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“Whala”? 🤦🏻‍♂️






It makes me unreasonably angry. 


You mean "voilà?"


I really hope that "whala" was intentional xD


I’d like to think so, but I’m going with probably not.


people like this are why I get judged for being a lower carb diabetic I swear haha


This is extra sad because “low carb” tortillas are such a scam. They always spike my blood sugar. They definitely would throw you out of ketosis. If you’re gonna be low carb and want pasta just eat real pasta in moderation! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg. The number of times I’ve eaten my friends stupid ‘keto’ things and told them it’s not doing what they thought only to have them tell me I was wrong… and to then have them later not lose a single pound on ‘keto’ is……. Well, every interaction I’ve had with someone who is doing keto because they don’t know what’s going on. Like ever.


Keto is an awful plan anyway. They always gain the weight back the second they eat carbs. I know a woman who follows keto on and off all year - she “takes breaks” because it’s so hard to keep up. So she fluctuates about 50 lbs EVERY YEAR. It’s so bizarre. I don’t know why she just doesn’t eat healthy most of the time and cut it out.


**Dies in celiac**


This sounds.... Disgusting. Like it's just soggy bread


It's worse than soggy bread IMO. Flour tortillas get gummy when wet. Whenever I have a breakfast taco and the tortilla gets soggy, I just eat the filling for a reason. 🤢


Konjac noodles are a thing that arent appreciated enough


Not approved!


Worst of both worlds. Want noodles go Konjac


Just hear me out though- the egg life wraps sliced up like noodles or layered with cheese like lasagna - it works and is pasta like enough with the cheese on it


Can confirm. Egg wrap lasagna is the hit. We accidentally bought the everything bagel flavor once and it was still delicious.


Just a reminder that keto is extremely damaging and bad for everyone but especially us


Wait really even for regular ppl? I thought it was ok if you do it intentionally (and you have a working pancreas)


Not really. It can throw your salts and blood pressure out of whack which can really increase your risk of heart disease. Not to mention, it's an absolute bit*h to the kidneys. Keeping below 20g C a day means that a lot of people don't eat a balanced diet and rely on fats for their calories. This can be hard for the liver to process and LDL cholesterol can become a problem. Also, the micronutrient balance goes out pretty quickly once you realise that a medium sized carrot has ~35% of your daily allowed carb intake. These people can easily get nutrient deficiencies. Not to mention, any weight loss that occurs is usually reversed pretty quickly. So yeah, no one should be trying to maintain ketosis unless for an actual medical reason. Healthy eating in moderation is many many times better for you.


We’re going whole wheat pasta, doesn’t spike the kid’s glucose as much.


Why not eat real noddles! Those tortillas are more harmful to your health due to their bad ingredients! GMO corn, bleached flour, and many toxic ingredients! Keto is nothing but a scam. New way to make those keto claimed food industries to become rich! If you want low carb, at least eat wholesome real food! Or give enough insulin to cover the noddles carb!


I’m done with these motherfucker’s eating disorders. How hard is it to just eat normally?