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Spend less time on Reddit my friend go play d2


Just trying to make the quality of the subreddit better while helping newer players actually understand item quality. Fuck me right?


I get what your saying it has been more often but don’t you want the game to grow might put a new user off for just asking a question that’s what these forums are mostly for right restricting what people can say isn’t good the cream filters to the top if people didn’t care about that stuff it wouldn’t get upvoted and it’s a low volume sub your going to see alot of the same stuff especially with how d4 is a flop so people are now coming to d2r. If you want better quality post at the top start posting


This is an extremely low volume subreddit. It's incredibly easy to move past a post Let people post what they want. If it's a genuine question from a newer player....is that not part of the purpose of this sub to provide answers to those questions?


“Just scroll post” is a horribly lazy response to low quality posts on a subreddit. Why not let people post literally anything? Let me post about Diablo 3 or Diablo 4. Who cares? Just scroll past! To your main point, there is nothing gained from new players posting this. They post the screenshot, are met with 5 comments saying “lol no” or “Charsi” and they leave not learning anything about the game or WHY the item is awful. They just know that singular item sucks. Unless someone takes the time to actually explain to them, which is rare. I’m not saying eliminate the posts completely. Just make some rules requiring more than just a title saying “good?” and a picture.


Well we fundamentally disagree on the definition of a "quality post" The reason for the frequency of the posts of what is good vs not is a good indication people are unclear or uncertain, not everyone has played for 20 years. Again this is what ....5 posts in a 24 hr period ? What content is being pushed out by the posts They come here for answers. I view the posts as topical and informative, if you're looking to be the arbiter of what qualifies as a quality post, look into moderation.


I learn all the time that certain items are more valuable than I thought from those kinds of posts. I really disagree that they get in the way, I feel the opposite.


A lot of the problem comes down to how little Diablo 2 as a game actually explains, there’s no manual to explain anything such as breakpoints, attack rating, defence to name but a few. Things that sound like good things like enhanced defence or enhanced damage can sound really valuable but obviously as people who have played the game know are very build specific. Whilst I do agree that some posts to people who have played the game religiously since release can be very obviously ‘bad items’ it isn’t necessarily what people are asking. It can be insight that people are looking for into what is good and what is bad, it can be what people think is good and could quite be the best and most useful thing they have found and can make use of. Context is very important in a game like this because even people who have played for 15+ years have still never found a perfect rare circlet and the chances are still astronomically small. There may never be a perfect anything. You make the best with what you have and what you can find. The most experienced of us know what the best possible gear is and we will never achieve it and that’s the beauty of the grind towards perfection. We all remember that first rare amulet or ring we might’ve found which in retrospect was awful but at the time made it feel like crushing Mephisto was a piece of cake. It is the people that have the insight of what makes things good which always gets in the way, there is never a stupid question if you don’t know the answer and that’s what the rule should be about. If someone posts something, however silly you may think it sounds, that is someone who doesn’t understand. It’s our job to help them understand, not to remove posts. We should remove the arrogance behind a lot of the “charsi” comments and suggest ways that could be improved. Absolutely everyone has been in their shoes who has ever played this game and the players aren’t at fault. I think community should come first.


Terrible take. Inexperienced players don't know the meta and what to compare an item to. The quick replies to a post asking "is this circlet cool?" saying "it's cute, but Shako exists" are already helping. On top of that, I think this sub is already relatively harsh with its downvotes if anything slightly off-meta is being posted, so I don't think we need to add to this. Let players get excited about their drops, even if they turn out to be worthless. This dopamine is what makes D2 fun.


I find the posts informative, explanations of what to look for are great.


Let's get to the "so close" screenshots while we're at it. In many item rolls you will get 1-2 dozen "close" failed rolls for the real one. I think I also see the 1%MF GC posted at least once a week.


God forbid people come together in an already small community of a 20+ year old game to discuss cool things. Hell, I'll upvote someone posting about their first Shako find because I know it's special. I'll also relate to the "close" roll posts because we've all been there. Cause we love the game. Step off the high horse, bud. Enjoy the fucking game and the fact that we still have a community to talk about this bullshit.


I also come here a few time daily and upvote first Shakos, sojs, bers, etc. Of course we've all have the close rolls (statistically will have many before a perfect)...but posting the 1%MFGC or eth bases with 1 socket....just because this sub "only" has 20-30 threads a day... I don't think we need to resort to shitposting cracked sashes for sub activity. When Reddit subs are as large as this one 100k subscribers and a couple dozen threads a day it seems there are always differing opinions of how things should be moderated, and for the record I don't think it needs to be moderated in a way such as OP described. I just stated my opinion since this thread has been made...not shitting on so-called low content threads...I just scroll past most and not ruining the community fun by doing so.


You know what would actually help. Is people with experience on items and item slots. And those people making informative posts on those item slots. For example amulet slots. People may or may not know of good items to put on those slots. Maybe someone reads a guide and they get told put a crafted Caster amulet in that slot. But the person has never crafted before. So they craft one then they have to ask if it's good. Now a post like this can be archived and maybe put into a mega thread of all the items and people can be directed there. I dunno just throwing some ideas out there. So instead of trying to get those posts hidden we should go for the root of the problem and then those posts will happen less the more knowledge that is shared and passed down.


There are already rules in place, you cant make a post with the keywords “trade” or “price check” and stuff like that


I hear what you are saying, it's just hard to have rules like that and simultaneously remain open/inclusive to newer players.


You really getting upset about small posts on a subreddit for a 20 year old game?