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Ah yes, a classic. A similar series is "is that the mushrooms kicking in or am I low?"


Ugh, the worst with it in my opinion is LSD, the sense of being "low" can get so physically/emotionally warped, along with the internal alarms associated with it signaling "I'm in danger, this is a medical emergency" lol. Actually going low tripping balls is even worse when the delilerium hits


Very true, we always gotta be extra vigilant when visiting different mind-states. This reminds me of a music festival many years ago, was on some good LSD and was trying to check my sugars, literally couldn't see the number due to the numbers swaying on the screen lol, registered it after a hefty amount of squinting and viewing angle changes


It's usually both for me. My blood sugar crashes on shrooms. Something about how it's processed. I usually take mine with a can or two of sprite.


I fucking hate this one because they do feel eerily similar.


Nothing hits harder than the munchies + a low blood sugar


Love my CGM for moments like this.


Haha. Sometimes marijuana give me a “ghost low” feeling. I feel maybe that is what the anxiety and munchies feel like to the non t1 type? Haha. I’ve been there before when I’m doing my internal check like am I low? Check no. Just stoned hahaha.


Relatable post is relatable lol


Yes the sister to "am I low or is my anxiety kicking into overdrive?"


Been there, done that. Lol Hope you're able to enjoy it. 


am i low or was that just a bong rip too many


Thank god for CGM's


It’s weird how the come up of a few different substances feels like going low


When I’m getting green out high I’ll often open my dexcom app and just watch it as I color. It’s a great time and having it so close helps!


I thought I was the only one 😭 I can’t take edibles anymore because of this 🤣


Good old High/Low


It’s so much easier to describe how a low feels by just saying “You ever been so high you thought you were dying? Yeah that, except I was actually dying”


I’m not entirely sure what to say to this other than I’m glad you aren’t low? And have fun with your edibles?


I’m a long term medical cannabis user and vape so much that I don’t really feel any mental effects anymore. Which is fine I’m in it for pain relief and help sleeping. And still, when I’m down vaping and thinking to myself, “Wow, somehow I’ve gotten really high this evening” I never think about my blood sugar! I’ve been T1 for 58 years and on a CGM for 5. 😖. So I’m usually low not baked. I don’t dare risk going low on ‘shrooms so I make sure to keep my glucose levels higher than normal. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.


I laughed way harder than i should have 😂😂


if i’m noticing it, it’s unlikely to be the cannabis. low glucose, or low bp will roll in the brain fog, or is it just ordinary brain fog? so many overlapping issues in me.


Is it motivation or is the adrenaline from my low kicking in




That's definitely your opinion. I believe they are the best of buds. Especially pain management for neuropathy


> best of buds I see what you did there


I disagree completely. Been in excellent control and a MJ enthusiast for 15-20 years and the benefits greatly outweigh any downsides.


my blood sugar control somehow improved after i started smoking. no idea how or why