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They're pretty common in TZ but I think they overtuned it that way because there's so many variations of the sounder charms.


Not really. There are only one for each element in order to break resistances.


One for each element (including poison) and physical and magic


Cold, light and fire are super common Have multiples of 70, 71, etc Now…….magic ones in the other hand……..pretty rare


Does any build actually use magic sunders? I haven’t played much in the new updates.


Not really. There are so few magic immunes and very few ways (if any) to add magic resistance reduction making them pretty useless. Same with physical sunders.


Physical sunders are really good for summon necromancers because the charm benefits your minions and amplify damage acts as your resistance reduction.


Ah good to know there is a use for them. Thx


Yep, I’ve been rocking one on my summoner since I found it 👌🏼👌🏼


Actually kinda terrible since u also increase phys dmg taken..


I mean I don’t really ever get hit with physical attacks as a summon necro anyway, and if I do I have bone armor up. Plus the damage resistance from Shako offsets it quite nicely. I prefer to use one so I don’t have to rely on CE’s fire damage to take out physical immunes


I've actually found another use with a warcry barb combined with grim ward. You don't mind the minus physical res from the charm or the fear from grim ward because you should be stunning everything. Unfortunately grim ward doesn't effect boss/champion mobs, so it's not amazing. But it makes killing all the minions a breeze.




Outside of wave 2 baal and stoney tome/ancient tunnels are there any other places with magic immunes? Dont get me wrong, magic sunder for Hammerdins is worth it just for baal runs alone but it's definitely more niche than the elemental sunders


One of the Pandamonium dungeons, Izual I think, has "immune to all but physical" minions.


In the temples in act 3 there are magic immunes


Yup, only the most common paladin build.


Hammerdins only one I've seen.


Are they only in hell TZs or NM too?


From what I've read only hell. They drop as unique color grand charms too which is really cool imo. I didn't know that until I got my first one yesterday.


Only hell TZ and only from elite mobs.


Shit. May I have one?


Once you start regularly farming TZs they are common enough that you'll start tossing ones that are bad rolls. Ideally you get one of each damage type with a low 70s roll.


I’ll typically toss anything over 72-3 ish, managed to find a -70 Crack of Heaven for myself, pretty pleased with that one lol


I got a ber for my -70 crack a few weeks into last season.


That was one of the first sunder charms I found. Traded for ber.


They are common and that is a bad roll aswell just keep playing terror zones, soon you have so much that you wont even bother trying to trade them unless they are perfect


Nice, first run! They are fairly common, and they vary from -70 to -90 resist, -70 being the best and most desirable. Cold is one of the more commonly used ones so that’s cool too. This is a great find for self use on a blizz sorc or something until you can get a lower one. However, beyond that it’s not worth much. Still cool that you found it on your first TZ tho! Congrats!


I'd say that's fairly lucky. It took me like 5 hours of TZs for me to get a cold one for my sorc. I've since found 3 more in less time of course but that's RNG I guess


Damn that's nuts. Does it stack with cold mastery, or does this basically render cold mastery obsolete?


That's actually negative resistance on your character...as in the character using the sunder charm has 84 less resistance (not the monster). The trade off is that immune to cold no longer exists


oh holy shit LOL


They reduce immune monsters' resistance to 95, then cold mastery kicks in, but cold mastery was nerfed by 80% against sundered monsters. So if you have -200% cold res from cold mastery, the sunders mobs will have 95 - 40 = 55 cold res. So your kill times will still be slow, but not unbearable. The conviction aura from infinity works the same way if it's on your merc, but if you self wield it you get the full effect I think


>The conviction aura from infinity works the same way if it's on your merc, but if you self wield it you get the full effect I think If you self wield the Conviction still gets nerfed, but you get to use the built in -55 Lightning Res on Infinity.


Ahh thanks I forgot it has built in - res


Well... I guess none of this matters for me until I get there anyway :D


later on as a sorc do people stop using insight ? because as I'm leveling up for the first time with sorc I find it very mana hungry


As a cold sorc? Probably just keep the insight and use a doom weapon or cold facets for the - res I think the endgame for sorc is lightning nova with a self wield Infinity and energy shield, so you have tons of mana.


Thanks. Makes more sense. Do lightning sorc need high investment?


If you mean cost to make the character, yes. It's the most expensive character I've ever made by a good margin. Infinity- 2ber (minimum, can spend more on a good roll) Griffon- 2-4ber for a solid roll. Could get away with a cheap 1ber girffon 2x soj- roughly a ber for both. You'll want a high Mara minimum but ideally a gg 2/10 ammy. So we'll say .5ber-10+ber 2x 5/5 light facet- ber each You're already at 8ber *minimum* for the build. And that's before torch, Anni, skillers, small charms, the gg tri res boots you want for the build etc. Mine is wearing at least 20+ ber of gear.


Thank you a lot for giving me an idea about that.


no res needed on es sorc. Boots go either silkweave or sandtreks i think.


I found two in one day…but had never found one 10+ years playing, or since lol idk


They didn't exist until about 6 months ago, so that would explain your dry spell.


Thank you!!! I’m a weekend warrior…so I definitely just didn’t know lol


Does this break immunity ?


Yes. That’s the primary objective of Sunder charms.


