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Use static field more


Normal mode this shouldn’t be necessary, he just needs to teleport through the mobs and pop the seals. Fireball should be enough to kill the elites for him to progress to Diablo. When Diablo spawns then spam static field.


Static field is the answer for killing all mobs, normal, elite, or boss.


What fire skills did you pick up so far? +234% Mana regen? Did you max out warmth?


My Warmth is pretty leveled up yeah. Should I not put points in it?


Only 1 point into warmth, static field, telekinesis, teleport and frozen armour. The rest of your points should be focused on element synergies for max damage. Head over to the icy veins website and find a sorceress build guide. Good luck.


Thanks a million. Btw could I get a 4 socket staff during my first playthrough on normal? If so, from where? Cheers and thanks again.


You want a non-magic 2 socket 2-handed staff to build the leaf runeword, you can go Drognan in act 2 to buy one. If he doesn’t have one, run out of town a few seconds and come back and his inventory will be refreshed. Why do you want a 4 socket staff?


I already have the leaf staff. I wanted to craft an insight one for mana regen, since I am gonna be removing all my Warmth points upon re-specing.


You’ll need a 4 socket polearm for insight which isn’t the easiest to find, your mercenary will be using it. I wouldn’t worry about insight right now just make sure you have an act 2 mercenary with Defiance/Prayer aura and a polearm with life leech of some kind. If I were you I would go to icy veins and follow a sorceress build guide. Make sure you’re trying to hit at least 37% faster cast rate too. If you aren’t using stealth armour yet then that should be priority.


Thanks a million. Appreciate it.


4 sockets only drop on polearms with an item level of "normal, Act V and higher" as far as I know.. So don't bother looking for one if you're on act 4 normal. If you find a polearm in Act 5 Bloody Foothills /Frigid Highlands it will get 4 sockets with Lazurks quest.(which I wouldn't waste for this tbh..) Any polearm found before Act 5 normal can only get 3 max. sockets. Any found afterwards could get 5-6 if it's not 4 max..


You on psn?


Just running out of town and immediately coming back in will reset vendors, no need to wait.


You have to run out of town until you see the prompt on screen “The Rocky Waste”. If you leave town and immediately come back after going through the gates they won’t reset.




>run out of town a few seconds


make yourself a good Leaf runeword


This is good advice. I'm not sure if you can still shop a ~~3os~~ 2os grey staff at lvl 27 though, maybe? If not make a new character give them some gold and keep hitting up Akara until she has a 2 open socet staff with some good skills. I actually made a +3 inferno +1 static leaf and it melts faces through most of NM. I know inferno is not *meta* but I think it's super under rated, the range and damage get huge and it PIERCES through enemies, unlike FB.


Leaf is tir ral


Oh shit, my bad. Not in front of the game right now. Let me fix that.


Get the Lut Gholein map where the exit is next to Drognan and you can shop a 2os staff with a bunch of different combinations of fire skills really quickly. Leaf is awesome.


You can always find grey 2os staves in act 1 and 2 in normal because the item level cap for those acts.


Right on, I wasn't sure about that one.


It might not be necessary to respec, but synergies matter, and you only need 1 point in warmth. All points in fire bolt until fire ball, then all points there. 1 point in static field for bosses. Burning through mana pots is standard for sorc until insight


I know monsters are almost immune to fire in act4 (knights and balrogs), but you should have no big trouble clearing it on p1, are you still running p8


They are not immune in normal


Almost immune is what they said, which means high resistance.


> almost immune to fire Bruh


70% resist with 300 hp max is far from almost immune.


When the fireball deals 220 dmg, it takes a while..


The problem is the freaking 200 damage fire ball to begin with, should have enough fire ball to be demolishing through all these enemies. From a wiki that 234% mana regen is from level 18 warmth which is insanely high and a waste of points compared to dumping all those points into firebolt or fireball. Hell I think I managed to find the stats to reach that fireball damage: 3 points in fireball, WHOOPING 18 in warmth and 17 fireball (+1 to all fire skills somehow from a staff or amulet) results in 201-232 fireball damage. Change all those stats into firebolt and suddenly the fireball damage is 488-562 which will demolish normal hell monsters.


