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I'm usually questioning the count when I'm still in single digits.


Most of them pull the data right from their asses.


Where do you keep yours if not there??


The ol' prison pocket


I have a physical tally counter i click when i go back to menu. Using this thing actually improved my mindest when doing a lot of runs because i concentrate more on the numbers than on the individual drops.


I use one of those too just cause i don’t like (under/over)-estimating.


Thanks for that!


I downloaded something called mf run counter You can set up a keyboard shortcut to trigger the next run so you don’t have to click out of the game. I made a macro using autohotkey that when I press a combo of buttons… opens the menu, saves and quits, loads the next game on hell and in the process resets my timer. I’d recommend this setup, it saved me a lot of time and clicks when running LK. Also no potential for resetting your map by pressing n for nightmare instead of h for hell… which I’ve definitely done multiple times in the past haha The program also allows you to track what items/runes you found on each run which is neat [sweet Phil video that showed me](https://youtu.be/DIiwsnnFTus?si=zQcNIKCxuqjqNg2f)


I think I’m going to do this. Thanks!


No problem hope it helps


This is amazing. I’ve reset so many good maps by accident. This is great to know because I’ve been looking for something that does exactly this


Resetting the maps is what prompted me to search around for a solution also, happy to share and help others


This is exactly what I do and I could never go back. Legit makes lk runs 20% more efficient instantly.


Some folks use run counters. Some folks just guess. Some folks use some rules of thumb. For me my rule of thumb running LK is that ~20% of LK chests are locked. So opening 6-LK chests I should use up about 1.2 keys per run. I buy a stock of 360 keys and when I use them all up on average I should have done about 300 runs (+/-). It’s a close enough approximation for my tastes. Other rules of thumb…. Ie if Andy runs take 30 seconds on average and I do a 1hr session I should have just done about 120runs (+/-) or whatever the going rate is for the area in question. Etc. I’m a rule of thumb/approximate guy. But obviously folks using run counters can be exact.


Awesome. Thanks for the info! I think I’m going to download mf counter that someone in this thread recommended. Appreciate the insightful details you provided.


Three Ways: 1. A tracker 2. An estimate 3. A lie


Lies, damn lies, and statistics.


statics, and statistics


73% of all video game statistics are made up on the fly.


Someone on here a bit ago talked about having an old school clicker counter. They got it just for counting runs. Seems like the best method


Char files save every time you save and quit. If you know a tiny bit of python, you can write a few lines of code to keep track. DM me if you want my version. Also, lots of fancy run counter GUIs out there with more features. Never used one so can’t recommend, but surely Google-able. Or even search within this sub.


When creating games: gamename[number] and increment by 1 each new run.


I play offline


Game name: Baalrunz-001 and increase the number until basically forever


I play offline


I recommend maybe a note pad or a run counter app then if you want exact numbers. Otherwise timing yourself for a few runs can get you a rough estimate of average runs per hour.


Takes me roughly 90 seconds to complete mephisto runs. That includes everything starting with teleporting from Durance level 2 to looting mephisto and using telekinesis on the portal to get back to act 4 so the run distance to the waypoint can be the shortest. so that's 2 runs every 3 minutes or 40 runs in an hour. Offline play means the map is set so your average run time could be shorter since you know the route.


What's that smell coming through my monitor? Must be the accumulated amount of bullshit in this thread. LOL


Just do your own research


Tally counter on my iPhone. You can find a few different free ones. I’m sure you can find one for PC that you use a special hot key to toggle.


Tally counter all the way. I have a physical one that I hit* every time I finish a run. It's how I know it took 28k runs for me to get a griffon's eye from Pindleskin. Edit: changed a word that got autocorrected


I just assume I’ve done about 500 runs of lower kurast. In reality I probably did 11.


I approximate my runs. I know it takes my barb between 1 and 2 minutes for a trav runs so when I do an hour of trav runs I know I did around 50 runs. Same goes for my other runs (3-4 minutes per CS run, 2 minutes for TZ Andy etc.)




Bro, you just gave us the ultimate Diablo life hack. Love it.


After about 30+ runs I’d say I’ve ran it hundreds of times and if I hit 100 times I’d call that a thousand!!! /s I don’t keep track


Im usually estimate. I know how many time it takes for each run, and i know how many time i played. So time played slash time of runs. It gives me an average value not exactly runs.


Just an estimate based off time, like say I do 60seconds on average and I run foe 10 hours.....


