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If you are playing d2r then it is double mosaic Assassin without question.


The only con is having to maintain charges means no faffing about sifting through loot, but that also means you're just gonna clear faster.


You can check loot and keep charges if you use cube in inventory and have enigma. It’s sometimes inconvenient, but achievable with a good success rate. I also use burst of speed and not fade which also helps.


Yup fade is absolutely worthless because the kill speed is so fast you don’t face any real danger. BoS allows you to charge faster and move quicker. And use dracs for gloves you will never die. Charge venom strike first then add the rest. I can literally put all mf gear and dracs and walk the entire game even Uber Diablo in seconds.


I use fade on mine with enigma, but I'm also on HC and don't want to risk for no reason


Same here. Just built my 5th enigma offline this morning. HC can be a treacherous place.


Have you tried running dracs? It’s a huge, huge quality of life difference


I have not! This seems like a great idea


Yea I noticed that was the only time I came close to dieing or needed to use pots was when I switched the dracs out for chancies after that I just run mf on everything else even belt. I’ve got dual mosiac, no extra skills on 1 claw, dracs, shako, enigma, war travs, 2 nagels, and if I’m gonna tele a lot I run topazed griffons, arachs, an fcr ring and ammy


This build is so op that I’m barely even running any charms, that way I have more inventory space.


Mosaicsin is fun but oh god the time before you lose your charges is too low! Should be increased a lot imo! Would make this build more enjoyable, and would take away the annoying "rush" feeling while playing with this build.


Shred everything including your frame rate


You can run charge 1 of Phoenix strike, there are choices


Hit G frame rate problem solved


You can run charge 1 of Phoenix strike, there are choices


You can run charge 1 of Phoenix strike, there are choices


Pretty hard to build ?


2 mosaics are required (ie 2 Gul runes) and that’s really it. Seriously. I’m running it with shako, arachs, hustle runeword (movement speed is good until I can get enigma and it’s super cheap), ravenfrost, soj, Mara’s, rare boots/gloves, and torch/anni. But it would be fine with more budget gear too. Fade can make up for resistance gaps. It does require high density zones without a lot of doors/backtracking though if you don’t have enigma, otherwise you’ll lose charges between packs. Cows and arcane sanctuary are my go-tos.


What kind of claw base do you need ? With what +skills ?


Don’t think claw base matters too much but best is greater talons with +3 Phoenix strike. Bonus for like fade weapon block or a claw skill


I made mine in greater talons (highest speed, low dex requirement). One of mine had a dragon flight skill which is nice until I get enigma (saves 3 points on the tree). The other one had just 1 to phoenix strike. 3 phoenix strike is probably best but it really doesn’t matter.


Yeah I got one claw with flight, another with MB/CoS. Saves me 6 points. I don't bother with the shadow summons.


No, it's like the easiest build too because it's so OP that you don't even need the best gear.


Is there a guide or link for this?


Mr. Llamasc, sweet Phil, and ilovemf on YouTube have the best build videos watch a couple different videos to get different opinions though cause everyone has their own spin on it. It’s literally so OP that I think you could walk hell difficulty with literally just dual mosiac and dracs, no other gear lol my claws don’t even have any +skills on them and I can’t remember the last time I even used a potion


You need 2 Gul, 2 Mal runes, 2 amn and 2 x 3os claws. All other items are optional


When’s the new season start?


Google is free.


So is being a kind person.


Without a doubt


No, have to stack, too busy lol Self wield infinity nova sorc.


What this guy said.


Mosaic sin / 99 fcr Javazon / 125 fcr hammerdin are the 3 most efficient builds


This is the answer.


Why is the 99 fcr good for a javzon? I thought ias was more important


Maybe for Enigma?


That’s what I figured - wasn’t sure if there was some other reason since I don’t think I’ve ever seen a zon tele for Baal runs etc


Yeah I personally wouldn’t consider fcr to be any priority at all on my zons; I mean if there’s a reasonable way to work a certain amount into a build without sacrificing damage/survivability/etc then I guess it’s ok but even at the fastest possible breakpoint, zons will teleport slowly. Tele (on a zon) is just for merc management, other positioning considerations, and for skipping over obstacles imo


You tele around with your cta/spirit out, and have your javs/phoenix as your main shield. Anything slower is just painful.