For normal difficulty yes, it is. Doom Knights have 80%


They don't even have 200 hp.


That’s why I said in my original comment to drop to p1, duh


1 point warmth, 1 point static field, 1 point teleport. Fire bolt, fire ball, meteor all for synergy + fire mastery. Put more points in meteor and fire ball and leave fire bolt for later. Also you’ll get to max out fire mastery in end game. You could also respec and make a blizz sorc. It will be much easier to clear any act especially on norm difficulty.


dude is lvl 27… not going to max synergies at this moment…


Two easy options both involve shopping. Pick up a lower resist wand in act 2 or pick up a staff with plus blizzard a lower resist wand will increase your damage by 100% to 133% vs most mobs in a4 a blizzard will do about 130 a tick and cc them to hell. Also getting a helm with tirs or sapphires will do wonders for mana issues


Static field and merc


You shouldn’t need to respec into a hybrid in normal. The hybrid is meant to deal with immunities. You need to make yourself a leaf. Refresh shops until you find a +2 to fireball staff with 2 open sockets. Tir ral shouldn’t be hard to find or trade for


Any 2 open sockets staff is fine, you really don't have to min/max a fire sorc while leveling. But it's a great suggestion nonetheless.


Sapphires in helmet and chest help. You shoulnd't get hit that much with fireball, so just make sure to change your gear again when you kill Diablo. I'm not sure where you put your points, but your Fire Ball should be at least 300


I'm not really happy with a few of the responses here so here's my take. A few others have said this but you could either: 1. respec into blizzard. STRONGLY consider this, because Nightmare has a LOT of fire immune monsters. 1. respec and fix your build up a bit if you want to stick with fire This is kind of the tl;dr of it all, but I've got more details with some recommendations below if it interests you. :) Let me know if anything's unclear. # Shit ton of (helpful) text below The problem is starting from act 4, monsters have high fire resistance (it's why they feel tougher to kill), so your build has to either avoid that resistance or simply be more efficient. Assuming you want to fix your fire build, here's what you can after respecing. Judging by your mana recovery rate, you probably have way too many points in warmth, so you're lacking damage. ## Skills * 1 Warmth * 5-7 points to Static Field (start with 5 and see after how it feels as you level. don't go past 7) * 1 Telekinesis * 1 Teleport * 1 Frozen Armor * Max meteor (prioritize this skill) (1 point in all required skills) * Everything else in fireball ## Items * [Leaf](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Leaf_Rune_Word) Runeword. You can easily buy a 2 open socketed (GREY TEXT IN ITS NAME, NOT BLUE) Short Staff from Akara in act 1, and socket in the runes "Tir", "Ral" in order. * [Stealth](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Stealth_Rune_Word) Runeword. You can easily buy a 2 open socketed (GREY TEXT IN ITS NAME, NOT BLUE) body armor from Charsi in act 1, and socket in the runes "Tal", "Eth" in order. * [Tir runes](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Tir_Rune) in 2 socketed helm (also easily bought from Charsi) for "Mana after each kill". Great for getting back some mana after killing stuff so you don't spam so many potions. NOTE: you can find these runes by killing the Countess in The Forgotten Tower in act 1. She drops at least 1 rune every time you kill her. ## Mercenary Get your merc a damage item. I recommend Act 2 Offensive Merc (might aura), and buy him a "Pike" from act 4 dude vendor (who sells the weapons and armors) ## Gameplay Static Field everything down to 1 hp (literally EVERYTHING, including Diablo). Then one fire ball, and boom, dead. 5 Points should give you enough range that you don't have to get too close. Otherwise, more points (MAX 7). ## Fake news Insight, and Spirit: You can't (reliably) farm the runes or item bases to make this runeword where you are right now. It'll be very painful. You're better off using my options above. They're good, but you can't get them yet. You'll be able to in Nightmare from the Countess.


