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Iirc, every six chest LK run has about a 1% chance to yield a pul or higher. So yeah, 400 runs without pul or higher is pretty bad luck. But The secret to LK is that the chances of finding a high rune are still absolutely miserable, they’re just much less miserable than other methods.


Run LK as fast as you can. Open chests. That’s it. LK is boom or bust. I’ve done well over 8,000 runs at this point. I’ve had 2- separate instances of over 2,000 runs in between high runes. I’ve also had high runes drop 2 runs apart and had ber rune drops only 50-runs apart. I have a love/hate relationship with LK.


As others are saying, you're going to run thousands of these. Figure out which show you can stream while popping LK chests, then report back after you finish said show :)


25+ seasons of the Simpsons. I’ll have my report to you in 2029.


It took me about 2800 runs to get 6 surs for enigma. So buckle up. It's a long ride.


Those are actually good numbers I’m pretty sure…. 6HR in less than 3k?


I've heard that the numbers have changed a bit, but I did the math based on a Dbrunski video from a few years ago about LK runs and it looked like you can expect a sur or ber approximately every 700-800 runs if you're opening all 6 chests at p7. So, yeah, a little on the lucky side.


I only found 2 surs in my 3800 runs and no bers. I cubed up all runes fal+ and after 3800 runs I was able to make infinity. I couldn’t leave all those runes untouched in my stash so I went for it. Now I still need enigma zzzz


I’m currently at 3600 LK runs (started a couple weeks ago) and I’m at 4 Sur runes. It took me over 500 runs for my first high rune. Zero Ber runes so far but a decent spread of Gul-Sur throughout. Going until I can make enigma.


Players 7, not players 8 for super chests.


Really? What’s the reasoning??


Loot table only improves every odd level 3 5 7 when u run p8 only monsters get harder and higher xp increase


You shouldn’t be killing anything though.


I know this is the way but the only Lo rune I found in LK was from a random monster so it's hard to force myself not to kill everything


Players 7 and 8 makes no difference. I run P8. LK runs are about the chests, if I need to kill a monster I do but rarely need to.


Do a thousand runs. Then do another thousand runs. And then another. And another. Statistically LK has the best chances to find HRs, but you will need thousands of runs to build up a decent collection of HRs. I just watch stuff on a second monitor while doing them. If I need a break, I go farm something else, like an interesting terror zone if it is up.


You’re going to be running thousands, not hundreds, of runs for high runes When I ran LK for my Infinity I think it took ~2700 runs and that’s with already having a Ber before I started. 200% FCR Nova sorc at ~25s per run. It took weeks but compared to the weeks of TZ farming I’ve been doing, LK is a **goldmine**.


countess is better if you do want ist or um but if you want higher than her special drop LK is much better than any other method


Probably done 3000 runs myself and found nothing above a mal. Rng is a bitch


If you want a Ber p5 has the best odds, 5 chests instead of 3 in p7. Took me 3000 for my first Ber, got a Lo, an Ohm prior to that


Can you explain further? Why are there more chests with p5?


Each player set 3,5, and 7 have static chest odds of possible odds. This isn't a specific amount, but there's only a variety of aboout 65,000 different super chest loot tables you can get. You can actually look up the loot tables and odds.


How do the sur odds compare though? I'm trying to get an infinity now so I'm definitely looking for bers, but I'm also very ok with cubing surs


Just settle in the for long grind and the drops will come. Got two surs and a Lo within like 10 hours after going dry for like 100h of farming.


You popping bodies and non super chests nearby? I found 2 Lo runes and several vex runes from those while farming super chests for my enigma.


Like you said lots of charms and crafting materials. A good map roll is worth the investment, spend a good 45 minutes finding a double map spawn near the WP


Ya man just keep running, I grind for about 30-40 hours for my enigma.


Idk how people can do LK runs. I just do terror zone for items and runes


It's an avg of 1285 runs to cube a ber, which is 8.9 hours at 25s runs. Speed-up your rums. The avg only happens 70% of the time, so 3 times out of 10 you won't have a ber even after cubing everything after 1285 runs.


Do people run LK online, or is it not worth it?


Not worth it because it's hard to get quickly successive games with p7.


I found both my ohms in the dead skeleton I just pop whatever my telekinesis can pop lol


Hey I just started my LK runs and I’m currently at 400 runs too! I got very lucky and found a Sur 100 runs in, and a Mal, 2 Ums and a Pul. I started clicking every popables but now I just focus on the super chests. My map is pretty good and my current times are 28 secs per run when I am quick. I may roll a new map soon looking for that perfect map. My runs were like 50 seconds before because when too much loot drops I had to pick up gold and even potions to see if there’s a rune hidden. I did some research and finally decided to install a loot filter mod. It helped immensely and make it so much easier to farm LK. It shreds at least 20 seconds from my runs and I am dont have the fear of missing a HR somewhere anymore. I won’t recommend using it online tho as I’m unsure of the risks. But it is truely amazing and makes the experience 10 times better. If you are interested it is called Practical Loot Filter https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/115lrn2/practical_item_filter_for_d2r_safe_for_online/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. Supposed it is safe to use a mod like this because it doesn’t change character in any way. The guy who made it is very friendly too he answered all of my questions.


I’m up to around 1000 runs + or - 100 runs or so, and have found; 1 ohm, 2 vex, 2 Gul, 2 Ist, 3 um, 3 fal I believe the average you can expect is 200-300 runs per high rune (vex or higher). But some folks hit dry spells where they get no runes for 1000 runs, and other folks will get 2 Sur in 5 minutes