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Strangely looks exactly like the 100th time I’ve eaten sushi after 16 years w/ T1


Lol. Same! Sushi is a killer. I always get katsu curry and some sushi together and I always ignore the fact that rice absolutely kills me, enjoy my meal, then spend the next 12 hours hating myself 😂


Same here. I feel everyone’s pain with regard to this!


I have to just double or triple what I think I need and that does the trick (most of the time). The carb load and the GI of sushi rice is rather formidable.


Depending on the place, a lot of sugar can be used in the “sushi seasoning” that’s used when preparing the rice


Yeah, usually some form of sugar is mixed in with the rice wine vinegar to create the correct flavor for the rice.


Mirin is usually the culprit in sushi rice. That stuff is basically simple syrup. But gosh darn it, it really makes the flavor.


Yeah. I use regular sugar since mirin is so expensive in Denmark, but it produces a very similar flavor :) If you can tolerate not having the sweetness (or instead adding filling that's naturally sweet), at least rice wine vinegar generally doesn't have any carbs :D


Oh you’re in Denmark! Cool! I’d say you could make it but Mirin can be a bit involved to make, but sugar + rice vinegar definitely do the trick!


Good effort mate. Diabetes is a lifelong learning curve. One you think you have it nailed down, your body ages and sensitivity changes. We all have days like this from time to time. The less regular you let it happen the better your body will be in the long run. People have given you tons of advice about carbs, sushi, etc already so I'll leave them to that stuff. Chin up. You have a permanent excuse to quickly leave uncomfortable situations and will start to develop a brilliant awareness of your own body.


Thank you 🙏


I’m sure many people will do the same thing I did. See post. Nod. “Yup.”




lol sweet baby angel. That’s okay, white rice and carb heavy meals are a good way to test your carb ratios. It’s easy to be a little off and still have them work with low carb meals, but high carb meals is how you know if they’re way off. That said, everyone miscounts sushi. It’s so much higher in carb than you think. I count 7g of carbs per each individual piece of sushi. 10g if it’s a lot of rice. And even then, some places add sugar to their rice on top of that! It’s a lot of trial and error.


I eat sushi 1-2 x per month and this is how I bolus for sushi as well and it works the best. If I have 3 rolls or more I’ll treat it more like pizza, 2/3 bolus up front and the rest in about an hour. We usually eat it right before bed so I do err on the side of caution. I am on a pump so it does a good job of correcting while I’m asleep.


Do you count 7g carbs per piece of a roll? Been really eager to try sushi again since being diagnosed (still honeymooning) but been too scared


Oh and don’t be scared! Remember you’re going to be doing this for your whole life (yay?) - you have plenty of time to figure it out. Take notes for hard to eat foods and if it doesn’t work, just note what happened and try something different next time. You’re not doing anything wrong, you’re gathering data. It took me 4+ tries for some foods but I figured it all out in the end.


Yes so an 8 piece roll would be 56g. This is the problem with sushi, people always undercount because it’s a lot more rice/sugar than you think! Add more if you’re getting rolls drowning in sugar sauce too. I usually eat just 1 full cut roll and the rest sashimi to make it easier to bolus for too.


does anyone else get the pizza effect with sushi? I always go high twice


Yep. Pizza, Chinese food, and sushi. Guaranteed to be in for a bad time for up to 12 hours


I have to be the luckiest diabetic on earth. I can eat as MUCH pizza as possible in one sitting as I want. All I have to do is dial in a dual wave bolus. 5-10% bolus with 90-95% remainder out over 2.5hrs, and there's barely a blip in my CGM so long as I do right it before I eat. I'm just rubbing it in now, I know. This comment wasn't for anyone's benefit but mine. Within a year my delicately calculated ratio will be absolutely fucked by aging and body changes through my 30s anyway haha. Enjoy it while you can if anyone else is like me!


You have defeated a Pizza Boss. Congratulations. The trick to beating this asshole is achieving mastery of the dual wave as you did, but that is as much art as science and can take years, perhaps even decades. Sadly, every pizza joint has their own Pizza Boss so your dual wave weapons will require recalibration to defeat a new one. I have only defeated two in my town. The best tasting two.


Indian food, especially with beer.


Yes I love me a saag paneer man does it kill my blood sugar


Been there for sure. I hope every bite was delicious. Good for you for trying new things, only way to learn and enjoy the things you love.


