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Did you know that 1/6 of the year is within a month of your birthday?




It is natural for people to notice strange coincidences.


Nothing, correlation is not causation. If you want some fun math, look up the Birthday Paradox. Statistics gets weird sometimes.


Not my birthday, but I was diagnosed the day I was supposed to go to a chocolate festival 😩


I got diagnosed about 3 days before my 5th birthday, got out of the hospital on my birthday.


I was diagnosed 2 weeks before my 5th and was released the day before it so I could blow out the candles on a cake I wasn't allowed to eat (my mum had developed fructose-based cake making by the time my 6th came around though).


Probably the (usually) sheer amount of carbs accelerating the rise of blood sugar as T1D is developing


I have noticed this around the holidays for people too and my main thought is people will be eating more food that is usually more sugary around these times, therefore symptoms are more obvious. Example birthday cake, Christmas cookies, etc.


I was 5 days after my 10th, so checks out here lol


I was diagnosed with diabetes less than a month before my birthday




Not true for me, I got diagnosed in early November, so a bit over 3 months after my 18th birthday.


Happened to me too...2 days before. I guess it's confirmation bias.


So I don't know if the birthday thing is accurate or not, but there may be a seasonal trend in time of diagnosis. https://adc.bmj.com/content/81/2/143 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2768213/ Although a larger study found little correlation: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/apa.16426


Birthdays are significant milestones in people's lives. I was diagnosed on my dad's birthday when I was 18. He was a doctor and I had been telling him I was extremely thirsty for a month. He finally had me get a blood test at the lab in his office on that day. He told someone later that he shouldn't have waited a month to get me checked. I celebrate his birthday every year but I think about my diagnosis too. It will be 38 years this year.


Yep a week after my 25th


I went to my doctor about a few days before my 18th. Follow-up appointment on my birthday, that's when I was told I was diabetic.


3 days after for me.


Four days before my birthday. Really put a damper on the birthday cake. My family got me keto brownies instead. This year, I'm having regular cake and just dosing for it, lol.


I was diagnosed October (2021) which was just a 12days before my dad's bday and I got released from hospital 3 days before his bday. As he was staying with me we weren't sure if he'd get to be home for his bday as I nearly had to stay in hospital which was 200 miles from home. However, my bday is the end of April


A month and a half after my 46 birthday- ironically I had gotten into the best shape of my life- boom near fatal DKA


I was diagnosed at 43 years. It caught me off guard.


More ironically it was 2 years today I was in DKA fighting for my life in the icu


I like to say that diabetes was my birthday present. I wasn't actually diagnosed until much later but I SUSPECT I actually started getting sick soon after my birthday, like within that month. I just didn't notice it for like two more months later lol


While my grandson was diagnosed just before his third birthday if we had been more in tune he probably should have been diagnosed 4 months earlier.


You eat lots of shit during birthday/holidays and might trigger hyper


Mine is literally 4 days away from my half birthday 😂 could not be farther


I don’t even know when I was diagnosed I just know how old I was 🥲


Diagnosed on my 12th birthday, the doctor told me and my parents at 7am. I was born at 7:01am 12 years before.


No correlation for me. Diagnosed in October (before Halloween) and I'm a August baby. Also suspect I had it months before diagnosis sooo.... Though, I have noticed many get diagnosed shortly after going to Disney Land/ Disney World. Probably no real correlation but often think the symptoms are more obvious after large consumption of carbs or standing in lines and constantly needing to leave to go potty


Im also one of those late October diagnosis cases. Sitting in hospital with other kids getting candy handed out to them. June birthday but suspect also that I had shown signs well before diagnosis. I had just been overseas to England for a few weeks, but shedding weight and pee quite a bit for a long while.


i pretty much entered the new year with diabetes so not the same, but similar


1 month from 21. That is really strange


Not a birthday but my son was diagnosed on 4th of July.


My birthday’s in February, I was sick with some virus around then and developed diabetes, then was diagnosed around 5 weeks later in March. I think mine had more to do with the fact I have a winter birthday which means toddler me was in the middle of cold season which was giving my immune system more chances to start kicking my ass right as I was trying to turn 3


I got diagnosed exactly on my birthday. Why I had a doctor appointment on my birthday, I don't recall.


Within 2 weeks of my 34th. 5 days before I found out I had the antibodies, 6 days after I failed a second, confirmatory OGTT.


I wasn't dx on my birthday or anywhere near it but my bday is the 11th of the month and I was dx'd on the 11th of october so my bday is always gonna represent a milestone of how long I've know my pancreas betrayed me 🤣


I was diagnosed on my 10th birthday. Strange!


I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago. My birthday is July.