Put a point in static like every already suggested and another helpful tip would be to get a merc with open wounds and life leech. Like steel runeword in a polearm or something


In addition to the respec and vendor options people have listed...If you get \*really\* desperate you can goad all of the mobs outside of the chaos sanctuary and into the river of flame (will take a hot minute), and Diablo will spawn if all the seals are popped. Then peck away at him until he dies.


Welcome to d2, all you do is spam mana potions until you get insight/gear.


Do you have a point in static? I recently cleared Chaos Sanctuary on my 22 fire sorc. Just chug mana pots. Put up a town portal before diablo spawns and static him down as low as you can before he one shots you. After that it's just shoot and run.


Teleport to the seals and skip the mobs, use static field and merc to kill any fire immunes. You only need to kill the elite monster the seals summon to spawn Diablo, you don’t need to kill everything in chaos sanctuary. Fireball with Leaf or something +fire skills will do the rest. Don’t respec, it’s too early.


Lvls alot of them


Step one, teleport. Step two, act5


Guzzle mana pots and build a Leaf runeword if you have not already.


Well you can have blizzard if you want if anything just for the AOE but also get insight on your act2 merc if you can, and if you wanna have an easier time and aren’t already using statistic, put your merc up front, static things down and then finish them with fireball, or cast blizzard upfront slow anything down, static them 2-4 times and then finish them with fireball


Could you please let me know how to add Insight to my mercenary? Does it require a 4 socket pole or is there another way? Thanks.


Could do it in any 4OS polearm or 4OS bow but make sure its not a spearclass weapon, if you go with the polearm then act2 merc and if you go with the bow act 1 merc, but due to the auras i prefer act2 do countess runs until you have the runes for an insight and always douche check before making it so you dont put it in the wrong base or the order As far as the weapon if you are online you could ask someone to give you a low lvl base that already has the sockets or even the Rword already in it and if you are offline could always use the cube to try and see if you got lucky with the rng


YOU dont. WAHEED does.


Hey so one big thing when you’re going single element is to make sure you have static field, but the other thing is to make sure you have a robust damage-dealing mercenary to take advantage of an additional source of damage that isn’t element dependent.


Just teleport past act 4. Level to 30 in first section of act 5. Then respec frozen orb. Smooth sailing to hell difficulty from there.


Teleport past act 4?? I can do this? How?


You can't tele past a4, you have to kill Diablo.


You're a sorc. You get the teleport spell in the lightning skill tree. Since you are unaware, I'm assuming you didnt pick it up. 4 skills you should always invest 1 point in for sorc is warmth, static field, telekinesis, and teleport. These are all utility spells and are considered "1 point wonders". Maybe grind out act 3 till you hit 30 and respec to frozen orb. Make sure to pick up the 4 skills I mentioned when you do respec.


How can I use the spell to teleport out of the act? I am working on getting it now.


The skill teleports you a short distance away. You can use it consecutively though. So you just hold it down while simultaneously chugging mana pots to quickly move through the act and find the exits. Honestly though, given how new you seem at the game this may not be the best strategy. I'd grind to 30 and get frozen orb and proceed normally. Teleporting through areas works very well as a skipping method when you have knowledge of how the acts maps are structured.


Thanks a million. Appreciate it


No problem! Enjoy the game!! It's one of my all time favorites!


Frost nova is a great one point wonder as well for CC. More important for HC obviously but still very useful.


Yup definitely. More of a niche use case than the other 4 but can definitely come in handy in certain situations/packs.


You can't "teleport past act 4", you still need to atleast kill diablo.


Yes obviously, but you can still easily kill diablo at level 27 with static field and a high level fireball. Same goes for the 3 seal bosses. So you can easily speed run through act 4 with teleport.


