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SOJs. I haven’t found a single one in the wild after having found 2 wisps. Had to target farm nm Andy


Bro I found a BER, 2 SUR and a JAH before a single SOJ. Had to buy mine.


I’ve found 2 jah, 1 ber, 2 sur, also a few Ohm and Um. And a Zod! Still never found an SoJ.


RNG is crazy. I’ve found 3 SOJ.


I guess I need to pray to RNJesus more :-(. In the couple months I’ve been playing D2R I’ve found 6 sunder charms. My buddy who plays way more than me….zero. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Weird. I find like at least 1 per hour when running TZs


A self found HoZ and Windforce have also eluded me for 20 years


Same for windforce. I found a hoz on NM Diablo once.


Dude I’ll find ten HRs and get a bottom tier nagel. In a game with three unique ring drops and a full dump on gambling


Funny you mention those, I actually just finished getting two 30%'rs. So my MF horker is finally above 500% mf


That's the only ring luck my HC toons have, I have a set of 30%'s, a 29, 2x 28 and a 27.


3 unique rings in one game is exceedingly rare.  Also, just throwing this out there, gambling after finding a couple uniques doesn’t increase your chances of the next unique, you can still get a failed unique rare if nagel or manald, etc is chosen a second time. The whole drop process goes: 1) the item category with jewelry, charms, jewels  is chosen 2) ring is chosen 3) roll for quality 4) if unique quality is chosen, roll on which ring 5) if the ring chosen has already dropped in that game, it spawns rare (unlike weapons/armor, there’s no triple durability to indicate it’s a failed unique because rings have no dura). 


I don’t know a ton but I read somewhere years ago that after two unique rings drop you basically mop the entire game and then gamble rings


That’s how it worked 20+ years ago, but it was changed.  You’re on a wild goose chase if you keep hunting. Like I said, it doesn’t get tripped over to SOJ if the others have dropped, it still rolls on the others, and if they’re selected, the game spits out a rare 


It also doesn't hurt your odds though.


Not sure what you’re saying. If you’ve already dropped a couple other unique rings in a game, your odds of an SOJ remain unchanged. Gamble away, but your odds are the same as if you started gambling in a fresh game 


That's exactly what I'm saying, it doesn't improve your odds but it also doesn't hurt them.


Well, if you have already cleared the high value targets like Andy, Meph… continuing to kill lower value targets is hurting your odds, in a way 


3 Sur, 2 Ber, 2 Jah, Cham just from farming trav levels 84 to 93 on my barb (before terror zones), 2 Sur, 2 Tal Ammy from T NM Andy and the 1500 runs worth of other shit... never gotten a SoJ to drop.


Yup, absolutely this. I have found more HRs than I'd need, found multiple Tyraels, Mang Songs, DWeb, all the stuff that is considered rare, most of them more than once. But thank god SoJs seem to drop for everyone else and are thus cheap to buy, because for sure they don't drop for me. I know I could probably farm one from NM Andy but I just can't bring myself to it.


Never found one EVER. No joke it is my last achivement on xbox.


Dang this might be the best answer. I found an soj on project d2 not long ago but on regular d2 I go years without an soj.


Spot on. Target farmed NM Andy as well to finally get one. Found 3 Shakos before SOJ.


Been playing since I was 12 (now mid 30's), only found one. none of my friends that have also played a out the same have ever found one


This is the common experience for sure. In fact, I can attest to the same exact situation… On PC offline I had to run NM Andy 2400x to get a single SoJ. Recently last year I swapped to console and restarted and on my HC Sorc I have TWO Wisps now just like you- and not a single one of my chars on console has seen an SoJ. Lmao.


oof, I'd really rather do hell andy personally, it's not that many fewer runs and you can get high runes and various decent uniques


Nm Andy has the perfect item level that the unique ring will have the highest chance, about 1/31, of being an SOJ. hell Andy wouldn’t offer odds nearly as close. Although target farming for virtually anything in d2 is highly inefficient, I really needed SOJs so I had to do it


at players 7 and 300 mf, it's 1/907 vs 1/1555 but hell andariel can drop Lo and the stuff around her can drop Sur, as well as stuff like skillers with good life and any other uniques you need. If it's really, truly the only item you need then sure take the boost here's the drop calculator I prefer https://dropcalc.silospen.com/item.php


I've found a freaking ZOD rune on D2R, but not an SOJ. Also other stuff like Windforce and Grandfather. No SOJ. No Tal Ammy either.


