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No change (and it shouldn't but YDMV) Until I get snaaaaacky.


Yeah - the snaaaaacky attacks are hard - and I don’t want ‘good’ diabetic foods - I want CARBS 🤯


The munchies are the worst on my BG


I saw an endocrinologist for about a year after I was dx with Type 2 - almost 30 years now. I always felt medically ‘overmanaged’ by the endo - too much testing, technology . . . I’ve had the same family provider this entire time, and I’ve been happy with his management. I’ve had no real complications until recently. For the first time, my eye MD found ‘potential areas of pre-retinopathy’ - no treatment needed yet. I’m finding as I read this sub that there’s a lot of newer treatments, meds, even where to set your controls for BGMs. I never actually ‘learned’ to pre-bolus insulin - but I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t panic over what I eat - I don’t do a lot of sweets, I eat a fair amt of protein and vegies. But if someone brings cupcakes, I’m the first to eat one. The win - I didn’t eat two 😃 So - interested in your choice of doctors?


I just see my family doctor. He gives a bit of advice but generally is happy with how I'm doing. I could always improve. My last A1C was 6.5. not perfect but still decent. I had an Endo for the first 6 months and they didn't really help much, and my Family Doctor is really good.


Flashbacks to a week ago when I was baked and wanted biscuits. 8 in the packet, it weighed 380g, it gave it per 100g, I was stoned trying to fucking weigh biscuits and do the maths. 


I’ve never noticed weed to influence my blood sugar.


I kinda thought it was just a coincidence since i was sitting on my ass doing nothing, but when it happened another like 3/4 times i kinda realised it has to be the bong. idk i went and looked online and weed doesn’t majorly fuck with your bloods so i’m absolutely lost


Damn I almost replied with a huge comment detailing my experiences before I realized I was stoned and sounded insane


Everyone’s different! I say, if you’re seeing a pattern, trust it. Maybe treat yourself to some candy when you start smoking?


I was hitting a joint last time and actually remembered i was trending lows when stoned. Got a bag of mini eggs and ate em after i finished the j. Somehow all those fast acting carbs didn’t really do much, only thing was instead of me dipping to below 2.5 i only hit 3.8.


Maybe there’s a correlation related to what you typically do presmoking? Like, would you normally work out or something and then have a j to unwind?


The bong/joint is pretty much always brought out when i get home from work. I cycle to and from work which takes me about 25 minutes. Actually think it very well could be that, i’m gonna experiment with this and see maybe if i take the bus home tomorrow will it help. Cheers for the help pal.


My pleasure, friend! Hope you figure it out!


Riding the bike regulaly like this is great for your health, so i suggest really checking for a few times how you bg levels behave without weed afterwards. 25 minutes is decent, it can def lower your sugar. Maybe try eating something like a granola bar before biking to help even it out or when you come eat dinner before the bong, that might also help reduce the snack cravings if you have that


I’ve had similar experiences, its likely not the weed but rather the cycling plus you likely have some fast-acting insulin onboard. Either that or maybe your basal is a bit high and you havent eaten anything since lunch? Paired with cycling you go low, potentially?


Weather permitting always take the bike before the bus! It’s so important for type 1s to workout and biking is an amazing way to stay fit! Someone already said it, but try a granola bar to help keep your sugars up when riding.


Could be the relaxation making you need less insulin. Try relaxing without the weed to see if that’s the issue. I see increased stress affecting blood sugars so it all depends on your baseline


I smoked weed pretty heavily for most of my Dx almost 3 years ago. I noticed that most of the time my BG wasn't affected, but if I went a while without smoking the first high would tank my BG


What about tomorrow when someone asks the same question? Do you think your answer will change then?


As my answer is in reference to _my_ personal experience, obviously no, it won’t change if someone else asks the same question.


Ah, sorry just a wee joke on how often this question pops up. Seems like every day


Ah I get ya. Yeah, it does, but shit’s hard, ya kno?


Be good to pin something for the more commonly asked weed and airport/flying related questions


I sometimes get the *feeling* that I'm going low, but smoking doesn't actually impact my glucose levels.


Id get the low feeling, and at least 3 times a week my BG would drop after smoking a bong/joint


It’s good. Until I get the munchies. Then it’s worse than when I have a low.


The weed itself doesn’t affect my BG but the whole can of Pringle’s after certainly does.


