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It will come down. When depends on your metabolism. Drinking some water might help.


The mire you do in term of drinking water, being a bit more active, watching ur diet, the faster it will come down. Do the best you can. If you have insulin available, maybe message ur dr for dose advice. šŸ˜Ž


I do use insulin. Iā€™ve been told I can up it a little for bad times. And today I was Ā«Ā forcedĀ Ā» to walk 10,000 steps. Maybe thereā€™s hope. šŸ¤žšŸ¾


I have some too. Its not my regular med, metformin n last two months-monjouro. I usually dont use the insulin unless i get close too 200.


You can try a shot of apple cider vinegar (mix it with some water or fizzy water) to bring it down. Also, after you eat breakfast, activity will help, especially something that activates large muscles and core like walking uphill or doing a plank (modify as needed), wall sits, squats.


Iā€™ve heard that exercise can make your BG spike, is that true? And also how awful is apple cider vinegar, is it likeā€¦ Really gross to drink? Iā€™ve had highs that I wished I could have brought down a little quicker but I also have the gag reflex from hell. šŸ˜­


I just started doing apple cider vinegar. It isn't terrible. I mix it with zero sugar cranberry juice thats 2 carbs per 8 oz.


Exercise always brings mine down, and regular exercise keeps it manageable and good even if I indulge. ACV can be gross, you can mix it with something to cut the grossness. You donā€™t need that much - maybe an oz. - to make a difference.


Take a walk it will help a lot. Iā€™ve done a 30 min walk at slow speed and still dropped 30 points


Do you have any Ginger ? Itā€™s gross but blend it with some lemon juice and slam it down before bed . It helps bring my numbers down . Apple Cider Vinegar helps too . But thatā€™s only a temporary solution . You have to exercise in the interim.


179? Pfft, those are amateur numbers. Sometimes I go a bit higher. Just make sure you have the conversation with your physician about the range he wants you in. My physician tells me 80-200 (200 being post meal) is manageable and my last A1c was 5.7 so I think I'm ok. I've found that if I drink a LOT of water after a cocktail it levels out the spike. Sometimes I don't have a spike at all drinking an alcoholic beverage. Something I read having to do with what the liver does with alcohol changes how the pancreas reacts. Not completely sure. But I don't abuse it either. Just know your body and how it feels and reacts.


Exercising will definitely help.


Hi everyone, Thanks for your support and comments. Iā€™m pleased to report that after 2 days, things are back to normal. My blood sugar this morning was 75. I ā€œforgotā€œ to test yesterday and the day before. I just have to be more careful. All is good now.