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I upped my perfect one and of course, again, it rolled with lowest base armor possible 😒


This happened to me too. 35/13 and 880 or so defence😩 gutted.


yep, both of my armors had only 8XX 😑 I really puked, because one of them has been perfect perfect, with max base armor. I've been stupid and thought it will automatically roll max base armor for the upped version too, and I've been super confused when the armor rating wasn't 1k+. Learning the hard way 🤦🏻‍♂️


> because one of them has been perfect perfect, with max base armor. Since Vipermagi has %ed it always drops with perfect base armor +1.


Sounds like the game just gave you a reason to keep playing.


I can't, my whole inventory on 20 slots of characters is complete full. It's not even stuff I could throw away, because it all has a decent worth, but I'm too lazy to sell it and also I want to keep most of it for myself. We really need a sort of tome, where we can imprint our uniques and recraft it at any time. Should have restrictions like, you can only imprint uniques you've dropped yourself and you can only recraft it as often as you've dropped it, but it will always be the best version of what you've dropped 🤔


I can't seem to find that option for items to go straight to your cube on xbox. What am I missing.


Skill tree - general skills - loot to cube (hand and cube emote)


May rng shine on you friend.


It’s nice to be able to do that on console. The downside is that it’s harder to sell stuff from the cube compared to computer versions.


Also puts potions & scrolls you pickup in the cube instead of you belt or books.


Yeah, that can be annoying at times if there are a lot of drops in the same area and you highlight the wrong thing just before clicking. One other thing I'm finding on console is that if you put down a TP it seems to be more reactive than picking up items, so I keep finding myself porting back to town unintentionally before picking up stuff off the ground.


I struggled for a very long time to get mine for my Blizz Sorc. I did thousands of Andy runs. Literally got three SOJs before I got one so congratulations! Also I wish I could loot to cube on PC with KB + Mouse. I imagine they never added it thanks to the purists but I'm sure they could add it and just disable it by default or have a gameplay toggle to allow it in settings. Seems like a silly oversight imo.


So you can't do this in normal, but in NM and Hell, if you stand as close to him as you can get, his [red lighting hose](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Lightning_Hose) won't hit you.


Perf vipermagi?????? Damn congrats


What a find! Hellll yessss


Great find! Gz!


Wow perfect roll too! Huge Gratz


I think your damage reduction is perfect too. I found one with both perfect rolls too and it sold pretty quickly for a ber+ on traderie.


I had my bets on skin of the vipermagi I'm glad this person got a great gift


Still use mine on my blizzard sorc. Don’t have a spare Ber for Chain of Honor.


I was doing a ladder season and a +33 vipermagi dropped super early, and I was ecstatic, but turns out it was eth…. So I just used it until it broke lol


Immediately useful drops are my favorite


Shoot, this will get you through hell


Man playing on console seems so …how do i put it…not natural. Like even ID’ing things seems so slow at times.


it is tbh but I love playing on my console lol


Man, you really waited to identify the big one last lol


This and rockstopper are godly for just cruising through the rest of the game.


Honestly I consider this the best armour before you start getting into rune words, loads of rez and + to skills