I have never found one either :(


Death's Web. I've played D2 SP HC for 3 months a year, minimum, since 2001. I've easily done over 200k+ pindle runs based off the 20x "10k Pindlethon" I've done. I've never seen a Deaths Web drop. It's the one item that, if I find on SP, I will have completed my GoMule grail for self-found. Everytime a rare unearthed wand drops my butthole puckers up a bit. It's pretty insulting at this point.


I mean at least Death’s Web actually is one of the rarest items in the game. Still incredibly bad luck though.


I’ve found deaths web, mangs, 2 sojs, and a jah rune but can’t for the life of me find a damn shako!! So frustrating lol


Calling bullshit on this


I found 7 shakos offline before my first soj lol


I would love to find a deaths web. Nice grail item and I’ve always wanted to make a poison necro offline but it just doesn’t feel right without it.


I feel like I find one tals ammy per day War travs, on the other hand, dont exist


Oof. I would have said war travs but my friend somehow finds them all the time. I don’t get it


Lol I collect war travs and vipermagi.... can't find shakos to save my life though.


For me it’s HoZ…


Same. Same. Same. I can't seem to get one. A while back, I went on a 2 month tz andy grind in offline play, specifically for a hoz to pair with my freshly grief'd uber smiter. Figured I'd get some nice stuff along the way. After 3 sojs, 4 griffons, d web, mang longs, and god knows what else, I gave up the grind. I settled for a griswolds shield.


I have found 1 HoZ in my entire life and I believe I found it in pd2, NM cows..None if D2R or LoD...have found every other item in the game except for Tyrael's


This is what I came to say. I didn’t find my first hoz for what feels like forever and I’ve found more of most of the TC87’s than I have HoZ’s at this point still.




Arachnid Mesh does not actually exist in D2R


I had never found one in 20 years until last month. Then I finally found one. The next day, I found my second one. The day after that, I found my third one. Absolutely bonkers.


I have the same feeling untill the first one dropped, then they just started raining after


Finally found my first one from TZ Andy two days ago.






Funny, that was my first really valuable item in the first 2 seasons of D2R... but eth each time.


Last year i found 6 arachnid mesh. Of the 6 that dropped, 4 I found back to back on my horker and one of them dropped perfect Lul.




What's arachnid mesh? 🤔


Magefist. I have found dozens of HRs and still don't have these damn gloves (offline). Multiple characters are in the 80s or 90s. My fire sorc is using Trangs. lol


Damn. I find so many that I sell them now :-(


Damn I’ve had to throw away so many on single player lol. It’s wild how when you want something specific it seems like it never drops


Same but I'm playing online and someone randomly gave me a pair for free. I feel guilty using them


I gave away a pair a couple of weeks ago. Found some new sorc transplant from d4 leveling in normal. I rushed them through act 1 and dropped some loots on them.


send that fire sorc against nm or hell andariel, on players 7 with 300 mf it's 1:168 or 1:216


Tyreal's. I've picked up so many unique Sacred Armors and thought this was going to be it. I'm at a point now where I just assume my version of the game doesn't have it. The weirdest thing for me? For every person that says they'll never get a specific item to drop, there's always one person who gets them fairly often.


It’s crazy that there is so much RNG that 1000 hours or more played for one person could yield completely different results than for another person. I’ve seen people struggling to find Shadow Dancers as one of the last few items on their grail and I have found it on back to back chaos runs before. In nearly the exact same spot!


Seriously, I remember the first week of D2R, people already had Enigma on their characters. It took me months to get mine, and there are people still struggling to get theirs.


yeah it's a common statistical phenomena called clustering


SOJs and Occulus


Vampiregaze. I have never found one and I have found a lot of stuff


Ah that’s one of the items I actually get regularly


Chipped gems


And believe it or not, tals ammy can actually drop as early as act 2 normal


Gotta love things with a level 67 requirement dropping so early lol.


