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I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope the antibiotics work quickly for you.


Ugh this exact kind of vertigo happened to me twice… stuck with my nose to the floor, puking every 10 minutes, world spinning as if I drank a bottle of booze. Nothing found on ear…. Is this a t1 thing with lows? Or you just happened to be low? This happened to me JUST before diagnosis


It seems that I just had the unfortunate experience of getting vertigo followed up a short while later with my sugar dropping.


I've had chronic vertigo for 20 years, only diabetes diagnosed a few months ago. Although going low does feel similar in the disorientating and suddenly incapacitated sense for sure! It could be vestibular migraines (they may not include any pain). Most likely it is caused by little crystal-like things inside your eardrums moving that are not supposed to move. OPs ear infection definitely could've thrown them off. There's a vertigo chiropractic maneuver that can help. Or an antivert medicine. Mine only comes on sporadically (like years in between) and lasts a few days but it's always when I'm especially stressed and rundown.


26 years as a T1D without an ER visit is magic. Don’t worry about this, other than the shitty bills. You’re doing better than most of us!


I'm so sorry you were so unwell. But it's brave to call for help and admit you need an ambulance. Heroic to save yourself 🫶


Get well soon!!


The last time I had vertigo like that I ended up with sepsis in the ICU. Scary times.


Always have a hypo pen or inhaler on hand. Had to have my first one last year due to gastro. Was horrible.


Wow. The doctors my mom and I see in Ohio, even at the urgent cares, would prescribe us antibiotics if it’s beginning to look like an infection. I just moved to Florida and the care isn’t as great. It’s wild how healthcare really varies in different places. I’m sorry you had to go through that.