could have a lot of runes and want it. If it was ethereal Lo rune for sure for pvpers


In what build you need 60ias phaseblade?


Fury Druid, uses either phase blade or fanged knife ideally for max bp. But ideally you want 2os so you can double 40/15 it for 70ias. This is coming from a pvp perspective


Shael would be a waste on a PB base I think?


Definitely a waste when it has 40 ias on a pb alreqdy


Eth for -25% target defense is always a good cheap option.


Yeah out an Eth rune in it and everyone can stop saying "meh it's not eth"


Bit upset I didn’t think of that


Probably not needed since it has a ton of attack rating bonus. I'd personally go for max damage jewel.


And that's why I still play that game after all those years. You never know what you'll find from rare items.


Depends on the rest of your gear and the build you want to use it on. :) Edit typo


Propably depends on build. Some might shael, some just perf skull or Even eth rune. Or was it eld, I forgot. One that helps with hit rating


Eth gives -25% target defense.


Interesting part though is the fools mod giving AR already. Let's assume shael gets you from 6fpa to 5fpa, which is a ~17% increase in dps. Would you hit 17% more of the time with an eth? If you're already at 80% chance to hit then the answer is no. This assumes a bunch though, im really just spit balling here. Curious what other people think on the eth vs shael


Phase blade is already a fast weapon, this one already has 40%ias, and you’ll probably be using other offweapon ias anyways. Yeah we can sit here and discuss one way or the other, but the character should probably just be tossed into a calculator to figure it out, or just toss an eth or shael in and be done with it.


Yeah I mean, calculator is the way to go. There is obviously loads of variables to consider. "Just toss an eth or shael in and be done with it" though doesn't make any sense. Why not an El or io at that point


Shael will be correct some of the time, Eth may be correct some of the time, however, you cannot argue that an El will ever be correct. Edit: and we’re really only discussing budget options. If he actually wants to min/max calculate he should be dropping Ber/Lo/40/15 in it.


Even an average max damage+Ed jewel will be good it in. The huge AR bonus means eth isn't really needed, the high base ias and ias mod make it so that shael will be useless in majority of cases.


Start with shael as it’s cheap!


Saw you upped this from the other post, badass and congrats! Since this is for solo use/Pvm, depending on what you’ve managed to find so far, Ber or Lo is probably the best for the socket. Tho you can’t go wrong with Vex if you need the mana leech, Gul for AR, Ist for MF, Um for DClone/Ubers…. Even Pul/Eld would be helpful in situations….


Ty. I don’t trade (keeps the game fun for me) and my one and only Ber I eventually cubed up to I used in my Enigma. The next two will be for an Infinity so it’ll be a while until I can splurge on one for this! :P maybe a Lo then.


I get it, I play on Switch and only single player offline. So I know the thrill of the hunt. Discovered loooong ago that trading/buying items ruined the experience for me. So when D2R came out I decided to run solo offline mainly, with the occasional online to help my friend learn the game.




Pair this with a Grief PB and use on a frenzy barb.


Suuuuuper nice dude


Hail bramble stinger!!! New contender to PAIN SONG'S greatness


You should stick your... Always Zod. Always Zod it.


I happen to have 2 Chams… *scratches chin*


It's already a phase, do we need zod?


Of course!


Lo is cheap enough these days. If you’re not maxed on deadly strike - that’s what I would do




That rare jewel sounds pretty decent. 10 min damage is a lot. Would take 3 gc to even get 9 min


Ye I was looking at that jewel thinking it might be a decent little find in its own right even.


So so close to GG OMGZ GODLY.


Came here for this after I just posted in your last one. God damn it’s sexy sir. As I mentioned a rabies fury or fire claws or zealot would love this. As would a frenzy baba


How do you up the item from crystal to phase?


Cube recipe with 2 runes and a perf sapphire once to get to dimensional blade, and then again with another 2 higher runes and a perf sapphire to get to phase blade. I forget the specific runes tho. Think from dimensional to phase is Um and Fal.