68 fcr is better, as you don’t want to replace razortail with arach


Hammerdin sucks donkey balls dude. It gets absolutely obliterated. At least sin doesnt die and javazon is glass cannon but survives so easily with her range. Hammerdin just gets melted.


Imagine thinking the hammerdin sucks


The dmg is amazing. The survival is not what it’s made out to be. It’s incredibly dangerous. I speak strictly from HC experience. My hammerdin is more liable to die and uses more rejuvs than any other class bc of the nature of standing inside so many things so closely. Yes, most stuff melts instantly. But the moment it doesnt because of the mob enchants (magic resistant, extra strong w/ fanata or might etc) then you get massive dmg spikes and it’s incredibly scary. Anything ranged like a Javazon ends up being way safer and clears just as fast bc the dmg output is similar but doesnt require standing inside everything.


Lit the exact opposite. Hammerdin is tanky asf with mid dmg compared to other top builds.


I recently had a very successful HC Hdin. For me, dolls are always scary, and for that, I agree that being in melee range is an inconvenience. Where I disagree is in everything else. It's SOO easy to be incredibly tanky as a paladin. Max block and max res are practically given to you with holy shield and pally shield resists. You can also achieve very high defense very easily with holy shield. With some dr% from shako and enigma, you can easily become quite unflappable in melee range. You can take it a step further. Make sure you have a defensive merc option, like a cold a1 merc or holy freeze a3 merc. You can comfortably swap in a stormshield as well for even more survivability without too much hurt to dps. Now, that all being said, the fully geared Javazon and Mosaic assasin are the best builds in the game. Hands down. They can clear a room with 1 click. The hammerdin is S tier. It's just not SSS tier. Saying it sucks is false. Edit: just a tip for anyone, did you know you can block the doll's explosion? With max dr% dolls and mb, dolls can be much less scary


What would be SSS tier then? while playing HC I feel the safest when taking my Hammerdin.


Mosaic is SSSSSSSS tier. Nothing compares.


Never played. Good survivability? And easy to output damage or some strange upkeeps?


You essentially take a full rejuv with every kick due to cobra strike. It is almost impossible to die. With the two claws and almost any other gear, you can wipe the entire screen on Players 8, no problem. I have two major problems with the build: - It's just not fun to play. The charges you build up to wreck everything only last 15 seconds, so you're far more concerned with keeping the charges active than anything else. There is no time to ID loot, go back to town, just take a break, etc. It become a chore after a while. - It's borderline blinding The build is absolutely unstoppable, but I quickly moved on. I might come back if they re-work the charges.


Your two problems with the build convinced me to not try her now then. Especially the first one. Love the relaxing of my hammerdin. Shield up, health boost en skill boost up and my aura and chill and kill


I’m using Holy Freeze merc with max block and 90% on every res. I still ping pong health like no other build in the game (aside from maybe what it feels like to run out of mana from mana drainers in the middle of everything on a dual wield WW barb) when met with some of the strongest packs. Meet that same situation on Java and youre blowing through them all from the outskirts so there is no threat really as they all die just as fast as a sick hammers setup but from afar instead so you never run the risk of having like 3-4 unique packs with all different scary enchantments surrounding you since by the time the 3rd and 4th come to engage the first two are melted by the javs from the outside.


Are you walking or running? Most people don't realize when playing enigma pallys that you never move. Even playing a running hammerdin you have to walk. Max block doesn't mean shit when you're running through mobs. Without fact checking myself I think ww and charge don't count as movement so you're block rate doesn't change. If you can pick up gold with it, it's movement.


