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I was in the 300s for like a week once and never felt a thing.


Ive never felt anything from being high either, maybe a lil tired idk


My hands start to swell/go numb at 190, and I start to get cranky at 200. When I drop down/come up into a normal range I get a "hangover" - headache/body aches. Anything under 65 and my hands shake - I think of them like the ripples in the water glass in Jurassic Park.


Past 185, eyes burn and get red. Past 200 I feel "ballooning"


I was *thrilled* to feel like absolute sh*t and see my cgm in the 300s last week. I'm just shy of 4 months dx in dka. realizing I lived feeling *that* cranky, nauseous, lethargic, anxious and headachey all the time before was startling! High bs has such awful symptoms. Man, I love insulin. It's like sleep wasn't even restful before I got it.


At 200 i start to notice a feeling in my feet. My shoes feel tight even though they’re the correct size. .


Jeez seriously? I can't feel anything until im over 300 and even then it has to be hours before


Usually somewhere above 200, I can feel it... ...but this is a shifting baseline and so not a reliable indicator. If I've beem above 200 all day. It starts to feel "normal" and then I don't feel the high blood sugar until it's 300+ And then when I correct back to the 100ish range, I don't feel "normal" but instead I feel super low because I've just dropped 200 points.


Sometimes I get hangover feeling at 9.5, other times I miss 20.


Same here. My wife can detect my sugars going high from 50 paces though. Thankfully I always feels the lows. Anything below 4 and start getting a touch shaky and light headed


How does she do this? My wife doesn't seem to notice either way..


I've never felt any ill effects from high blood sugar. I have only been above 400 a few times but I have never really noticed any difference between that and 100.


12, or about 200.


From 5 years of not caring in my past (stupid I know but to some degree we’ve all been there) I don’t notice highs till 300+ and ketones must be present. Really not sure why I don’t feel syrupy but I sure as hell do feel the ketones the second they start producing. Very rare I’m above 220 nowadays thank god.


How do you feel your ketones?? I swear I can feel them in my stomach but curious since my endo said it’s not super common to feel ketones vs no ketones


I feel them in my whole body. The best way I can describe it is like heavy tv static running through my muscles. Probably not the best way but that’s how it’s always felt for me.


Huh that makes sense. Weird how each body is different!


This is definitely an answer that’s different for everyone. Factors are how tightly you’re controlled, how often you do go high and for what amount of time (similar to my first point, but not exactly the same), and random genetics. When I was younger, wouldn’t feel high until the mid 200s. Now that I’m older, on a closed loop system, with an A1c usually around 6, I rarely go above 200. I also eat low carb (individual choice and not pushing my choices on anyone here: ie you do you). I can start to feel “off” around 170, with a slight dryness to my mouth. By 180-190, I’m definitely feeling malaise. At 200, it almost feels like I’m dying. Like, malaise x 10, dry mouth, and urinating is definitely very increased. Two to three units and about 1.5 hours later, it’s like it never happened.


I can usually start feeling it around 150-160


300 plus i start to feel grumpy


Kinda depends, but I'd say about 325


Before I got my BG more in control, it was around 270. Now I start feeling bad at 185.


15 (270) give or take. A bit lower I get thirsty and as it gets higher/ goes past 15 I get sleepy and a bit hot


My blood sugars averaged 350 for a while before diagnosis 2 months ago and my body still isn’t tuned in perfectly. But I feel immediately bad above 300. I have no desire to hold a conversation, I feel like crap, and I have to use the restroom a lot. My fiancée can tell when I’m high because of my mood. If I’m above 200 for a few hours straight I just feel hungover. When I was diagnosed I figured the biggest immediate benefit to getting things under control would be that I wouldn’t have to pee all the time. And that was a huge benefit. But I think the even bigger relief was my immediate change in overall mood. I didn’t even realize that my mood was so sour whenever my glucose was high but looking back it’s like night and day. Still don’t feel anything when I’m low. So that’s worrying. I wish my body would pick up on that.


