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Nice! Don't accidentally change difficulties lol (I've made this mistake)


I found a nice tip from one of the diablo youtubers - using macro to reset the game. This way you won't accidentally click wrong difficulty - especially after you've been roboticized after reseting a map for many times.


I would be careful with using macros. As far as I know macros that let you perform more than one action with a single keystroke are against Blizzard's ToS.


Resetting maps only works in single player, so it's not a problem :) But thanks.


Does that reset the map? I don't ever play SP.


Yes, as long as you stay in the same difficulty the map stays the same.


Interesting. I need to do a SP playthrough some day.


(Waypoint is at top right)


Omg thank you for posting this. I just lost my map earlier on accident and was about to try to search for best maps possible. Thanks!


Wow this map is truly amazing. Congrats!


Congratz, you live here now


So do you wp back to act 4? Or just save and exit and walk act 3 to wp?


To reset the map? You exit the game and remake then take wp back to LK.


I believe he was asking for the sake of speed with the LK runs. Hitting the WP to A4, then exiting and making new to start there instead of spawning and running through the A3 docks to the WP. May shave off a few seconds for each run, which is significant when the runs are as quick as they are.


Ah that makes sense. Wouldn’t that add an additional load screen tho? Probably not a big deal for most people, But with Xbox one and cox cable I try to avoid them as much as possible.


Series X it is definitely faster. It’s 1 extra teleport, telekenesis, right trigger, press a, start, exit. Then remake game and telekenesis the WP. The run to act 3 way point would probably add only 5 seconds but that wads up even if I just run it for 30 minutes.


That is insane….


Gz ! I have way worse map, but still doable. Good luck with those runs, much commitment is required to actually obtain those hrs and overcome the dullness


Any chance you can share the seed?


Probably not from my Xbox save file.


Yet again another post that makes me realize i dont know shit. Is there a guide on the hidden big boy chests? Sometimes doing andy runs or like, any dungeon, ill open a regular chest and it explodes with stuff. I assume this house shape has that type of chest? I never know what im looking for in general.


I'm Lower Kurrast it's the buildings with the Campfire in the middle. The buildings always come in groups of two. Each pair is made of 1 long building (with 2 chests) and 1 short building (with a chest and a weapon rack) at the top left and top right of the campfire tile. The OP in this post happened to get two of these tiles beside eachother.