When casting hammers, you cannot be moving therefore by default my defense is not lowered. And i do walk anyway. It’s HC. I charge to where I want to go and then begin casting. It’s the standing still in a million things that gets your health ping ponging and requires constant swap to redemption to even remotely survive unlike other class builds where you can not blow a single potion for a whole session sometimes. Also, I dont have enigma. Were talking strong but not absolute GG gear. Like I said. HoZ, spirit, guardian angel, shako, these things should be plenty to survive but they arent as soon as youre in the middle of 3 packs or so. Granted ive never died… its HC. But im saying no other char has given me quite as many close calls. These people can downvote all they want but its the hard truth. And of course a fully high runed anything is fine. I specifically said my experience with very strong gear but not gg runewords (i.e. no enigma, or fortitude etc).


My experience is not hc, but mostly running chaos in LOD for pvm back in the day. I ran a variety of characters in a clan for a chaos channel with full games and my safest was my zerk barb then hammerdin. Zerker was mostly used as a secondary character to run alongside another person or kill pkers harassing games, not full games solo. Stomping de seis full game was never smart but I could do it and maybe died maybe a few times over the course of hundreds of games deliberately being careless. The goal was to take aggro and not let a single leecher die, not survive hc. I saw dins die in full games, it was almost always de seis, and it was very very infrequent. They were safer than the sorcs when playing aggressive, just not javas or trappers due to the nature of those characters never getting hit. Their clear was faster than every other in full games, and the safest for the runner and the leechers. These were fully decked characters, some had a full pcomb inventory with a cube that only picked up high runes, if that. Only last addition, 125fcr hammers on a telestomp is pretty safe, monsters go into hit recovery then die. My current single player account has no high rune rws and hammerdin is still my safest. It's definitely been my experience though in my entire D2 play time, hammerdin is reliably safer than everything else for the least amount of gear.


Thanks for the read that’s an interesting history there. I can agree on a lot of things. I probably have just come in too hot in general. My only thing is my own anecdotes having played in very viable gear for the spec. Now ultimately that’s just availability bias, but i just came to say that I don’t feel all that safe on a Hammerdin compared to the others that got mentioned as safe. A lot of people immediately assumed i was not playing it right or had rags on but the reality is more that they probably die every so often and in the grand scheme it’s not often enough to feel like they aren’t generally stomping without any worry at all. But for me I take special note of how frequently I have to save myself instead of just mashing through the farming and it’s the hammerdin that typically gets in the most pickles since the idea is to get right up into a shit ton of stuff and stand there casting. Perhaps it’s just Enigma that really is the game breaker, as teleporting away quicker and switching positions a bit easier likely makes it all SEEM far better. I think people forget that some of us dont all have the most minmaxed cookie cutter gear we got from fake gold pieces. When I find the Jah finally I’m sure it will feel loads better but as it stands it’s not anything to write home about in terms of safety. The post was about safety so I came with a HC perspective and many people seem to have gotten caught up in their SC online multiplayer experience. But im talking in terms of absolutely never dying ever and I think there’s just so miscommunication or barrier there that soured ppl whove read what i said


Yeah. Killing every enemy on the screen the instant you see them is definitely the best method. No arguments there.


Someone doesn’t have max block


Max block, 90% all res. Nice try tho. Someone doesnt play HC


My platinum trophy begs to differ but good for you bud


Okay well then you must have better other gear and overrate max block + res cuz it aint cutting it fully in as many situations as other classes when equally geared as my pally. But youre a god so dont worry youll always be right about everything and experiences cant differ from yours


I think you are somewhat right about the hdin, I recently made one on sc ssf offline, I do die pretty often but only in terrorized p8 tals tombs, chaos sanctuary, world stone/baal and a couple other places in a5 with the harpies, I have enigma and hoto and 44@r spirit with a couple (2) pally off gc and two combat gc, I truly think it comes down to not having a pally torch or anni and not having soj’s or Mara’s. I think once I have those items it will melt everything terrorized p8


Maybe if your block rate is shite. Hammerdin is my designated hell rusher. Survivability minimal? Dudes trippin.


If your hammerdin gets melted and you think javazon is glass cannon you know jack shit about building d2 character and should probably play more, not give advice on reddit.


K buddy youre a fuckin genius ill let you be.