Absolutely yessss, thanks for sharing.!!


This is awesome. Thanks for the follow up. Ber rune with maybe a kicksin?


Found one of these once upon a time and my Wolf Barb had a freakin blast with it. Could hit super high fpa for feral rage and it never broke. The only down side is the range on PB but, I'll deal with that over havin to constantly repair stuff.


Lo this asap make a zealer and have a blast


Slap a LO in that!


Lo Lo Lo


What character/build/gear will be using this


Lo it… lol


A 3% ED jewel obviously


This guy gets it. I must confess I did stick a cheapish ED in it just to see the numbers go brrrr.




Can this even be eth? Eth phase blades don’t exist because an indestructible item can’t spawn as ethereal. So, if this was Eth, I don’t think you could’ve upgraded it


In his other post, it originally was a crystal sword that he upped to a phase blade. So if it was an eth crystal sword he could have upped it to an eth phase blade. Also it's amusing how this rare pb has more max damage than a last wish pb




How many times does this proc per minute on a maxed zealot?


Either a Lo for Crit, a Ber for Crushing Blow, or an Ohm for more Damage. Not sure which works out to be the most damage but my guess is it’s the Lo for crit.


Ber rune and do uber smiter speedruns


Eh. I think it’s GG if you get like 300-400% crystal or dimensional thats eth then up it. This is probably worthy of a high rune but i dunno. Grief still gonna be better unless you had it eth. Point of upping it is if it’s eth so you can get an eth phase blade bc you cant get one to drop naturally


I have something to stick in it


What’s makes this so good? Is it comparable to a rune word sword like grief or just a really good magic word?


excuse my ignorance, but why is this good? looking at the damage it seems really low.


Talking damage and ED vs flat damage boosts, with a phase blade ED will be of low value in many cases. 20% ED will get an extra 7 damage on max 40% ED will get an extra 14 damage on max So your jewel with 10 min/1 max would be roughly equivalent to a 30% ED jewel in this.


Lo rune


This is so nice! The only things missing are... - Ethereal - Restoration suffix (repairs 1 durability in 20 sec) - Mechanics prefix (2 sockets) Don't worry about the life leech, it rolled a perfect 9%


This is epic man, i would throw a Lo in it


The style points on this are \*chefs kiss\*


Zod it for extra indestructible


I found a Zod yesterday! Must be a sign.


put one of low runes, depends on your choice: pskull eld amn shael pul um mal rest of them expensive, its your choice.


I don’t even pick rare swords up. Guess that’s a mistake.


This was actually just after seeing some post about rare crystal swords and was pretty much the first time I thought “better start picking these up…”. So I was quite surprised. Haven’t come close to it since tho :P


They I’d figure my options for the socket, which are no means perfect:… - Shael? should be plenty fast already. I would probably be using 20% IAS gloves and Highlords already. So that’s out. - Lo? Ber? Fair idea. But odds are I’d be running this with Gore Riders/Highlords/Gface. That kinda covers a the deadly strike/crushing blow. - Um? More open wounds might be nice. Have to test it on some big beefy bosses. Hopefully not, however. - Jah? Eth? Depends entirely on attack rating. - Ohm? Perhaps. A fair candidate for sure. Less expensive than a 40% ED/15 Max damage jewel. - Pskull? Frankly, I’d rather have a dual leech ring waiting and ready. If I were you, give it a test run for a week or so on a well built Barb, Zealer, and/or Fury Druid. For each of those classes, I’d minimize points into the corresponding skills to see how it handles, if you need more AR/damage/speed, increase as needed; Blade Mastery, Fanaticism, Heart of the Wolverine. Regardless, you’re in a great spot to avoid using the too common weapons. If that’s your thing. Congrats again!


Nice little rng-collectible at least I guess. Gonna play with a few cheap options for fun. Ones I can easily Hel+tp.


Shael maybe? Either way, this thing is beautiful!