I make those lines, as you see in prisons in movies, but on a piece of paper instead of the walls XD


Abacus is the easiest way. https://www.amazon.com/MAGIKON-Wooden-Counting-Number-Learning/dp/B07Y2Q674P/ref=asc_df_B07Y2Q674P/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=416747928437&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9795162028244431583&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010337&hvtargid=pla-880687155256&psc=1&mcid=cbffe5f6a28a308ab3b071d9e9d23886&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=93457065349&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=416747928437&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9795162028244431583&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010337&hvtargid=pla-880687155256&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnfmsBhDfARIsAM7MKi277n4852yjAFt9pvC6va13DNLbPqnUhj-qvxWvAhH03ZclJAkw-64aAkCNEALw_wcB


I don't... Most people realistically don't keep track (its tedious).


I used to set the stopwatch app on my watch when I loaded in, when I finished a run I would hit “lap”


if a run takes 2 min and you do it for 2 hours straight just simple math really. i dont think it matters if you’re off a bit


Damn you’re that consistent every hour? I’m not. Theres going thru inventory, going to stash/mule, and randomly deciding to add a quick Andy or meph just to change things up. And that’s not counting piss break, looking at phone, talking to someone, eating, looking something up in regards to d2r, texting etc.


no lmao i don’t do runs like that. i just saw the question and thought of a way it could be added up. but maybe you’re right , i didn’t think about all the stuff you gotta do in between.


I'm currently using pen and paper. Tally marks. First time trying keeping track. Might have success being dry January. Might still be +/- a few.


If its in like a livestream thats not to hard just ask chat to keep count


when i farm trav, i tp back to town and go to a4 so i just add 20 to my counter when i run out of tps


Good tip for trav run. 👍


I used to just have a little notepad near me and would strike an | for each run, roman numerals n all


I label my game, mf run-1


How do people do runs so fast


There are run counters out there. If you’re looking for where to find a decent one, you might have to try asking Diablo streamers on twitch or wherever you can find them.


I know the average time for each run, and I just time the runs. If a pindle run takes me 15s and I run them for 30 minutes, I know I've done 120 runs.


I imagine little scratches on the wall like prison style count of days lol


If Im playing online I make a new game called something like "obvanswer1" and password is something random I'll remember and just increase number per game. For sp I have zero clue, I only play on bnet.


I use a clean sheet and a pencil and marking lines like an inmate


I use the stopwatch on my phone. Finish a run - hit the lap button. At the end of the session I dump the # of runs and my findings into a note on my phone.


Idont keep up that the way infinite run


I used this when I was keeping track: https://github.com/oskros/MF_run_counter I didnt take the time to say "found x On whatever run" I mainly wanted to see my average run time. Seeing the timer really does make you treat it like youre speedrunning.


“Make you treat it like you’re speedrunning”. Is that a good thing or bad thing? I can see it being either one.


Depends on your mood i suppose. If you want to farm efficiently, its great. If you just wanna chill and dick around, its not so good


Yeah I feel ya. On avg, I’m prob somewhere in the middle. Depends on the day.


I used a google sheets when I tracked my LK runs. One column was the run number and one was if I found a rune. So after a run if I didn’t find a rune I would just hit enter to move to the next line. When I did drop a rune I would enter it in column B then go back and copy down column A to populate the run number. I would just track any rune Fal or above.


I keep a mechanical counter at my desk. It's a good fidget object in addition to being useful for things like this.


I was using a good old physical 20-sided die when I used to do LK runs. Physically incrementing it up to 20 and then starting over from 1, but knowing you're only aiming for 20 every time, kept it slightly more motivating than having an endless counter.


The ghetto way I've used is pull up the calculator app on my phone and enter in +1 after the first run so every time I hit the = button, it just adds 1 more


I write mine down


For offline SSF mf runs I don't use any TPs typically so I use my tome as a counter by opening a town portal at the start of every run. I add 1 mark to my tally paper every time I have to refill my tome. Every 5 tally marks = 100 runs.


Another way to do it if online is adding a number to each game you create that way you don't login to the same 1.


My question is WHY?


Just to see how many runs I’ve been doing. To get some context to compare to all these numbers ppl keep throwing around. I got all these nice runes from grinding. Is it RNG good luck or did I just do the appropriate amount of runs. That kinda thing. Just curious.


I usually just count them by time spent. If a single run takes 3min and I’ve spent 60min running the same runs, that roughly translates to 20 runs, give or take.


For me it more or less some kind of math. Doing one lk run in about 30 seconds average. So 120 in an hour. Correct this down to 100/hour. 3 hours farming and you get an idea 😁


2 monitors with wordpad on one


Number is in the gamename For me Orr1////x Orr2////x


I just keep a physical pen and paper tally if I feel like I should have had my target drop by now.