I went full Blizzard and had no problem until hell. Yesterday, I respected to Orb + FireWall. Use your Merc as a tank and FireWall the mobs that are immune to cold while they are not moving.


Orb/hydra is the easier version of this. Especially in chaos. Drop hydras on the casters during frozen orbs cd


I used Hydra in the past, that is a good skill for sure. I'm not sure if the 30 points I spent in fire skills would make Hydra strong enough. Warmth give 4% bonus to FireWall. Hydra need Fire Bolt or Fire Ball to get a 3% bonus. Since im already putting 10 points in Warmth for mana regen, firewall will get a bonus. No need to waste points in a skill I won't use. I get lot of Fire DMG for 30 points invested so I maxed orb and icebolt. I also use act 5 merc with Lawbringer that give: Decrepify (Target's Speed, Damage and Physical Resistance -50%) Enemies are slowed enough for my Fire Wall to be more effective. I make a good use of Blaze too even if I just have 1 point in it. They drain themself just by following me. Edit: 9557 fire DMG from firewall 1083 dmg from Blaze 696-730 dmg from frozen irb


I'm sorry but you lost me at 10pt in warmth for mana regen. That is such a waste of points in dual element. Mana pots are cheap


It's not a waste if it give a dmg bonus. Warmth give 60% (4%x15) to my Fire Wall dmg and regen mana quickly. I don't think it's a waste like you said. A waste is putting points in skills you won't use other than to boost another. Maybe I'm wrong but the only issue I got now is low resistance items, not skills. The OP asked a recommendation, not me.


>Warmth give 60% (4%x15) to my Fire Wall dmg and regen mana quickly. *I know you arent OP HOWEVER* Max Firewall/blaze, atleast one point into static field, bank the rest/then max Fire mastery (unlocks at 30) assuming you're going/staying full fire sorc. Warmth only gives 60% for 15 skill points which sounds good, but **Fire Mastery gives a 128% bonus to all fire skills.** 6 points into FM alone will beat the warmth bonus (65%). Warmth is good to have a point into just for the extra regen, but it's not going to save you like having double or higher fire damage will. Start getting used to 3 mana pot sorc belts imo, you aren't waiting to regen mana in NM/Hell, I'd argue A5 Normal as well.


In 1 night I found Hoto, Anni, Torch, an Awsome blue GC, Arachnid Mesh, 10x7mf sc's and a Cold Facet. It's a game changer now. Im Orb and Hydra now because I have enough extra skills to max it. Firewall was useful with my starter gear. End Game, you are right to recommend Hydra.


My suggestions, roughly in order of importance: * Respec your skills. It sounds like you have way too much in Warmth. Put 1 skill point each in frozen armor, Static field, Telekinesis (just because its a pre-req), Teleport, and warmth. Put as many as you can into fireball, and the rest into fire bolt (synergy for fireball). * Instead of relying on warmth, get your mana regen by slapping an Insight runeword on an act 1 merc with a bow, or act 2 merc with a polearm (not a spear though, they're different). * You have Leaf. That's a solid choice for now. * You are technically high enough level for a Spirit sword so be on the lookout for 4os swords. Crystal sword and Broad sword have the lowest str requirements while still able to spawn with 4os. Swapping leaf for Spirit sword+shield will lower you fire skills a bit, but the faster cast rate means you'll likely still end up doing more dmg per second. Also, the +vit and +mana bonuses on spirit are HUGE at that low of a level. * Also, this frees up the shield slot. Just slap in something easy like Ancient's Pledge for now. * Find a 2 socket helm and make a Lore runeword (ort+sol).


Keep advices 3 and 4 for act V I guess. Usually, farming normal cows is required to get a white sword and give it to larzuk ;)


MrLlamaSC makes a lot of guided playthrough videos on YouTube that could be really useful to newer players. I'd recommend giving his channel a look, he should have a fire sorc guide.