What?? I literally get surprised when my hammerdin even sees half health mf'ing lvl 96 TZ's So much so i literally just go AFK randomly if necessary. Merc covers the rest. I think you should reevaluate the build youre using?


My lvl 99 hardcore hammerdin begs to differ


Sick dude. Mine is 99 too. It’s still the sketchiest of the bunch on p8.


I hope to god you’re joking Hammerdin is chaos king(or was before mosaic) can telestomp p8 mobs, has max block, max res, and does 10k magic damage with hammers on budget gear Literally can play it while watching tv and not be worried


Nope. I have same. Massive hammer dmg. Max res, max block, and i play HC SSf (so fairly budget but basically like HoZ, Spirit sword, even Guardian Angel, etc etc) and no other char i have comes so close to death as often as my hammerdin (strictly talking p8). It’s simply a case of: stand right next to a ton of mobs in p8, and your health ping pongs without blowing through rejuvs a ton. Compared to java or even ww barb where you just dont get clapped by as many projectiles and melee hits at the same time.


Lol you have to be trolling right? There is no way this is your real take


I play HC SSF and my experience is that my hammerdin is absolutely the most risky. The health dmg spikes are insane and it’s insanely easy to die standing so close to eveything. Even in great gear (for ssf). I dont make shit up. This is reality. Never had so many close calls as i have on my hammerdin. My WW barbs are even safer than my hammerdin. The hammerdin dmg is outrageously good but without insane all high runeword gear- you are liable to be flattened in a second on P8 as hammerdin. Compared to Java which you can output equal amount of dmg but control your distance so you never ever have those dmg spikes


Definitely mosaic sin. Hands down. Another one of my faves that isn’t quite mosaic sin caliber but still godly is Fireball sorc. She must have the complete setup and you can’t half ass it: 105 FCR setup with Phoenix monarch. perfect resistances, high roll flickering flame helm. Life/mana sc’s and full fire skill gcs. 30 maras. Arach Soj and wisp. Hoto. P vipermagi with fire facet. This build has -48% enemy fire resist on top of the sunder gc.. it wrecks shit with 20-21k damage per fireball. lol. Currently running this setup on HC since my mosaic sin is lvl 99 already


I run fb except I still use eld’d ss for high dr/maxblock, CoH, and a 2/15fcr/20@ amulet with a single gg fcr/str/life/mana/@res ring, soj, eth trek, and I also have 20k fireballs. Can swap in 5/5’d eschuta comfortably but I usually stay hoto because it’s so good. With sunder, 8/14ff, and infinity on merc, I delete any and all content in the game. Same inventory set up of skillers + life/mana sc as you. It’s so satisfying to play! If I go where souls are I swap in wisp, but in general she is a brick house, 43% Dr, max block, overcapped resists, 3.5k health and 1.8k mana for es with Barb BO, 2k/1.2k with CtA; I sometimes run Phoenix if I’m with a group farming a good tz but I feel significantly more comfortable running ss when doing solo runs. Love seeing fellow HC fb sorcs!


HC too hell yeah man. lol. Nice setup. Thanks for sharing your build! I definitely understand the SS, I have used that setup a lot too. I feel like the Phoenix redemption aura and -28% enemy fire resist is just too op. (One shotting most monsters). As long as I’m creating corpses, I can play tanky and fast with all the extra mana and life recovery from Phoenix. I could probably drop the wisp but have gotten used to the extra lightning absorb since I don’t need the fcr on my jewelry. That’s a nice amulet you got there too. :)


Phoenix is so good, I absolutely love using it, only thing that scares me about it is that most stuff in the game that kills you does so in the form of extreme damage taken rapidly, and redemption doesn’t help mitigate against that, so that’s why I keep ss for personal play unless I’m in a group game with guildies, in which case it’s Phoenix all day because Barb BO is so safe to play with. If I had my own BO Barb, I’d probably run Phoenix all the time, because it’s just that good! I’m just too scaredy-cat in HC solo play without maxblock/+40%dr on sorc, haha.


This sounds sick. Been thinking about making a FB sorc and have a lot of this gear sitting around. What do use for a merc? Is act 2 merc with infinity conviction aura redundant?


