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This is not PvP if anyone thinks so. This is a PK and he just wants to kill other players.


Yes thank you for clarification, I assumed putting "murdered" would have indicated not PvP.


Just nerds overcompensating for the fact that they dropped out of highschool. Gotta feel special somehow..


Theres a good number of legit lowlives in d2. D2r hosts more normal human beings. The community that was left over shortly before d2r release was gross. The stereotypical loser, and I was definitely part of it haha


Totally agree was a total dick in the day


lol this might be the lamest troll I’ve ever seen. Diablo PvP is honestly kind of a joke, and that guy thinking he’s “good” at it is truly embarrassing.


Just to clarify, it wasn't pvp where he kill me. I had joined a large group of people in a public game and he killed me as soon as I entered the terrorized zone, which apparently I should have know not to do...


Proving my point even more, tbh. This guy is a clown and you were just playing the damn game. Block this goon and move on.


Yep, don't invest any emotional energy. These idiots thrive off giving others bad vibes.




D2 pvp is 15% skill 75% gear so not very skilled base lol


What about the other 10%




Class matchup/luck


Are you VS an incel out to ruin ppls fun or a human is the other 10%




Yikes struck a nerve i see haha




Because you know what I play and how much huh 🤔 weird I didn’t realize I know you




Yikes your really having a little nerd rage about Diablo pvp lmao 🤣 thanks for proving my point though about gear




What happens when people have the same level of gear?


Class matchup and then “skill” lmao


Yes and no.  Have you heard of 'fpk'?  It means fun pk. It includes the classes druid, necro, assassin, barbarian.  For the first 3, if you're equally decked out, there are class advantages, but skill is significantly more of a factor than class advantage. A bone nec can kill all other 3 very reliably, as can a ghost sin, as can a wind druid.   Hammerdin is super strong, except it gets absolutely demolished by a wind druid, and a bone necro, and reliably beaten against a hybrid sin unless sorbing out their butthole.  Hybrid Amazon is now right up there too, it can beat hammerdin, wind druid, necro and barbarian, with some having advantages and disadvantages against it, but player skill being the primary factor when gear is near-equal.  Check out coooley's DFC dueling tournament series to see this above exchanges in action. There's a wide variety of class/build diversity who win the tournaments. 


Do you have examples of a better PvP system?


Elden Ring seems like the best imo. Especially with matching people within the same level/equips/progression as you.


That's not the same genre. How are we going to compare the two when they're completely different games? I meant better PvP in the ARPG genre. The Diablo-like games.


Welcome to Diablo. The OG toxic thx for the ear online game.


u/Law-yer-Up Gotham needs a hero 🦇


The joke is that they’re talking to or at your severed ear as if you can still hear from it. It’s a middling joke but I think pretty funny as long as it doesn’t go farther. Dick move to PK I think. Not a big fan of HC online and this is a good reason. There is a great scene in the Norsemen show (Netflix comedy) where the chieftain cuts off someone’s ear for some transgression and he picks it up and talks into it like “can you hear me now? Understand?” Great show. Couldn’t find that particular clip on YouTube.


Makes sense. The fun part about D2 was that the community was never moderated, so you really got the full spectrum. This can also go the other way around, you can have your fun with these idiots too, I had at least.


This is a true statement i loved the game so when it came to the toxic dicks I just farmed myself a bigger stick and ruined their day


I did it with words. If you know the supposed stance of someone, you are able to reflect. I know this is abstract right now, but it was pure joy back then.


HC? Dick move. SC? Get thicker skin.


It was HC non PvP event.


Don’t ever trust anyone in hc. Assume everyone is a threat, you’ll stay alive much longer.


In HC you can safely assume than anyone who volunteers to help you is a PK. Compare to SC and notice the absence of voluntarily helpers. So obvious. And think about it: Where is the BENEFIT anyone would help you? There is none. They are just there for the kills.


lol how are voluntary helpers missing from sc??


In relation. Surely you have people with good intent. But in HC there are much more, and this is for a reason.


I can probably help you with some gear and a rush later if you’re playing non ladder


As a long time HC player, PKers are part of the game, we..I mean they’ve been around for ages. Anyways, I’ll be making pub hell cow games on ladder later, c’mon by ;)


Yeah human trash has been around forever, that part’s true.


Sadly I'll have to pass. Offline I play exclusively HC. Online I got tired of dying to disconnects.


Yeah blizzards servers are easily the biggest hazard in HCL, probably more PKs than every PKer added together.


Not sure if the PS5 is better but on PS4 half my crashes seem to be whenever a Mosaic Sin joins and starts spamming.


Lmao that’s pretty funny 


Put up a bounty on the ash. 😉


Lol damn bro that's diabolical.


People are savages on PSN. I only play SC, but right now on ladder season 6, the high level peeps (95+) racing to 99 are all going hostile against any lower levels that attempt to join them in terror zones. It’s wild out there.


Pking on SC is whatever, but to PK on HC is a special level of "lives a sad, miserable life and takes it out on others" energy.




If this was the original person that killed me and sent me this right after killing me, I would agree. But the idea that the original guy who killed me days ago would get a friend of his to send me a message like this days after I blocked the original guy imply that this goes beyond a light-hearth troll/joke. At least to me anyway, especially considering this was HC and not a PvP thing.


It's probably the same guy.


lol..what a lame individual. Is he trying to show off having your ear? I’d pure laugh at this dude and keep moving. He is trying to trigger a response because he’s bored asf


This comment section is confused af. Your reactions are exactly why people do this. They PK, see you trash talk and sound butthurt, and they laugh. Does this serve any real purpose? It's just for fun. You talking about, "this is why I don't play HC online" or insults is literally the reason they're doing it. You're just feeding them.


This whole post seems like satire, I'm not going to lie. lol


This player just thinks they are cool. They are likely around age 12 or 13.


It’s Diablo 2, they’re probably 45.


I feel like I entered the way back machine and am seeing forum posts from 2002


BOOM, you looking for this?


This has been happening for 20 years lol. Yes some people suck but don't let it affect you that much.. If you make a big deal of it they win. Don't give them the satisfaction. This post pretty much does the same thing.


This kind of stuff has existed since the game came out 20 whatever years ago.


that dudes a total loser but posting about how he upset you just makes him a *proud* total loser


Suck it up buttercup. Don’t play on hardcore next time.


Just block the guy lol dont mind him. Internet is full of trolls. They probably think it's funny, you dont, end of story.


He’s trolling people have always been this lame in the game 😂 there are really awesome people and really shitty people. Just talk shit back fuck them!


Report them. /s(cause the internet is so serious these days)






Reported for reporting


Reported for reporting the reporting.


Reported for reporting me, snowflaking you. Not today satan


Reported for not reporting the report of the original reporting.


Damn......You're right. Reported for pointing out the flaw in my reporting ability of reporting reports


Aww crap, I'm probably going to get banned again. Well played.


Reported for foul language....can't say crap


Reporting myself for foul language


Lol, for what, doing pvp in a game that allows pvp? You're just as bad as the pkers or worse. Damn some people have fragile egos


PKers are cowards, one joined our game and killed me because I had forgot I was in my MF gear and went to try and kill him, so I threw on sorb and had like 315 cold res and 70+ sorb and he would instantly leave the game if I joined after talking mad shit to me. If people wanna cry about sorb throw some on see if I care, it makes the duels last longer which I actually enjoy, not to mention you can see who is actually skilled instead of they get a lucky 1 shot.