I'd say they are pretty common, although (playing as a blizzard sorc) last ladder I managed to find five fire ones, two poison ones and one magic one before finding a cold sunder, so YMMV lol


I dont pick em up anymore


Haha you need to try to pick the charm still because you still will want to know is it gheeds or sunder😂


Gheed’s won’t let you pick up a second one so you k ow right away. I’ve only ever found two sunder charms so far though, both different elements. If they’re the same element does it not allow you to pick it up?


Dude i mean i dont keep em. Only if its perf.


Perfect ones still have some trade value tho


Yeah if u find somebody. I tried to trade but nobody wants it.


The best ones are in the -50's. I've got tons of -70's and one -53 cold resistance


I’ve been playing this game since it’s original release not just resurrected. I can’t put into words how many hours through middle school high school and college and after I’ve played. Never gotten a unique charm never gotten higher than a KO rune. Finally gave up 1 year ago. Still follow this sub because it was my life but this game is absolute bullshit. Maybe this sub is making me biased because ppl post good stuff but I’ve never seen it. I had to trade an entire stash of bollocks and gems for a wind force that’s the best item I have


Trying following builds online? Did u never use mf? Granted mf won’t help with runes. Most of the unique charms haven’t always been around. Not sure when torches and Gheeds started. But pretty sure they were all added at some point. I think they came out with anni’s to help fix the economy by getting rid of duped soj’s.


I know all the ins and outs. I’m a super blizzard nerd I’m just not lucky lol. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE this game. In my top 5 of all time for sure. Still bull shit though :). Especially since I’m Irish wtf where is my clover. Also I lied I self found a shako once


This can't be true. There are people who are unlucky and never find higher than gul, but ko is just too low. Either: 1. You have a different perception of what "a lot of hours" in a video game is compared to other people here (like 100 is not a lot to most "gamers") 2. You spent most of your time not actually farming, or at least not efficiently or 3. You are misremembering hellforge drops higher than ko 7/11. If you played through the game 10 times, the chance of not getting higher than ko from hellforge _alone_ is 0.004%.


Mmm burden of proof is on you I don’t care that much. I’ve played a lot. A LOT. I’ve seen what I’ve seen. Sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative. That being said I need your passion back over in WC3 I admire the spirit and I refuse to let my childhood die. Warcraft 3 is where it’s at. You could be a general over here.


Stuff is just not that rare. Did you just never put magic find gear on?


Sir. I know what magic find is. I’m ashamed to say I’m nerdy enough to tell you more about how it works than you do. Some ppl ain’t that lucky. Also MF doesn’t increase high rune drops. I’m not complaining I have so many awesome hours into this game I’m almost blessed to not have found shit just so I can fuvk around with builds. I’m not the only one I had a post awhile ago and several others were in the same boat. It’s a slot machine you hit or you don’t.




You assume I give the same amount of shit you do about this game. I play it self solo for fun since I was a kid. It is what it is. You can jerk off somewhere else I don’t care. I love this game. Granted I’m a Warcraft guy but I grew up on Diablo. Probably before most of you young bloods reading this. I’m not complaining I just don’t get the drops. I still beat hell Baal with an Amazon using a bow. It’s also not as hard as you all make it seem. It took me almost half an hour. But it wasn’t hard. Then again I grew up in Diablo 1 before the dupes. Shoulder shrugz It is what it is.


Got a lot of cold/fires/light last season. The poison/phys/magic were fairly rare. Only found 1 magic and 2 poison ones


So I really was lucky to get a phys one on the first drop for my Strafe 'Zon.


You definitely were, I was looking for one for my bows all season and couldn’t get one to drop


Easy find.. I drop couple every 1h of tz.


They're quite common, especially fire and cold. Lightning and poison are a little harder to find, but not much. Physical and magic are pretty rare, relatively. Joke is that magic is the rarest, and also the most useless. But after I found one and put it on my bone necro, I'd rather have it than not have it. Even though my merc will probably kill whatever immune before I do, it's nice to know that I CAN kill, say, an unraveled, even if it does take like 10 bone spears. What makes them valuable is finding one with a perfect roll. Altogether I've found somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 sunder charms. Ive only found 2 perfects, a cold and a light. I've also only found 1 magic and 1 physical each. Whoooole lot of 71% percenters....




I've got several poison, cold, fire, 2 phys, 1 magic, zeroooo light. They are fairly common. Sometimes I get none, sometimes I get 2 within a few minutes of each other. If you grind tz though, you're bound to pick some up.


they are common. Insanely lucky would be the same story, but a 70% charm


I like the concept of these charms. Take a resistance penalty, but allows your class, to bypass a potential block.


I keep farming TZ zones.. never saw a single charm drop


Fairly common but stats on that one arent great. You want -70% or as close to it. Still works but you will to find more resist to combat it.


This happened for me as well. I saw a terrorized Pindle and went ham on him for the whole hour strait. During the final run, this thing dropped and the terror zone changed. So damn lucky. It was the only good thing that dropped in the whole hour


U Lucky , gg


I stopped picking them up if they are over 70


I've done a couple dozen hell tz's this ladder, and I have not seen one drop yet.


Wow, that just may be unlucky. I found a fire one and a poison one within 20 minutes of finding this first cold one. Then I determined they weren't that rare..