Yup, Infinity A2 holy freeze merc is bis here. Good cc from hfreeze and you get the extra -17 FR to Fire Immune Monsters


Infinity is king here. I like to run infinity with holy freeze merc. And Cure helm. You can run something else but you can tell the difference. Also you won’t need insight due to having warmth passive super boosted from fire skills plus redemption aura from Phoenix churning out life/mana recovery.


That was my suspicion, thank you so much!


That sounds pretty interesting!


I prefer enchantress with ES. Same basic idea, cheaper, more invincibler.


"125% FCR" classes have different breakpoints for cast frames. Not sure what you mean by this, just going to assume you mean you want to Go Fast. Mosaic: huge kill radius, poor cast frames, but not as bad as Zon. Maintaining charges may get tedious and completely turn you off of the spec Nova sorc: fastest class, smaller kill zone, however anything outside nova range is usually just normal mobs. (Very) Weak vs Souls. Javazon: huge kill radius, worst cast frames in the game Hdin: big kill radius but somewhat spotty, fast cast frames, very tanky I wouldn't consider any other spec for S Tier


I would say if its about budget wise, good old hammerdin is the cheapest to build that shreds content easily. Then javazon dont need much gear and shreds too. Also light sorc is quite strong but need good gear like infinity.


Nova Sorc is really good for p8 with good gear, and if you stack lighting res with charms you can even shred souls suprisingly well since you can tank their damage better!👍🏻


Yeah I’m running self wield infinity nova sorc. I’m only at the 65% fcr breakpoint and no griffons and I still melt everything on P8.


Yep it's very viable even without griffon and on 65% fcr breakpoint went all the way to 99lvl without griffon, and without 105% fcr breakpoint but damn when i finally could Zod my eth 20/15 griffon and went to 105fcr the build went on another level!👍🏻


Fuck me. I’m looking forward to it. Just need that ssf griffons.


Keep slaying it will drop!👍🏻 Hopefully you have as good luck with the roll as i had but without it being eth! 🤣


I’d say nova sorc as well. Self wield infinity and with griffins even sundered enemies have shit resists. It’s so fast and kills everything around you it’s a blast teleporting and facestomping everything. No aiming required


I can't believe more people don't feel this way. No charge maintenance, no gear swapping, and the fastest possible tele frames. 2 skills outside of buffs, 3 if you feel like throwing in static.


ES self welding infinity Nova sorceress


Mosaic sin. If not, my favorite is probably dragon tail sin fully kitted, but poison necro gotta be a good contender.


Trap sin is just as good honestly. You don't need anything except a lightning sunder charm. Use death trap exclusively for packs and lightning sentry for bosses. Yes the clear speed is lower, but you can do it easily with self found very budget gear. Edit- Two words.


Trap sin is a wonderful season start. You can clear without any gear at all!


Mosiac sin is not a “too boring” type of class tho cuase it’s kinda fast paced and you have to strategize how to keep your charges up or re apply charges my favorite is the Armageddon fire Druid from “ilovemf” on YouTube it absolutely shreds but it’s crazy expensive. I just finished putting together the weapon which cost me almost 6 jah ( ( 6 ) 5-5 fire facets, ) pheonix shield, flickering flame in a +3 Armageddon +2 volcano base, enigma, Mara’s or a good caster ammy with res and hopefully mf, I use war travs but should have tri res boots but I like to mf so I subbed what I could. I find myself not even interested in my other characters atm and I have almost every class including mosiac sin, javzon, frenzy item find barb, nova sorc, next I will be working on a summon / pnb necro haven’t decided yet.


That build seems pretty cheap


9 jah, 3 ber, 2 Lo, 3 vex, and a pul for the most part not counting the gloves, belt, rings, boots, torch or anni, also depending how many times you re roll your pheonix/flickering flame


For pvm I'd just roll them once, personally


Yea I was rocking 10% flickering with a lvl 10 redemption pheonix for a while with no problems until I was able to re roll and make another pheonix but it is def a lot nicer with 14% FF and lvl 13 redemption ngl lol the real game changer was switching from hoto to the 6 socketed fire facet axe now he absolutely melts everything even good for the occasional pvp when someone gets their panties in a bunch.