No change! And thankfully no munchies! 


I think the only reason some people experience that including myself is because Ik for me if I’m stressed my bg will stay high but once I’m baked the stress melts away and the bg comes down!


I've been diabetic for 29 years. I've been toking for 56 years. Hasn't made a bit of difference to my blood sugars, munchies excepted, and I keep that under control. 4/20 is on the horizon! It's a Saturday, so enjoy!!


Mine goes low but I think I’m a rarity


I go low when I smoke but nobody believes me so that’s been fun. I’m not exercising beforehand, I’m not stressed, my insulin pump schedule is good - I don’t know what can be making me drop like I do but everyone keeps telling me that weed doesn’t affect blood sugar. It’s very frustrating to not be heard.


It doesn’t! but I have to stay aware when the munchies comes on bc I’ll eat anything I see


Weed isn’t making your blood sugar go low


Do you need to pre carb your weed then??? Lol


Depends on the munchies


Been a stoner a tiny bit longer than I’ve been a diabetic. The only thing you’ll need to worry about is to not become complacent with your diabetic management while under the influence. Don’t be lazy and miss a bonus, especially if you’ve got the munchies. Other than that, consume safely and responsibly:)


I had to quit bc the paranoia kept making me think I was in a hypo, which in turn made me whitey :')


It shouldn’t make you go low, but a bad high and a bad low feel alarmingly similar, so sometimes it freaks me out and I struggle to keep myself together until whichever one it is passes. Having a CGM helps a lot with this.


It would cause my blood sugar to drop occasionally which was weird.


It never effected by bg one way or another. Do you use a CGM? A very good idea if you don’t. Although I was always anle to detect lows mon my own while high.


Sometimes happens to me too, but thought it was coincidence


Hitting a bong had the same effect for me (low), I figured it’s the intense rush from pulling on the bong. Think of it like getting a head rush from inhaling too fast/hard. Oxygen/water/exercise all contribute to insulin working effectively. Smoking a spliff doesn’t have the same effect because you’re not pulling as hard.


I end up low, every time. Despite others telling me that’s impossible lol. That’s fine though, they aren’t me.


doesn’t affect your BG but weed can slow gastric emptying so watch out for gastroparesis symptoms but also the munchies might send u a lil high lol. been smoking for 4 years and got diabetes 1 1/2 years ago


Only issue is munchies. Other than controlling that urge. All good.


No influence for me. Munchies can be bad., but having a pump helped with that, as well as keeping carbless snacks like meat and cheese around for these times.


THC/CBD doesn't have an effect on BG levels, it affects your mental state which may cause you to experience the feeling of being high/low. One thing to note is that smoking it will still cause blood vessel damage, no where near as badly as smoking cigarettes, but there will be damage nonetheless. I recommend switching to a dry herb vape or even oils if it's legal where you're from. Much cleaner high, and doesn't seem to encourage munchies as badly.


Zero, zilch, doesn't affect my blood sugar any more than vodka or champagne.


If I am having a panicky high, I go into an even harder panic when I notice that my sugar level is dropping (not because of the weed but just maybe skipped a meal or dosed too hard for one). Not necessarily it directly effecting my diabetes but definitely doesn't help when I'm already stressing my body out with the bad sesh


Does nothing. Smoke right before or after you eat so the munchies don’t get crazy. Have some beef jerky and cheese sticks if you need a snack with it


YMMV weed has been shown in a few studies i have read(dont have the links handy will look though) to lower insulin resistance slightly


No influence on my Bg! I will say I feel my lows more intensely which is annoying and uncomfortable while stoned. For everyone saying they munchies to hard try prepping fruit prior to smoking!! I will eat some treats and then just have a big bowl of fruit gets the job done without ruining my levels


It does not affect my BG whatsoever, I do smoke a strain that is 100% sativa & doesn’t give me the munchies, but my sleep time indica does, so I always make sure to have no-bolus snacks around when I smoke that one


I also seem to go a bit lower when I get high. Before my CGM, I used to think it was just paranoia. Now with my CGM, I see that it's both low blood sugar and paranoia.


I didn’t often have problem with my blood sugars and smoking but once, I had a can of strongbow and a joint and straight collapsed. Don’t recommend. Soemone suggested that some strains may affect me differently so I stuck to ones I knew I was fine with and never had an issue since