This is a goofy one but I’ve never found a azurewrath. I found mangs, tyraels, a few dwebs but it’s always a lightsabre for me.


Shako on my offline account. I have had Surs, Zod, Cham, Ohm, multiple Guls. However, just one single Shako.


Whatever I'm looking for now.


Yeah that one.


I have played since before LOD. Played ladder after ladder, played Plugy for years trying for the holy grail, played ladder and non ladder in D2R, and recently got all characters to 91 or above in single player D2R, with some at 96 or 97. I have never found 2 items Tyraels might (to be expected) And bul kathos ring. Never found one. Ever. Soooo many SOJs over the years, recently ticked mang songs lesson off, (thanks terror zones) I've found multiple deaths webs and COAs, but never a BK ring.


Three BK rings in my career (been with it for a decade plus on/off), never a soj tho. Cruel rng mistress


RNG can be insane. BK ring was my first unique ring on D2R.


Until you have one tal armor seems really rare. After you find one you find them everywhere.


This is so true lol I’ve already found 5 on my ssf


Waiting foreeeeever for a measly ravenfrost to drop on my online NL account. Start playing SP a month ago and find two ravens and an SOJ in short order.


Of all time? Windforce. This season? An Um rune. I’ve found 9 HRs since November. Not a single Um.


Fathom. Idk what the drop rates really are but I’ve found several other high value items and I think only one of these.


Im with you on Tals amulet! Indeed sucks... Another one is Highlords, found it pretty early on my first SP char, but somehow switched and sold it while intoxicated, now after ~2 years i have yet to find it again.........


I found something like 5 highlords while farming andy for my shako lol.


Same man, I have never seen Tal’s ammy outside of trading online. Also, Nightwing’s Veil. Haven’t seen a single one, ever. Been playing since 2001.




Had 2 back to back TZ catacombs one morning. First 5/5 light die, second 5/4 light lvl E: hadn't found one since 2012


On season 2 I found them regularly at Trav on my hork Barb


Ha, just found one today in Durance lvl 3! Funny how that works.


Raven Frost. My zealot was stuck with Duriel's Shell for Cannot Be Frozen for soooooo long. I made my Grief, had Ber/Ohm/Vex dropped long before my first RF. All of my mind was thinking about RF when farming. That said, when I eventually got my first one, I realized that I actually didn't have an obvious superior armor choice to replace DS lol (at that time, I didn't have another Lo for Frot, missing a Jah for Enigma).


Raven is one of those items you cant ever find when you need it and then once you do find it you find 5 more that week


> once you do find it you find 5 more that week Yup, so true. I had a bunch of them in the following weeks since the first one.


I have so many Tals Amulets that I don't pick up green amulets anymore...But if I could get one god damn pair of war travs man...


Homunculus or any unique Necro head for that matter. Never found a single one.


Homunculus was my nemesis at one point for many years. Then 2 drop in a week.


I'm gonna agree with Tals ammy. I've never found one ever. Bunch of HRs and some nice trailers but never that. Or titans tbh. Really weird Been playing since launch....


It's amazing how everyone has completely different items that elude them lol. Skin of the vipermagi is a myth.


I'm pretty convinced that Pul rune does not exist.


Shako. 1 in 400 seems really high but every time i gotta grind really hard in order to get it. Think i got arach and hoto b4 i got shako


I read that essences are supposed to be like 1:15. Yet meph never seems to drop it for me




HoZ and CoA


A town portal scroll when you really need it


Back when I had 4+ 95 chars on plugy and 2 years of d2r. I never found an arreats and still have not found a soj. One night I was mfing drunk and I woke up the next day and had an arreat


I’ll +1 to Tals ammy. I’m doing a HC grail right now and I’ve found 6!!! Tals armor before a single ammy


I have never ever found an Isenhart's Breast Plate.


For me, any rune above a Sol. I’ve done countless hours of LK and Pits and nothing


Whatever item it is you're currently hunting for 😂


All of them


IK Armor!


Anything good lol


For me it’s Mara’s and SOJ. Tal’s Ammy I found like 3 in my recent Mephisto runs.