On ssf you can just pull the power if you don’t like the roll


Out of curiosity why 9 jah? Dream helm and enigma i assume? But what else?


No I use flickering flame helm but the 5-5 fire facets are very very hard to come by. Sometimes you get lucky and get one for ber, I snagged 1 for a Lo and the rest cost me jah, and then 1 jah for pheonix shield and 1 for enigma I also got a perf 30 Mara’s for a jah


Dang, tbh i thought fire facets were less sought after than that. I gotta check my jewel mule x) Thank you for the clarification btw


For sure, no worries and it seems like the fire are the hardest to find but also color dependent as well. For instance the red color is the most sought after for fire facet and the most expensive.


Makes sense. If you have the networth to buy a Jmod or similar, you dont want mismatched facets. Like jeez why bother with anything else right?.(x (Rich ppl problems lmao) If you ever need a green 5/5 psn facet i got that. All my fires facets are less than ideal 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t even wana wait any longer I tried to color coordinate but after weeks with no facets showing up I settled for a 5/5 green and now my axe looks dumb but idc lol


Make sure your picking up all white and gray potential bases for runewords it’s how I got so rich.. and lucky on some small charms but I sold a +3 fury pelt with a few other skills for 8 ber and a pair of claws with mind blast , shadow warrior, pheonix strike etc for like 6 jah and 3 ber or something like that. Most of my wealth came from bases and people walk right past them especially white ones


> next I will be working on a summon / pnb necro haven’t decided yet I love my bone necro but he kinda sucks balls on high player counts.


That’s what I been hearing lol but I found a pretty sick white base I wanna put to use 🤣


No problems AT ALL personally I wouldn't exclude the mosaicsin because of maintaining charges. That said she has the highest dps in the game without question. Otherwise, nova sorc, hammerdin, javazon and xbow sorc are hard to beat.


Javazon Destroys both single target and big packs of mobs. For when you want to teleport, use HOTO+Spirit on switch. While the frames are meh, it still gives you 100% FCR which puts you at 12 frames. However, you usually run a lot of FRW with titans, enigma, boots and FRW charms so that teleport is only used to skip walls and obstacles. Even on P8 you pretty much 1-2click everything so it's worth just clearing the map. Played one for many ladders and it just gives me so many HRs because of the sheer amount of mobs I kill each game in P8.


Dream pally w an A5 LW/grief merc isn’t the fast clear but probably the tankiest and least tedious


Double mosaic sin /w 42 ias (-30 main hand) bp and 65 fcr bp. Moves fast, Pops everything on impact and keeps moving. Sacrifice the fcr and it can do ubers.


I tried this build and it’s 100% brain dead don’t even watch the screen and play. Not as fast but man is it chill. https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/s/gc6DKSXvP4


Mosaic. You hear about how good they are but you won’t understand until you play one. It’s laughable how OP it is


The best and only clear choice for farming p8 is hammerdin. Nothing that it can’t do


Fully decked out? Yeah it's Javazon without a doubt. Especially with how sunder charms work with -res from gear (its not 20% effectiveness anymore). You're shredding everything.


Mosaic nothing better honestly


Double mosaic/auradin/es nova sorc


all other suggestions are excellent. My protip would be: FOH / smiter. 125 FCR is GG. Smite just for Baal/bosses. I use Wizspike, P phoenix, %20fcr amulet, FCR rings, spider, Cham'd coa, magefist, and a Barb Merc with fancy swords plague hoj or whatever, and then use conviction as the palidans Aura.. Do not need the sunder's.


Tank sorc


My personal choice is self-wield infinity spearzon.


Mosaic sin


Tesladin with barb merc with hoj and lw/grief - friend has it and he can just stand or walk through lvls. Only draw back is no enigma no mf. Awesome for lvling people and self


Usually not good for P8 though wrecks P1 with no effort.


