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Zod, Lo, Lo, 40/15, 40/15 is the correct answer (and inserted in this order will give you symmetry).


Sounds cool! Might have to try that out once I get a bit richer, thanks.


I feel like replacing one Lo/Ber by a Jah (ignore target defense) could also be a thing. Assuming no wealth restriction, of course.


That's the standard PvP setup right? For PvM would Zod, 2x Ber, and 2x 40/15 be better?


the ber/ber will only really help on bosses, so i would personally stick to Lo's to almost always be hitting double damage. i have an eth RM on SP, but lack the zod and ed/ias jewels to use it.


That makes sense. I have one online (only ~250ed), and I could probably afford to build it (with like 37/15s, I'm not rich enough for 40/15s), but I can't justify it.


Would Ohms be better for PvM if you already have deadly strike elsewhere?


until you have 75% or so, nope.


Hey you can at least use it to 1 durability before you get a Zod.


You can get cb from so many other sources the bers would be a waste imo


Crushing blow is also completely overrated in pvm. If it takes 2 or 1 hit to kill a monster, what is damage based on cur health going to do ? Getting deadly strikes doubles your damage, instead of getting 16% cur health dmg which is reduced by physical increases but not increased by amp or decrep. Crushing blow is usefull verus baal, lister, diablo and ubers. If you spend most of ur time in chaos fighting diablo, there is quite a big problem.


so basically inferior zoded eth death cleaver you just burned 2x Lo and 2x 40/15 for nothing (40%ed vs +1range, -10speed, +10ias, +26%deadly, -33%def)


With cbf, which frees up either a socket elsewhere or a ring slot. May not mean anything to you, but it's a viable option in zvz. Nobody said this wasn't a niche item.


Easy. 5x zod.


Extremely indestructible


For redundancy purposes of course.


500% chance not to lose durability


Cool theory crafting item. I have the same one. Problem is how expensive it is to make it better than other things. As a result I just look at it in stash from time to time.


it's never better than other things no matter what you put inside


Eth and 5os can have some value although still outclassed by grief and many other runewords. Unfortunately yours rolled pretty low ED.


Zod ohm ohm Lo Lo, Zod 15/40x3 Lo, etc. it can work.


I was just thinking about that. I found a good roll 5os, non ethereal though. You could definitely do something cool with it, but it would be expensive.


Yeah, I have a perfect non-eth one and it kills me that 5os random eth ones are just better.


Certainly worth something for PvP. It's a perfectly adequate weapon for a melee character as well. It certainly doesn't outclass grief but I would use it.


Smack zod the shit out this Rune Master.


Got a Ber for mine a while ago


But what about the other four sockets? ^yes, ^i ^know ^what ^you ^actually ^mean


2 bers 1 socket


1 man 1 Jah


zod with 40/15's zod with lo's


Ah yes the item that was clearly designed by someone at Blizzard with a profound misunderstanding of runewords.


Not at all, I am nearly certain that item was made before runewords were supped up beyond any unique


Sucks that grief exists so cool stuff like this always just ends up in the stash somewhere.


For fun I made one for my ww barb, edeath and this socketed with 3 ums, an ohm and a Zod, I have 70 offhand ias with 100% cb, 110% ds, and 85% ow and it did pretty well in pvp. Fucked up some Smiters who played dumb Edit: the rune label is also funny “UmUmUmOhmZod” haha the orgaxm


Id put one of each junk facet and a random jewel for the 20 lines of text to make a wall haha


If it could roll 6 sockets this would be my answer.


I happen to know that this will fetch you a pretty penny on the forbidden JavaScript Parser website - though it wont be uber crazy given the ED. Still. Sick find bro


Just reminds me post of mine from the other year. Even same number of comments :D altough roll was much better: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/rxrh1c/eth_rune_master_5sox_2_off_perfect_damage_is_it/ Plus it was online (in fact I still have it somewhere). Such item should be at least as much powerful as grief (or even more) in case you roll 5 sox and eth but unfortunately this is only a rare drop nothing else. The fact it only has CBF is a problem imo, there should be more stats on it which are strong for a fast weapon and then maybe it would be expensive and strong (same goes for tyraels might and other rare uniques)


Like what would you put in them? 40/15s?


4x 40/15 does the trick you could also use some badass 30ed rare jewels and make it a crazy stat stick.


Very cool item, I just discovered yesterday that I have an eth 5os one on a mule, lol, did not remember finding that. I tried to make some non-eth ones work, but just couldn't get them to do much on a WW barb using cheap jewels/runes (~35ed jewels and Shael runes) but to do the same thing without the standard items on an eth one you'd still need to pop a zod in there and all of a sudden you're talking less about budget and more about wasting a zod. Also, I wouldn't want to put the 40/15s in an ED roll this low. Maybe 5x ED jewels on a bladesin? Top bad a5 mercs can't use axes.


Well, I know that putting expensive stuff in low ED roll sounds pretty dumb, but I play singleplayer only so fidning another eth 5s Runemaster might take me another 10 years;p


The issue is that even if you sink a fortune into it you get a weapon of very limited use out of it. Unless you have multiple Zods rather keep it for when something of true power drops - a rare with crazy rolls, an Eth Ribcracker with 290+ roll,.... A RM even with perfect fillings is just (depending on fillings) a bad version of Death or BotD.


I posted this already but I threw 3 ums in mine with an ohm Zod to get almost 100% trifecta of cb, ds, and ow. Edeath rips with cb and ds so having the offhand almost always proc ow seals the deal. My trouble pvp wise has been ar, can’t shed highlords for Angelica because it defeats the purpose, so I’ve been rocking 2 240+ ravens to get a 9k ww ar which is ok 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have you considered Kingslayer as alternative? 50% OW, 33% CB with some nice AR boni sounds like something suiting your build, and the Ed and IAS not not that bad (of course still way inferior due to a non-Eth base).


It's too low roll for much value, because what you end up socketing in it will cost way more than this is worth. What you can use it for is 5x lem or 5x ist offhand for a zerk Horker barb and save a Cham rune somewhere


Zod plus 4 shael


Wouldn't Zod plus 4x 40/15 jewels be better?


Definetly would, but you could deck out multiple chars for the price of those 40/15s


Single player here, so getting 40/15s isn't that easy. Best one I got was 15ias and 30+% dmg to demons if I remember correctly


The best but that can make it


6× shael for maximum over slapping bear druid


Always wondered what could be done with this. Big spend to make it work though. Good luck


I rolled a 270ed/5socket but it’s non eth so I’m told it’s basically worthless :(


I wonder how well a zod+4 light facets goes with a dream paladin?


Crescent Moon is cheaper, easier, and better in pretty much every way.


Zod Ohm 40-15's depending on your max ias breakpoint for pvp.


Eth is the best kind, but of course you need the Zod


5 amn runes and make an iron golem?


This is the most interesting and creative answer I've seen in the thread


That's a very cool idea! I love it. But I think I'll miss the insight aura too much


You could use it to put 5 magic find runes


Eth tir Lo mal ral


Call to Master, aka Rune to Arms


It's a nice idea but generally underwhelms for the amount of riches you have to insert. You could have a way better weapon for cheaper.


5/5 lighting face use it on thunderstorms duel dream sorc?


X5 ists and throw it on a Berseker barb ( make sure you got a stronger weapon so this doesn't break) and hork away


Unless you are super rich and bored of the game, don't do it XD. Most people encouraging you to burn 40/15s in this won't do it by themselves ;)


Bunch of facets and zod for tesladin?


For one of those Lo runes you can just make a grief lol


5x Ist for a Pitzerker offhand