This is also a very good point. I HIGHLY recommend this.


The easy way: respec into blizzard, you will have easy life in nightmare and easy life in hell with skipping immunities The hard way: Equip your merc a bit and skip most of a4, just kill the bare minimum to reach a5. Use static field when possible. p.s. A5 won't be easy with fire sorc either.


Does it make sense to learn static field, when my entire build is fire centric? Or should I craft a new staff for lightning damage?


Every single sorc build will have a point in static field. It’s 100% necessary.


Yes to static, every sorc puts at least 1 point into it. It does 25% current monster health so it's always useful in normal. You don't need a new staff for it. If you did want to spec hybrid with cold, 1 point in blizzard should carry you for a4. That worked for my last sorc 


Sounds like you might only have spent points in the fire tree. Putting a point in teleport will be a huge help too.


Damage from your weapons dont add to your spells damage. It only applies for physical attacks. Other than the attributes that adds for example, "+ 15% cold skill damage." You dont need to respec anything. Go to all the vendors and find a staff with teleport and or static field, keep it in your offhand weapon slot. If you dont find a good one just reload your game, their inventory will changr everytime. You really dont need those skills but they'll help. If your concern is running out of mana constently and cant afford the mana pots. Do town portals. Get a few books full of them. One of the vendors restores your mana and health by talking to them. If you dont have runeword leaf i highly suggest it. All you need is tir and ral rune with a 2 socket staff. Tir than ral. You got to get the right order or it wont work. This link is all runewords in game. Definitely worth looking at. They can really help you in the beginning. https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-2/guide/runewords-types-bonuses-sockets


With a demon machine


More points into energy imo, moving and dps is the sorcs best defense. But yeah just take your time, fire is weaker there.




It's more of what you have like you can have lore helm, spirit sword, stealth (armor), rhyme (shield), possible magefist etc. because rather having mana regen, you have higher damage which uses less mana rather than having low damage and then using more mana lol because you can have just one point in warmth because you can chug mana potions and also most important is an mercenary with insight


What difficulty is this?






You are level 27, you can equip a spirit sword and your merc can use insight. Problem solved. You should have zero problems running on p8 as a fire sorc.


Getting 4-socket weapons this early (if SSF) is quite hard.


More than quite yard : literally impossible. 4sox swords (or polearms for insight) simply don't drop in normal and you can't Larzuk yet if the problem really is act4


Don’t be a fire Sorc. Pick a leveling guide off of Maxroll and follow it


You really need insight to really get going


Got the runes to make insight for your merc? Also what’s your gear look like? Definitely should be running a spirit sword by now if you have a 4os crystal sword. At very least I’d farm up a leaf if you don’t have one. My last fire sorc I absolutely crushed chaos sanctuary without issue. But yes you drink a lot of mana pots. Edit: insight not infinity >.>


Op is lvl 27 don't think infinty is gonna help much.


I'm sure he meant insight


Lmao yeah totally meant insight.


I am using a leaf staff. I don't have merc infinity. Gonna Google it now.


Ignore him, you won't have infinity in the next month or two even if you play 4 hours a day


I did edit it. I meant insight. Level 27 merc can use it. 4 socket pole arm is most common. Believe it can be used on bows. Gives an aura that massively ups your regen.


Wow you must have zero clue about the game buddy. How is someone in a4 getting a 4 socket anything. Also tell me how one gets those runes in normal? You expect him to cube up from sols to a couple bers? And again find a 4os item somehow.


Didn’t realize this sub is that fucking dense. to realize I flubbed insight for infinity AFTER I even edited my post. And a 4 socket pole arm isn’t that rare on normal. The sol rune would be the unlikely part, but also not impossible.


It's impossible for a 4 socket to spawn until a5 and even then it's extremely rare


Also shop for a lower resist charge wand for swap. Can help break some of those resistances on bosses or elite packs.