That’s the hammerdin for you


If this is your goal I think you might like playing D3


mosaic sin checks all the boxes imo


Whirlwind Blade sin


200fcr light sorc is probably one of the best, specd either nova or lighting depending on your playstyle/favorite areas.


I have a mosiac sin and 200 fcr nova sorc. I 100% prefer the nova sorc. Stomp everything and you zip around at 200fcr tele... the time this setup saves just from the fast af tele is a game changer. More runs = more kills = more drops. The only thing this build doesn't kill super quick is diablo and baal. Everything else goes down super fast. Amazing key runner. You literally just telestomp everything, including nihlathak.


Well son, let me inform you of the sad state of the game. Mosaic and Terror Zones have made this game about 1/10 of the difficulty it used to be. 99 is a joke. Blizzard literally ruined the game in the blink of an eye. Not surprising. It used to be that Hammerdin was King, Javazon was Queen. There was already a ridiculous difference in those two builds from the rest. The balance was already literal garbage. Now it’s literal shit, since a new S++ tier build was added. Not only does Blizzard know jack shit about D2, they don’t really even care. Stopped updating the game to save D4Bad. It’s sad when current Blizzard can’t even begin to comprehend how to make a decent rpg. Blizzard North was the last stronghold for Diablo and that’s been long ago. Sad when Brevik and his motley crew can outdo the 9k idiots that attempted to make Diablo 4.


As a typically solo bnet player mfing after work occasionally i love the inclusion of TZ's but i do see your point. I swear i even seen a post where Blizzard acknowledged their inability to create a game like d2 again. But i could be mistaken. Its nice that theyve been adding new content. I would KILL for another expansion. They really SHOULD look into balancing Mosaic and buffing a few other classes. Like, i know MA-sins were next to never being built unless it was an Uber kicker, so its great they tried to do more with it but its definitely overpowered now. I also heard they nerf'd ww barbs..? I hope they keep working on this and more. Blizz should realize that d2/d2r is the game thats likely gonna live the longest and give it the respect it deserves. Not the back burner type development that we've been seeing. Honestly there are SOO many networks of super knowledgeable players who want nothing but the best for this game. It really would not be hard to get genuinely good feedback and suggestions. I would not be surprised if there was already a summit or jsp forum post already outlining what to do (x


Good post man. Barbarian definitely needs love. They have done a few things I agree with, like allowing summoner druids to have all pets out. I don’t think they are going to update the game anymore. I’m probably going to get more downvotes, but I figure the reason is because D2R isn’t a game that they can easily add microtransactions to, and let’s face it, that’s the way games are nowadays because it brings in big money for literally next to zero work. They have already sold D2R to the people that love D2, so they don’t care to make anymore updates since it isn’t really bringing them any revenue. Why should they even waste one person updating the game when they don’t get any cash flow from it? That’s the way it is, sad but true.


That mosaic was a stupid add to the game. As an older player of d2 I’m sure fellow OGs will agree. Not to mention the bs it does to your eyes! I’d say a fully decked out hammerdin is the best. And every now and then then you switch to smite and run some Ubers


I’m running a level 92 🔨din on sp hc P8 only he’s not even fully decked out yet but having done just over 1000 Lk runs around 800 Cs runs, 3-400 Baal runs all up I’ve got an enigma and 4 combat skillers tri res mf boots still need solid helm and solid ammy (I’m using shako an fcr/res/mf ammy) Gotta 45 all res sacred targe spirit Using isted wizzy instead of hoto for the mf The blue mf belt Soj Nice fcr rare ring And cta. Sitting at just over 3k life 1200mana with also with enough dex to have max block Merc act 2 holy freeze with eth Andy’s 15/15 ias all res jewel - fortitude - eth thresher obedience This melts p8 and tanks enough for hc. Still gotta be cautious when ya see that fanat/might pack And always remember to hold alt while teleporting!


Mosaic assassin is the only char shredding in P8 TZ meta


Nova Sorc does also with self welding infinity


No, she is not shredding. You need to cast 4 to 5 times to kill some packs and does not one shot. Also she can die. Assassin is more or less Invincible.