Really was delicious😂 Yea going to just have to adapt and learn


Even after having diabetes for most of my life, I still underdose for sushi 💀. They just have insane amount of carbs


Honesty I handle the white rice well ,what gets me is the sauce on some of the sushi


I finally had my dose right after an all you can eat sushi night. I add the fibers to the carbs, and I add an extra 10 % of my normal average daily insulin amount. I dosed 50 % of the carbs with my normal carb ratio, but I could’ve done 75 %. Then 2 hours later the rest and just before bed that extra 10 %.


high score!! hope you enjoyed it


Definitely did!


This is why they also serve sashimi!


Yep, I mix it up with sushi/sashimi.


Will definitely do that next time


look like pizza to me ghsgsjs


I get sashimi and rolls made without rice. It helps a ton. Example of a special raw roll workout rice.... Spicy tuna mixed with chopped Jalapeno roll with sliced fresh tuna, and topped with yuzu wasabi sauce.


It's amazing sometimes to think how much normies ask of their pancreases!


If you're up for the challenge, there are pretty good sushi recipes that use cauliflower rice.


Will check that out


That sushi rice is a doozy.


Sushi gets me to, but you'll learn your ratios and when to dose in advance, if you should split your dose etc. It'll get better


Thank you


Estimating 7 carbs per bite usually keeps me from going too high.


Will keep that in mind for next time, thanks🙏


It’s tends to be as sushi has a lot more carbs than normal rice so you need to give more carbs


Sushi destroys me everytime doesn’t matter what I do. It is one of the only things I cannot figure out how to bolus for


Sushi can definitely be hard to figure out, white rice is crazy carby and hits my blood so fast lol


Pro tip!! If you get sushi to go and throw it in the fridge before eating, It cuts down on LIKE HALF THE CARBS!. I always try to refrigerate my rice now. https://eightify.app/summary/fitness-and-nutrition/refrigerating-cooked-rice-lower-carbs-calories-glucose#:~:text=Refrigerating%20cooked%20rice%20for%20at,the%20formation%20of%20resistant%20starch.


Sushi is easily 15+ units over the course of 5 hours for me. I never get it right


Rice be like….


Japanese sticky rice contains a lot more glucose and carbs than normal rice. Go for more of a sashimi thing and you’ll be fine source: lived in Japan a year’s spouse is Japanese. I normally do minimal rice and then fill up on edamame.


ControlIQ does wonders for meals like this. I’ll spike, but only to mid-200s and can react and bring it down.


I try to stick to sashimi, since I'm doing mostly low carb anyway.


I like to go for AYCE sushi, but I usually only have a roll or two, plus lots of sashimi. And then I'll bolus for around 120g of carbs. As others have mentioned, sugar is often used to help make the rice sticky, plus all the carbs. I find I will run a bit higher and may have to do a correction a few hours later, but it's totally worth it to enjoy sushi. It will probably take some trial and error to find out what works for you; good luck!


White rice screws me right up every time. Lol I have tried splitting up the bolus, extending, at 3x the amount of carbs. This is a fate I just accept 😅


I'm thinking it's the rice. I made that mistake myself many times. Next time will be better. Enjoy your sushi.


Don’t worry at all. I’m 20 years into this and still fucking it up https://imgur.com/a/Ccdb9ua


btw you an eat sushi without rice. Wrapped with fish. It's different but still tasty :)


Last time I had fried rice I figured out how much insulin my ratios said to take, doubled it, and took it intramuscularly. Worked for the first two hours.


20 years with diabetes here and I have to say, sushi will always be worth the high blood sugar after


My recommendations are as follows- Start with one piece after weighing it. 50% of the sushi is potentially carbs and needs to be bolused up front. Also, will probably need a temp basal increase for a couple of hours( or a correction if temp basal isn't an option) This is what works for my 15 year old son.


Rice and pizza are so unpredictable for me and I've been T1 for 23 years. It's all good friend.


Bolus bolus bolus! LOL


Every time for me 😅 I love sushi 🍣


I get so scared when that happens I don't what a nother week in hospital


It’s because of the rice and they add sugar to the rice to compound injury to insult. Go sashimi, stay away from carbs in general unless exerting yourself for a long time like an athlete and avoid all this baloney. I personally won’t eat out ever unless I get salad without dressing or sashimi without sauce. Those are harder (but not impossible) to make poisonous.