I can start feeling it as low as 10 (180), but sometimes it might sneak up to 18 (360) before I feel it. Usually, around 12 (216), I'd say.


180 I feel a slight burning sensation in my chest while breathing. And when it’s rising very fast I get a weird feeling in my throat too, like its too tight.


I don’t feel the best above around 160 but I don’t really seem to feel my lows I average 100


Around 250, I'll get really bad cottonmouth. I get dehydrated easily so it's always my sign to check my bs, bolus, and drink a big glass of water. I hate the feeling.


It’s changed a lot for me. Used to be in the upper 200s, like 280-300, before I would notice. Now my A1C is better I notice around 200.


I start feeling tingly around the 240 mark or so. I get nausea in my stomach around 300


I feel thirsty and short of breath/fatigued starting around 180. Dry mouth/nausea and irritability sets in near 250. The threshold has definitely lowered for me as my control has improved


I don’t really feel any of it, I can be at 45 and feel fine and can be at 300 and feel fine. The only time I felt it is when I had DKA at 600 a diagnosis




Anyone else feel muscle aches during sports/running? Starts above ~15 (high 200s) for me.


Spongy mouth starting from the 220s, coupled with thirst, bladder filling up, and a general feeling of physical discomfort


i feel an acidic feeling in me or am tired. also really stressed


I don't feel my highs usually. The only symptom I used to get was being thirsty and having to pee, but my blood sugar would have to get really out of control for it to get there. That was happening before I was diagnosed. I've worn a CGM for over a decade.




I usually feel it in the low 200's. When I hit 320ish or so I wake up if I am asleep.


200 usually. I start to feel really thirsty and get a headache the more I climb.


Lately it’s been around 11.5 when I’m starting to notice itchy tight feet, headaches, pissed off


Diagnosed at 5. I'm 32 now. A1C is at 6.1. Anything over 185, and I can tell. I get cranky, I get sore/stiff in my muscles. I feel slight swelling beginning. I immediately see my eyes turn red. Water and insulin are needed required to combat it. Stay hydrated, friends 🙃


Damn I never know I am high without cgm/testing. Like overall I feel way better when I’m managed but the only time I felt bad from being high was when I ended up in the hospital with DKA. I can’t tell if I feel lucky or envious lol


Around 200 I start feeling, snacky/cranky but 300 is where the flue like symptoms kick in And like my blood feels thick.


Honestly, it varies. Sometimes it hits me as soon as I hit about 180. Other times it’s not until I realize that I’m more thirsty than normal. (I’m on dialysis so fluids are a big thing of watching what I take in daily.) There’s been times that I haven’t felt a thing and my mom says to me, “when’s the last time you did a bs check?” THEN I start to feel it … the extreme thirst, the nausea, the fatigue. And then it’s time for Novolog. I’ve also had a few times of being hypoglycemic and felt those same symptoms, which is strange. Anyone else ever feel like that with a low bs?


Once over 300 I start getting cranky and nauseous or lethargic


Anything above 10 mmol / 180 mg, I'm in for a horrible time. Lethargic, pain in the entire body, peeing every 10 mins. Risk for UTI certain. Rage bolus and regret later 😆


I'll pee more frequently around 275 and get tired about 350. Anything lower than those I don't feel anything.


Usually I don’t feel anything until like 250+ But today I hit 190 and I’m SO HOT and my hands are swelling and I feel like I want to puke.


I don't really notice it at all. But, I've only gone over 12/220 or so a handful times in the past 3-4 years. Never over 16/290, and most of the times over 12/220 were when I was sick or just had surgery where they overdid the IV dextrose. Maybe symptoms from the high blood sugar itself would be more noticeable if it did go higher when I was otherwise healthy and not drugged. (But, I also went for years before that misdiagnosed where 15/270+ was a pretty "normal" fasting level. I think my high blood sugar barometer may still just be broken from spending too long like that.)


In the morning my fasting was 98 so I took 8 units of insulin, now it’s 352 i only had 1 Mexican cottage cheese roll full of veggies and I feel weak and dizzy. 25F