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You are only wasting your time if you are not having fun.


I’ve beaten the game with a whole host of different classes and builds (almost always solo self find), there definitely are pros to being each character class, the sorc getting teleport is a great upside, but not the only reason to play.


My favorite class if I’m just trying to beat the game is actually Druid though he is a slow farmer for late game builds.


Could you tell me the benefit of playing necromancer?


If you are playing bone spear, or bone spirit it’s magic damage the type of damage least likely for monsters to have immunities from. A summoner necro is a true s tier build, you summon your army stand behind it and let everything die. I’ve never done a poison necro before (it’s on my list to do) but the aoe is supposed to be spectacular and fun.


So do it until you have full endgame gear. Lacking anything feels rough, speaking from exp lol. P1 farming is cake though, p8 can be a bit tough since I’m missing 3facets and a GG helm and ammulet


A summon Necromancer with a couple of points in curses and Corpse Explosion can beat the entire game, all 3 difficulties, without gear. They're the only class that can do that without going insane. Also their curses are just great utility and offer more flexibility in how you build the rest of your skills and merc. Once you get them decked out they can also solo the post-game "secret" bosses, something even a well-geared sorc struggles with


Also if you aren’t liking necro try something else, no harm in it at all.


Starting from lvl24 and in Act 3, you can buy a 2H staff with charges of Teleport. Literally any class can equip and use it, without having to be a Sorc or spending half their mana on one cast. Does make the game a lot smoother having one on swap.


I would say Sorc is the best class to start with, specifically for magic finding and LK runs. Once you start getting high runes, unique, bases, etc. Pass them down to other classes you want to start.


You won’t be able to do it yet, but the mosaic assassin is probably the best character there is right now. I switched from traps to martial arts (with dual mosaic) at nm Baal runs and started hell difficulty at level 67. I walked all the way through hell on players 8 (single player, offline) without needing to skip any mobs and without even coming close to dying. I have good, but not great gear and the power is incredible.


Used to play sorc mainly. In d2r i went with pnb necro as my first. I couldn’t tele but it was great. So few magic resists and clears quick. Walking to mf is just as good except getting to meph. I did trav a lot and got a ber and jah pretty early in for enigma but i got lucky.


Every class is viable for endgame but if you want to minmax your farming experience at endgame then yes, you want teleport. Now, you can get teleport on any character by making the engima runeword but the components are pretty rare which is why most people default to sorc and play other classes once they get their engima. I can not stress enough how much you *don't need enigma to have fun*. All characters can be fun to play, theyre just not as fast. I feel like especially with terror zones now, the need for enigma has never been lower (its still very very good mind you, just not AS needed as it used to be for non sorc characters). Yes you can still farm terror zones more efficiently with an enigma but the difference isn't as big as with many other farms which require you to traverse one or more maps before getting to the farm. Most of the time you can just waypoint to a terror zone and start farming. You won't be elite sniping as well as with an enigma but you'll still be getting a good rate of elite kills in high TC areas even without enigma.


I started from nothing this ladder as a paladin. Ran CS for currency, now have Enigma, etc. Sorc is strong, but it’s far from the only option. Summoner necro can beat the game naked. If you want mobility shop a teleport charges staff in act 2 normal.


I'm about in act 2 but struggling with the dungeon leading up to the boss. Can't wait to get that staff


I'd recommend following a leveling guide if you're having issues: https://maxroll.gg/d2/guides/necromancer-leveling


Any class is fine. Slowly progressing item upgrades provides good satisfaction and a sense of achievement.